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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Ban all premades outside of ranked 50


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Damn sociopaths wanna destroy the fun in pvp in this game.


If you have some personal/social issues and you cannot group go see a therapist or something.

If you wanna play just solo go back to PS3 and XBOX.....


These types of games were made to enjoy with friends.

I see no reason i would stay in this game if i couldnt play with my friends and have laughs on voice com.


Does anyone stop you from queing solo?

Why you wanna stop me from queuing with friends?



prolly OP might change the name of the thread, instead ban premades to premades vs premades only cuz some ppl still dont get it ...

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prolly OP might change the name of the thread, instead ban premades to premades vs premades only cuz some ppl still dont get it ...


No i get it ...


But the player base of this game is not that big


We hardly have 8 ppl online every day that want to pvp. No to mention the right classes to go against an other organized group.


I am mostly queing with 2 friends to laugh and enjoy. This game has 2 groups of 4 ...even if you get a double premade i have seen those losing from good pug players.


L2P and let us queue with our friends .... This thread was made and supported by ppl that dont know how to play the game and have innabilities to take advantage of what it has to offer...


Back to XBOX ....

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You are a moron(no offense), people like to pvp with friends in a group. What you ask will never happen.


That's not even an argument that you can legitimately use against banning premades in Unranked. YOU CAN QUEUE FOR RANKED WITH FRIENDS!

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Oh look, another example of the "All Premades are necessarily capable of ranked play," fallacy.


Of course anyone who has ever played a Ranked Game understands that the difference between Ranked and Regular is immense.


Then again, most rational people would not rage over a group of friends playing an MMO together, but, QQ begets QQ.

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No i get it ...


But the player base of this game is not that big


We hardly have 8 ppl online every day that want to pvp. No to mention the right classes to go against an other organized group.


I am mostly queing with 2 friends to laugh and enjoy. This game has 2 groups of 4 ...even if you get a double premade i have seen those losing from good pug players.


L2P and let us queue with our friends .... This thread was made and supported by ppl that dont know how to play the game and have innabilities to take advantage of what it has to offer...


Back to XBOX ....


No, it was not. Even if you need to get a few more people from fleet to help give you the full 8, you would still be able to queue up for Ranked WZs with your friends.


The real problem with Unranked WZs is that there are the premades, who are normally in PVP gear, and the PUGs. The premades have the benefit of having a better built team, more co-ordination, and normally better gear. Granted the 2.0 Bolster is an attempt to even out that gear discrepancy, but it won't be able to do anything about the team co-ordination, nor the teams that get no healers, or that get too many healers.


Not to mention the fact that it doesn't even take into account the fact that BioWare might decide to implement a separate queue for Unranked that would add in groups. Really the thing that we are asking for is to give the noobs, and the solo queuers a chance, instead of favoring the well geared long time PVPers who are wearing BIS gear, and are too cowardly to queue up by themselves or for Ranked.

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Oh look, another example of the "All Premades are necessarily capable of ranked play," fallacy.


Of course anyone who has ever played a Ranked Game understands that the difference between Ranked and Regular is immense.


Then again, most rational people would not rage over a group of friends playing an MMO together, but, QQ begets QQ.


Go back through this thread and read all of my posts. I can see your point of view, which is why I WAS THE FIRST TO SUGGEST a separate queue for Groups, and solo PVPers. The point of the post that you where responding to, was to point out that even if BioWare decided to just remove the Queue Group button from Unranked, nothing would prevent you from playing with friends. That is a weak argument. So stop QQing because people want you to stop rofl stomping unorganized PUGs in WZs. We don't care if you play against other premades, that is the whole point of Ranked, you play nothing but full on premades, if you aren't geared up enough for that, quit QQing on the forums and get geared up for it. Right now would be the best time to do it, as pretty much every 55 has been 55 for a week or less, the 55 WZ Queues have prolly only just started popping, within the past 24-48 hours.

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No, it was not. Even if you need to get a few more people from fleet to help give you the full 8, you would still be able to queue up for Ranked WZs with your friends.


The real problem with Unranked WZs is that there are the premades, who are normally in PVP gear, and the PUGs. The premades have the benefit of having a better built team, more co-ordination, and normally better gear. Granted the 2.0 Bolster is an attempt to even out that gear discrepancy, but it won't be able to do anything about the team co-ordination, nor the teams that get no healers, or that get too many healers.


Not to mention the fact that it doesn't even take into account the fact that BioWare might decide to implement a separate queue for Unranked that would add in groups. Really the thing that we are asking for is to give the noobs, and the solo queuers a chance, instead of favoring the well geared long time PVPers who are wearing BIS gear, and are too cowardly to queue up by themselves or for Ranked.


I could say the same for you. You are toooo cowardly to face a challenge so you purposely don't group up want to play with yourself.

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You're not very smart, are you?


I'm sorry, I forget that more anti-social people prolly play this game than truly social people. You post has proven that to me but I do question with that kind of comment. How have you been able to keep the one "friend" you do have?

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I could say the same for you. You are toooo cowardly to face a challenge so you purposely don't group up want to play with yourself.


If, i am facing foes with vastly superior means of, and time to co-ordinate, how could I, and admitted solo queuer, who constantly faces 4+ people in premades possibly be cowardly?

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I'm sorry, I forget that more anti-social people prolly play this game than truly social people. You post has proven that to me but I do question with that kind of comment. How have you been able to keep the one "friend" you do have?


At least he has a single friend.


The real reason people form premades is so that they don't get stuck in a wz with 7 of you.

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If, i am facing foes with vastly superior means of, and time to co-ordinate, how could I, and admitted solo queuer, who constantly faces 4+ people in premades possibly be cowardly?


That's only if every match you play 8 pugs vs. 2 4man premades. Lets be reall it is not the case.

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At least he has a single friend.


The real reason people form premades is so that they don't get stuck in a wz with 7 of you.


You know I'm pretty sure that you have no idea who my PVP character is. You never know, I might be pretty good at PVP. But considering I don't reveal my character's names on Forums, you will never know.

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You know I'm pretty sure that you have no idea who my PVP character is. You never know, I might be pretty good at PVP. But considering I don't reveal my character's names on Forums, you will never know.


It doesn't really matter -who- your character is or whether or not they are decent at PvP. You're still insufferable.



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That's only if every match you play 8 pugs vs. 2 4man premades. Lets be reall it is not the case.


Not every, but it should NEVER happen, and with the way the Queues where happen on The Harbinger pre 2.0 yeah it was quite often. Also 4+ could be 5, 6, 7 or 8. Regardless though, if half of one group is a pre made, and the other group is 8 PUGs how would that group with the 4 man premade not have a distinct advantage?

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You know I'm pretty sure that you have no idea who my PVP character is. You never know, I might be pretty good at PVP. But considering I don't reveal my character's names on Forums, you will never know.


What I do know is that you are the sort of player who will start a thread about how pre-mades are unfair and cheating.


From this I am able to deduce that you are either:


a) suffering from cognitive dissonance (a Bad who has to cry about something so that he convince himself he is awesome)

b) A Good PVPer who has never been recruited to a pvp guild

c) a Good pvper that refuses to join a PVP guild because he is taking an ideological stand against premades.

d) a hypocrite (good or bad player that does run in premades, but has decided to make this thread anyways)


We can dismiss option B off hand because, as anyone knows, talent attracts talent. If you are a great player, then you will be noticed, and you will be recruited.


We can also dismiss option B, because, as I already said, talent attracts talent. Lets face it, humans are the vainest monkeys on the planet, and when someone is constantly recruited (as any top flight player will be) the flattery will get to them. No one is immune. Besides, anyone who is an upper echelon player wants to constantly carry their team. (A single player can't defend two nodes).


So yeah...

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What I do know is that you are the sort of player who will start a thread about how pre-mades are unfair and cheating.


From this I am able to deduce that you are either:


a) suffering from cognitive dissonance (a Bad who has to cry about something so that he convince himself he is awesome)

b) A Good PVPer who has never been recruited to a pvp guild

c) a Good pvper that refuses to join a PVP guild because he is taking an ideological stand against premades.

d) a hypocrite (good or bad player that does run in premades, but has decided to make this thread anyways)


We can dismiss option B off hand because, as anyone knows, talent attracts talent. If you are a great player, then you will be noticed, and you will be recruited.


We can also dismiss option B, because, as I already said, talent attracts talent. Lets face it, humans are the vainest monkeys on the planet, and when someone is constantly recruited (as any top flight player will be) the flattery will get to them. No one is immune. Besides, anyone who is an upper echelon player wants to constantly carry their team. (A single player can't defend two nodes).


So yeah...


I only PVP on my Sniper, normally playing either Marksman or Lethality, depending on how I feel at the time. I am in a guild, and it is a PVE guild. I was in a PVP guild at launch and they would form PVP groups. I normally didn't join out of my own choice. Yes, I do have the option to join PVP groups now as well and again choose not to. Not because I am bad and would hold anyone back, but because I don't feel that joining up with 3+ of my friends to PVP against PUGs is competitive. When I don't run into a premade, I do tend to lead 1 or more of the points, I have gotten plenty of MVP votes from people that don't know me.


If there was a separate queue for groups and PUGs, then I would not be opposed to grouping up with my guild mates and queueing up for that. If enough of my guild was interested in doing Ranked I would do that. But at no point should people be forced to queue up with a group in order to stand a chance in a WZ.

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I only PVP on my Sniper, normally playing either Marksman or Lethality, depending on how I feel at the time. I am in a guild, and it is a PVE guild. I was in a PVP guild at launch and they would form PVP groups. I normally didn't join out of my own choice. Yes, I do have the option to join PVP groups now as well and again choose not to. Not because I am bad and would hold anyone back, but because I don't feel that joining up with 3+ of my friends to PVP against PUGs is competitive. When I don't run into a premade, I do tend to lead 1 or more of the points, I have gotten plenty of MVP votes from people that don't know me.


If there was a separate queue for groups and PUGs, then I would not be opposed to grouping up with my guild mates and queueing up for that. If enough of my guild was interested in doing Ranked I would do that. But at no point should people be forced to queue up with a group in order to stand a chance in a WZ.


Why would you join a PvP guild if you didn't want to group with them?

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I only PVP on my Sniper, normally playing either Marksman or Lethality, depending on how I feel at the time. I am in a guild, and it is a PVE guild. I was in a PVP guild at launch and they would form PVP groups. I normally didn't join out of my own choice. Yes, I do have the option to join PVP groups now as well and again choose not to. Not because I am bad and would hold anyone back, but because I don't feel that joining up with 3+ of my friends to PVP against PUGs is competitive. When I don't run into a premade, I do tend to lead 1 or more of the points, I have gotten plenty of MVP votes from people that don't know me.


If there was a separate queue for groups and PUGs, then I would not be opposed to grouping up with my guild mates and queueing up for that. If enough of my guild was interested in doing Ranked I would do that. But at no point should people be forced to queue up with a group in order to stand a chance in a WZ.





What you're asking for should not and will not happen. BW doing this would kill WZ's.

I group constantly with atleast 1 friend, occasionally 2 and on a rare occurrence, 3.


Even when its me and 1 of my friends, we almost always win, because we can communicate with each other.

I can see your argument, and yes, its not really all that fair that 8 pugs have to fight 8 people who know each others styles and can communicate. I'd be in favour of a system that would try to put groups against groups, but not exclusively groups vs groups and solo vs solo. That would never work. What would happen if you had a group of 7 people, you can't get a "group" of one person to join you because solo que wouldn't go in same section as groups, therefor games would very often be unbalanced.


Que times aren't all that impressive at times as they are now (admittedly will rise once more 55s etc) but to split it even further by making it solo que only and group que only would ruin wzs. say your a group of 3, that means you can ONLY que with another 3 and a 2, or a group of 5, chances of there being exact required numbers of groups available at once on the same server as so small, and thats just ONE team, then you'd have to get the other team together..... GL



When two people can que together and have a significant impact on play its not the fact that there's people that can communicate, its the fact that the opposing team is choosing not to. Quite often we'll only use /g chat and its ample communication to be tactical, so theres no excuse for pugs to not use /ops.


I'm not saying that my friends and I are gods gift to swtor PVP, but we know what we're doing.

All it'd take is a bit of chatter between the enemy and they'd be able to compete well against us.

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What you're asking for should not and will not happen. BW doing this would kill WZ's.

I group constantly with atleast 1 friend, occasionally 2 and on a rare occurrence, 3.


Even when its me and 1 of my friends, we almost always win, because we can communicate with each other.

I can see your argument, and yes, its not really all that fair that 8 pugs have to fight 8 people who know each others styles and can communicate. I'd be in favour of a system that would try to put groups against groups, but not exclusively groups vs groups and solo vs solo. That would never work. What would happen if you had a group of 7 people, you can't get a "group" of one person to join you because solo que wouldn't go in same section as groups, therefor games would very often be unbalanced.


Que times aren't all that impressive at times as they are now (admittedly will rise once more 55s etc) but to split it even further by making it solo que only and group que only would ruin wzs. say your a group of 3, that means you can ONLY que with another 3 and a 2, or a group of 5, chances of there being exact required numbers of groups available at once on the same server as so small, and thats just ONE team, then you'd have to get the other team together..... GL



When two people can que together and have a significant impact on play its not the fact that there's people that can communicate, its the fact that the opposing team is choosing not to. Quite often we'll only use /g chat and its ample communication to be tactical, so theres no excuse for pugs to not use /ops.


I'm not saying that my friends and I are gods gift to swtor PVP, but we know what we're doing.

All it'd take is a bit of chatter between the enemy and they'd be able to compete well against us.


Did you also miss the recommendation that they also add cross server queues?


The way the system is supposed to work currently is that Groups are supposed to be going against other groups, and it just isn't working. As it is, this is slowly pushing people away from PVP, and some from the game. You think that they should just leave it as it is?


Honestly I think that with the small size of our Warzones, and our PVP teams it's ludicrous to have half the team made up of people that play with each other constantly. But when we bring this up and ask for Pre-mades be made a Ranked WZ only occurrence people QQ that they want to be able to play with friends. Seriously, I play with my friends all the time, I heal HMFPs, and Ops. My question to you good sir, is why does your desire to play with friends have to come before everyone else's desire to be able to play against other PUGs? My proposal would allow both, leaving the WZs as they are eventually the only people playing WZs will be noobs (that don't know anybetter yet) and the Groupers.

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Here are my pvp credentials:


Everquest: Necro Vallon Zek.

All open world....if you lost your life you re-spawned nude and most likely would be camped...if you had a rep then you might as well log off your 28.8 modem cause you WERE getting camped. If you were raiding to get better gear (yes i was in a big guild) another guild could come in (all at the same time) and crash the zone. It took over a year to get to level 50 and when you died you would lose xp come back nude and you needed 30+ people to try and recover corpses before a server update because after a server update gear was unrecoverable....if you never played it you really have no idea how hardcore it was.


Ashreons call...just horrible. Promised alot...Delivered nothing.


Anarchy Online...they had a pvp zone not many people went there...it had pve solo instances that you could choose...here is your reward if you choose this mission....for a tiny MMORPG it was good.


Dark ages of Camelot:


I was in one of the biggest pvp guilds (Bedlam). 3 Factions...all open world..you could take each others keeps and people in that game seemed to care if a keep on your home ground got taken......massive battles that went on for hours. If you were not trying to take or re-take a keep 3 different factions were cruising around looking for a fight...like everquest if you were raiding looking for gear upgrades another guild could come in and stomp you while you were engaged with pve....you did not lose xp or gear..but it created some great rivalries.


This was the best pvp that i have played....I wish you all you pvp fans could have played it...really amazing.


World of Warcraft:


First time I had seen instanced battlegrounds, minimal lag at that time was huge. Played 49 twinks for a number of years and had a great time. I was part of a pvp guild....(you have to be if you play twinks)...everyone has the best possible gear. WSG 49 twinks really was a great time when there were enough players to support it. But, like everquest you better log in every night, vented, and be ready to play.




Meh...I saw some potental with open world...never quite did it for me.


Guild wars 2:


Outstanding. All equal gear...just different skins to show that you pvp. Anyone can jump in and play. For casual pvp'ers I could not recommend this more. No monthy fees....best test of how good you really are.




Meh...It seems to be a copy of high level WoW pvp....Better be good, and always on and vented if you want to go down the pvp path here.


I understand people that pvp....I do not understand why a guild would q up to fight a pug.


These lyrics are the best..do yourself a favor and hear them.

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