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Ban all premades outside of ranked 50


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so you are saying we should be forced to group to play? g.t.f.o. i didn't have to group to level why should i be forced to group for pvp? the only people who pvp need the "extra" help because they can't cut it without a healer on ther bvtt 100% of the time. aka oh please save me im getting beat down oh please save me.


I suppose they could offer a 1v8 option so you don't have to group for warzones.

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wrong. you weren't there. we would have 2 turrets and the group would go run off and attack the 3rd. in the process we would lose 1 of the turrets we currently posesed. nobody cares about numbers. what did they help the team do to win? obviously they had a healer that did absolutely nothing to help anyone else outside their group. i lose more matches with them than i won. they need to l2p and the other people from the wz's agreed with me.



edit - so you are saying we should be forced to group to play? g.t.f.o. i didn't have to group to level why should i be forced to group for pvp? the only people who pvp need the "extra" help because they can't cut it without a healer on ther bvtt 100% of the time. aka oh please save me im getting beat down oh please save me.


Ahh so you are not taking the "I'm tired of losing to premades" angle. You are taking the more rare but no less impacting "I'm tired of premades causing me to lose" angle. You clever debater you...


And no one is saying you should be forced to group play. Except in the sense that unlike your leveling experience, every WZ is a TEAM vs TEAM competition.


But since everyone knows that anyone who posts (in favor) in a "Get rid of premades" thread, only ever plays against premades, NEVER with them, your argument is invalid. In fact if you not only had a premade on YOUR team, but they caused you to LOSE, I hope you recorded that, cause you just PvPd with a Unicorn.


But whether you are tired of losing to premades, or of beating them as you indirectly claim, or of those premades being bad and ruining what would obviously be a sterling solo queue w/l record as you claim directly, none is the problem of anyone else to fix.

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The problem isnt premades.


Its bad PUGs. Which make premades more necessary because if you dont que in a premade, its likely that 5-7 of your teammates will be terrible. Its especially bad when you're a full tank or full healer, as its hard to carry teams that way.


Thus, the average skill level of players in this game is what necessitates premades.


I suppose the opposite can be true, with the other team also being full of bad PUGs, and that does happen plenty enough. But that makes solo que essentially boil down to luck: who has less bads on their team?


And its the bad PUGs that whine about getting beaten up by premades, when we roll premades, in part, because we want to avoid having these bad PUGs on our team.

Edited by Z-ToXiN
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wrong. you weren't there. we would have 2 turrets and the group would go run off and attack the 3rd. in the process we would lose 1 of the turrets we currently posesed. nobody cares about numbers. what did they help the team do to win? obviously they had a healer that did absolutely nothing to help anyone else outside their group. i lose more matches with them than i won. they need to l2p and the other people from the wz's agreed with me.



edit - so you are saying we should be forced to group to play? g.t.f.o. i didn't have to group to level why should i be forced to group for pvp? the only people who pvp need the "extra" help because they can't cut it without a healer on ther bvtt 100% of the time. aka oh please save me im getting beat down oh please save me.


yes we are forced now to group to play ... because premades are allowed in this game ...


and thats why there is no personal rating... because it would be much harder getting better rating withou pocket healer both using thirdparty software like mumble or ts ...

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Let me guess you went into the match without a premade, got beat up badly, and now want to rant and rave about people having fun and the reason you didn't have fun.


It's everyone elses fault when your fun sucked, and since everyone one else is having a good time it makes you very upset.


Bottom line, don't play a mmo.


Leave now and go play a solo game without people involved, because by all means if you play a mmo other people will be there grouping up.


That is a very self-centered view. You think all the solo players are there for "your fun"? So all the solo players (probably there are more solo players in queue than premades) should be quiet and let you have fun?


Or they can express their opinion and suggest solutions for better experience for everyone?


You don't play warzones solo. If you are grouped with random people, it is still a social experience, it is still an MMO. We just need more even ground so everyone can have fun.

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yes we are forced now to group to play ... because premades are allowed in this game ...


and thats why there is no personal rating... because it would be much harder getting better rating withou pocket healer both using thirdparty software like mumble or ts ...

it's no secret where my sympathies lie in this debate, but you have got to STOP USING THIS ARGUMENT. premades don't jump in voice for that extra coordination advantage. they jump in voice because they feel like socially interracting with their guildmates. yes, some tactical information is conveyed over voice (to 2-4 or the EIGHT ppl in the ops grp). half the time I grp...and I mean in GOOD grps...I'm not in voice.


I look at it like this: splitting Qs and having a solo-only and a max 4m (as is now) is perfectly reasonable. the solos who don't care that they may face (or play with) a premade keep that opportunity and have the benefit of a slightly quicker pop. those who are bothered by the fact that they'll likely find themselves in a weighted WZ can take comfort in the fact that such a situation has been turned into pure chance by the matchmaking system (such as it is - yeah. I know). if you want to grp and you suck, you'll have a higher likelihood of running into the more common form of premade: 4 good players. on the other hand, you'll run a much higher chance of landing a similarly competent premade in your own ops. c'est la vie.


I've kinda done a 180 regarding individual rankings because we already have them; it's called rated (I mean, they're called team rankings, but that is because you win/lose as a team, and rating is determined by wins/loses). however, creating a rating system for every kind of WZ and balancing the rating between teams would be, imo, the most effective and least abuseable form of improved matchmaking. mind you, if you have 4 elite players in a premade, you'll probably have to wait longer to get into a WZ because your ratings will likely be difficult to balance...or you may find yourselves in a very frustrating team of pugs with poor ratings. that is balance, but I'm afraid it flies in the face of why elite players grp in the first place. ;)

Edited by foxmob
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it's no secret where my sympathies lie in this debate, but you have got to STOP USING THIS ARGUMENT. premades don't jump in voice for that extra coordination advantage. they jump in voice because they feel like socially interracting with their guildmates. yes, some tactical information is conveyed over voice (to 2-4 or the EIGHT ppl in the ops grp). half the time I grp...and I mean in GOOD grps...I'm not in voice.


i'm sorry but i can't agree with this at all.


voice communications alone is a massive advantage. those few seconds when 2 stealthers pop out while you're defending a node, where your choice is warn people and die and maybe lose the node before help arrives, or try to hold them off and hope that someone sees.


also, when facing premades, it seems that no matter where you go, within a few seconds you end up facing 3 of them. that is down to them being good players, but good players aren't mind readers, they still need to communicate, and the 5 seconds saved by talking while moving instead of stopping to type is absolutely vital.

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I am sorry, but you just described the travails of a bad player.


First; while solo Node Guarding you should have an INC message ready to go in Chat so that all you have to do is type the appropriate number (INC Gr 2) and hit enter. If you cannot manage three characters before you are dropped than you were never going to hold the node in the first place.


Second; Good Players not being mind readers.

Decent players understand that if you just held off a full-press at one node, and suddenly the enemy team is nowhere to be found, they are not hitting the same node and it is time to move. Decent teams do not need to communicate the incoming-wave cycles, in chat or over voice, because it is abundantly obvious to anyone paying attention;


Rule – If Defenders outnumber Attackers, you are in the wrong spot.


Third; Stopping to type?

Again, it should never be needed. If you need to be mobile and type, well, most of us keep Auto-Run and Typing in Chat Keybound for a reason.


Seriously, these complaints are fundamentally L2P issues.

If your goal is to be competitive in PVP, Solo or otherwise, you need to learn how PVP actually works. Based on the statements you made above it is clear you do not, as of yet.

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i'm sorry but i can't agree with this at all.


voice communications alone is a massive advantage. those few seconds when 2 stealthers pop out while you're defending a node, where your choice is warn people and die and maybe lose the node before help arrives, or try to hold them off and hope that someone sees.


also, when facing premades, it seems that no matter where you go, within a few seconds you end up facing 3 of them. that is down to them being good players, but good players aren't mind readers, they still need to communicate, and the 5 seconds saved by talking while moving instead of stopping to type is absolutely vital.

voice is an advantage. my point is that I'm in not in voice as often as I am when I grp (and I'm talking about grping with some of the best players on the server; I'm not talking about any ole guildy). that extra 2s isn't a big deal. it's a convenience. and the VAST majority of the chatter while in voice is BSing with each other or joking about things ppl say/do in the WZ. as often as not, I'm typing to my premade the same as everyone else in the ops. complaining about the advantage of voice is a joke. it has virtually nothing to do with why pugging against a premade is so frustrating. the frustration has everything to do with the fact that said premade is stacked with good to great players, thus tilting the field or creating a talent imbalance in the WZ.

Edited by foxmob
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i'm sorry but i can't agree with this at all.


voice communications alone is a massive advantage. those few seconds when 2 stealthers pop out while you're defending a node, where your choice is warn people and die and maybe lose the node before help arrives, or try to hold them off and hope that someone sees.


also, when facing premades, it seems that no matter where you go, within a few seconds you end up facing 3 of them. that is down to them being good players, but good players aren't mind readers, they still need to communicate, and the 5 seconds saved by talking while moving instead of stopping to type is absolutely vital.


If that's the thought process you go through when guarding a node, your problems in warzones are probably closer to home than you think.

Edited by ebado
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Stop crying and get over it. This whole game is about socializing and working together , so obviously the groups that work together have the advantage. You don't want to work together or make friends go back to playing halo or something else stupid, solo, and immature.
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i'm sorry but i can't agree with this at all.


voice communications alone is a massive advantage. those few seconds when 2 stealthers pop out while you're defending a node, where your choice is warn people and die and maybe lose the node before help arrives, or try to hold them off and hope that someone sees.


also, when facing premades, it seems that no matter where you go, within a few seconds you end up facing 3 of them. that is down to them being good players, but good players aren't mind readers, they still need to communicate, and the 5 seconds saved by talking while moving instead of stopping to type is absolutely vital.


You don't need to be in vent to guard a node well.

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Stop crying and get over it. This whole game is about socializing and working together , so obviously the groups that work together have the advantage. You don't want to work together or make friends go back to playing halo or something else stupid, solo, and immature.


I love hunting, ganking and one-shoting lowbies imps on Alderaan, just for fun and relax. :o

I think, we have both fair chances with them - me in min/max ewh and they in their 5-6 k hp with zero expertise. No unfair advantage! :o

Cuz this is MMO, learn to play, make friends, leveling only in group with your friends, stop being bad :o

Though i can easy kill 3-4 man group of 30x levels solo. But it mean you must leveling in large group.

If you are leveling solo, I find you and gank you. Again and again. Just for see your rage, weakness, and crapness.


Please, dont advise me playing halo :D

Edited by TonyDragonflame
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I love hunting, ganking and one-shoting lowbies imps on Alderaan, just for fun and relax. :o

I think, we have both fair chances with them - me in min/max ewh and they in their 5-6 k hp with zero expertise. No unfair advantage! :o

Cuz this is MMO, learn to play, make friends, leveling only in group with your friends, stop being bad :o

Though i can easy kill 3-4 man group of 30x levels solo. But it mean you must leveling in large group.

If you are leveling solo, I find you and gank you. Again and again. Just for see your rage, weakness, and crapness.


Please, dont advise me playing halo :D


Your logic is just pathetic.

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I am sorry, but you just described the travails of a bad player.


First; while solo Node Guarding you should have an INC message ready to go in Chat so that all you have to do is type the appropriate number (INC Gr 2) and hit enter. If you cannot manage three characters before you are dropped than you were never going to hold the node in the first place.


Second; Good Players not being mind readers.

Decent players understand that if you just held off a full-press at one node, and suddenly the enemy team is nowhere to be found, they are not hitting the same node and it is time to move. Decent teams do not need to communicate the incoming-wave cycles, in chat or over voice, because it is abundantly obvious to anyone paying attention;


Rule – If Defenders outnumber Attackers, you are in the wrong spot.


Third; Stopping to type?

Again, it should never be needed. If you need to be mobile and type, well, most of us keep Auto-Run and Typing in Chat Keybound for a reason.


Seriously, these complaints are fundamentally L2P issues.

If your goal is to be competitive in PVP, Solo or otherwise, you need to learn how PVP actually works. Based on the statements you made above it is clear you do not, as of yet.

if communication wasn't an advantage, humans wouldn't have learned to communicate. voice communications are much more convenient than written, especially when dealing with a situation where communicating and playing the game are all done with the same two hands. voice comms are an advantage, anyone who can't see this is fooling themselves.

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voice is an advantage. my point is that I'm in not in voice as often as I am when I grp (and I'm talking about grping with some of the best players on the server; I'm not talking about any ole guildy). that extra 2s isn't a big deal. it's a convenience. and the VAST majority of the chatter while in voice is BSing with each other or joking about things ppl say/do in the WZ. as often as not, I'm typing to my premade the same as everyone else in the ops. complaining about the advantage of voice is a joke. it has virtually nothing to do with why pugging against a premade is so frustrating. the frustration has everything to do with the fact that said premade is stacked with good to great players, thus tilting the field or creating a talent imbalance in the WZ.


the more a premade plays together, the better they are going to be. of course that's natural as you learn to know each other's strengths and weaknesses. voice comms is another advantage.

having 2 or 3 stealthers pop up is the prime example. without voice comms, there is going to be a delay in my message going through. if someone is coming to help, they can't tell me otherwise they delay coming to help. if i'm away from the node slightly and notice another stealther sneak up to the node, i can't communicate this without stopping what i'm doing to tell people.


these are all small advantages, but over the course of a warzone they mount up, especially when sometimes you're dealing with fractions of a second between capping a node and an interrupt.

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If that's the thought process you go through when guarding a node, your problems in warzones are probably closer to home than you think.


nope, i solo guard fine most of the time, but anyone who can't admit that being able to communicate fully AND still go about the rest of your business is an advantage over having to type using the same hands and keyboard you use to play is delusional. or just afraid to admit the truth :)

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nope, i solo guard fine most of the time, but anyone who can't admit that being able to communicate fully AND still go about the rest of your business is an advantage over having to type using the same hands and keyboard you use to play is delusional. or just afraid to admit the truth :)


Not to hard to have someone already typed out in ops chat. I can hit enter as fast as I can use my push to talk key.

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You don't need to be in vent to guard a node well.


You don't. I don't.

Maybe he does?


nope, see above, my guarding goes fine most of the time, but voice comms would make it a hell of a lot easier. anyone who can't see that, well i've already explained that.


working fine 99% of the time is great, but sometimes it's the one time you're left with no time to communcate the whole situation that can lose you the node and the match.


as i said before, if talking wasn't an advantage iver other ways of communicating wed still be sending messages by morse code, with no one seeing the need to invent a telephone.

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Not to hard to have someone already typed out in ops chat. I can hit enter as fast as I can use my push to talk key.


is it also easy to tell people there are two stealthers hidden while tryng to hold off another guy without stopping what i'm doing to type it?

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Your logic is just pathetic.


My logic is clear: if i go solo on wz and meet ranked premade, I lose with my pug.


After this, I go to Alderaan and kill several imps lowbies, just for relax.


If I cannot play with equal chances on warzone (which I love to play) and others use their unfair advantage there, than I use MY unfair advantage of high level for ganking. Eye for eye.

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if you doing a premade of 4, you only voice tell to other 3, while 4 stays death.

yes, other 3 can type on chat while running, but if they are fighting too? you delay message to other 4 non voip team mates.

Real advantage of premade is that I have 3 other people I can trust, and that I know that they will do their job, and they will.

I do mostly solo que, and every time I leave some1 at the node I'm taking risk 'will this person call incs? should I stay instead? If I stay and he goes, will he do proper damage?'

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is it also easy to tell people there are two stealthers hidden while tryng to hold off another guy without stopping what i'm doing to type it?


If you get jumped by two stealth or they have you CC'ed and lose the node having vent wont stop that from happening. Yes it is easier to just say to the 1-3 other peeps in your channel that you are under attack but there is nothing wrong with having someone typed out for when you do get jumped you don't miss a step. I do this even when I am with a group.


My logic is clear: if i go solo on wz and meet ranked premade, I lose with my pug.


After this, I go to Alderaan and kill several imps lowbies, just for relax.


If I cannot play with equal chances on warzone (which I love to play) and others use their unfair advantage there, than I use MY unfair advantage of high level for ganking. Eye for eye.


So because you are sore because you always have a team of full recruit geared pugs and face premades every single warzone you play (it seems like this has to be the case) and lose said warzones, that ganking lowbies is the same then something is very wrong with you.


Honestly man this logic is just so flawed.

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