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Amazing mistakes


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We've all seen some amazingly boneheaded mistakes made in-game. And fess up - we've ALL been the player making the dumb mistake at one time or another.


I think my biggest idiot mistake was when I was level 20 and running with a crew on Athiss. I had no idea at the time that engaging emergency stealth would reset the main boss. I also had no idea that running out of the room would reset the boss (I figured he's chase me, like the boss from Jade Empire he was based on). Guess what I did both times, causing my poor teammates to have to fight the guy three times over? This is on top of leaping to my death in the opening act (by missing the platforms), getting lost (and going the wrong way), and stumbling into the giant beast by trying to sneak past it


Now the biggest mistake I saw lately? I was running with an old partner who made 50 about the same time I did (several months ago). We were doing Black Hole and she kept getting killed. Finally, I get "Inspect Player" to work (Bioware, we REALLY need this feature, and this anacdote is why). Well, she had sold off all of her Tionese gear because she hated the way it looked. (Perfectly reasonable - I hate the look of it, too.) Well, she had a set of adaptive armor she bought in the Cartel Market..but had no mods, armoring, or enhancements in any of her armor pieces, nor did she use a helmet (free to play and didn't like the look of the headgear). Her offhand was also empty - no focus, shield, second saber...empty. The next hour was spent crafting L49 enhancements for her gear out of my stash, getting her to buy armoring from the Mission Support vendor (not enough for all of her gear, but better than nothing), and trying to teach her why gear isn't just about how it looks on your character and/or fits your character concept. I'm hoping it sunk in.

Edited by Allronix
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When the game first came out i jumped into the pit right next to the GTN in fleet. Why? Because I was too lazy to slowly run ( these were the days when sprint wasn't unlocked until lvl 14) to the Coruscant departures elevator and go through the loading animation. I wanted to drop down immediately and board the shuttle. Kinda like dropping from the second level of the Senate tower to the first so you do not have to run all the way to the rear and go down the slow staircases.



Now, I just barely avoid inadvertantly doing the pit dive due to lag at fleet. One second i'm coming down the stairs- the next I'm hung up in the railings


Other than that, the only real goofs i see on a regular basis are people breaking CC's by attacking the cc'd NPC directly. Makes for interesting heroics.

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Lol, yep, I repeatedly rez'd back to the Medical Driod during a Flashpoint not realising that it reset the boss-dude and his lackies!! :eek: I had to learn to just lie there dead and wait for help after the 3rd or 4th time....


Funniest mistake was seeing an odd looking depression in the ground on Voss during the Bonus set of quests, (it's at the Imp Outpost below the building on the hill). Thought: 'wonder what happens if I jump in here' and promptly got stuck: but /stuck did nothing since I was more trapped on all sides and unable to jump out & not actually stuck... Also, had just used my QT so couldn't use that...&...being an early character had a looongg cool down. I'd used Fleet Pass less than a day earlier so, yep, still on cool down. :jawa_frown: Lesson learnt there too.

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I was playing my first-ever toon, a Jedi Sentinel, and wasn't really familiar with MMOs and the roles/mechanics. I grouped w/two people on Belsavis to run some heroic or another. We entered the instance, and when we got to the first mob -- which IIRC was two golds and a strong -- I thought I was a ****** with my damage numbers and my cauterize and my force leap and leapt straight in, and promptly got us all killed.


Boy, did I get a lecture from the guy that was tanking.

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When the game first came out i jumped into the pit right next to the GTN in fleet. Why? Because I was too lazy to slowly run ( these were the days when sprint wasn't unlocked until lvl 14) to the Coruscant departures elevator and go through the loading animation. I wanted to drop down immediately and board the shuttle. Kinda like dropping from the second level of the Senate tower to the first so you do not have to run all the way to the rear and go down the slow staircases.



Now, I just barely avoid inadvertantly doing the pit dive due to lag at fleet. One second i'm coming down the stairs- the next I'm hung up in the railings


Other than that, the only real goofs i see on a regular basis are people breaking CC's by attacking the cc'd NPC directly. Makes for interesting heroics.


Haha! I feel for your (The first part). Those were good days, though, when you had to save for speeders, had to wait for sprint... oh, happy memories.

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I do dumb stuff at least once a week on my toons, mostly aggroing something I shouldn't or falling to my death. I like to think I learn from my mistakes... usually.

  • Ran to the wrong end zone in Huttball
  • Clicked the Interesting Skull/Forbidden Knowledge (they're lore objects, right? :D)
  • Didn't open the AC backpack until I got to Tatooine
  • Spent big creds ripping out mods to put into gear I like, then sold the wrong piece of gear and didn't realize it until I could no longer buy it back
  • And every day, without fail: I try hitting keybinds for a specific attack, wonder why it's not working, and realize I'm on a different toon

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I had a pretty dumb moment on the PTS a couple weeks ago. I was actually streaming and had 10 or so veiwers watching while setting up for a SV SM run. Shadows have phase walk on the PTS so I was messing around with the ability just for fun. So the entire ops group was sitting near the lvl bolster console and the arkanian gear vendor and I had an idea. That idea was if I jumped off of something and activated phase walk, I would not fall to my death, but actually get teleported to where I placed the phase walk reticle. I didn't even test the theory before I shout through mumble "HEY EVERYONE WATCH THIS ITS GOING TO BE AWESOME." I ran over to the railing and hopped off and spammed my keybind for phase walk which for obvious reasons didn't work because I had forgotten to place the reticle somewhere. So all I got was a good bit of silence over mumble then a nice ".... ***..."
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Sometimes i get over obsessed with equipping a companion with the best possible gear and the best looking gear that matches my vision for that companion.

A few times while i was changing gear and swapping mods ,i swapped all my companion mods to my actual character's gear by mistake making my original mods disappear, caused by haste and absent mindednes.So i ended up having tons of cunning for my juggernaut for example.And my healing companion ends up with nothing.So i end up having to spend hunderds of thousands of credits all over again to buy new mods.Its was infuriating...

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Also once i sent a few hundred thousand credits(5 or 6) to a random guy instead to one of my alts by mail,because i made a mistake while typing the name.


* * *


Also i have sold incredibly expensive cartel market items for a few dimes because i made mistakes while typing the buyout price,missing 2 or 3 zeros.The horror...

Edited by Kaedusz
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