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A Day in the life of a Solo Queuing Imp


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you bringing up these specific instances prove my point exactly if someone doesn't agree with what you're doing you rage and you can never be wrong , you're still butt hurt that i called you out in obvious situations where you were tunneling. like i said before you're never wrong don't ever question neb cause his whiny baby rage voice will come out and attack you lol.


the hyper gate i yelled at you cause you were yelling at complete strangers in pug ranked you kept running in mid and you kept dying yelling out why don't we have a tank at mid *cryyy waaaaaaa when i clearly explained our shadow tank was going to guard the node cause its boring having our other shadow guard every game, you're so dillisuional you make up stuff in your mind , i told you don't come to pug ranked anymore i'm done with you , cause you were yelling at complete strangers and you raged on previous nights as well , when you were at fault . Its pug ranked you stupid baby it was set up to learn , have fun , meet new people and teach lesser players. guess what if you're such a leet player you would of figured out don't go in mid with your tab dotting fluff bs maybe try healing instead of doing useless fluff damage that gets cleansed if you kept getting focused otherwise deal with dying and be quiet , gates wasn't there you couldn't cry for guard lol


now here comes the personal attacks to people you've met in a video game, you dont know anything about my personal life so keep it out of your mouth, i'm sure anyone who's ever dealt with you in this game and have heard that you're a marine are like *** how is this guy a marine lol , a marine would have more control of his emotions in a video game and news flash barely anyone in ld liked you and were happy when you left not having to hear your whiney a** annoying baby voice and poor attitude. you're right where you belong in unicorns neb , with a bunch of scrubs who think they're better then they really are , when you can excel at more then one class you can come tell me i'm a mediocre player , you calling out dargos for only playing a knight and having one buff is ironic to say the least. this is my first mmo but so many keyboard warriors making personal attacks cause they never have to face up to them.


IMHO all that post did was reinforce what I was saying about you.

I mean, how can you take someone seriously when the best retort they have is "you big stupid baby!" Lol I swear you have the vocabulary of a nine year old.

Edited by Ravashakk
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So... next time I own you, you want me to try and look better than I already do for the sake of "style"?


If there is a couple things i've learned about forum goers its this:


When in doubt, Become a grammar Nazi. When you have nothing left to put on the table, change the subject and resort to personal attacks and or irrelevant information.


I'll have to add a new one to my list now that pertains specifically to you, Neb.


When you know you're wrong, resort to a point within a point that may have some sort of half truth to it and press that particular issue as a means of justification or escape from embarrassment.


I haven't posted anything that wasn't true. You and your cronies can keep posting about how I'm a "baby" ad nauseum. That still won't change the things that happened or their validity. Cm is a repeat offender. Bloodycrazed left the guild because of him saying his stomach was in knots when cm was around.


To quote Jim Kelly, when you finally own me, dargos "I won't even notice. I'll be too busy lookin' good."

Edited by Ravashakk
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When in doubt, Become a grammar Nazi. When you have nothing left to put on the table, change the subject and resort to personal attacks and or irrelevant information.t.


rofl - I have to admit, I did feel the impulse to edit cm's post. the then/than thing is a pet peeve, but I didn't wanna get in the middle of that feud. lol

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I leave the domestic abuse to cm


In my opinion, this is completely unacceptable. This domestic abuse rumor bull(s)hit was started (to my knowledge) by Troyy on his stream. When CM heard about it, he flipped and went over to US Mumble to give them a piece of his mind. (S)hit talk each other's play style, (s)hit talk each other's personalities, (s)hit talk each other's guilds, but you drag rumor laden bull(s)hit about a man's family into this and defame his character based on nothing, then you've crossed the line.

Edited by TalonKorr
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In my opinion, this is completely unacceptable. This domestic abuse rumor bull(s)hit was started (to my knowledge) by Troyy on his stream. When CM heard about it, he flipped and went over to US Mumble to give them a piece of his mind. (S)hit talk each other's play style, (s)hit talk each other's personalities, (s)hit talk each other's guilds, but you drag rumor laden bull(s)hit about a man's family into this and defame his character based on nothing, then you've crossed the line.


Everyone **** talks rumors happen I do believe their is a line in gaming that you cross and that would be personal life issues. Which always seems to happen because unfortunately people are human and need satisfaction at some point in their life. Why can't people just play the game and say this person sucks because he does this wrong i.e constructive criticism. Which I love to receive but mostly ive gotten either a) you are bad or b) omgs nice protection. When I could do better if i was anal enough to taunt people correctly but bubble stun and the massive amount of cc makes it a pain in the (a)ss.

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In my opinion, this is completely unacceptable. This domestic abuse rumor bull(s)hit was started (to my knowledge) by Troyy on his stream. When CM heard about it, he flipped and went over to US Mumble to give them a piece of his mind. (S)hit talk each other's play style, (s)hit talk each other's personalities, (s)hit talk each other's guilds, but you drag rumor laden bull(s)hit about a man's family into this and defame his character based on nothing, then you've crossed the line.


I have no clue what you're referring to. Domestic = guildies. There are other uses to the word than how you took it.


See I ***** about pugs not doing their jobs (foreign) and cm *****es about guildies not doing their jobs (domestic).


I wasn't involved with those rumors of cm beating his wife. I did hear about him coming into mumble raging. I was busy being unreliable when it happened.

Edited by Ravashakk
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I have no clue what you're referring to. Domestic = guildies. There are other uses to the word than how you took it.


See I ***** about pugs not doing their jobs (foreign) and cm *****es about guildies not doing their jobs (domestic).


I wasn't involved with those rumors of cm beating his wife. I did hear about him coming into mumble raging. I was busy being unreliable when it happened.


If what you say is true, that's fine. But it was a disgusting ploy by Troyy. Love him, hate him, tolerate him, whatever, saying somebody performs one of the most heinous acts a family man can just because he PvP's on the opposite side is intolerable.

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And Fupy?


is that sig a quote? cuz "always remains eternal" is kind of redundant (always/eternal). :p


(christ. I'm gonna catch hell for that. impulse kontrol, krack! impulse kontrol! ION PULSE! *sigh*)

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Why does anything involving PvP incite arguements now lmao. Ill try to bring this back on topic >_>

Only managed to sqeeze in 10 games after class, Ill continue to add to this if you'd want to compile a list Xil.



Selva, Assassin DPS Gear (Its on the Wishlist) Start Time: 1:28pm EST

| W / L | Zone | End Score | Comments

1. W | Hyper | 640 - 0 | No Recruits, 3 without a Stim

2. L | Novare | 0 - 100 | Backfilled in at 16 - 100, 2 Recruits

3. -- | Civil | --- | Crashed 1 minute in, sorry Powertaco :(

4. L | Void | 0 - 6 | 2 Recruits, 1 Imp quitter

5. W | Hyper | 691 - 194 | 2 Recruits, 1 PvE, All without Stim

6. W | Void | 3 - 2 | 1 Recruit, 1 PvE, 6 without Stim

7. W | Hyper | 606 - 0 | 1 Recruit, 2 without Stim

8. L | Civil | 0 -170 | 2 Recruits, 6 without Stim

9. L | Pit | 0 - 6 | No Recruits, 5 without Stim

10. W | Void | 5 - 4 | 1 Recruit, 5 without Stim

End Time: 3:53pm EST. Outcome: 5W 4L 1Crash ;-;


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Why does anything involving PvP incite arguements now lmao. Ill try to bring this back on topic >_>

Only managed to sqeeze in 10 games after class, Ill continue to add to this if you'd want to compile a list Xil.



Selva, Assassin DPS Gear (Its on the Wishlist) Start Time: 1:28pm EST

| W / L | Zone | End Score | Comments

1. W | Hyper | 640 - 0 | No Recruits, 3 without a Stim

2. L | Novare | 0 - 100 | Backfilled in at 16 - 100, 2 Recruits

3. -- | Civil | --- | Crashed 1 minute in, sorry Powertaco :(

4. L | Void | 0 - 6 | 2 Recruits, 1 Imp quitter

5. W | Hyper | 691 - 194 | 2 Recruits, 1 PvE, All without Stim

6. W | Void | 3 - 2 | 1 Recruit, 1 PvE, 6 without Stim

7. W | Hyper | 606 - 0 | 1 Recruit, 2 without Stim

8. L | Civil | 0 -170 | 2 Recruits, 6 without Stim

9. L | Pit | 0 - 6 | No Recruits, 5 without Stim

10. W | Void | 5 - 4 | 1 Recruit, 5 without Stim

End Time: 3:53pm EST. Outcome: 5W 4L 1Crash ;-;

gotta say, I feel no need to waste mats or money on a stim while grinding reg WZs. then again, I play like 6 toons, and I'm sure as hell not farming mats for all those stims.

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gotta say, I feel no need to waste mats or money on a stim while grinding reg WZs. then again, I play like 6 toons, and I'm sure as hell not farming mats for all those stims.


As long as you can still put up good damage Ill admit that that its not a necessity in regs. Most of these people can't though, when Im seeing PTs that can't even sratch 200k I cry at their gear and their lack of a stim. Besides the stims cost next to nothing on the GTN, Prototype Hypers and even cheaper, never found myself out of money to buy from just doing PvP

Edited by ARagingNoob
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is that sig a quote? cuz "always remains eternal" is kind of redundant (always/eternal). :p


(christ. I'm gonna catch hell for that. impulse kontrol, krack! impulse kontrol! ION PULSE! *sigh*)


Thanks! It sounds so much better! I used some of that when I play b-ball and I was scaring the other team :p

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Not really a troll, I just don't get what you're trying to accomplish. Providing statistical analysis that Imperials lose more than Republics doesn't do anything, we already know this. The other day I queued for about 6 hours, did 30+ matches and didn't lose one. I didn't come on here and provide everyone with a detailed breakdown of composition of the other team.


Isn't he just venting? I think we all agree that pvping on either side can be rough and that solo qing generally doesn't help so when you go through a particularly bad streak I think its healthy to vent a little. Keeping that **** bottled up is just asking for trouble. Personally I like to vent by raging in OPs chat and chewing ppl out. I hope that most ppl realize that this is just venting and as such shouldn't be taken to seriously.


I think its more of a case of the better imperial PvP'ers quitting the game altogether, I don't think 10 or so quality imp players going pub killed the imperials TBH at the first CO merger pubs got LD50 and Watchmen and Bloodline V V V had that solid group with Grumz and Jagger and friends and a few other guilds (off the top of my head), we brought over a few fragmented guilds with some quality players and alot of bad ones losing was a tough pill to swallow for some folks so they quit or re-rolled on another server

one side is always going to be stronger :p on Kaas it was a guaranteed win vs pubs unless you were facing Grumz and friends :p


^ pretty much this

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This is what i imagine Combatmedicjr to be like when he loses to Unicorn Stampede lol.

And Cates he didnt exactly gives a piece of his mind when he crashed our mumble. Really he came in got made fun of a left crying lol. You give the dude too much credit. 8===================D:rak_01:

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I find that each match can be a surprise. For example, yesterday, I'm in a Voidstar where my sorc is the only one with 20k+ HP. Everyone else is around 16k. I figure it's a sure loss. One of the 16k heroes pipes up in ops chat and says, "This is a loss, I'm out," and quits. Guess he decided this team couldn't carry him...:rolleyes:


Anyhow, long story short; we won. It was pretty close, but we won. If you'd have asked me right before that who would win, I would have absolutely said the other team. It seems like that happens a lot, though, so I shouldn't be surprised. Kinda like Karma is rewarding me for not dropping when I see a recruit/PvE geared team.


Now, isn't that inspirational? :D

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I finished dailies on 3 of my characters last night, 2 pub side 1 imp, all solo queued.


Pub side lost every match except 1, Imp side won and was by far the fastest. Imp side had ppl in there that I've never even seen before or heard of their guilds.


Bottom line: Everyone has different experiences, and you getting into a losing streak is sad but not the end of the world. I play pub mainly and there are a lot of times when solo queuers get stomped by an Uncensored premade, but we don't think it's the end of the world.

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