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A Day in the life of a Solo Queuing Imp


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SO. I've been predominantly solo queuing upon my return to this game after a months Hiatus. Well i am keeping a log of games and although I admit this is just a small case study at the moment, I will edit this thread to update it over the next few days. These games are purely solo queues. I am a fully geared optimised to the teeth WH Operative healer for these games. I aim to get a case study comprising of 50-100 samples with information related to team makeup in relation to premades/severity of losses and gear. When this methodology is finished I will take these results and perform some analysis in another thread. Here are the results with some added info for each game:


Sunday 3rd March.


1) Win.| Reps- 3 Bad Rep| Imps-4 Unicorn Stampede. (decisive imp win)

2)Loss.| Reps - Pugs | Imps- a 3 man full recruit awful premade.

3)Loss.| Reps - 2 Bloodline, 2 LD50 (was backfilled into this, my team were 560-570 and all on our node farming def medals when I joined) -ridiculous game

4)Loss.| Reps - 2 Einherjers, 3QQ| Imps 2 Qdodgers, 2 people in PvE gear 2 in full recruit or just less - void , teh got end , we didnt get first door.

5)Loss. Pug v Pug

6)Win.| Reps - Pugs| Imps 3 Unicorn Stampede - hutball 4-2

7)Loss.| Pug v Pug

8)Loss.| Reps - 3/4 Prime Defence| Imps - pugs. ( was backfilled into this) - they got core, we didnt get any doors

9)Loss.| Reps - 3/4 Prime Defence, 3/4Legendary | Imps- pugs (backfilled into)

10)Loss.| Reps 3 QQ, Imps - pugs ( 3 cap for most the game)

11)Win.| Reps - pugs (1 maybe 2 uncen), Imps - 2 virtus et honor, 1 unicorn. close huttball

12)Loss.| 2 man reps - 2 antiumbra, 2/3 Bad Rep| Imps - pugs

13)Loss.| Reps - 3QQ, Imps - 2 Unicorn Stampede - stomping CW

14)Loss.| Reps - 4 uncencored | Imps pugs. they spawn camped us the whole game almost.

15)Loss.| Reps -3/4 Capo di capi| Imps 4 Qdodgers. Spawn camped CW

16)Loss.| Reps 2/3 Legendary, 2/3QQ | Impa pugs. 6-0 spawn camped at endzone at one point near end.

17)Win.| reps 2 PD, Imps- 2x 2man unkown guilds. decisive win vs


*another sample* _ Courtesy of Selva from Ewokalypse


18) Win.| 640-0

19)Loss| Novare 100-0 (backfilled imp team)

20) loss 0-6 Void

21) Win Hyper 619-194

22) Win Void

23) Win Hyper

24) Loss Civil 0 -170

25) Loss HB 0-6

26) win void



Wedndesday 6th of March


27) Win| reps 4 maybe more recruit gear| Imps 4 recruit gear, reps backfilled 3 people quit.

28)Loss| reps pugs| Imps 5 recruits| 3 cap most of game 0-490

29)Win\ rep pugs| Imps 4 recruit , one guy with 10k. VS

30) Win| rep pugs| Imps 2 unicorn rest all geared . decisive NC win

31)Loss| reps 4 Bad rep| Imps 2 recruits 212-786 AH

32)Loss| reps strong fotm pug| Imps 3 try hards. 3 Smashers was a joke. Rep decisive win.

33)Loss| reps 3/4 LD50| Imps 2 US. 6-0 huttball

34)Loss| reps 2/3 thundercats| imps 4 hail skroob. bad loss VS


Friday 8th of March


35)Loss| Reps modereate gear pugs| Imps Moderate gear pugs.

36)Win| Reps pugs| Imps 4 Unicorn Stampede. Sap cap ftw

37)Win| rep pugs| Imps Pugs. backfilled in to a win....O.o

38)Loss| Reps 3/4 Rep Gentlemen 2/3 other guild| Imps pugs 2 recruits

39)|Win|Reps decent pug| Imps Pug 2 in full PvE Gear. came back from 1-3 to win 5-4 no idea how lol

40)Win| 2/3 QQ, Imps 2 in full PvE gear. 2-1 win.

41)Win| Reps 4 bloodline, 2 Prime defence | Imps pugs. AH stole at end with a sap cap for 2 nodes

42)Win| Reps pugs| Imps Pugs. 4-1 Huttball


Saturday 9th of March


43)Loss| Reps 4 Bloodline| Imps Pugs. 3 capped CW

44)Loss| Reps strong pug| Imps 3 in recruit 1 in full pve bad loss AH

45)WIn| Reps pugs| Imps strong pugs 2 US 6-0 HB

46)Loss| Reps strong pug| Imps pug. bad VS

47)Loss|Reps Strong pug| Imps many quitters. bad AH

48)Win| reps pugs| Imps 5 Unicorn Stampede 2 Try Hards. rolled VS

49)Loss| reps pugs| Imps pugs - 3 recruit. Close AH

50)Loss| Reps 2/3 premade| Imps pugs close NC

51)Win| reps pugs| Imps 3 Chaotic Pixels. decisive win VS

52)Win| rep pugs| Imps 4 Chaotic Pixels . decisive win AH

53)WIn| reps 2/ 3 GAF, 2 the chosen order | Imps pugs. very rough CW win

54)Win| reps 4 Prime Defense| Imps 3 Unicorn Stampede. Decisive VS

55)Loss| Reps pugs| Imps pugs| backfilled at 0-4 . ended 6-0 one minute later

56)Loss Reps 2/3 bloodline| Imps pugs. very bad VS loss

57)Loss| Reps 4 LD50| Imps 3 SAMBA. 3-2 close HB

58)Win| Reps pugs| Imps 3 COBRA 3 Front de liberation sith. NC

59)Win| Reps pugs| Imps pugs backfilled into a win VS


Sunday the 10th March


60)Win| Reps pugs| Imps pugs. close VS

61)Win|reps pugs| Imps Pugs. Close NC

62)Win| reps pugs| Imps pugs. 4-0 clusterf HB

63)Win| reps pugs| Imps 4 Unicorn Stampede. rolled AH

64)Win|reps pugs| Imps pugs. 1-0 close HB

65)Win|reps pugs| Imps pugs. 6-0 HB

66)Loss| reps geared pugs| Imps pugs. rolled VS, 1 smasher with 1k dps basically won the game.

67)Loss| reps pugs| Imps 3 Qdodgers. rolled AH.

68)Win| reps 3 bloodline| Imps 4 Unicorn Stampede. Close CW

69)Loss|reps 4 Bloodline| Imps pugs. 6-0 HB stomp

70)Loss|Reps 2 Bloodline| Imps pugs 0-100 NC stomp


*another sample* _ Courtesy of Swarley (Decipticons)


71) Win| IMP-PUGSvs PUB- PUG Civil War 280-0

72)Win| IMP-Solid Steel/PUGS vs PUB- No Name Guild/PUGS Novare 100-0

73)Win| IMP-Premade/PUGs vs PUB- Repub Gentlemen/PUGS Voidstar 2min 30sec

74)Loss| IMP-Premade/PUGS vs PUB- PUGS/PUGS Novare 0-80

75)Loss| IMP-PUGS/PUGS vs PUB- Thunder Cats/PUG Hypergate 455-822

76)Loss|IMP-Liberation/PUGS vs PUB- PUGS/PUGS Huttball 1-4

77)Win| IMP-Qdodgers/PUGS vs PUB- Capo de Capi/PUGS Civil War 200-0

78)Win| IMP-S&M/Qdodger/PUGs vs PUB- Legendary/PUGS Hypergate 796-592

79)Loss| IMP-PUGS/PUGS vs PUB- Nerf Herders/PUGS Huttball 0-6





79 games. 38W : 41L

Edited by Ekoado
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I completely agree with you on the state of Imp Side Solo queue. Being someone who has had to solo queue for quite a while due to the GW2 Exodus I know how hard its been. Hell, my worst day was 15 consecutive losses, only two of which were actually close games (P.S. they weren't Huttballs). However, I feel that you queuing as Op heals might skew the results slightly since for my experience (especially in Recruit pugs) it isn't worth keeping that Mara with 14k HP and 1400 Str who has no buffs or stim and has zero idea how to play his spec. Rather I find that speccing dps and abusing the Pubs lesser players has sometimes either won us the game or at least made a 0 - 100 Novare into a 0 - 78. This wouldnt apply to Huttball for obvious reasons, but regardless I look foward to this sample set of matches despite which spec you chose to run with. If I have time this week I might try and document my solo queues to see if we can find any correlations between our sample sets. Im sure 0 - 6 Huttballs, full Recruit gear and subpar DPS will be at the top of the list :D
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Not really a troll, I just don't get what you're trying to accomplish. Providing statistical analysis that Imperials lose more than Republics doesn't do anything, we already know this. The other day I queued for about 6 hours, did 30+ matches and didn't lose one. I didn't come on here and provide everyone with a detailed breakdown of composition of the other team.
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Im trying to prove that solo queuing on this server is completely broken on Imp side.


Players should be able to have the option to queue solo against other players who are queued solo. NOT this nonsense


Especially with the massive faction imbalance.


These stats will show a small sample of it. If you have a problem with it, dont read it.


Maybe you should log your old op and solo queue if you think you can handle not rolling every game in 4 mans.

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Alright, was trying to be amicable, so let me put it another way. Nobody cares that you're losing that much, and nobody is going to change what they're doing to help you out.


don't listen to Cates, Jenna'syyde cares aboot how much you are losing. I mean losing sucks. You talk aboot loading into warzones with 3 or more recruits, pro tip you solo queued so quit warzone before it starts. You'd be surprised at how helpful this is. You can't care aboot the poor schmuck who takes your place just be glad it isn't you.



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that's cause your the one constantly on the winning side.


doesn't take a genius.


derp much?

yes. he is the one on the winning side. because he rolls with 3 other top tier players. cates, how many times did you roll my sent that day? at least three times.


op: good players win more. good premades win a lot more.


I just got rolled in an NC with 4 try-hards and 4 US (guessing it wasn't a superQ but best I don't know if it was). it happens. solo queue is a complete roll of the dice for ANYBODY. I've gone 1-8 on the rep side. it was a few weeks ago when I kept at it cuz I was desperate to get this toon's valor to bm so I could put on some nice duds...and I was learning the spec. but there are times on both sides where you just gotta take a break or group up with some solid players.


that doesn't even the winning percentages. imps are gonna lose more. but your terrible population actually works to your benefit late nights. you have 15 imps queueing and 12 of them are try hards, stampedes and uncensords. now, all of a sudden, every pop is a major disappointment if you don't win, and I have to pray to the gods above that I draw one of cates' grps or blunty. your window for this is smaller than for the reps and/or at an inopportune time. I get it. what's the point though? is this some excuse to manipulate the Q on your own?

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Alright, was trying to be amicable, so let me put it another way. Nobody cares that you're losing that much, and nobody is going to change what they're doing to help you out.


oh did i upset you? Poor you. Maybe you should draw some black tear drops on your eyes as you stare at the meme you posted whilst listening to coldplay..........Didn't know persistence would unleash your "unamicable" side luls


As I told you, don't read it if you don't care. Or maybe the swtor forums has a magic spell over you. who knows.

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1)op: good players win more. good premades win a lot more.


2)I just got rolled in an NC with 4 try-hards and 4 US (guessing it wasn't a superQ but best I don't know if it was). it happens. solo queue is a complete roll of the dice for ANYBODY.


3)I've gone 1-8 on the rep side.


4) what's the point though? is this some excuse to manipulate the Q on your own?


Riiiiiight where to start.


1) And all the good players all rerolled rep many moons ago, heck, I'm still seeing a mass exodus of pvprs to the rep side only furthering to the problem. So yes I agree with you, but having them all on one side is just stupid.


2)Aww poor. you, have you seen the stuff I've posted? That must have been tough that one example you have. the Imp roll of the dice is completely off balance and as such makes rolling an rep far more favourable to new pvprs hence the vicious cycle, see point 1


3) thats probably average for alot of people solo queuing imp.


4) I'm showing how solo queuing is broken, particularly on Imp side. this is a major problem in the game.

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oh did i upset you? Poor you. Maybe you should draw some black tear drops on your eyes as you stare at the meme you posted whilst listening to coldplay..........Didn't know persistence would unleash your "unamicable" side luls


I generally try and give people the benefit of the doubt when addressing them for the first time. As you and I hadn't had a direct conversation in any form, forums or otherwise, I thought I'd give you the chance to actually be treated like a real person, as opposed to the standard, "you're on the opposite side of me, so I hate you" or "you wear an LD50 tag, so I hate you".


Please continue your loss tracking.

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"you're on the opposite side of me, so I hate you" or "you wear an LD50 tag, so I hate you".


Please continue your loss tracking.


You got me a lil wrong.


I don't hate you lol, hates a bit strong :p


I just don't appreciate your complete disregard and lack of empathy for a problem that affects many people on this server.


And yeah, I was gonna keep doing it without your permission anyway lol :p

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2)Aww poor. you, have you seen the stuff I've posted? That must have been tough that one example you have. the Imp roll of the dice is completely off balance and as such makes rolling an rep far more favourable to new pvprs hence the vicious cycle, see point 1


3) thats probably average for alot of people solo queuing imp.


4) I'm showing how solo queuing is broken, particularly on Imp side. this is a major problem in the game.


uh. I think you missed my point, but I can see now that it wasn't entirely clear: both sides lose in lop-sided ways, especially from a solo Q perspective, and you have very little control over it as a solo. I'm not bad. There are far better. sometimes I can't buy a win on rep. others I can't buy one on imp. it's all about who else is in the queue. however, and I think you're overlooking this, my rep Qs eat a lot of losses to the same rep grps that roll your solo. I do see more poorly geared imps. I don't notice losing significantly more on my imps. in either case, when banging your head on a door doesn't open it, perhaps something other than banging your head on the door is in order? or, as my former professor once said, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome. translation: stop solo queueing. or just take a break. or hop on your rep toon for an hour and come back later. I've done all of these things from both perspectives, depending on the toon I felt like playing at the time. I suggest yo do the same thing, because there's literally nothing bw can or should do about faction imbalance in a pve server where the only pvp that takes place in in restricted areas with strictly limited numbers (wz's are 8v8, not 8v25). so, once again, I'll reiterate what cates said, "what is your point?" I'm not trying to be a dick. I just don't know what you're trying to accomplish.


aight. I'll let it go. just don't mention that sq word. you know that'll get me. :)

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seriously just look on the bright side. soon enough 1.2 will be live and you will now be joined in your warzones with levels 30 and up. I mean I just got my Gunslinger to 50 last week and rep lowbie pvp is horrible. I mean we would constantly get rolled by imp lowbies. So there are greener pastures to come my friend.



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Xil, I applaud you for the detailed analysis of your solo queueing efforts. It might help shine some light on those stubborn pubs that think the sides are remotely close.


Cates is well aware of the imp situation. He left out of frustration well before it got this bad.

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sometimes I can't buy a win on rep. others I can't buy one on imp. it's all about who else is in the queue.


my rep Qs eat a lot of losses to the same rep grps that roll your solo.

stop solo queueing. or just take a break. or hop on your rep toon for an hour and come back later.


because there's literally nothing bw can or should do about faction imbalance in a pve server where the only pvp that takes place in in restricted areas with strictly limited numbers (wz's are 8v8, not 8v25).


"what is your point?"



Surely you have to admit that there is much larger proportion of dedicated PvPrs in the rep queues. If anything the trends that im posting will in fact at least go some way to proving that there is a horrendous imbalance that is game breaking for people solo queuing. And yes some people who are more casual players will solo queue only, perhaps they are in a pve guild? Should the PvP aspect of the game only cater to the elite because everyone wants to roll the same side to stomp pugs? You say the more dominant Reps will be other reps. It's not quite the same here's why.


A 4 man LD50 beats a 3 man bad rep for instance. assuming pugs are equal. now that might even be a fairly close game. Now pit EITHER of those teams, against a pug imp group which is more likely less geared and you have a total stomp. I reckon and aim to prove around 70% (or more) games against reps constitutes to going against at least a 3 man guild premade in VoIP. Whereas this is maybe only the case for around maybe 40% of Imps groups or less even? We'll see.


Lol so I should have to stop queuing or switch toons because the PvPrs on this server all decided to roll the same faction. What a joke lol.


They need cross server queues and they need it now. Or the community can react to this and at least bring back their old "retired" imp toons seeing as it will in fact provide more of an actual challenge and will help the servers pvp as a whole.


The only people who don't advocate this or don't understand are people who haven't had to put up with this for a good while now. Mainly reps and rep rerolls from long back who seldom play their imps. just because you dont experience the issue doesn't mean its not happening, and doesn't mean there isn't a solution. If I can bring this to light further , an issue affecting many players. why would you be against that. If I havent answered your question as to what the point is I don't think you'll ever get what the point is.

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Cates is well aware of the imp situation. He left out of frustration well before it got this bad.


Before misconceptions at this statement are taken out of hand, my pre-launch guild that I had founded with about 20 other people, whose player base consisted of friends I'd made and kept in touch with for years on end, all left. No guild was interested in recruiting me and in the end I knew more people on Pub side at that point. Since Paradoxx had been trying to recruit me since February, it wasn't a hard choice. The incident that broke the camel's back was one of frustration.

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Xil, I applaud you for the detailed analysis of your solo queueing efforts. It might help shine some light on those stubborn pubs that think the sides are remotely close.


Cates is well aware of the imp situation. He left out of frustration well before it got this bad.


Thanks Neb, know we don't always see eye to eye and agree on everything but your support is very welcome as I am sure you are only too aware of the depth of this problem.



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The incident that broke the camel's back was one of frustration.


Not just you. ..


I'll bet if you think about it you can name a good number of people on the rep side who were originally Imp but left and are now in a pvp guild on rep side.



I challange you to name more than 2 who have went from being a rep PvPr, to a full time Imp.


Tell you what I'll give you one., Hooty aka Shipwreck, john-rambo etc in Unicorns. name another...

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Before misconceptions at this statement are taken out of hand, my pre-launch guild that I had founded with about 20 other people, whose player base consisted of friends I'd made and kept in touch with for years on end, all left. No guild was interested in recruiting me and in the end I knew more people on Pub side at that point. Since Paradoxx had been trying to recruit me since February, it wasn't a hard choice. The incident that broke the camel's back was one of frustration.


I find that hard to believe as even way back then Grisha was enough of a pain in the *** to play against. I wonder how different this server might be had you and combatmedic and a few others joined infidels instead

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