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Field Respec in Warzones


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This is a terrible example, because it would give an advantage to one team and not the other - namely, the first team to use the button.


Field respec gives no advantage to either team. As I (and a few others) said earlier, so far, the only arguments against it all basically amount to, "I'm too lazy to use respec, please take it away so those who aren't lazy can't get an edge on me."


Actually, it does give an advantage if one team has 8 players that can respect to Healing/Tanking and other team does not.


It is terrible to say someone is lazy to respec. That doesn't even sound right. :eek: What is there to be lazy about? Every person knows his/hers spec by heart and can respec with closed eyes.


I can say that you are all lazy players because you need to respec into tanking/healing in order to defend the captured node, but I won't. :D

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Actually, it does give an advantage if one team has 8 players that can respect to Healing/Tanking and other team does not.


It is terrible to say someone is lazy to respec. That doesn't even sound right. :eek: What is there to be lazy about? Every person knows his/hers spec by heart and can respec with closed eyes.


I can say that you are all lazy players because you need to respec into tanking/healing in order to defend the captured node, but I won't. :D


Like I said, there is no ranked team that respecs to defend a captured node, and any that are bad enough to need to do this to safely hold a point are probably going to have that node stolen from the same teams whether they respecced or not. The one exception is Voidstar, where most teams are going to want to respec for defense/offense.


As for team composition, I assure you that if a team is bringing classes based on their ability to respec then their composition is going to be fairly weak on offense anyways and so it really does all balance out.

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Like I said, there is no ranked team that respecs to defend a captured node, and any that are bad enough to need to do this to safely hold a point are probably going to have that node stolen from the same teams whether they respecced or not. The one exception is Voidstar, where most teams are going to want to respec for defense/offense.


As for team composition, I assure you that if a team is bringing classes based on their ability to respec then their composition is going to be fairly weak on offense anyways and so it really does all balance out.


Voidstar or not, that IS happening. Voidstar is also RWZ game but then again, you play on one server and maybe it is not happening on yours.


I also disagree how that means the team is bad or will be weak. You are assuming it. Something like that is already happening on Live Servers where people stack, so called, FOTM specs. You know it, I know it, we all do. Isn't that one of the reasons Mercenaries are asking for buff, because nobody wants them in Rated Team? Does that mean how every team is bad because they are looking for someone who is better than a Mercenary?

With that said, if this is not happening, soon it will be.



Then again, we will just go in circles here. I think it should be removed even tho I am using it. Keep the respec. As long as others are doing it, my team and I will be doing it too. But, after some time, people will remember this thread just like they are now remembering threads "Do NOT nerf Mercs and Sorcs". After that nerf 50% players left the game and now we are stuck with 1 PvP Server and 80 same people doing RWZ.

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in both ranked/reg, respec can be used at start of each match so team comp can be what you want(set like 3 min timer on it at start of game). After that locked into the chosen spec till end of wz. Signed


The spec/role of enemy classes should not be constantly changing during a match to tailor to specific situations…..


Pvp should be about how each player can best use their classes/specs given abilities to their fullest in the situations they are put in to help their team, it is not and should not be about simply changing your abilities to counter the enemy whenever you want..... especially with current class balance aka tank classes having amazing dps(better than dps only classes) and utility.


This lowers player skill and makes class versatility a deciding factor on whether or not to bring a person instead of simply their skill/pvping ability

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NO, dont remove the fieldrespecc in warzones!!!!!!


the few player, who are able to respecc in warzone, and who are able to play their specs very good, they earned the succes!!! it is a good way to handle some difficult situations! and cause all players could use it, nobody has a disadvantage! the team which is more flexible , is the better team, which earns the win!

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Yes, please, dumb down the game. Give us less options, forbid from adapting. Remove pylons from Hypergates, to much objectives! Remove all abilities, just 2 buttons for moving (forward/backpeddle) and 1 (ok, max 2 buttons) for attack.


'don't penalize pure dps classes' - don't make me laugh...

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It's a matter of balance: If ALL classes were able to specc to different roles, it would be fair. Since some classe have no tanking or healing trees at all, it puts those at a disadvantage and makes the classes who can respecc depending on group composition or map tactically (!) overpowered.


So for fairness reasons you would have to either give all classes at least one healer or tanking tree or you'd obviously have to go with the suggestion made here...

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It's a matter of balance: If ALL classes were able to specc to different roles, it would be fair. Since some classe have no tanking or healing trees at all, it puts those at a disadvantage and makes the classes who can respecc depending on group composition or map tactically (!) overpowered.


So for fairness reasons you would have to either give all classes at least one healer or tanking tree or you'd obviously have to go with the suggestion made here...


For that sole reason, 'pure dps classes' defend that they are not over powered while being 10-20% above every one else in doing damage.

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It's a matter of balance: If ALL classes were able to specc to different roles, it would be fair. Since some classe have no tanking or healing trees at all, it puts those at a disadvantage and makes the classes who can respecc depending on group composition or map tactically (!) overpowered.


So for fairness reasons you would have to either give all classes at least one healer or tanking tree or you'd obviously have to go with the suggestion made here...


Each DPS class has different trees which suit different roles. An engineering sniper is very good in some situations, while only average in others. Marksman snipers are great for certain roles, but less so for others. Smash marauders are ideal for certain roles, while Carnage are ideal for other roles. Each and every DPS class has incredible utility to be found from respeccing in different situations.

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People will do what they did before:



Send in one person to see what the wz was, and then everyone else could respec based on what that first entering player scouted that warzone to be.


Actually, never thought of that.

Also, respec by skill mentor, then que will always work.


But OP problem is - for example:

people are on attacking side in Voidstar, they spec full dps, and when it's defense time, they go full tank/healer.

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For that sole reason, 'pure dps classes' defend that they are not over powered while being 10-20% above every one else in doing damage.


do not see any dmg advantage of 10+% when comparing a smash maro to a smash jugg...


so having 6 tank juggs defend voidstar backed up with 2 healers while having 6 smashjuggs when attacking insta gibbing 50% of your team while the 2 concealment ops are ****** your healer (while crawling on the floor). jeah great system....


i do agree in terms of achiving balance by respecing within a WZ it is fine but that can be done easily within the timeframe where you are waiting for your Wz 1. round to start(first 60sec). after that cancel that ability out.

Edited by Tankqull
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those 6 jugg tanks + 2 operative healers will get cc'd and then out run by stealthers, while jugg smash monkeys will be dealth with by snipers, healers are guarded by tank so operatives will get stunned/taunted. There are no invincable combinations.


I assume you are talking about premade of 6 juggs and 2 operative healers in RWZ, since getting 8 people who gather 2 sets and are capable of doing 2 jobs is next to impossible (aside from having 2 premades queing at same time, but that team would kill most pugg just by running 8 mercenaries), if that setup would be op for RWZ, we would be seeing more of them, yet, you see far more marauders then Juggs.

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For that sole reason, 'pure dps classes' defend that they are not over powered while being 10-20% above every one else in doing damage.


Those 20% won't be of much use, if half of the opponents respecc to tanks or healers, you'd need doubled dps to even that out. And THAT is definitely not a good option! ;-)


As far as my understanding of class balance in SWTOR goes (which admittedly is limited as I've only played slinger, sentinel, guardian tank and sage dd) I'd say that advantages in dps are evened out by lower damage mitigation, less mobility/agility/speed and versatility rather than availability of different role speccs.


And, especially for you: ;-)

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Just from my experience, I've not changed my spec on a single character to match a WZ's layout. I've only changed my spec once, and it was on the Spacestation because something I took I later didn't like.


But having said that,


I've played a map where we had something like 5-6 snipers and one tank and/or healer. We got owned by the other side had a more "balanced" team. It was so bad that on the map (the name escapes me right at this moment, it's the one where you have to cap two turrets basically to win) that we eventually gave up when they capped, and held, all three and we were basically just fighting to get one.


The cussing, blaming, name calling, etc between PUG players on our side was "ugggggllllyyy" for that game.


Does that happen "all the time" no, I've had many variations of that, but that one ugly dynamic happened only once. But it stands to reason if you PUG (and I do) randomness says that there are times you may get a good mix and other times you may get a "bad" mix. Having a way to change it up so that you don't "too" badly beaten works.


Now if you're arguing that in a Pre-Made it's not fair, I've always argued that Pre-Mades should only fight other Pre-Mades and not Pre-Mades versus PUG's.


But that's an argument for another day. ;)

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Normal Warzones aren't really the issue. Respeccing in ranked though makes voidstar specifically practically impossible for anyone to ever cap a door.


Voidstar with two good teams isn't about capping the doors, it's about getting the most kills. If a team over does it with tanks they will lose, even if there is only 1 kill a match.

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Sorry, but this isn't a real issue. First off, unless you are a healer, then you really only have 1 set of armor. I don't know many tanks that actually use their PvP tank armor. Second, its not an exploit or cheat, is something available to everyone. Also its not required to win, it just gives players more choices.


Complaining about respecing in Warzones is like complaining about a premade, both are completely legit.

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Sorry, but this isn't a real issue. First off, unless you are a healer, then you really only have 1 set of armor. I don't know many tanks that actually use their PvP tank armor. Second, its not an exploit or cheat, is something available to everyone. Also its not required to win, it just gives players more choices.


Complaining about respecing in Warzones is like complaining about a premade, both are completely legit.


Holy logic.

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I do, and this needs to go. From a certain point of view, it does add a bit of depth to matches, but it really gets out of hand when teams go full derp on it, abusing this feature shamelessly.


This isn't abuse imo. It's an extra layer of proficiency that helps to separate the wheat from the chaff. Respeccing in RWZs has evolved into a mini-game of sorts depending on your opponent and I think this is great.


Combat in SWTOR PvP has been dumbed down so much with the removal of adrenals, the changes to Resolve, among other things. It's nice to see an added layer of complexity players can use to adapt to situations.



Running ranked warzones most nights of the week, I have no problem with other teams respeccing because, of course, my team can as well. It adds depth to the game and makes ranked warzones different from regular ones. It adds a little bit of "chess" to them, and I think that's a good thing.


I agree 110%.



Respec stays. Let's not ask for the game to be dumbed down. It makes WZs more interesting, more challenging and leads to a variety of team compositions. That is, it's more fun.


^ This as well!

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