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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Field Respec in Warzones


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I think while the pts is up we should consider the removal of the ability to use Field Respec inside of warzones, especially ranked warzones. This essentially turns most civil wars and voidstars into pound your head against the wall fights with nothing but healers and tanks on the team who is winning/defending. Removal of this would imo both make ranked group compositions more diverse and make the game more fun during ranked. Would like to hear if people believe removal of this feature from warzones would be a good idea. Could also look into only removing the ability from ranked and not in normal warzones.


Unfortunately I believe in huttball this could be exploited and people could have one person join and then see what warzone it is then have everyone respec. This could be avoided by having respecing disabled as soon as a ranked queue pops.

Edited by iRedRIng
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I think while the pts is up we should consider the removal of the ability to use Field Respec inside of warzones, especially ranked warzones. This essentially turns most civil wars and voidstars into pound your head against the wall fights with nothing but healers and tanks on the team who is winning/defending. Removal of this would imo both make ranked group compositions more diverse and make the game more fun during ranked. Would like to hear if people believe removal of this feature from warzones would be a good idea. Could also look into only removing the ability from ranked and not in normal warzones.


Unfortunately I believe in huttball this could be exploited and people could have one person join and then see what warzone it is then have everyone respec. This could be avoided by having respecing disabled as soon as a ranked queue pops.


I am signing this. The field respecc in the middle of the warzone really needs to go. Only people who can possibly disagree with this are those who have farmed the best gear for both speccs and are shamelessly exploiting it warzone after warzone.


We should NOT be forced to farm 2 gear sets for 2 speccs to be competitive.


Additionally, it should not be possible to use it in combat, full stop..

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i paid for it so that to be able to adjust my class for particular wz, that's what it is for

i'm not doing rwz


Well you are considering only your point of view where you BOUGHT and you are ENTITLED but you haven't even mentioned the impact on changing sides in voidstar for example or in turret warzones where you can switch to tank/healer specc once you cap the turret...

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I think while the pts is up we should consider the removal of the ability to use Field Respec inside of warzones, especially ranked warzones. This essentially turns most civil wars and voidstars into pound your head against the wall fights with nothing but healers and tanks on the team who is winning/defending. Removal of this would imo both make ranked group compositions more diverse and make the game more fun during ranked. Would like to hear if people believe removal of this feature from warzones would be a good idea. Could also look into only removing the ability from ranked and not in normal warzones.


Unfortunately I believe in huttball this could be exploited and people could have one person join and then see what warzone it is then have everyone respec. This could be avoided by having respecing disabled as soon as a ranked queue pops.


I think this might work for ranked, as you usually have an optimal setup. But normals? If I'm grouped and everybody is DPS, i'll switch to heals/tank or vice versa. I use the same DPS gear, haven't really had time to grind out two sets.


Personally, I love the versatility. I don't really think it's unfair, I mean it's not outlandishly expensive, in my opinion. Plus, it brings a little variety to a match.

Edited by Belly
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Part of the strategy of these warzones is in adapting the specs that people play to the particular map they are on. I understand the unhappiness some might have with it, but in the end I do not believe that it is a majority that feel this way, and, more importantly, to make this change would only further shallow out what is already becoming to dumbed down a PvP experience with some of the changes that have been and are being made.


Simply put, there have already been enough concessions for those who want a simpler/easier PvP experience. This one needs to stay in for those who like a little bit more depth to things.


On top of this, the change would only further limit the kinds of classes you are going to see played in PvP and go against the entire spirit of this expansion's PvP approach, which is to make every class viable. So far, its going well, though a few tweaks are needed here and there. However, if there is no respeccing allowed in warzones then certain classes/specs will never be played in PvP because they are just too weak on certain maps. Allowing respeccing encourages people to play whatever class and spec they like, and if they wind up in a map where their particular spec is a liability, to switch to a better one for that map.

Edited by Skolops
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Part of the strategy of these warzones is in adapting the specs that people play to the particular map they are on. I understand the unhappiness some might have with it, but in the end I do not believe that it is a majority that feel this way, and, more importantly, to make this change would only further shallow out what is already becoming to dumbed down a PvP experience with some of the changes that have been and are being made.


Simply put, there have already been enough concessions for those who want a simpler/easier PvP experience. This one needs to stay in for those who like a little bit more depth to things.


On top of this, the change would only further limit the kinds of classes you are going to see played in PvP and go against the entire spirit of this expansion's PvP approach, which is to make every class viable. So far, its going well, though a few tweaks are needed here and there. However, if there is no respeccing allowed in warzones then certain classes/specs will never be played in PvP because they are just too weak on certain maps. Allowing respeccing encourages people to play whatever class and spec they like, and if they wind up in a map where their particular spec is a liability, to switch to a better one for that map.


You said it much better than I did :)

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Part of the strategy of these warzones is in adapting the specs that people play to the particular map they are on. I understand the unhappiness some might have with it, but in the end I do not believe that it is a majority that feel this way, and, more importantly, to make this change would only further shallow out what is already becoming to dumbed down a PvP experience with some of the changes that have been and are being made.


Simply put, there have already been enough concessions for those who want a simpler/easier PvP experience. This one needs to stay in for those who like a little bit more depth to things.


On top of this, the change would only further limit the kinds of classes you are going to see played in PvP and go against the entire spirit of this expansion's PvP approach, which is to make every class viable. So far, its going well, though a few tweaks are needed here and there. However, if there is no respeccing allowed in warzones then certain classes/specs will never be played in PvP because they are just too weak on certain maps. Allowing respeccing encourages people to play whatever class and spec they like, and if they wind up in a map where their particular spec is a liability, to switch to a better one for that map.


Actually, by allowing respec'ng in warzones you penalize the pure dps classes because they can't switch to hardcore defense mode. As a result, you really don't want more than 2 total of the pure dps classes if you want to have any kind of versatility in respec'ng, and probably not even that.

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I understand what folks are saying about tank classes, etc. I just don't see it as being nearly as big a problem as some may - and as I said, I think the majority of folks aren't all that concerned with it or like it. When both sides have a particular ability, it isn't, in the end, a deciding factor in games, ranked or otherwise.


What it can do is lead to games with more stalemates, which I know many folks don't like - though I do enjoy it myself. That being said, I think with the overall changes of the game, in particular the greatly increased mobility for almost every class and the speedier time to kill we tend to be seeing, being able to respec into tank specs in certain portions of the game is going to be even more important, otherwise we might see things swing too far in the other direction such that there is too little defense with nodes swapping ownership left and right, doors going down too easily, and the overall flow feeling too random.

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You could also get around respecing my simply not having a spec at the start of a warzone. Ultimately though having your choice spec at the beginning of a warzone isn't really the issue. It's this spec change in the middle of the warzone that causes node changes to be almost impossible and what I think should be stopped. Voidstars and Civil Wars just become deathmatch and sprint to the node when the one team is stacked with tanks and heals whose TTK is far higher than the time to respond.
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They should change it so you can only respec in the respawn areas, Would give you plenty of time to respec at start of match for the particular map and at "halftime" in voidstar. If you really needed to you could respec after defeat but you'd really need too because of door timers. Edited by TrigPt
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being able to respec into tank specs in certain portions of the game is going to be even more important, otherwise we might see things swing too far in the other direction such that there is too little defense with nodes swapping ownership left and right, doors going down too easily, and the overall flow feeling too random.


Facepalm.. so we should farm 2 gear sets just because we are tank/healer class just to be competitive as swapping speccs in the middle of the warzone is expected kind of gameplay??


This is not "SKILLED GAMEPLAY" when you are switching speccs in the middle of the voidstar game, it's a heaven for people who have enough time to farm both sets of gear. Not even to mention the discrepancy regarding pure dps classes who, on one hand, can't even respecc, and on other hand, they only ever need to get 1 set of gear.


Also, we should not be swapping to tank build to stay alive for more than 5 seconds in the first place.. But that is a different topic..


EDIT: Additionally, until we get dual-specc, this is also advertising a new kind of "skilled gameplay" like how fast can you click-click-click to reset your talents. YEAH PVP who can specc it fasterrrr!! /sarcasm

Edited by Daex
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I understand what folks are saying about tank classes, etc. I just don't see it as being nearly as big a problem as some may - and as I said, I think the majority of folks aren't all that concerned with it or like it. When both sides have a particular ability, it isn't, in the end, a deciding factor in games, ranked or otherwise.


What it can do is lead to games with more stalemates, which I know many folks don't like - though I do enjoy it myself. That being said, I think with the overall changes of the game, in particular the greatly increased mobility for almost every class and the speedier time to kill we tend to be seeing, being able to respec into tank specs in certain portions of the game is going to be even more important, otherwise we might see things swing too far in the other direction such that there is too little defense with nodes swapping ownership left and right, doors going down too easily, and the overall flow feeling too random.


Also you said on other thread:


"This is not my experience. So far on the PTS, I have found TTK to be far too high. With the overall nerfs to most (though not all) burst and the buffs to healers and incredible ease of healer energy management, TTK is frequently very high."


If this is the case, why do you feel a need to switch to tank/healer mid warzone then? And also this is not in accordance to what you say with nodes swapping ownership bla bla..

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I understand what folks are saying about tank classes, etc. I just don't see it as being nearly as big a problem as some may - and as I said, I think the majority of folks aren't all that concerned with it or like it. When both sides have a particular ability, it isn't, in the end, a deciding factor in games, ranked or otherwise.


What it can do is lead to games with more stalemates, which I know many folks don't like - though I do enjoy it myself. That being said, I think with the overall changes of the game, in particular the greatly increased mobility for almost every class and the speedier time to kill we tend to be seeing, being able to respec into tank specs in certain portions of the game is going to be even more important, otherwise we might see things swing too far in the other direction such that there is too little defense with nodes swapping ownership left and right, doors going down too easily, and the overall flow feeling too random.


And additionally, your disagreement with anything that makes any sense on these forums is kind of disturbing.. are you getting paid by someone to prevent this game from becoming better?


I can understand people disagreeing but at the VERY LEAST this field respecc needs to be blocked in Ranked... Respeccing in the middle of warzone is not "skill". Or at least not kind of skill you would expect to be useful in PvP.

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How many of u commenting on this thread actually play rank? :D

I do, and this needs to go. From a certain point of view, it does add a bit of depth to matches, but it really gets out of hand when teams go full derp on it, abusing this feature shamelessly.

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In normal warzones, field respec is great, since you can't really know your group setup before the match. But for RWZ, I agree, it should be disabled. Also grenades. Also give the ability to rejoin after disconnect.
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Also you said on other thread:


"This is not my experience. So far on the PTS, I have found TTK to be far too high. With the overall nerfs to most (though not all) burst and the buffs to healers and incredible ease of healer energy management, TTK is frequently very high."


If this is the case, why do you feel a need to switch to tank/healer mid warzone then? And also this is not in accordance to what you say with nodes swapping ownership bla bla..


Having played another day or two since, I now tend to agree more with the folks in that previous topic who say that time to kill is too low as a whole.

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Facepalm.. so we should farm 2 gear sets just because we are tank/healer class just to be competitive as swapping speccs in the middle of the warzone is expected kind of gameplay??


This is not "SKILLED GAMEPLAY" when you are switching speccs in the middle of the voidstar game, it's a heaven for people who have enough time to farm both sets of gear. Not even to mention the discrepancy regarding pure dps classes who, on one hand, can't even respecc, and on other hand, they only ever need to get 1 set of gear.


Also, we should not be swapping to tank build to stay alive for more than 5 seconds in the first place.. But that is a different topic..


EDIT: Additionally, until we get dual-specc, this is also advertising a new kind of "skilled gameplay" like how fast can you click-click-click to reset your talents. YEAH PVP who can specc it fasterrrr!! /sarcasm


I would rather strongly disagree with each of these opinions, and I will explain why.


First, it is not necessary to swap gear sets just to swap specs. As you are I am sure well aware, most tank specced players, even in ranked warzones, have nonetheless been running DPS gear. This gearing decision will very likely change with some of the new shield and defense mechanics coming with 2.0, but I do not believe that this ultimately forces people to get two sets of gear. I think you will see many simply swap out a focus/generator for a shield when they wish to swap to a tank spec in a defensive part of a warzone. The fact is, it's really the guard and damage/movement debuffs put on the other team that makes tank specs good in ranked warzones - the defensive stats are more a bonus than anything.


I'd also add that the fact is, any MMO will always give an advantage to players with more time - it's just the nature of the beast and there isn't a whole lot that can be done about that.


Second, the skill involved in respeccing lies in the intellectual and team-play facets of it, not how fast a person can do it. Figuring out precisely what builds to swap into and synergizing team play around them is a matter of skill which adds depth to the game that I and many others frankly enjoy.


Third, you're simply wrong as can be about pure DPS classes only needing one set of gear to respec. If anything, they have it harder than tanks do. Like I said, tanks have always run, for the most part, in DPS gear anyways - often a set which was useful for one of their possible DPS specs. You'll see more tank gear in 2.0, but DPS geared tanks - at least with shield - will still be viable and you'll still see them, I'd predict, more often than full tank sets. On the other hand, the stat distribution necessary to effectively run different DPS specs often requires entirely different sets if you want to swap out. The hybrid Shadow DPS build takes very different gear from a Balance Shadow. Smash Marauders have extremely different needs than Annihilation ones. Madness sorcerers run different gear from lightning sorcerers. Etc.

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And additionally, your disagreement with anything that makes any sense on these forums is kind of disturbing.. are you getting paid by someone to prevent this game from becoming better?


I can understand people disagreeing but at the VERY LEAST this field respecc needs to be blocked in Ranked... Respeccing in the middle of warzone is not "skill". Or at least not kind of skill you would expect to be useful in PvP.


Running ranked warzones most nights of the week, I have no problem with other teams respeccing because, of course, my team can as well. It adds depth to the game and makes ranked warzones different from regular ones. It adds a little bit of "chess" to them, and I think that's a good thing. I would much rather have to recognize what spec changes an opposing team was making and adjust to them than to simply know what is coming all the time. It just feels more like PvP to me: ever changing, no rote mechanics, human brainpower required to compete... taking out the respec would, from my point of view, make it feel more like PvE.: Oh, it's team X. They have composition Y. We "know the fight."


Bleh. Give me respec any day.

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a change is needed from my perspectiv but the ability to help your team by respecing should be given. my solution would be to change it to be only used in the time frame of 60sec after starting a WZ that way - its possible to respec if the need is given but you have to stick to one spec archtype the entire WZ.
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