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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

player voice change options?


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Hi I just bought and subscribed to the game and began making a trooper. I made a big macho looking Guy and when he speaks he has a really high voice like he lost his balls in battle. Please put a voice customize option in character creation, I deleted the character as soon as I heard him speak. And also put in more species variation. So far I like Star wars galaxies a whole lot better.
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There is too much voiced content to go through and change it in any meaningful or positive way, how ever I wish there was a way to turn off your characters voice acting all together and just read the text, maybe then I could stand playing a male consular or Imperial agent...
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In defense of Bioware/EA on this :


Each character is fully voiced for both genders. That's 16 voice actors paid, though I wouldn't be surprised if a couple of them did two or three characters each. Either way, with the amount of the dialogue that the PC speaks, they probably were paid at the same level that any of the main characters from say...Mass Effect 3 were paid. Possibly a little bit more, due to length of script.


While that's just a drop in the bucket of the budget of a game this size, it's way more money than it's worth to re-record a couple extra voice options at this point in the game.

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In defense of Bioware/EA on this :


Each character is fully voiced for both genders. That's 16 voice actors paid, though I wouldn't be surprised if a couple of them did two or three characters each. Either way, with the amount of the dialogue that the PC speaks, they probably were paid at the same level that any of the main characters from say...Mass Effect 3 were paid. Possibly a little bit more, due to length of script.


While that's just a drop in the bucket of the budget of a game this size, it's way more money than it's worth to re-record a couple extra voice options at this point in the game.


^This. Completely agree.

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I like the interactive dialogue but it seems like each class has one set voice which really bugs me.


You can manipulate how your class sounds a bit by the helm he/she wears. At least that is how it is on my sith warrior. Some of the helms distorts his voice and he sounds more like darth vader then.

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The Bounty Hunter's voice made me abandon that toon while still on Hutta. Absolutely hate it. I cringe everytime a BH is in a flashpoint with me.Thank the stars for the spacebar.


Dunno, maybe you made wrong char for it.


body type 2 flat and square face silver short hair human with no beard fits that sound.

Edited by Atramar
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Its too bad that the voices were the same since I hate hearing another character in my party sounding exactly the same! I I wannna be unique! But I also agree that it take more time and money to have more voices. It also could have been cool without the voice... Like how they did it in Kotor
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Like another person said. Some head pieces (good rule of thumb is if it covers the mouth something will change) will change the voice in some way. There are a few different ways it may change.

As a warning though, if you like to hide your head piece. The voice change will no longer happen.

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One of the Soul Calibur games had a mechanism for character customization where you could adjust the pitch of the voice a bit, making it deeper or higher. I wonder if that would have been possible here, or if it would throw off the lip-sync too much.
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Dunno, maybe you made wrong char for it.


body type 2 flat and square face silver short hair human with no beard fits that sound.


A horrible looking PC, say a body type 3 human scarred up to look like Frankenstein's monster, fits the male Bounty Hunter voice the best.


Bio should have hired the voice-actor who did Mandalore in KotOR for BH. That voice was golden.

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I'd like my male sage to sound like Major Armstrong from Fullmetal Alchemist, but I doubt Bioware/EA wants to pay Chris Sabat to redo all the dialogues. So I'll stay with the main one and live with it, since he isn't too bad.


I'll just have him use the superflex emote from time to time.



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A horrible looking PC, say a body type 3 human scarred up to look like Frankenstein's monster, fits the male Bounty Hunter voice the best.


Bio should have hired the voice-actor who did Mandalore in KotOR for BH. That voice was golden.


Maybe it depends on people, or first impression of character.

Many people say how Sith Inquisitor female voice is super sexy, while mine looks like my grandma (skinny face with color that looks like 70 yo person who spent to much time in hospital bed and smoke WAAY to many cigarettes) and I have same impression of this voice (subtle, proud, almost sayng 'i'm here longer, I know better, listen to me or f-off').


But yes, Canderous Ordo's voice from Kotor would be awesome.


That's why most of my chars are female, voices mostly fit. Slap pretty face with reasonable hair, and viola, Perfect Match, while my male characters require atleast 3 remakes.

Edited by Atramar
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