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Same gender romance: Which companion would you choose?


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No need to choose. BW should change it so dark side Siths can build a harem :D


And ladies here care to comment on which companions they would include in their male harem? Please don't so the wookie or Broonmark, that would be bordering on beast.. you know.


Vector, Quinn, Pierce, Lord Scourge, Adronikus, Talos (he is so adorable), Torian... Lord Cytharat (my Agent is male :p), Colonel Yudrass (a girl can dream).


I don't play Pub side really, so I don't know many of their male companions. But Corso is a big no-no.

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And ladies here care to comment on which companions they would include in their male harem? Please don't say the wookie or Broonmark, that would be bordering on beast.. you know.


Male but who cares, i like men too

I would definitely put lieutenant Pierce, lord scourge, bowdaar and jedi's sexy mustache guy

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Kaliyo. she's already bi.

I finished the Imp.Agent class story with a female character and I played all the way with Kaliyo. It would be nice if we can have gay / lesbian romance. I fall in love with her :o Im not sure if I feel the same way if I was a male character, but with this girl/girl I found some connection.

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Vector, Quinn, Pierce, Lord Scourge, Adronikus, Talos (he is so adorable), Torian... Lord Cytharat (my Agent is male :p), Colonel Yudrass (a girl can dream).


I don't play Pub side really, so I don't know many of their male companions. But Corso is a big no-no.


Don't forget Aristrocra Saganu!

Well, personally I don't really care for Pierce and Quinn is starting to get on my nerves (a shame as I really liked him once), but as I have finally finished my Consular story I additionally vote for Iresso.

Lord Cytharat...I would kill to get him as a romanceable companion :(

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