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Recap of Q&A from last night's cantina?


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Armor dye would effectively eliminate any incentive ppl have to buy anything from the cartel store, considering that 99.9% of the stuff on there is just pre-existing armor models recolored by BW.


Not happening.


That's what I was thinking...

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I think these events are just as much for the developers as they are for the fans. It's one more tool for them to stay connected to the people who really care about this game.


I would hope that they have fun too :p


Would love to be able to go to one of these but live on the wrong side of the Atlantic. Oh well, there's always the internet.

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I'm sorry... but... what a bunch of ingrates we have here.


I mean seriously. Do you think in these Q&A sessions they are going to give you the product roadmap and the intimate details therein? Or that your pet cause, whatever it may be, is going to be front and center? LOL!


Err... no. That is not what these events are for. They are meant to be an interaction or dialogue. A dialogue. Not you making demands and them acquiescing to your every whim.


Are the Q&As just PR stunts? Maybe, I don't know tbh. Nevertheless, it is your chance to be heard. It is a perfect opportunity to emphasize to the devs what you think is important. And yes, you get vauge answers an some sense of what might be in the works. But that's it. That is all these sessions are and are supposed to be. I am more concerned with what the devs take away from these sessions as opposed to what we think we should be getting.


As usual... some of you have unrealistic expectations when it comes to these things. Ask yourself, what would be gained if they said yes to everything? What would be gained by agreeing to a mythical schedule that could never be met? Absolutely nothing. And what would they gain by telling you exactly what is going to be coming and when? Well, given the various opinions on the priories and what they should be, nothing! LOL!


I think you ahve an unrealistic perception of what I'm asking for.


I know they cant promise things that might not happen. I know there are some things they simply cant discuss. But to be cryptic and vague on everything, to lead people to false conclusions about how soon or if it all certain things are coming, thats manipulative PR. Sorry if you don't see it that way, I do. I've payed attention to media industry and the likes of EA long enough to know this kind of stuff when I see it.


I just don't see the point of a Q&A if all the A's aren't really answers just more questions. They already do this on line every day, why bother doing it in person? To give people drinks and presents to make them shut up, thats why. Oh, I mean don't get me wrong the devs themselves probably enjoy getting out. But I can tell you on a subconscious level thats not why businesses do things like this. They do it for the PR. "Don't worry that we aren't delivering on the content you actually came here for, have a free xbox" said Microsoft at E3 once to its audience of "journalists". Applies here too. They buy off fans with these events to make them tolerate the lack of real dialogue and sharing of information.


Or maybe I'm just too much of a cynical bastard. Can't blame me with how far the industry (****, all industries) has fallen.


PS: don't get the impression I'm all pissed off or something. Text doesn't display emotions. I'm quite calm and passive at this point. Simply opinionated.

Edited by Doctoglethorpe
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I'm sorry... but... what a bunch of ingrates we have here.


I mean seriously. Do you think in these Q&A sessions they are going to give you the product roadmap and the intimate details therein? Or that your pet cause, whatever it may be, is going to be front and center? LOL!


Err... no. That is not what these events are for. They are meant to be an interaction or dialogue. A dialogue. Not you making demands and them acquiescing to your every whim.


Are the Q&As just PR stunts? Maybe, I don't know tbh. Nevertheless, it is your chance to be heard. It is a perfect opportunity to emphasize to the devs what you think is important. And yes, you get vauge answers an some sense of what might be in the works. But that's it. That is all these sessions are and are supposed to be. I am more concerned with what the devs take away from these sessions as opposed to what we think we should be getting.


As usual... some of you have unrealistic expectations when it comes to these things. Ask yourself, what would be gained if they said yes to everything? What would be gained by agreeing to a mythical schedule that could never be met? Absolutely nothing. And what would they gain by telling you exactly what is going to be coming and when? Well, given the various opinions on the priories and what they should be, nothing! LOL!


I am not asking "big, difficult" questions because I want to be mean to the developers. I am asking because I want to know. As a player I would really like to know where this game is going storywise, or (big) featurewise, like adding totally new space combat. They have been very open explaining their changes to the business model, adding cartel market, f2p and so-on, yet we still dont know much about their future plans for the game world past makeb and some pvp additions. Mmorpg is an investment to a player also, so I am sure loads of players would like to know these things, when they are choosing their game for the next year.


I have noticed, and probably said, earlier, that when you read the mmorpg forums, most suggestions from players seem to be something old with minor tuning. Take this feature and make this and this corner rounder, and this part must be painted darker red, for example. All those questions in the first post are just details, something old with tuning. I was wondering why no-one asked the bigger questions. Asking a question is not a demand. They can answer it or not. I doubt they will give "shuddup noob!" answer as some seem to be afraid :)

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