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The Clone Wars - S05E20 - The Wrong Jedi / Season 6


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Bariss' reasoning was sound. Her choices were not. It shows the arrogance of the council to not even appear to consider her reasoning.

Well bombing a jedi hangar full of inocents and some jedi, realy removes her from high ground.

However its not that the council doesnt have any doubts. Remember Yoda and mace words, even they repeat it in this episode. That the dark side clouds everything. Im certain they are aware of this issues. I think even with everything that goes on i dont think they act in a arrogant manner, when you are walking in a mudy ground the best defense is to hold on your ideals and remember why you are fighting. On that front the council couldnt be much wiser. As long they standed by the republic and democracy the republic wouldnt fall.

But we know what happen. Vader wiped the jedi order, it was betrayed from within.

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The only way I'd like Season 6 is if they basically remake the old Clone Wars show, by redoing the Battle of Coruscant, thus giving direct continuity to Episode III. Unless the old show is still considered canon...?
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As some others here have already mentioned, Ahsoka also grew on me. At first, the whole idea of Anakin having a Padawan, like her at least, was laughable. But now, after the movie and 5 seasons in, I like her and I was sad to see her go and leave the Order behind, and Anakin. I think he needs her too, even though the Council made it clear she was ready to become a Jedi Knight, I don't think he was ready to see her "leave" him. He wanted her to stay his Padawan, imo. I hope we get to see her again in season 6.


Ventress, dunno, never really cared about her, but yeah, she gets some respect. More so than the Ventress in the old Clone Wars-series, at least. I would really like to see some arc(s) in season 6 about ARC-troopers and the null-ARC troopers, I really like that lore. Would also love to see Delta Squad or Omega Squad.


I know that for some, after 5 seasons, they think the show is already being stretched and the Clone Wars as well,

but for me, they can make a lot more. I love the Clone Wars-era. And I'd miss this show.

Though I gotta say the story-arc about the droids... dear god... Hated that. xD

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There has to be another series, to leave it there would be criminal, I hope Ahsoka doesn't return though if there is another season. I really want to see the events leading up to the kidnapping of the chancellor and I also really want to do more detail to the sacking of the Jedi temple, but the later is less likely to ever happen.
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One thought I had is, Rahm Kota. The ex-Jedi General we see in the Force Unleashed. Wouldn't it be cool to have him make an appearance in TCW? I mean he was a major figure during that period and I think it would be interesting to have some sort of 'war' arc with him and perhaps Anakin. With Anakin coming in with the 501st to support his militia. That would lead to a lot of tension between the two who seem to have differing views on many things. I'd like to see that, bu hey, just a thought. Edited by Beniboybling
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One thought I had is, Rahm Kota. The ex-Jedi General we see in the Force Unleashed. Wouldn't it be cool to have him make an appearance in TCW? I mean he was a major figure during that period and I think it would be interesting to have some sort of 'war' arc with him and perhaps Anakin. With Anakin coming in with the 501st to support his militia. That would lead to a lot of tension between the two who seem to have differing views on many things. I'd like to see that, bu hey, just a thought.


^This. That would be awesome.

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^This. That would be awesome.
I figure your a fan of the Force Unleashed just like me. :D On an unrelated note, if in the Sequels we saw the Empire, it would also be pretty cool to portray it in the way TFU did - with all the modern tech. I'd love to see those spider droids that shoot lasers, or those stealth soldiers.
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^This. That would be awesome.



It's quite obvious from the force unleadhed 1+2 in my opinion, that Kota has quite a hatred of vader.

Granted most Jedi would, but it almost seems personal....

That may have come across accidently, or on purpose for some reason I do not know, but it would make sense if they've met before and had.... conflicting views on clones....


I'd love a little line in there somewhere about how the clones would never betray the republic or the Jedi ^^

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It's quite obvious from the force unleadhed 1+2 in my opinion, that Kota has quite a hatred of vader.

Granted most Jedi would, but it almost seems personal....

That may have come across accidently, or on purpose for some reason I do not know, but it would make sense if they've met before and had.... conflicting views on clones....


I'd love a little line in there somewhere about how the clones would never betray the republic or the Jedi ^^

There's also a potential for conflict concerning their views on the Chancellor. Kota was very anti-Chancellor and believed he would lead to the fall of the Republic and the Jedi. Whereas Anakin is very trusting of him.
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I loved this episode so much, especially Ahsoka's decision in the end.



It definitely makes sense as to her absence in the Purge, but I really hope this isn't the end for her in the series, and her saying, "I know," like it begs further explanation. I'd personally like to believe that she meant she knew her Master better than he thought she did, but still stuck with him regardless.


I want her to come back, but I don't want her to fall to the Dark Side (and possibly her death) like Anakin will. I'd really like to see her in the new trilogy, though. I mean, right now, it's totally possible that Ahsoka survived Order 66, right? Since they only went after Jedi, and she was no longer a member of that Order, so..?


Edited by October
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I figure your a fan of the Force Unleashed just like me. :D On an unrelated note, if in the Sequels we saw the Empire, it would also be pretty cool to portray it in the way TFU did - with all the modern tech. I'd love to see those spider droids that shoot lasers, or those stealth soldiers.


First one was great, second one was alright. Kota is the best.


I would love to see some sort of confrontation between Anakin and Kota. Would be pretty cool to see. Of course the original Kota VA would have to do it, otherwise I would be :(


To your off-topic note: I think the Sequels should incorporate EU creations. Those stealth soldiers and terror droids were pretty cool.

Edited by Aurbere
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Yeah, the second one was simply too short. I hope for a TFU 3 with that just being an interlude.


Yeah, the second was too short. The combat was pretty sweet, though I'm not too keen on the fury mode, but Jedi mind trick was the best power imo.


I don't know if a third one is coming. I would love it, but I don't think it's coming. If 1313 has been stalled, then a TFU3 is unlikely.


Of course TFU2 ended strangely, so perhaps a novel is in the works?

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I think the ending of TFU2 deserves another installment, but honestly, the length of the 2nd one pissed me off, was honestly shocked it was so short, completed it in one sitting when I should've been doing my homework lol.


If there should be a third for anything, should be KotOR or Battlefront.

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Yeah, the second one was simply too short. I hope for a TFU 3 with that just being an interlude.


TFU 3 was canned few years ago.


then, if ashoka is no longer a jedi she will spare of jedi purge ?


It is now a sad possibility yes - TCW team are too wimpy to kill her it seems. :rolleyes:

Edited by Eillack
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The force unleashead are horrible games and they were both short to be honest.

The first one maybe decent, playing vader in the first scene of the game was the highlight for me.


The rest just ridiculous.

Edited by Spartanik
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The force unleashead are horrible games and they were both short to be honest.

The first one maybe decent, playing vader in the first scene of the game was the highlight for me.


The rest just ridiculous.


Why, you must have been one of those people who never read the books based on the game? :rolleyes:


TFU I was long enough unless you rushed everything to the end.

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I don't know if a third one is coming. I would love it, but I don't think it's coming. If 1313 has been stalled, then a TFU3 is unlikely.


Of course TFU2 ended strangely, so perhaps a novel is in the works?

Well that have to do something. I mean there's a whole range of continuity issues if they don't e.g. the existence of Rahm Kota, Clone Starkiller, Juno Eclipse and the Dark Apprentice. Those characters either have to die or have their fates resolved by the time of A New Hope.


And then there's the fact that Darth Vader has been captured, and it pretty much ended on a cliff-hanger with the Rebels escaping with Vader and Boba Fett following behind. Seems to imply a TFU3 or some sort of material.

TFU 3 was canned few years ago.
You gonna back the statement up? As far as I'm aware nothing has been said about it, although Sam Witwer to expressed a desire to be involved and hinted at a third story IIRC. But if it does happen, Episode VII. If the rumors are true that 1313 has been postponed then its likely Lucasarts simply has its hands full right now.


Still, IMO it would be stupid not to make a third one. The potential is by all means there and the first two installments were incredibly successful, and it seemed to me, bridged the gap to the 'non-fans' - which is always a plus.

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Unlikely. Case in point: Kento Marek. Despite leaving the Order, he was still a victim of the Great Jedi Purge.


Obi-Wan and Yoda survived it though. When the examples you use is from first a video game and books off said video game, I think the movie examples trump it to say it's more likely she didn't get axed.


Like said before, if that is how she leaves Anakin for good, then who do you think he'd have more hatred for? Someone who simply left the Order that he now views as "evil" or the guy who still through the Order in his face while he was being roasted then turned his back on Anakin to leave him for dead? I think the second person would be #1 on his hit list and that person was living on his home planet.


If anything, under those circumstances, he'd try to find her to bring her to the dark side if he ran into her again.

Edited by Jacen_Starsolo
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