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Why are superques even a problem lmao. 50% of Imps will quit against regular Pub pugs anyways so there's nothing stopping them from leaving against a superque. If you decided to stay and get your *** handed to you cause you got 3 recruits and 4 idiots on your team you have no one to be angry at but yourself.


Any Imp worth his salt knows that the chances of winning are unlikely in solo queue even against pugs. Just man up and either try harder, get a team or reroll.


forget about honor or sucking it up or w/e. every wz you leave dumps someone else into it. then they leave and someone else gets dumped into it. it breaks the queue. backfill doesn't recognize score, skill differential, etc. you're turning a small puddle into a pond.

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Sigh... I was going to let this argument go, but then you called me out with ad hominem attacks so....


Lol, you think I am scared to face Uncensored? If so, you really know nothing. I played against them with LD50 and with the Watchmen, and won against them the majority of times that I played against them.(Not to say those guilds won against them more than Uncensored won against those guilds, but when I was there, I've won more than I've lost.) I would gladly face Uncensored in ranked back then when I had competent teammates. Your assumption that I am hesitant to face other good players is way off base. I also played ranked matches that were LD50 vs LD50. I'll say it again. I have no problem queueing against good players as long as I have other good players on my side. It's when my teammates are incompetent that I do not want to play with them.



You say I think I am better than everyone else. I never once claimed to be the best player on SWToR, that is merely an assumption. Do I think I was a pretty damn good player? Yes. Do I think I was the absolute best? Not really, there's never going to be a true definitive way to measure who the best player is on SWToR, and who cares?



Here's the thing, I welcome anyone else who can superqueue to do so. If you are good enough that you can get into good guilds that will almost surely win with superqueues, then do so. If you think of it in that sense, I suppose I was more deserving to not have to deal with crappy pugs because I could get into the top guilds and play in their premades? You honestly think I could get into those guilds if I sucked? So tell me how it's so different then. Are you going to say I was also undeserving to have a premade of 4 on my side and that I should deal with all pugs?


Here's my main problem. I fail to see the huge difference behind the principle of superqueues and regular premades. Aren't they created with the same thought in mind? To play with friends? To win games? To minimize the amount of crappy pugs you have to deal with? So you're saying when people make just a premade of 4 their objective is not also to roll pugs as you say? They are increasing their chances to win, and superqueueing does that even more so. I fail to see the problem? Why are premades ok but superqueues are not? Isn't this hypocrisy?


Regardless of the current rated situation, If you're going to intentionally que with 8 you need to be in the rated que.


Zab, there is a difference between a premade and a superque intentional or not. If you look at those two words and individually define them and compare you will find no amount of hypocrisy. You fail to realize the difference with your unique sort of rationalization.


A lot of people in premades would ask you why they should waste their time solo queueing when they have 3 good players who are also their friends that they could group with and increase their chances of winning. Well I ask you the same. Why in the hell would I want to waste my time playing with pugs who make retarded mistakes when I can queue with 7 other good players/friends who vastly increase my chances of victory? I don't have fun losing because of stupid mistakes. Yet that is the purpose of a game, to have fun. You're telling me that if you had the chance to win 99% of the time with a superqueue or 40% of the time soloqueueing, you would solo queue? For what? Some stupid sense of honor on a videogame? Really? Why should I lose more games than I have to? Why should anyone?


Honor is a mindset, it does not discriminate based upon a particular setting, virtual or not. With that being said, The internet is the internet and that probably won't ever change.

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Why are superques even a problem lmao. 50% of Imps will quit against regular Pub pugs anyways so there's nothing stopping them from leaving against a superque. If you decided to stay and get your *** handed to you cause you got 3 recruits and 4 idiots on your team you have no one to be angry at but yourself.


Any Imp worth his salt knows that the chances of winning are unlikely in solo queue even against pugs. Just man up and either try harder, get a team or reroll.


It's more that understanding why someone would want to superqueue is so difficult, since when two four-mans of PD have gotten thrown together (similar experiences with PD + LD50, PD +Uncensored, etc) the warzones are so unbelievably boring that I end up doing less fighting, opening on less people, and generally just twiddling my thumbs at the off node because the match is such a one-sided clusterF that I get no pleasure out of being a part of it. Generally being in group with 3 friends while talking with 12 more in TS is enough for me to feel involved, but I guess some people just are toooooooooo popular to stick to 4-man groups :rolleyes: I mean, I guess if a certain guild manages to lose a fair bit while superqueuing, I guess I could understand why it isn't so horribly painful for them, but at the same time that speaks volumes about the lack of player skill or teamwork that the guild has.


TL;DR: Superqueue's are just way too boring to do in regs, if your guild is in any way competent

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forget about honor or sucking it up or w/e. every wz you leave dumps someone else into it. then they leave and someone else gets dumped into it. it breaks the queue. backfill doesn't recognize score, skill differential, etc. you're turning a small puddle into a pond.


I don't know why you're saying I personally leave these warzone when I hardly ever quit despite the comp or gear of the players but Ill hopefully just presume you're talking in general lol.


Anyways, I have no idea what you mean by "breaking the queue" since that doesn't happen but either way, eventually the game will get 8 players who either a) don't realize they should quit b) want to try despite the odds or c) ride it out and try to get Comms. So I don't really see how this lake of mine exists since I barely even see superques anyways.

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I'm curious on what grounds you are basing this all on. (The portion calling me out specifically). I'm sure it is something you assumed just like this rule of super queueing I keep hearing you preach about.



You're really wondering why he said you were full of yourself? LOL.


Come on, bro. You can do better. ;)

Edited by Milly_
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I wouldn't pretend to know much about zabuza's playing habits since watchmen left. I'm sure he plays very little if at all.


Indeed, the last time I played was a month ago. So I can only speak in the past tense.



Foxmob and any others who are upset with this problem of superqueueing... you should be blaming Bioware for this problem. People would surely try to do this in WoW as well if they could, but they can't. Do you know why? There is cross-server queueing there, so this increases the pool of players you could possibly get on your team dramatically. If Bioware had implemented cross-server PvP queues, there would be no point in even trying to superqueue. However, they have not done this, and so this problem exists, and will continue to exist, despite how much you all continue to complain about it on this server forum.

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You're really wondering why he said you were full of yourself? LOL.


Come on, bro. You can do better. ;)


There is a distinct difference between a player knowing the worth of his talents and one who flaunts it. It is generally those around me making a big deal out of things.

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Indeed, the last time I played was a month ago. So I can only speak in the past tense.



Foxmob and any others who are upset with this problem of superqueueing... you should be blaming Bioware for this problem. People would surely try to do this in WoW as well if they could, but they can't. Do you know why? There is cross-server queueing there, so this increases the pool of players you could possibly get on your team dramatically. If Bioware had implemented cross-server PvP queues, there would be no point in even trying to superqueue. However, they have not done this, and so this problem exists, and will continue to exist, despite how much you all continue to complain about it on this server forum.


Ppl used macros in wow to SQ 40 for AV back in the day.

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I don't know why you're saying I personally leave these warzone when I hardly ever quit despite the comp or gear of the players but Ill hopefully just presume you're talking in general lol.


Anyways, I have no idea what you mean by "breaking the queue" since that doesn't happen but either way, eventually the game will get 8 players who either a) don't realize they should quit b) want to try despite the odds or c) ride it out and try to get Comms. So I don't really see how this lake of mine exists since I barely even see superques anyways.


I can't tell if you and neb are scrwing with me or really can't tell the difference from the general and personal use of the 2nd person pronoun, but the "you" in those cases was used to generalize.

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Regardless of the current rated situation, If you're going to intentionally que with 8 you need to be in the rated que.


Zab, there is a difference between a premade and a superque intentional or not. If you look at those two words and individually define them and compare you will find no amount of hypocrisy. You fail to realize the difference with your unique sort of rationalization.


You are right, I don't see the difference. When I was in LD50 all it took was a premade of 4 of us to destroy the enemy most of the time, the match was 99% of the time predetermined. To me it's no different than a superqueue, the result would be the same. Why did we make these premades? Wasn't it so we could play with friends, and also win games as fast as possible so that we could gear up our characters as fast as possible? Isn't that the same objective with a superqueue?




Honor is a mindset, it does not discriminate based upon a particular setting, virtual or not. With that being said, The internet is the internet and that probably won't ever change.


I guess everyone's stance on it is different but... In any competition, I will do whatever it takes to win AS LONG AS IT'S NOT AGAINST THE RULES. Superqueueing is not against the rules, I see no reason not to do it. For anyone who argues it ruins the game because the opposing team has no chance... Let's be real, 95% of the time if you're facing a full LD50 or Uncensored premade you also have no chance. Those who solo queue will almost certainly get destroyed by any decent premade. Likewise, a premade will a lot of times get destroyed by a superqueue.

Edited by NamikazeNaruto
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Nah, I got rid of it.


Classy as always. I do remember the green text saying I've quit the guild, not "derpsmash has removed you from the guild".


I did enjoy your "lets remain friends speech". If I didn't have 10-15 years of mmo experience I might have been naive enough to believe such a statement.


(Now reply telling everyone the circumstances surrounding my leaving)


Anything would be better than this Super QQ.

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I can't tell if you and neb are scrwing with me or really can't tell the difference from the general and personal use of the 2nd person pronoun, but the "you" in those cases was used to generalize.


You quoted me, that's why I asked.

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I guess everyone's stance on it is different but... In any competition, I will do whatever it takes to win AS LONG AS IT'S NOT AGAINST THE RULES. Superqueueing is not against the rules, I see no reason not to do it. For anyone who argues it ruins the game because the opposing team has no chance... Let's be real, 95% of the time if you're facing a full LD50 or Uncensored premade you also have no chance. Those who solo queue will almost certainly get destroyed by any decent premade. Likewise, a premade will a lot of times get destroyed by a superqueue.

srsly, what color is the sky in your world? there is no 8m queue for reg. IF they are going to allow grps of any size, then they can't prevent you from CIRCUMVENTING their queue system. that doesn't make it "within the rules." do you really not understand this?

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srsly, what color is the sky in your world? there is no 8m queue for reg. IF they are going to allow grps of any size, then they can't prevent you from CIRCUMVENTING their queue system. that doesn't make it "within the rules." do you really not understand this?


These are your own arbitrary rules. Until I see a quote from a dev stating that this is against the rules or somehow a cheat and/or exploit, you have no factual basis for this argument. My statements are based off facts, the fact that as far as I know, Bioware has nowhere stated this is against the rules. If one day I see a dev say that it is against the rules, then I will concede my argument.

Edited by NamikazeNaruto
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Classy as always. I do remember the green text saying I've quit the guild, not "derpsmash has removed you from the guild".


I did enjoy your "lets remain friends speech". If I didn't have 10-15 years of mmo experience I might have been naive enough to believe such a statement.


(Now reply telling everyone the circumstances surrounding my leaving)


Anything would be better than this Super QQ.


I'll reply with the things that matter, because your statements warrant such a thing.


I should have removed you long before I gave you the ultimatum to leave or drop the ****, I respected your ability as a player enough to leave the ball in your court. So you're right, you chose to leave and you saw that green text in the manner in which you describe.


The lets remain friends thing was a lie, most definitely. It was also a reiteration of your exact words from a previous confrontation during which you threatened me with your guild tag, which leads us back to paragraph one, sentence one.


If your attitude wasn't so piss poor, and you didn't expect everyone around you to slobber all over your ball park frank things would be much different. I was merely trying to inform milly, not my problem you took offense to it.

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Classy as always. I do remember the green text saying I've quit the guild, not "derpsmash has removed you from the guild".


Not sure if you can really fault Dargos for being smash spec, considering the other option is Vig, and that's like playing with 1 hand because who needs to get the most out of a class :p Also since he plays it better than 100% of the guys in your current guild...


And Zab, even a 4 man LD or Uncensored premade can lose if they don't account for the other four players that are supposed to be the minimum randomness provided by queuing with the largest group that there is a button for (for regs). Plenty of great 4 mans have lost or even been triple capped if they don't have one of their super-amazing-premaders at least make sure that the offnode is safe, which a lot of times they don't. The issue with a superqueue of decent players (note: decent, not self-proclaimed decent) is that this is no longer an issue. Hell, when everyone on one side is better than everyone on the other, the superqueue barely even needs to try (seen in Blunti's video). I don't know about you, but I don't play ToR to mindlessly stop pugs while maybe exerting 10% of my full effort.

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These are your own arbitrary rules. Until I see a quote from a dev stating that this is against the rules or somehow a cheat and/or exploit, you have no factual basis for this argument. My statements are based off facts, the fact that as far as I know, Bioware has nowhere stated this is against the rules. If one day I see a dev say that it is against the rules, then I will concede my argument.


On the contrary, if it was intended for you to que with 8 for regs BW would allow you to que an ops group. Just like you can for rateds. See the difference yet, or are we going back to square one again?

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On the contrary, if it was intended for you to que with 8 for regs BW would allow you to que an ops group. Just like you can for rateds. See the difference yet, or are we going back to square one again?


Well, I get what you and Foxmob are both trying to say. If Bioware had wanted there to be no 8 man queues for regular however, they did a poor job of enforcing that, and they have never even come out and said that they are against 8 man normal queues. It's fine though, I've said what I needed to say already.

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I'll reply with the things that matter, because your statements warrant such a thing.


I should have removed you long before I gave you the ultimatum to leave or drop the ****, I respected your ability as a player enough to leave the ball in your court. So you're right, you chose to leave and you saw that green text in the manner in which you describe.


The lets remain friends thing was a lie, most definitely. It was also a reiteration of your exact words from a previous confrontation during which you threatened me with your guild tag, which leads us back to paragraph one, sentence one.


If your attitude wasn't so piss poor, and you didn't expect everyone around you to slobber all over your ball park frank things would be much different. I was merely trying to inform milly, not my problem you took offense to it.


If anyone was slobbering over my cocktail weenie it was dargos of the smash legacy. "Neb we NEED you for ranked" despite there being other scoundrel healers or healers in general online. In fact, you threatened to boot me on several occassions. One for playing pug ranked then not dropping in the middle to form an ld-50 super group (you guys wanted uncensored....). Another for not playing ranked cuz I didn't feel like it. "You're here to pvp. If you don't pvp then you're no use to me". This is not my job, so you can continue to gobble down my johnsonville brat (cut in half).


The threaten u with my guild tag was me asking if me not playing with a certain member was going to be a problem with the guild leadership. When I said it during that moment, I wasn't being facetious. I have stayed friends with most of the guys I cared about. You on the other hand, took the snot nosed 4 yr old approach of taking your toys home by asking me to leave the ld50 channel. If you have something super serial to say to guildies, that is what guild chat is for. We both knew the real reason....which is why you felt the need to lash out in this thread.


You should really learn from utopi. He is light years ahead of you in guild leadership.

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