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Sudra's list of TOR Quality of Life changes we'd like to see!


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Hey gents, I'm just compiling this list because these are some changes I'd like to see in some upcoming patches and whatnot. This post is in no way intended to bash bioware, just to maybe bring(more) attention to some of these things.


Of course, if you have any other ideas that you would like to see, post them and I'll add them to the list with credit to you!



  • Match to Chest option.
  • UI and Mod/Macro Support
  • Hood Down/Up Options
  • Ability to CHOOSE a Warfront
  • Hair under Hood Options(Nobody suddenly goes bald because of a hood!)
  • Some work on Clipping and Flashing graphical errors
  • Higher Res Textures for in-game play, Use cut-scene textures. - Squidinc
  • More Ewoks and *Ahem* Male Cantina dancers. -Lunabaguna
  • Shift+click+drag to split a stack should not spam chat with the item you are splitting.-reverendsaintjay
  • Option to buy more than one of a given item from the vendor.-reverendsaintjay
  • GTN revamp, starting with free-form searches across item types.-reverendsaintjay
  • Add a /random or /roll feature to the game. -reverendsaintjay
  • A different colored icon to distinguish heroic quest givers from normal solo quests. -derkiederk


Feel free to let me know what kind of problems you see with anything I have posted here.

Edited by Sudra
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What do you mean?


If you could macro the ability to toggle the hood being up/down I am sure someone would stand around with that key pressed down :)


I have the eyeball thing quite often. Pretty creepy, but not as bad as in a beta where all of the eyeballs were stuck in the low res form. Everyone looked like they had inch thick cataracts.

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If you could macro the ability to toggle the hood being up/down I am sure someone would stand around with that key pressed down :)


I have the eyeball thing quite often. Pretty creepy, but not as bad as in a beta where all of the eyeballs were stuck in the low res form. Everyone looked like they had inch thick cataracts.


I meant Hood Up/Down as a similar option to hiding your helm and macros for certain combat abilities like


/cast strike if 0 "focus"

/cast slash if 3 "focus"



Something like that, obviously refined and better parameters.

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I meant Hood Up/Down as a similar option to hiding your helm and macros for certain combat abilities like


/cast strike if 0 "focus"

/cast slash if 3 "focus"



Something like that, obviously refined and better parameters.


Oh, I know. But I also know that if the option was added there would be people that would want an option to keybind toggling the up/down state, particularly on RP servers. I admit, it would look kind of cool if it was animated :)

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Oh, I know. But I also know that if the option was added there would be people that would want an option to keybind toggling the up/down state, particularly on RP servers. I admit, it would look kind of cool if it was animated :)


I agree completely, but it can't be any worse than people igniting/sheathing their lightsabers all the time.

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  • Match to Chest option.
  • Anti-Aliasing


1. There has already been a dev post about this. There WILL NOT be a return of the match to chest option. However, a solution to the mis-match situation is in the works. The dev promised that it will even better than match to chest. People have theorized that it will be some kind of dye system, which seems very plausible.


2. This has also been confirmed by a dev as an upcoming feature. It is in progress.

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1. There has already been a dev post about this. There WILL NOT be a return of the match to chest option. However, a solution to the mis-match situation is in the works. The dev promised that it will even better than match to chest. People have theorized that it will be some kind of dye system, which seems very plausible.


2. This has also been confirmed by a dev as an upcoming feature. It is in progress.


Can I get a source if you don't mind?

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  • 5 weeks later...

I would like to add one simple feature to the list:


Please put a count down before the dialog's end as a system message or something, or an optional/switchable 3-5 sec delay after the dialog's end, so we can know when it is going to end so we can press ESC to do it again, because it is very unpredictable and without save and load sometimes it is really annoying. Or after the conversation some switchable button to replay it so who dont want to replay it doesnt see it at all. No i do not want to reset the mission, some conversation can't be repeated/reseted, because they are not in the quest log.


also bigger font size for dialogs would be nice too, or at least adjustable font size.

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