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Ding Level 55 legacy perk on alts ( once 1 toon is 55 allow other's to unlock 55)

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Like the HK quest I would like to see a unlock so if I ve completed it on my sorc I would nt have to do it all again on my Mar or sniper.


the way i would like to see this is . if i ve completed it on my sorc imp side that i can unlock and ding to 55 on my imp toons but still have the new planet quests there if i should so wish to vist em on my toons


just my 2 cents



people have posted hate for this post but i don t think i ve made myself very clear i am talking about

allow toons that are all ready 50 to be allowed to ding 55 after u have completed the story on the same faction


after all its only two storys imp and rep its NOT class based

Edited by Murder_Toys
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Please, for the love of <enter religious deity here> no.

There should never be any option whatsoever that enables people to just immediately become a level.

Why stop at your original suggestion?

Once I hit level 55 I should be able to pay for any character, no matter what it's level to become level 55 - so I don't have to do the content again.


Please no, no, no, no, no, no, no

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Please, for the love of <enter religious deity here> no.

There should never be any option whatsoever that enables people to just immediately become a level.

Why stop at your original suggestion?

Once I hit level 55 I should be able to pay for any character, no matter what it's level to become level 55 - so I don't have to do the content again.


Please no, no, no, no, no, no, no


Just playing devil's advocate, but how does it effect you? Does it matter really if someone else chooses to insta-level an alt? Really?! Or do you think you would be unable to resist doing it yourself and become bored with the game?

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Just playing devil's advocate, but how does it effect you? Does it matter really if someone else chooses to insta-level an alt? Really?! Or do you think you would be unable to resist doing it yourself and become bored with the game?


I'm just not going to answer that as you haven't actually put across an argument.

You're not playing Devil's Advocate at all.

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leveling is not hard. It would also set a very bad precedent.. why stop there? Why not instant <insert top tier gear here> once you got it one 1 character? Or crew skills, or anything?


You want it, you work for it.


and, Pay2Win FTL.

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Instant level 55?


What this is doing is setting the end-game veterans up for a terrible time.


Who wants to have an instant level 55 person in their Ops or HM? The point of leveling is to learn one's class, and to experience the story.


Free Tionese gear is already giving end game players enough grief with scrub pugs that have no business running a HM if they have never once done the SM version.

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Personaly I support this idea. No I would not use it, I would suggest charging 50 - 100 bucks for it. In the end someone could easily grind the levels and we already have the tech on the public test server and it would be an easy way for BW to make cash they could put in to other areas. Thats if enough people would use it.
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Um no.


If you want an instant level. Pay a Chinese gold farmer. They'll doing for you, along with stealing your account, cc info and probaly your identity.


Or you can just play the game. That's why these games exist right? To play them. Not hit a button and say I'm done.

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Instant level 55?


What this is doing is setting the end-game veterans up for a terrible time.


Who wants to have an instant level 55 person in their Ops or HM? The point of leveling is to learn one's class, and to experience the story.


Free Tionese gear is already giving end game players enough grief with scrub pugs that have no business running a HM if they have never once done the SM version.


I hear this "learn the class by playing it" arguement and it fails. Mind you, I think the insta level to level cap is a bad idea, but "learn to play by playing" is not quite as hard as these comments make it sound.


If you play a MMO enough, you can easily learn to play a class without ever playing it before. I've done it in other MMOs, just by playing someoneelses account because they asked me to, having never leveled up the class, but knew what powers did what and what powers needed to be used when.


MMO gameplay is not rocket science.


This isn't to say everyone can do that either, it does take some getting to know the rest of the game and classes you team with, and possibly caring about the game to figure it out with out actually playing the class. But it can be done, and truthfully you wouldn't beable to tell with those who did bother to figure out the class without actually playing it.


Still, the OP suggestion is a bad one. It'll save on the boredom of repeating the same exact quests that likely have nothing really individual about them between the classes, but the suggestion for that is to level one side then level the other and repeat.

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You know, if BW implemented this properly it could be a great cash generator...


You've levelled a char to 50 (55) and created a new one so now BW sells you an unlock and it's maxed.


Great, a max level char with no companions or spaceship, so BW then sell you your companions for loads of CC and charges CC for interplanetary travel.

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Please, for the love of <enter religious deity here> no.

There should never be any option whatsoever that enables people to just immediately become a level.

Why stop at your original suggestion?

Once I hit level 55 I should be able to pay for any character, no matter what it's level to become level 55 - so I don't have to do the content again.


Please no, no, no, no, no, no, no


While I agree with you... i think its bad to just let someone get max level for free, the whole idea of an mmo is to keep people playing. If they implemented max levels for cash then people would have to give less time (ie less of a time sink) into the game. Because of this I can never see this occurring (thankfully). If people had all max levels with no effort they would get bored very quickly and stop playing. This goes against every MMO's business model. In fact I have never seen a game that lets people have a free max level without some form of work involved (the only thing i can think of is the recruit a friend option in wow, which still requires someone to do the leveling).

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This might just be the worstest suggestion to SWTOR in the history of worst suggestions. Worstesterest?


I can't believe someone actually suggested it. Seriously, why even play the game at all? Like I've said before, just buy an unlock that says "YOU WIN" when you load the game and then shuts itself down.


EDIT: This *is* the worstest idea.

Edited by PetFish
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Guys your missing my POINT I AM SAYING !







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please, for the love of <enter religious deity here> no.

There should never be any option whatsoever that enables people to just immediately become a level.

Why stop at your original suggestion?

Once i hit level 55 i should be able to pay for any character, no matter what it's level to become level 55 - so i don't have to do the content again.


Please no, no, no, no, no, no, no


i am saying toon that are 50 can ding to 55 not 1 to 50 which i think your miss understanding

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1) Never heard the term "ding" before so who knows what you're even talking about to begin with.


2) Having a free unlock to go from 50 to 55 it just as LAZY as going from 1 to 50. Play the game.


3) Don't tell us to "be real" when you're the one who's clearly being "unreal".


4) I haven't seen any hate here but I have seen extreme frustration at the sheer nonsense of this suggestion.

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Thanks for the explanation but after more than a year and 11 toons and many hours of playing and reading these forums this is the first time I've ever heard this term.


No matter what you call it, nobody EVER should be able to buy "dings".

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