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Rome-fu's Resolve Guide


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Now, when the player gets CC'd again, he immediately uses his CC breaker (because two stuns will fill the bar) and gains immunity to all further CC for a good length of time.


This has not been the case at all in my experience. There have been numerous occasions where I've been stunned, broken it, stunned again, rode it out, then stunned again, and my resolve bar wasn't even 2/3rds full yet. This is especially prevalent in huttball, where the moment you get the ball every conceivable form of cc is generally thrown at you.


The fact that resolve doesn't work on snare, as well, is a massive oversight on Bioware's part.


Resolve, from what I've seen, doesn't really do much at all. The amount of damage coming in at you when you're the target of even two people is more than enough to destroy you before any amount of resolve can save you. I've had situations where I've popped my absorption bubble, triggered my heal-over-time, and still been completely crushed in the space of two stuns, at 47th level as a bounty hunter.


Quite honestly, I have yet to see resolve work. At all. Especially not "for a good length of time". Perhaps it's easier for sorcerers who can just put their bubbles on themselves whenever they feel like it to soak damage, and have copious ranged cc abilities. For those of us who can't and don't, the resolve system feels FAR more limiting/broken.

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Resolve Guide: It fails. Enjoy being CC'd forever. The end.


Quoted for the truth.. I take my 50 trooper into pvp and this is the scenario.. Chain stunned over and over and dps'd to death in under 3 seconds.. Resolve does not and never has worked correctly. All CC's need a diminishing return.

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they should make you unkillable to "loads of sith"? when loads of people are beating on one person that person should die.


You shouldn't become unkillable, but a play mechanic that allows you to become 'unable to play' is a bad mechanic. Being unable to move, unable to respond, and unable to 'play' is the problem with the massive amount of stuns/roots/snares in the game now.


It's one thing to get 'stun/root/snare'-ed for 5-10 seconds (which is a very long time) while the opposing team gets to take you down and take the ball if you didn't have damage mitigation up, didn't have pass position, and didn't have team support at that moment. It's entirely different when a small number of opponents could quite easily keep you locked down indefinitely, if needed, and prevent you from playing. Even surviving until your 'escape' ability is up is no cure, since there is no immunity from roots/snares and you can be held in place until your resolve is down and the stunning begins anew.

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So noone from Bioware wants to respond to our posts. Instead you hide in your offices laughing it up that we're paying you money to play a broken game. The jokes on you, I cancelled my sub, I will go play a different mmo that has far less bugs and broken mechanics. We get no time frames of when things will be fixed, instead we get vague answers and "pillar humping" on the subjects we ask about.


A simple "we know it's broken and we're working on it" would be a huge jump in the right direction, but we don't even get that. So as my forum post says, farewell, enjoy the fanboy player base while it lasts because in the end, your game has no meat and will not keep people especially with how poorly it has been implemented.


More than likely and this is only speculation on my part, this is the reason combat logs have not been introduced, because then we would have difinitive proof of all the bugs that are actually occuring. If they're is a log of them even more people would be complaining. This is just a way for the developers to be lazy and say it's working as intended, prove it if it's not lol.


The rest of you that are tired of a broken game should send a message and cancel your subs to, that will be the only way to get them to stand up and pay attention. I suggest "stunning, rooting and CC'ing your accounts" and tell them that YOUR resolve is working as intended.

Edited by Negishi
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There are far too many stuns/snares/sleeps in this game for this system to be of any use in a pvp warzone. There are stuns that have a range of 30m, there are aoe stuns that last 9 sec, and there are sleep stuns that your opponent can use in stealth that again last for 9 sec WITHOUT THEM BREAKING STEALTH. Getting full resolve should refresh your stun breakers cooldown not give u immunity for 2sec, in which they can still push u back and snare you.
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Quoted for the truth.. I take my 50 trooper into pvp and this is the scenario.. Chain stunned over and over and dps'd to death in under 3 seconds.. Resolve does not and never has worked correctly. All CC's need a diminishing return.


I agree...diminishing returns would be best.


I read the OP sometime ago on how resolve works and it seemed to make sense.


But as a light armor wearing dps class I can't ride out the first stun very often with 2-3 ppl taking free hits while I can't move. And even when I DO get a full bar it doesn't seem to work for me. Maybe it's a bug, but I have NEVER seen resolve work for me.


There are all of these stun grenades and such being used now too. I NEVER seem to get ANY immunity to them or any other type of CC.


I have seen players however with an empty bar be immune to ALL of my CC. How does that happen?


I have only played a couple of classes so it may just be that I don't understand each classes abilities. If I had I would have picked the one with immunity to CC ability....or is there an exploit/hack to do that? (don't answer that)


Call me a QQ er all you want. CC is WAY out of hand in this game. It takes the fun out of it for me.


To me CC was for weak damage mitigation classes to kite and survive. It seems in this game the classes that don't need it have the best CC.


Also...to me CC should ALWAYS break on damage. I can be stunned by an ability, take damage from multiply players, get re-stunned by a grenade of some sort, take more damage...and then die all without being able to do anything to fight back.


Yes.....please NERF CC

Edited by Krashnburn
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The resolve bar by your character does not show the full amount of resolve you can gain. If you are looking at this and saying my resolve is full, you are probably wrong. Resolve does need to be tweeked, but it does actually work. Once your bar is full, it seems like it takes the game a second to realize this, so if you get stunned before that happens, the game doesn't register your resolve is in fact full, so that is definately something that should be fixed. So basically you have to get a full resolve bar, pop your escape mechanic, and hope to hell you don't get stunned again before the game registers your resolve as full. I suggest running with healers who know how to use their cleanse ability, I'm pretty sure it will break you out of almost all CC. You can tell when someone is immune to CC from resolve because the white bar above their head steadliy drains down over 8 seconds. If it's not decreasing steadily, they are not yet immune. As for players that are immune to CC with no resolve, the jedi knight vigilance tree grants a 4 second immunity to CC after Force Leap, I'm not sure if other classes get something similar.
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There are all of these posters claiming that random stuff that Resolve should prevent is still happening.


So today I spoke to a number of people I know in game. Not one of them said they'd seen Reolve working in any other way than it seems to be intended. We did multiple tests on multiple sets of stuns, in warzones, in duels, in open world PvP, and never encountered any of the situations that people are claiming happen to them all the time. We've tried replicating these "bugs" quite a lot and never succeeded.


If people want to make videos and take screenshots of these things happening that would be great! It would provide empirical evidence to the mix that can't be denied. Otherwise..


I'm going to go ahead and accuse you all outright of lying.

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There are all of these posters claiming that random stuff that Resolve should prevent is still happening.


So today I spoke to a number of people I know in game. Not one of them said they'd seen Reolve working in any other way than it seems to be intended. We did multiple tests on multiple sets of stuns, in warzones, in duels, in open world PvP, and never encountered any of the situations that people are claiming happen to them all the time. We've tried replicating these "bugs" quite a lot and never succeeded.


If people want to make videos and take screenshots of these things happening that would be great! It would provide empirical evidence to the mix that can't be denied. Otherwise..


I'm going to go ahead and accuse you all outright of lying.


I think you're lying, you have not taken any screenshots, nor provided links to streams or pics to support that resolve is working as intended. If it's working fne for you then stay out of the thread that is claiming that it's not and have a merry day.

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I think you're lying, you have not taken any screenshots, nor provided links to streams or pics to support that resolve is working as intended. If it's working fne for you then stay out of the thread that is claiming that it's not and have a merry day.




Proof Resolve is working fine.

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I'm going to go ahead and accuse you all outright of lying.


Well accusations of lying may be a little harsh. But I will amend what I have said in posts here that resolve has never worked for me.


I play a light armor dps class and as such in hutt ball avoid being the ball carrier as much as possible. The action when fighting multiple targets is so fast it is hard for me to really know what I am being inflected with. So many times I have seen a full bar and still experienced stuns etc and cursed resolve for not working.


I have read how it is supposed to work, I understand some CC is not effected by resolve.


Yesterday while playing hutt ball I found myself on the ramps on the other side of the fire pit at our opponent's goal line. Someone threw the ball to me and I was immediately stunned. I had a healer above me keeping me alive. I rode it out. Then stunned again before I crossed the fire. Rode it out while getting incredible heals. I then sprinted and then walked across the goal line immune to the other attempts to stun me. All the time getting big heals to keep me alive.


So I guess I have to admit that resolve IS working as intended. If not for the pocket healer though I would never have had a chance to see this work.


I still say it is a sorry way to deal with way to much CC and needs to be improved on in order to take the unnecessary frustration factor out of the game and make it more fun.


Fun....in case you forgot IS why most people play games.


I would like to see someone list all the things that effect movement in this game (starting with speed reduction just for being in combat) and then justify the need for them. Maybe I am missing something.

Edited by Krashnburn
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I follow the guide... I dont use my 2 min cooldown CC breaker on first CC waiting for Resolve bar to max... 2nd CC resolve bar maxes... I break CC w/ 2 min cooldown CC breaker and I'm about 1/3 health.... my resolve bar depletes to about half full while trying to keep myself alive (I'm a healer) vs a Pyrotech something or another and I get CC'd with the spray carbonite stuff, and of course easily killed ... AGAIN... ***... is that working as intended, cause if it is... that is f-ing wrong.
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Resolve is still broke...and will continue to be broke until BW actually decides they want to fix it and stop making these "updates" to please the masses and neglect integral aspects of the pvp game.


No matter how you look at it...resolve is broke...doesn't work pretty much a waste of time to even rely on it

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Meh, PVP in MMO's is a joke anyway - nobody should take it seriously. If you want to "PVP", play a game where it's enjoyable and requires some skill: COD, BF, LoL, or an RTS like SCII - those are designed for PVP, and are extremely good at rewarding skillful play - not just random button mashing with the "flavour of the month" class.


MMO's have always had terrible PVP - mostly due to class differences being impossible to balance, along with slow responses, cooldowns and other hinderances. SWTOR is so bad it's virtually unplayable. I only go into BGs to get free XP - never bother actually "playing". I'd rather watch a video or something and tap the jump button every minute or so. When I see people actually getting angry I just laugh - it's stupid!


(And no, resolve doesn't work - it's the most ridiculous system I've ever seen anyone attempt to implement in PVP. Especially in this game, where every class has about 500 different stuns/slows/roots/knockbacks etc. I'm sure it'll eventually get replaced by a more sensible alternative like DR if anyone's still bothered).

Edited by Scerion
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its not really important if resolve works or not (it usually works properly)

its not really important if its good or bad design (imho it is a bad design)


how often do you really get chain cc'd ? and out of those times you get chain cc'd how may of them are important ?


thats right,its not very often


resolve is like the 100th thing on the list of pvp problems

before resolve we have to fix class balance,wz's favouring x class over y,the rng gearing up and many more

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how often do you really get chain cc'd ? and out of those times you get chain cc'd how may of them are important ?


thats right,its not very often


I dare to ask, if you ever played a warzone in SWTOR. It's chain CC everytime and every where. And most of time, when CC is over = you are dead. BEcause we have ONLY ant-CC with 2 minute CD. It's just.... i don't have words fot that idiotic system.

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What's funny is that from the list above, the first video I watched showed the opposite. Within the first two minutes of the match shown (Huttball), the player featured in the video is CC'd by the ball carrier at which point his resolve jumps to 3/4 full. The CC breaks, the player shoots at the ball carrier, but is CC'd again. While CC'd this second time, not only does the player get focused by the other team, but his resolve bar drops to 1/4 full, then completely empty. He's at about 1/4 life by this point and still under the effect of the CC with an empty resolve bar. He remains CC'd until the opposing team finishes him off.

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