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More warzones please!


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2 warzones per year. T-W-O small scripted maps! /facepalm


Bioware, cmon! Give me mooooreee than 2 wz per year please. Pylons, huttballs, deathmatch, CTF... LOL even just retextured versions! :rolleyes: Whatever! Just please, give me more than 2 wz per year. :rak_04: :rak_04: :rak_04:

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They really need to come out with a new warzone with this xpac they are trying to sell us... What is a good xpac without at least one good warzone to go with it.. Get on the ball bioware. You are trying to sell this xpac , you should at least make it worth the money for us pvpers.


Tbfh they should also try to do something about that lacking world pvp they got going on. Make a real world pvp area with obstacles and objectives.

Edited by DarkPharohEclip
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You didn't no the Gree event was the so called "fix" for ilum lol.


I noticed that ****** FFA area where nobody was at, and even then it is not faction vs faction so it makes little sense for this game where it is supposed to be Empire vs republic.


We need a better fix than that... That just seems like a desperate move and sheer laziness on the dev teams part.

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I have noticed a pattern with this dev team. While they may be good with story mode, they have little clue how to bring real PVP and Endgame content. It seems like everything else after story is just thrown in as an after thought or recklessly done to put it out there. Do it right. I don't want to pay for a **** xpac that isn't done properly and just thrown out there so EA and company can make some fast cash off it's loyal subscribers.


Stop being lazy and do the **** right BW/EA

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