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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Best healer atm.


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sage > scoundrel > guardian > commando


scoundrel > sage > sentinel > shadow >guardian > commando


fixed for you



no, joking, Commandos/mercsa are good single target healers, operatvies/scoundrels are good Heal over Time healers (and they have stealth!), while sorcs have lots of force and can heal stupid.

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scoundrel > sage > sentinel > shadow >guardian > commando


fixed for you



no, joking, Commandos/mercsa are good single target healers, operatvies/scoundrels are good Heal over Time healers (and they have stealth!), while sorcs have lots of force and can heal stupid.


You can't flat out say scoundrel is better than sage or vice versa. I prefer sorc/sage personally, but they both ha e their strengths and are both the best healing classes right now

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scoundrel > sage > sentinel > shadow >guardian > commando


fixed for you



no, joking, Commandos/mercsa are good single target healers, operatvies/scoundrels are good Heal over Time healers (and they have stealth!), while sorcs have lots of force and can heal stupid.


Since I play a Scoundrel healer... I have to respectfully disagree.. Our AOE Heal is pitiful compared to a sage/sorcs. Our HoT is resource management hell to put up on everyone. We are great single target healers, with the ability to keep anyone under 30% hp up indefinately with EM refunding UH, but sages and sorcs are better TEAM healers. As a tank or DPS, if it's a 2v2 or 2v3 or 2v4 fight, I want that scoundrel healer with me. But when it's 6v6 on a node you have to cap or defend, I want that sage, always. Their ability to keep a group of people up is incomparable.

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Since I play a Scoundrel healer... I have to respectfully disagree.. Our AOE Heal is pitiful compared to a sage/sorcs. Our HoT is resource management hell to put up on everyone. We are great single target healers, with the ability to keep anyone under 30% hp up indefinately with EM refunding UH, but sages and sorcs are better TEAM healers. As a tank or DPS, if it's a 2v2 or 2v3 or 2v4 fight, I want that scoundrel healer with me. But when it's 6v6 on a node you have to cap or defend, I want that sage, always. Their ability to keep a group of people up is incomparable.


I have operative healer, with that super HoT, I am reffering to changes in 2.0.

also with free heal that regens energy, I think operative/scoundrel healing resource managment is super easy (well, you can't spam heal stupid, but can heal for ethernity.

with 2.0 fixing our open heal burst, quality of life goes up.

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I have operative healer, with that super HoT, I am reffering to changes in 2.0.

also with free heal that regens energy, I think operative/scoundrel healing resource managment is super easy (well, you can't spam heal stupid, but can heal for ethernity.

with 2.0 fixing our open heal burst, quality of life goes up.


Haven't tried 2.0 yet so can't comment on that, but as it is on live.. alone with a healer, I want a scoundrel.. in a group fighting over a node, I want a sage.. To give a better idea, the best sage healer on my server has hit 1 million heals, the best scoundrel healer has hit 750k.. Both are really good at what they do, but sage heals can just get stupidly high with bubbles and AOE heals.

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Bubble stun sage has the highest effective healing, but both scoundrel and sage can go between 1.4k and 1.5k hps in the right matches.

Reasoning why bubble stun is the best: Upon the destruction of a bubble, kinetic collapse causes all enemies within 5m to be hard stunned for 3 seconds. Say you bubble stuns about 3 people when it pops. That's 3 seconds of effective healing. Say each person does about 700 dps (not great, but not bad). Over those 3 seconds, you just prevented 6.3k damage, while still casting other abilities. So while it doesn't show it, a bubble sage who pulled the same hps as a scoundrel did a ton more in effective healing.

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Bubble stun sage has the highest effective healing, but both scoundrel and sage can go between 1.4k and 1.5k hps in the right matches.

Reasoning why bubble stun is the best: Upon the destruction of a bubble, kinetic collapse causes all enemies within 5m to be hard stunned for 3 seconds. Say you bubble stuns about 3 people when it pops. That's 3 seconds of effective healing. Say each person does about 700 dps (not great, but not bad). Over those 3 seconds, you just prevented 6.3k damage, while still casting other abilities. So while it doesn't show it, a bubble sage who pulled the same hps as a scoundrel did a ton more in effective healing.


Oh go away. Why are you promoting bubble stuns?

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Bubble stun sage has the highest effective healing, but both scoundrel and sage can go between 1.4k and 1.5k hps in the right matches.

Reasoning why bubble stun is the best: Upon the destruction of a bubble, kinetic collapse causes all enemies within 5m to be hard stunned for 3 seconds. Say you bubble stuns about 3 people when it pops. That's 3 seconds of effective healing. Say each person does about 700 dps (not great, but not bad). Over those 3 seconds, you just prevented 6.3k damage, while still casting other abilities. So while it doesn't show it, a bubble sage who pulled the same hps as a scoundrel did a ton more in effective healing.


More importantly, why are you giving up your AOE heal for bubble stun, when your AOE heal will heal for way more damage than the stun prevents. DPS with bubble stun = more utility, Healer with bubble stun = gimped healer. That 1 million heals healer I spoke of, isn't specced into bubble stun. She's a full blown healer. I have yet to see a bubble stun healer even come close to what a fully specced healer can put out, even under heavy focus.

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Healer with bubble stun = gimped healer. That 1 million heals healer I spoke of, isn't specced into bubble stun. She's a full blown healer. I have yet to see a bubble stun healer even come close to what a fully specced healer can put out, even under heavy focus.

I don't think so. I play bubble stun sorc and I usually have top healing in wzs (I recently did 900k healing in Civil War, there was also operative healer and he did 700k). Also, I can't count how many times I was focused by 2+ melee and got out of it alive only because of bubble stun / electric bindings, whereas without these abilities I would melt instantly.

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More importantly, why are you giving up your AOE heal for bubble stun, when your AOE heal will heal for way more damage than the stun prevents. DPS with bubble stun = more utility, Healer with bubble stun = gimped healer. That 1 million heals healer I spoke of, isn't specced into bubble stun. She's a full blown healer. I have yet to see a bubble stun healer even come close to what a fully specced healer can put out, even under heavy focus.


I've seen plenty of bubble stunners break 1mill heals.... it's not very hard to do. And no, adding survivability to a healer and preventing a crap ton of damage is in no way gimped.... which is why rated teams take them :rolleyes: But hey, if you'd like your healers to get their salv aoe'd on because it promotes grouping up or interrupted because it's a cated ability, by all means, go for it :p

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Best single target healer: Op/Scoundrel

Best team healer: Sage/Sorc, nothing beats their AOE heal, hands down.


Do any good rated teams run sage/sorcs healers that are not knockback root and bubble stun specced?


I do believe interrupts are the reason most say scoundrel/operative is better than sage/sorc


Mass bubble stun is going away in 2.0, just ignore him




More importantly, why are you giving up your AOE heal for bubble stun, when your AOE heal will heal for way more damage than the stun prevents.


Try interrupting my bubble cast. OK, now try interrupting my AoE heal. In rateds, folks know how to use interrupts...


consider the effect of knockbacks on bubbles and AoE heals. Consider player mobility.

Edited by funkiestj
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The sad part of 2.0 on the testserver right now is that they actually widened the gap between commandos and the other healing classes instead of closing it. It seems bioware realised that after killing dd-commandos there still was the heal spec left to kill off and now they are working on it by buffing the other healing classes and giving the commando a 90 second cooldown utility that no one asked for but no increase in healing at all (lol - knockback heal -lol).
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Ya well if you were talking about the funnest to play then it would be commando hands down. The other two healing specs are so boring to play. There is nothing like having the satisfaction at the end of a warzone putting out more heals than the other two healing specs. Yes you have to work harder to get those numbers but they are achievable. Plus there is nothing like the nerd rage you can create when 4 people think you are going down, and you survive their initial barrage, only for you team to come in and wipe them. Then have those 4 chase you the rest of the match as your team sails off to victory. So in conclusion your can play the other two classes or you can be a real man and play commando/merc healer.
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