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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Sniper/Slinger next FoTM


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haha this is true, with a duel spec you can take all the rail shot and fire buffs (minus the granade and heat vents) from pyro plus you can also get the auto crit on rail shot (which auto crits as often as the cd on rail shot talent) plus the retractable bleed, complete with bleed effect buffs from the AP tree, with alacrity on the duel spec the pt will be immense on the GCD


Yup! And if you CC them guess what? Shoulder cannon crits for 1.5-2k.

Edited by JustinxDuff
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Snipers are the only class that has my universal respect in PVP. They have style.


The only reason why they seem to be ignored in PVP is because they're immune to smash monkeys. Now they just need to make a special attack like "Smash Monkey Round" just for taking down smash monkeys.

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Snipers are the only class that has my universal respect in PVP. They have style.


The only reason why they seem to be ignored in PVP is because they're immune to smash monkeys. Now they just need to make a special attack like "Smash Monkey Round" just for taking down smash monkeys.


Lol they should have an abilty to attach a charge that triggers when target leaps doing 25-35k damage. Add a cool big explosion animation and watch the firework show as smashmonkeys go boom boom boom .

Edited by TrigPt
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Lol they should have an abilty to attach a charge that triggers when target leaps doing 25-35k damage. Add a cool big explosion animation and watch the firework show as smashmonkeys go boom boom boom .


There is no need for that, MM vs smash is a laughably one sided matchup. There is only one troll on this forum that will probably claim he can counter MM with smash :D

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