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Quitting in middle of WZ and consequences


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Quitting solves nothing and actually causes problems more than it helps.

So me healing for 200k+ a match causes the problem, not the people doing on average 100k damage? Nice logic.

If you can't handle the heat of good competitive PvP groups, then don't PvP at all.

Good, competitive groups in which my side gets rolled because they're incompetent or undergeared half of the time? I don't mind going against a good team if my team is good. I mind when my team is horrible and gets demolished by a good team. You didn't even bother to look at the screenshot, did you? Troll elsewhere imo.

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Quitting over other people being good on the other team is called rage quitting.


And rage quitting is unsportsmanlike.


Here is a true thing: No one cares what you think. By 'you', I don't mean 'you, Caeliux'. I mean everyone, myself included. I've long known that with the exception of family and close friends, one's opinion means absolute and total squat, unless you're speaking agreement to someone else's opinion, or unless that other person intends to try and hang you with it. The exchanges on this thread, to say nothing of the entire forum, should make that obvious.


With that in mind, I have a prediction (though I realize that people, as I said, won't likely care): There will be no debuff. It simply will not happen. EAWare might consider it once cross-server (and maybe, hopefully, cross-region) warzone finder is implemented (unlikely as it is), but as it stands now, all it will do is disincentive people from playing their game and giving them cold, hard cash. And with EAWare, that's what this is about - money, money, money.


For those of us who subscribe, a debuff would simply be an annoyance, something to be worked around. And it would be - and EAWare recognizes this. For those folks who are F2P or whatever, it would be yet one more crimp in an already-choking host of restrictions, one which many might see as intolerable enough to uninstall the game and never look back. That's just the way it is. In the words of the Imperial Agent as she speaks to Gedron Hicks: "You don't have to like it."

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I could see if people get a debuff/penalty for quitting, you will have more people queue premades to avoid frustration and the punishment that goes along with it. Seeing as how popular premading is around here, I doubt people really want that.
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But you still quit, so therefore you need a deserter buff leaving a mess you made.


Clean your own mess up, stop leaving it for everyone else.

Do you even read replies to your post. I said I would happily accept a deserter debuff, should it be enforced, since I too dislike quitters who quit just because it gets a bit tough.


So many excuses why you guys quit, makes me wonder how you deal with your real life.


I mean my personalty in real life reflects everything I do.


I assume your guys personalty is quit when things get tough.


I feel sorry for you.

Ah, thank you. I needed a laugh. I love people like you who take a game way too seriously. Almost to the point of obsession since you're equating SWTOR to real life and trying to portray a misplaced sense of pity on others for not agreeing with you. It makes for funny times. :D


But since you obviously don't even bother to read my posts, I'm not going to bother with you anymore. Instead, I'll just go and play the game and have some fun :D

Edited by Defecter
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Wow, 18 pages of this sh*t and still going. Here's my simple truths:

It's a game.


I'm paying a subscription, it's my character, I will play it how I want and how I see fit. If I want to leave for ANY reason, it's my damn decision. You can rant and rave all you want, you're wasting your time. Play your game as YOU see fit, leave mine alone.


You CANNOT pinpoint any reasons for people leaving a WZ, quitting or disconnects. You simply cannot penalize anybody for that very previous sentence. You think you can tell when someone quits, but unless you're standing behind that persons computer, you DO NOT know why. Why should anybody ever be penalized for playing their game the way they want regardless of their reasons? As long as they're playing their game and not cheating/hacking of any kind.


I used to complain in WZ's when people leave, but I don't play their game, so I do not know why they left and now usually don't care. I'm there to play my game, to have fun, gain valor/comms/exp/credits/etc. Simply leaving the WZ before it's done is "punishment" enough by not getting any rewards. Further punishment for people that leave because they play the way that they want to play their game, subbed or not, is simply ********. Period. Just get over it, play your game.


Does it suck to have lost a player in a WZ? Yes. Is the possibility of losing higher? Yes. Now here's the trick question of all this, which baffles me why this is even a post:


Can you just take the win/loss and queue up immediately for another WZ and another chance to have fun, win or lose?


I could see this being a good topic, if the game restricted you to only WZ once a day. For something that you can WZ all day, any day, why is this even a topic?


One last thing... try this: instead of complaining about under-geared or non-experienced people, try actually talking, helping, instructing or guiding instead of b*tching at people. Your time is too precious complaining instead of...?


(BTW for those that will rant on my truths or believe that their opinions are somehow superior to mine for whatever stupid reason, I rarely leave, because I want the rewards for being there in the first place.)

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One last thing... try this: instead of complaining about under-geared or non-experienced people, try actually talking, helping, instructing or guiding instead of b*tching at people. Your time is too precious complaining instead of...?

Okay, so when I do that and I get "****" or "I know what I'm doing" what do I do then?

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For those of us who subscribe, a debuff would simply be an annoyance


You wanna know whats really annoying?




I also love seeing the comments here and the whole excuse of "It's my subscription, I will do as I please".


Fact is if there was rules people would rethink quitting, its amazing that people need rules so they can get followed.


What's also amazing is the attitude I get when I bluntly say quitters need punishment when ruining games and everyone else's time dealing with it.


I person quits 90% of the time ruins 7 other peoples time, just 1 person.


Not to mention the person coming in filling the backfill, so that might be 8-10 people over 1 person quitting a warzone.


You wanna know who gets screwed over it?


All of us.


What a bunch of unsportsmanlike crap.

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So much masochism is hilarious. I've been in a few WZs in which my team overcame early fail to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. Everyone has at some point. Stop wearing this claim like it's medal-worthy. I've also been involved in countless, fruitless efforts steeped in futility that served no purposes other than wasting my time and putting me in an indescribably sour mood. I endured those losses back when server pops were abysmal and quitting meant waiting as long as it took for the fail zone I was currently involved in to finish, and I figured I may as well get something in the way of comms and valor rather than staring at the GTN for 20 minutes.


I unsubbed and quit playing this game for about 9 months only to do the unthinkable and return to it about a month ago. There's a lot still broken, but one thing is fixed: Pops are high enough and queues short enough that I can make a choice in how I spend my time in-game rather than being a victim some unseen fascist regime of unfun. My time for playing games is brief and precious to me. It's time I spend unwinding after a day of teaching 120+ kids and being a slave to the needs of my wife and kids. I don't need to spend such a valuable and limited resource listening to people spew in ops chat about how terrible everyone else is. I don't need to spend that time getting run over 4 games in a row by the same group of 6-8 guild mates spamming emotes while punching the infant that is my disorganized PUG. Start punishing me for deciding how to spend MY time and I'll decide to play another game. If you don't like it when I leave a WZ and somehow ensure your defeat in doing so, I'll leave the door open on my way out for you. I don't fault you for wanting to spend your time chasing a dragon, never mind how I spend mine.

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Start punishing me for deciding how to spend MY time and I'll decide to play another game.


Great excuse there old chap, is that a threat to Bioware?


My time for playing games is brief and precious to me. It's time I spend unwinding after a day of teaching 120+ kids and being a slave to the needs of my wife and kids.


Your not the only adult here, short story I work as well and raise a family, I assume like 80% of the players here.


This game has alot of adults that act like children.. ;)


My time is just a precious as yours, but thing is my time is wasted due to quitters on a nightly basis.


So we can sit here and talk about your time and my time all we want, fact is quitters are geting away with murder and this game allows it to happen because of the statement you just made.


Remember, its not fun dealing with rage quitters, it completely utterly sucks and I want to see something implemented to restrain it a bit.



Edited by Caeliux
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I don't rage-quit... ...I always attempt to fight to the end. That being said, after the 4th or 5th Huttball in a row, I Will leave before it starts, even if I won all the previous ones. It gets ridiculously tiresome. For all the people who quit halfway through a match because they're butt-sore........bad people, bad, bad people.:mad:
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Fact is if there was rules people would rethink quitting, its amazing that people need rules so they can get followed.

Fact is, if some people weren't absolute garbage, opened up to constructive criticism and played as a team, there would be less quitters. Until then, I reserve the right to leave after stuck in a losing loop with the same helmet-wearing, drool-cup donning players.


You can attempt to bring their play up but only they will make the conscious decision to better themselves.

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If you want to blame being terrible on the quitters who cant stand to play with you so be it. I think the solution is for OP to stop crying and L2P. Take personal responsibilty for you being a bad pvper and stop trying to blame others. Edited by HaLeX
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Fact is, if some people weren't absolute garbage, opened up to constructive criticism and played as a team, there would be less quitters. Until then, I reserve the right to leave after stuck in a losing loop with the same helmet-wearing, drool-cup donning players.


You reserve the right to have a opinion and to get caught up with your own feelings.


Problem with that is your feelings cost games, and others suffer over it.


That is my point from the start, stop having feelings and do your best and suck it up.


But, that is not the case is it everyone has a excuse.

Edited by Caeliux
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Dear Derps,


Consequences from quitting WZ's will NOT improve WZ's.


As people will simply AFK them.


GG, you just learned an "oh crap" moment in life.


Thank you, end.


You do understand afk players can be kicked right?

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You reserve the right to have a opinion and to get caught up with your own feelings.


Problem with that is your feelings cost games, and others suffer over it.


That is my point from the start, stop having feelings and do your best and suck it up.


But, that is not the case is it everyone has a excuse.



I'm not costing them games, they are. If they were good enough why would I quit in the first place, smart guy?

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I'm not costing them games, they are. If they were good enough why would I quit in the first place, smart guy?


I love this excuse,


I'm not costing them games, they are


But you are apart of "they", meaning when 8 of you started the game you was apart of the mess, meaning "they" is you as well.


Pointing fingers smart guy shows what type of player you are, instead of actually trying or giving a crap all the way through you instead leave so you don't have to work to win.


I understand what your trying to say, instant perfection or you quit.

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Remember, its not fun dealing with rage quitters, it completely utterly sucks and I want to see something implemented to restrain it a bit..


I have no problem with 'something', but a debuff isn't going to be the thing that does it. You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar, and you, sir, have advocated nothing but vinegar. If this were an educational situation or something 'civic', you might have a point, but your ability to enjoy the game does not trump anyone else's, not when they are shelling out the same fifteen bucks a month. And they will always counter your vinegar with their own.


Let's say Kinsbane (because he brought up leaving Huttball, not because I want to pick on him specifically) gets sick of Huttball, and upon popping into his fifth fresh Huttball game, decides he's had enough. He drops right away. The match hasn't started yet, there's plenty of time to get the roster filled, and he's left no other players in the lurch. There's a full minute-plus before Deathmark howls "Let's play HUTTBALLLLL!!!"


So does he get the debuff? Does he get penalized for essentially bowing out gracefully and allowing someone who wants to play Huttball the opportunity to do so? Because it sounds as though the net you're casting is meant to ensnare every possible drop situation, without regard to what might be happening on the keyboard side of things.

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I love this excuse,




But you are apart of "they", meaning when 8 of you started the game you was apart of the mess, meaning "they" is you as well.


Pointing fingers smart guy shows what type of player you are, instead of actually trying or giving a crap all the way through you instead leave so you don't have to work to win.


I understand what your trying to say, instant perfection or you quit.

Again with you reading what you want to read. If I get grouped with the same people four times in a row, and I'm healing 200k+ each game (more than enough to win pre-50) the problem obviously isn't me. I do my part to win. It's not my fault we lost. Is it getting into your thick skull yet?

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if you don't like people quitting during a match, go play a different game.


you find more annoying a player that leaves during a match. I find more annoying a player that does nothing to help the team win.

I'll give you some examples of actual games i've been a part of at some point.

1. this happens alot. 2 players are defending weak side of a doors match, they both chase one guy towards the middle instead of staying to guard the door. stealth plants the door. by the time i tell them to go back and guard it's too late. all that dps they did didn't matter because they didn't defend the door.

2. this happened once or twice. a healer in a turrets match decides to guard a turret along with 2 other players. he goes behind the turret and does that sage skill where you lose life for power. heals himself the whole match. i try to call it out for him to get kicked. nothing.

3. stealth class in a turret match doesn't do anything. stays in stealth the whole time for some reason. i call vote to kick, he enters combat for a second.

i'm sure others have seen this happen. none of these players helped the team win but they stayed in the match the whole time. i much rather have them leave and bring someone who will actually help.

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Because it sounds as though the net you're casting is meant to ensnare every possible drop situation, without regard to what might be happening on the keyboard side of things.


I will spell it out, quitters that click "I leave warzone" need some form of debuff, something.


Leaving games is a selfish move, and I don't think I need talk about how I feel about it any more, look at my history its all right there.


People that disconnect would be affected by a debuff, so idk what Bioware could do with that, if I had the power it would be a 3 strikes your out type of system.


Giving 3 leaves warzones without punishment in a 24 hour period, after 3 you start geting some form of a debuff.


Again with you reading what you want to read. If I get grouped with the same people four times in a row, and I'm healing 200k+ each game (more than enough to win pre-50) the problem obviously isn't me. I do my part to win.


Wonderful now stick it out full games till the end, stop making excuses of that event happened where you might lose the game.


If you really want to do your part stick through all your games to provide the utmost support for the game.


Providing wonderful gameplay sometimes comes in teamwork and sportsmanship, those things sometimes don't get no light, it takes someone to notice.


i'm sure others have seen this happen. none of these players helped the team win but they stayed in the match the whole time. i much rather have them leave and bring someone who will actually help.


Your concept is well "We have a mess, if someone leaves that mess its up to someone else to clean it up"


In the real world that would sound wonderful, like lets say I destroy my kitchen and a random person walks right in and cleans it up for me.


In reality it is my job to clean it up since I created that mess, same metaphoric phrase for this game, problem is people duck out and make excuses why they don't want to clean their own mess up.


My 6 year old already understands the make your mess you clean it up routine with his room and toys...

Edited by Caeliux
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You are either ignorant (I don't know what's stupid), blind (I don't see stupid), not doing to much pvp (I don't mind stupid), running premades all the time (atleast half of your team is not stupid), or being extreemly lucky for team members where every one is atleast trying to win (there is no stupid).


I so envy you.

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I will spell it out, quitters that click "I leave warzone" need some form of debuff, something.


Leaving games is a selfish move, and I don't think I need talk about how I feel about it any more, look at my history its all right there.


People that disconnect would be affected by a debuff, so idk what Bioware could do with that, if I had the power it would be a 3 strikes your out type of system.


Giving 3 leaves warzones without punishment in a 24 hour period, after 3 you start geting some form of a debuff.


You have made your position abundantly clear. That's not what I asked, and you didn't answer my question in the above example. In the above example, the 'quitter' hasn't ragequit - he's dropped before the match has even started. Should he get a debuff? I say no. It won't stop him from dropping, and many people (like me) will simply swap to an alt to avoid (insert despised warzone here) if EAWare stoops to introducing something as ridiculous as a debuff. It might have a place in a game like WoW, with cross-server queues, but until EAWare gives us some positive PvP features we've been requesting, debuffs are needlessly punitive, pointless, and impractical.

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It might have a place in a game like WoW, with cross-server queues, but until EAWare gives us some positive PvP features we've been requesting, debuffs are needlessly punitive, pointless, and impractical.


I agree this game does need more for a debuff to work, I never argued that.


Cross server would make a debuff more reasonable.


But something needs implemented even now, people feeling entitled and giving excuses why they leave shows what types of player and person they truly are.


They should of put a debuff in the first place, its not like people wouldn't play the game still, they would be used to it and it wouldn't of been a huge deal with rules.


Problem I see is trying to introduce something where the majority will complain to the core over a punishment for leaving, knowing this company they may cater to never fixing the backfill/quitter problem that exist.


And it is a problem and it does exist.


I can only hope and dream Bioware cares about people times wasting away in already in session games and backfill.



You are either ignorant (I don't know what's stupid), blind (I don't see stupid), not doing to much pvp (I don't mind stupid), running premades all the time (atleast half of your team is not stupid), or being extreemly lucky for team members where every one is atleast trying to win (there is no stupid).


I so envy you.


I PvP every day and I have tolerance unlike most people that quit.


I also don't make excuses and play to win, if we lose I don't make excuses and try better the next time.


If you feel thats stupid, blind, I don't know what to tell you, its the way people should play but they don't.


People walk around and want perfection, instant gratification in this world, don't want to work to get it, and in the first 10 seconds if the demand of perfection isn't meant they quit.


This is this new crowd of gamers, I have made a thread about it, I find it to be relevant to this topic as well.




That thread was made 01.18.2012 , 02:29 AM, where people treated people like dirt all the time and was crying on the forums badly.


Things have not changed since then and I still hope for better.

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