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Quitting in middle of WZ and consequences


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I quit if noone on my team guards a node. I quit if half of my team is below 14k. I quit if half of my team is in tionese. I quit when going against double premade of warlords and elite warlords. If you stay in a wz when any of this is happening and expect to have a small glimpse of hope of winning, then you must be massively OP or just too naive.


I want to have fun, not to die over and over for 10 minutes in a match i know my team will 100% lose.


I want a surrender button. And when the game ends due to surrender, both teams gets a smaller fraction of what they would get in a full WZ. It would incentivize the winning team to not face roll the other team.

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My idea of fun isn't loosing my solo que over and over again to premade teams that are all on vent. So yea I will continue to leave matches where there is continuously no hope to win.


there is no hope to win because you give up. i can't even tell you how many times i have filled a spot on a losing team and ended up with the win or saw someone leave a losing battle and we ended up winning. what server do you play on and what is your name so i can vote to kick you because you only think ROFLstopmping people is how you have fun. grow up kid.

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Nearly half of the warzones it looks like it:


Enemy gets 2 turrets or goals or advance fast... and 2,3,4 people quit. Another are joining. They quit too, cursing for joining lost WZ ... etc. So, maybe add a penalty for quitting warzone in middle? Like 10-15 minute ban for entering another warzone?

I understand that people does not want to play when they're losing due to incompetent team (sometimes I have the urge to quit as well). Quitting in middle, though, severely cripple the rest of the team.


At this time adding penalties is wrong for the following reasons.


1. premades rolling pugs make for a miserable gaming experiance, they need to seperate the pugs for the premades.

2. Back fillers are basically punished for being put into that WZ, not only in rewards but they have to listen to the drama of some bafoon yelling and swearing at his / her team.

3. there are no cross server pvp ques so the wait times would basically nullify any effect that a penalty would present.

4. disconnects and lag, there is so much server lag and RUBBER BANDING that some folks are dced, dont forget if they crash to the desk top they never logged so they will be voted out or afked out by the time they can get back on.


BW needs to fix the issues before penalizing players. but hey, if the ques are as quick as you say then leave and pick up another pug que .....................

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Most people I see stating issues about leaving, are most likely loner people who rarely que up in a group or do pre mades. This is an issue right there if you dont like the random chance of getting stuck with nubs then meet people, be there friends, and que up with them, you just reduced the amount of bad people by 3 ( if all of them are good).


Also there needs to be a tracker for leavers, so other people can easily view, im sorry the people who defend not putting penalties on people are most likely the leavers (not all, but most), stop defending harming everyone else in that wz. When you leave you cause an instant 7 on 8 in the match regardless, for what ever time it takes for a new person to spawn , know whats happening and continue the fight, this alone weakens the team.


But prior mentioned, it is an amazing feeling when you stay with you team, the bad people ( yeah you leaver are usually bad) leave and your team gets a competent player and you win.


The issue i find is the lack of disrespect for leaving, sure people have personal reasons I understand that and you wont know why, but its obvious when your team starts taking a beating, and the leaver starts cursing and then goes bye bye ( sometimes this doesnt happen).


So, a record should be counted towards how many times a person leaves a match, and as it increases it changes the que system, so those with greater amount of leaving can be placed with other leavers, hopefully they will all stick together since many claim they are so good carrying everyone else, they will be happy, and then people who dont leave and try to motivate or assist the team get a group which will have less chance of leavers.


in sum, leavers suck, track them, allow them to que more often with each other ( hopefully they dont leave when they get mad the other leavers are leaving)

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[snip]...so those with greater amount of leaving can be placed with other leavers,...[snip]


Oh wow, this is an awesome idea! Yes, the people I see leave the most seem to be the ones that complain loudly and often about "the team" being crap AKA everyone but them. And yeah, it does seem that they think they're awesome and are somehow carrying the team, so track them and dump them in the same game together. Although I'd like a spectator spot on that match!

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At this time adding penalties is wrong for the following reasons.


1. premades rolling pugs make for a miserable gaming experiance, they need to seperate the pugs for the premades.


Premades happen in Warcraft, people have to suck it up, remembers its a mmo.


2. Back fillers are basically punished for being put into that WZ, not only in rewards but they have to listen to the drama of some bafoon yelling and swearing at his / her team.


Backfillers happen due to quitters, punishement to quitters would provide less backfill.


3. there are no cross server pvp ques so the wait times would basically nullify any effect that a penalty would present.


Wait times is worth waiting when rules are geting broke.


4. disconnects and lag, there is so much server lag and RUBBER BANDING that some folks are dced, dont forget if they crash to the desk top they never logged so they will be voted out or afked out by the time they can get back on.


Disconnect is not clicking "Leave Warzone", you know the click option on your faction icon. A disconnect should be treated separate, clicking "Leave Warzone" shouldn't.


I quit if noone on my team guards a node. I quit if half of my team is below 14k. I quit if half of my team is in tionese. I quit when going against double premade of warlords and elite warlords. If you stay in a wz when any of this is happening and expect to have a small glimpse of hope of winning, then you must be massively OP or just too naive.


Then you should't PvP at all, and go play a game were no PvP is involved.


seriously people boo hoo. someone quit.



The lack of care for anyone else shows in this statement.


I will post what I said last page, still waiting to hear what people think without trolling.


Some could argue and say their sub is important, and leaving a warzone should happen since they are not happy for whatever reason.


I happen to play devils advocate and say subs get upset when games get screwed due to leavers, subs get upset dealing with it, and subs have to deal with geting into already in session games.


Plus its unsportsmanlike and not tasteful, not to mention rude and unjust.


I would like lets say a 3 times in a 24/7 pass to leave a warzone, after that you get some form of a punishment each time.


That would allow those having connection problems a pass, would give rage quitters 3 passes, and would give any other reason 3 strikes.


After 3 strikes then you pay.


I don't like leavers as you can see, and I would like punishment the first time, but things happen and I understand real life comes first.


There is no reason why this wouldn't be something fair enough.

Edited by Caeliux
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Premades happen in Warcraft, people have to suck it up, remembers its a mmo.




Backfillers happen due to quitters, punishement to quitters would provide less backfill.




Wait times is worth waiting when rules are geting broke.




Disconnect is not clicking "Leave Warzone", you know the click option on your faction icon. A disconnect should be treated separate, clicking "Leave Warzone" shouldn't.




Then you should't PvP at all, and go play a game were no PvP is involved.




The lack of care for anyone else shows in this statement.


I will post what I said last page, still waiting to hear what people think without trolling.


duh. I've stated 5 or 6 times in this thread I don't care that people cry aboot someone quitting. as you said its an MMO and if you are going to cry aboot someone quitting maybe you shouldn't even queue up. Clearly you are ok with people not trying to win, but I am not. If you aren't going to try to win and do all the simple things (I've stated them before) then you have no reason to expect me to stay and pretend I'm a princess at a tea party on our only node with you. I promise it wont happen.



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If you aren't going to try to win and do all the simple things (I've stated them before) then you have no reason to expect me to stay.



So another words you play for yourself, and will screw every game up as you please.


Got it.

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So another words you play for yourself, and will screw every game up as you please.


Got it.


see you people always try and put words in my mouth. I said I PLAY TO WIN, AND EXPECT MY 7 RANDOM TEAMMATES TO ALSO LIVE BY THIS CODE!!!!!! maybe finally you can get what I said. I do not queue up warzones to hangout and make friends. I'm not there to hold someones hand and tell em its ok that you didn't call inc I mean it only cost us the match. I'll leave that to you.



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ok that you didn't call inc I mean it only cost us the match.



But when you leave you cost other people the match, so its ok right?


It's ok to have a opinion and leave the mess you was in correct?



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I think a lot of people are confusing losing a warzone with losing a warzone becuase people on the team don't care about it. I really don't mind losing a wz as long as the team I'm on makes a semi-decent attempt to win at least. Just last night, two out of the three capture points were taken by the enemy team at the start of a game. But instead of trying to win back one of the two, everyone just hugged the one we controlled to farm medals or something. Even after I tried getting a few people to go with me to try and capture one back. In the end, i stood there stealthed on my Op healer at an enemy capture point. Alone. :mad:


That's when I quit. And that's also the reason I stopped giving a crap about quitting bad teams. In the past I used to feel bad for leaving, now I just look at the situation and quit if it's warrented.

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I think a lot of people are confusing losing a warzone with losing a warzone becuase people on the team don't care about it. I really don't mind losing a wz as long as the team I'm on makes a semi-decent attempt to win at least. Just last night, two out of the three capture points were taken by the enemy team at the start of a game. But instead of trying to win back one of the two, everyone just hugged the one we

controlled to farm medals or something. Even after I tried getting a few people to go with me to try and capture one back. In the end, i stood there stealthed on my Op healer at an enemy capture point. Alone.



That's when I quit. And that's also the reason I stopped giving a crap about quitting bad teams. In the past I used to feel bad for leaving, now I just look at the situation and quit if it's warrented.


don't try and speak logic to this post. they will just ignore it. 75% of the people in this post crying aboot quitters are the reason why people quit in the 1st place. The other 25% are the ones who get stuck backfilling. Sure back filling can be annoying but no one forces you to stay when you do backfil.


<Save Face, Slash Stuck>


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That's when I quit. And that's also the reason I stopped giving a crap about quitting bad teams. In the past I used to feel bad for leaving, now I just look at the situation and quit if it's warranted.


So another words you don't give a crap about nobody else, and if you don't like the way a warzone starts you quit?


That's called rage quitting, a that type of leaving needs punishment.


Feeling justified to ruin a complete winnable game needs a deserter buff.


Least your honest about rage quitting games.


don't try and speak logic to this post



Your logic is excuses.

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But when you leave you cost other people the match, so its ok right?


It's ok to have a opinion and leave the mess you was in correct?



Never said it was ok, said I don't care if you like it. Sure 2 wrongs don't make a right, but it sure does make me feel better. And isn't that what life is aboot making me feel better.


<Save Face, Slash Stuck>


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But when you leave you cost other people the match, so its ok right?


It's ok to have a opinion and leave the mess you was in correct?




"Quitters" generally leave matches they feel there is no chance of winning. Hence they feel very little liability, believing they "cost the other people" nothing, as it were. So yes, its okay.

Have an opinion? Yes, it's perfectly fine to have one. "Leave the mess"? My goodness, a hundred times, yes. No question.


Where is it written that players are responsible for finishing every zone they start? Should the same penalties be applied in PvE when someone quits the team after a cpl wipes in a row? Should we punish those Flashpoint quitters with the same penalties? They are leaving 7 people "high and dry" afterall?

Get some perspective people. You can't go around punishing people for withdrawing from an activity they arent enjoying at the time. Well....I suppose you "could" punish those people but there'd be some financial consequences that would undoubtedly go along with that imho.


Lets try a better match making system before we go all "witch trials" about this, eh? Punish leavers, honestly......:rolleyes:

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"Quitters" generally leave matches they feel there is no chance of winning.


That feeling needs a deserter buff, leaving a match during play and costing the odds of winning to go down is unsportsmanlike and unforgettable.


I pay a sub too and I want rules to be applied to quitters.


Never said it was ok



Wait a minute, did you just contradict yourself?


The following post is dedicated to all the haters.

Quitters always benefit from leaving. I mean every time I quit.


So now its not ok, but boasting about it is?


So now "we" are suppose to believe "you" think its not ok.


Your killing me.

Edited by Caeliux
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That feeling needs a deserter buff, leaving a match during play and costing the odds of winning to go down is unsportsmanlike and unforgettable.


Totally mismatched teams is also unsportsmanlike, so what are you doing about that? And I disagree, the matches that are getting quit can be very forgettable.....like 10 second Tom forgettable :rolleyes:


I pay a sub too and I want rules to be applied to quitters.

I appreciate that you also pay a sub. I want rules to be applied to those who don't try hard, those who regularly engage in non-objective based activities in WZ. I want them to pay!!!

So how is your sub fee more important than someone who wants to start and stop acvtivities as they please, without punishment? What about their sub fee?

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That feeling needs a deserter buff, leaving a match during play and costing the odds of winning to go down is unsportsmanlike and unforgettable.


I pay a sub too and I want rules to be applied to quitters.




Wait a minute, did you just contradict yourself?




So now its not ok, but boasting about it is?


So now "we" are suppose to believe "you" think its not ok.


Your killing me.


you will never see where I said it was ok. But if you think I will just sit here and let you try and punish me because I don't want to stay in a pvp match with people like you who refuse to call incs, abandon nodes all together, get leapt to in own endzone 3 times in one huttball match, who farm defender medals as soon as you lose 2nd node in CW & NC then that was your mistake. Learn to be a better teammate and people wont continually quit on you. I mean not everyone has this issue. If people are constantly quitting in games you are playing in maybe it has more to do with you then it does with them. Just saying sometimes the problem is simpler then you think.

And clearly when Im bragging aboot quitting I'm trolling the people who are constantly whining aboot it.



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You never what will happen in a WZ, especially Huttball. The other day, 1,30 minutes before the end of the match the enemy team scored and immediately 3 people left. What happened next is that 15 seconds before the end I managed to score for our team, someone from out team then took the ball and held it until we won ;)


I always stick around until the end, because I consider it training :)

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You never what will happen in a WZ, especially Huttball. The other day, 1,30 minutes before the end of the match the enemy team scored and immediately 3 people left. What happened next is that 15 seconds before the end I managed to score for our team, someone from out team then took the ball and held it until we won ;)


I always stick around until the end, because I consider it training :)


yes for every one of those matches there are 30 more that don't go that way. And I'm sorry but I do not want to waste my time hoping that my teammates will all of a sudden say you know what losing sucks lets actually try and win. Cause trust me they aren't going to do this. No matter how many times you ask someone nicely to call out incs, or not to abandon a node, or not to just stand at edge of own endzone, or not to try and 3 cap when we are struggling to hold on to the 2 we have. It won't change anything. They just don't care. And of course then they come on here and blame you for quitting, instead of looking in the mirror and saying you know what maybe if I just was a better teammate maybe i would win a match every now and then.



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Only if those that wear gear with less expertise than what a full recruit set gives get blasted into a million bits and their pc's taken apart and scattered into lots of little bits. Im still waiting to hear why I cant q with any number of friends up to 8 in any wz.
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give them 10 min quitter debuff.... about time of 1 wz so if they wanna quit they do not get to join right back into the action. hell even 5 min debuff is fine so that there is some consequence. Also BW/EA should give backfillers 3-5 free medals so that they will automatically get rewards at end of match(especially if no quitter punishment is implemented) Edited by calamatiesend
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give them 10 min quitter debuff.... about time of 1 wz so if they wanna quit they do not get to join right back into the action. hell even 5 min debuff is fine so that there is some consequence. Also BW/EA should give backfillers 3-5 free medals so that they will automatically get rewards at end of match(especially if no quitter punishment is implemented)


why? so I can end back up in same queue with the people I quit on. This helps how. Seriously the way you people are acting is no better then those who quit on you. The quitters are selfish cause they dont want to play with a bunch of bads, but you are just as selfish by trying to force us to stay and farm defender medals with you. It be one thing if you people were actually trying to win but if you were doing that I wouldn't have quit now would I. For once just worry aboot yourself and stop worrying aboot what I do. I mean come on what are you my mother. Now Jenna'syyde if you continue to quit momma will spank you.




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