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Is Carnage Mara Biggest winner in 2.0


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after copying first a merc to the pts (possibly viable if the cd reduction on electro net or jet boost are lowered significantly).


then a pyro power tech, massively over powered now that some of the best talents from AP appear to be available in the first and second tier. For example i can take a 6% damage buff on flame burst from 2nd AP tier, plus the damage reduction at 2% 1st tier, plus the 6% crit buff on all fire effects, 1 st tier. Then i can get the 10 second damage reduction from the tanking tree by 5% on flame burst plus the 8% armour upgrade from 2nd tier tanking tree, plus the damage reduction by 30% from periodics from the pyro tree, plus the ranged and tech defense from pyro at 3% and all i lose for this massive buff is my final granade and some reduced cd talents on heals and vents (think im lying try a 7/8/31 build).... i know alot of these abilities already existed and some in the original tiers but they are all exploitable now without diluting the purity of the pyro tree and that's the biggy.


And if you think thats impressive check this out: Energy shield brakes root, chaff flare breaks root, hydrolic overides break root oh and energy shield now attacks anyone that attacks it, plus the shoulder canon can be fired while stunned dealing upto 1.7k x4 seriously!!!! All this before we even consider the additional talent buffs on damage. oh and just in case we struggle with all that we still have grapple, electro dart and carebonize to get us out of trouble hahaha, seriously!!!!!!!


then a Sorc Dps: Nothing to see here move along pay no attention to that corpse its just another dead sorc, except now they die quicker with 10% stat barrier and no instant cast ww. Good look facing a carange mara with 3 lightsaber throws and predation and gore on tap.


And finally brining us to the biggest winner imo The Carnage spec Warrior.


Predation on tap with 30 stacks given thro channeled hatred, gore on tap basically x2 every 10 seconds with talents and three lightsaber throws, 1 that has 30 meter range immbolizing eveything in its path by 50% for 6 seconds and cost no rage, another that can now be used (with talents) on enemies above 30% and cost no rage and then the standard throw plus a 5k scream to polish things off if the 10k ravage doesnt do the job.


Out of all my chars i have plyed mara carnage the most on the ptsand it rocks, obliterating everything pve and the same goes for pvp. tbh i think that this will now be the most specced warrior once peeps play and see the increased utility

Edited by iaintoff
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sage/sorc got a huge dmg boost in 2.0 people that are performing well on them now are going to make people cry op when pvp actually gets tested. There is a few new interesting hybrid options and lots of other cool nice stuff. Carnage mara probably got harder to play with this patch when it comes to resource management no longer can they just spam br/masscare under zen/beserk as much without thinking about resources before hand. The nerf to bubble pop (ie not being on the whole team) will make life a bit easier for the spec though.


I've been experiementing on a sage (sorc cant be copied :( ) with a heavy into lightning/telekinetics dps hybrid build with wrath and disturbances/lightning strikes hit for like 5k when using the proc while chain lightning hits for a bit more and death field hits for around 4k when they all crit and you can have all of these in one build.... I can't give exact pvp figures but they are going to hit a lot harder in this patch and there's a lot more room for experimenting with hybrids..so i'm really not sure what sage/sorcs are complaining about the buff to telekinetics/lightning are really big and while a pure build may not be a great pvp build the options for hybrids now with the extra skill points are freaking awesome..

Edited by AngusFTW
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sage/sorc got a huge dmg boost in 2.0 people that are performing well on them now are going to make people cry op when pvp actually gets tested. There is a few new interesting hybrid options and lots of other cool nice stuff. Carnage mara probably got harder to play with this patch as far when it comes to resource management no longer can they just spam br/masscare under zen/beserk as much without thinking about resources before hand. The nerf to bubble pop (ie not being on the whole team) will make life a bit easier for the spec though.


I've been experiementing with a heavy into lightning/telekinetics dps hybrid build with wrath and disturbances/lightning strikes hit for like 5k when using the proc while chain lightning hits for a bit more and death field hits for around 4k when they all crit and you can have all of these in one build.... I can't give exact pvp figures but they are going to hit a lot harder in this patch and there's a lot more room for experimenting with hybrids..so i'm really not sure what sage/sorcs are complaining about the buff to telekinetics/lightning are really big and while a pure build may not be a great pvp build the options for hybrids now with the extra skill points are immense and awesome.


Are you saying i should be afraid of you now Bleez? :eek:

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Just removing bubble stun probably helped carnage mara more than any other class. Actual class/tree changes I think AP PT went from not worth playing at all, to maybe worth something. Lethality Snipers all of the sudden got a huge boost too. But pyro PT's got a bunch of boost, and alacrity should help with heat, and MM snipers just got unlimited energy.
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At OP. Please post a screenshot of the marauder you claim to have, with accompanying screenshots of you "owning". Until then? It is obvious you are just a run of the mill bad dps sorc, who is making crap up and crying on the dps sorc *cough* pvp forum..


If you can't press 2 dots, mainly one button and watch a proc as a sorc? I highly doubt you could play carnage let alone annihilation.


Have fun lying on the forums! Noone believes you...except other bad dps sorcs...


Some other hilarity I saw on the forums last few days from bad sorc.


A sorc saying marauders/sents were the most highly played class.


ALL bad dps sorcs complaining they are "targeted first". It is a big pity party. You people are hilarious.

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sage/sorc got a huge dmg boost in 2.0 people that are performing well on them now are going to make people cry op when pvp actually gets tested. There is a few new interesting hybrid options and lots of other cool nice stuff. Carnage mara probably got harder to play with this patch when it comes to resource management no longer can they just spam br/masscare under zen/beserk as much without thinking about resources before hand. The nerf to bubble pop (ie not being on the whole team) will make life a bit easier for the spec though.


I've been experiementing on a sage (sorc cant be copied :( ) with a heavy into lightning/telekinetics dps hybrid build with wrath and disturbances/lightning strikes hit for like 5k when using the proc while chain lightning hits for a bit more and death field hits for around 4k when they all crit and you can have all of these in one build.... I can't give exact pvp figures but they are going to hit a lot harder in this patch and there's a lot more room for experimenting with hybrids..so i'm really not sure what sage/sorcs are complaining about the buff to telekinetics/lightning are really big and while a pure build may not be a great pvp build the options for hybrids now with the extra skill points are freaking awesome..


My question is how often the Lightning abilities will be available and proc enough times. Last time I tried hybrid, it felt like waiting for the next Sent. Damage is not appeared to be increased significantly for Madness. Removing instant WW also reduces survivability. On a demanding pvp game maybe the new barrier ability could help. Healers have more to win imo.

Force Sufusion is also removed, making damage from DF only 4k where now is 5k. And how often there is AoE on 5 to gain? And there are the stat procs that need +10 Accuracy, deducting power and crit further to my my understanding. Generally I wouldn't be very happy.

Edited by Aetideus
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Carnage talents are cool but I'm liking what I see from Annihilation. Ability to lower targets damage by 5 percent, annihilate can reach a 6 seconds cooldown...


Annihilation marauders will be like the Pokemon move roll out. Mediocre at the start but with a head of steam (6 stacks of juyo and 4 of annihilation) they will be amazing.

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So the answer is to nerf operatives.


Of course, simple mathematical properties prove it;


If Sniper > All above classes and Operative > Sniper, then Operative > Sniper > All above classes by the transitive property of inequality.


I find LaVall's thinking process almost as logical as Georg Zoeller's

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Carnage talents are cool but I'm liking what I see from Annihilation. Ability to lower targets damage by 5 percent, annihilate can reach a 6 seconds cooldown...


Annihilation marauders will be like the Pokemon move roll out. Mediocre at the start but with a head of steam (6 stacks of juyo and 4 of annihilation) they will be amazing.


No, annihilation is dead for PVP... PVP has stuns, roots and knockbacks, you will not be able to use annihilate every time to build 4 stacks. Maybe in 1x1.

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No, annihilation is dead for PVP... PVP has stuns, roots and knockbacks, you will not be able to use annihilate every time to build 4 stacks. Maybe in 1x1.


Which is why a good idea for a PVP buff is that Frenzy/Valorous Call grants 4 stacks of Annhilator/Merciless.

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BW is atleast consistent in its' cluelessness. Nering the sorc KB to a cone and decreasing the range on electrocute wasnt enough, the instant WW had to go too. So much for sorc being a CC class, basically every AC in the game is better than them at that (too) now. I honestly don't know what they're doing over at the BW HQ? Are they taking drugs at work? I'm not even kidding, people have been kicked for less, much much less.


They should direct the EA shareholders to this forum for a taste of why the situation is what it is. That's what happens when a core developer does the exact opposite to what the players want, you lose 75 % of the population (in every major patch).

Edited by MidichIorian
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The biggest winner: Sniper/Gunslinger. The only real nerf we received was moving Augmented Shields from Engineering to Lethality. Nerf to Engineering, buff to Lethality. Other than that, everything we got was all buffs. We also gained a lot of mobility with Covered Escape. We made out like bandits so far lol.
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The biggest winner: Sniper/Gunslinger. The only real nerf we received was moving Augmented Shields from Engineering to Lethality. Nerf to Engineering, buff to Lethality. Other than that, everything we got was all buffs. We also gained a lot of mobility with Covered Escape. We made out like bandits so far lol.


Don't forget marksmanship basically has infinite energy now that you can use Followthrough every other attack. It's kind of hilarious if I'm honest. I'd level my GS to 50 asap but then it would get nerfed and I can't do that to all my GS friends.

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Don't forget marksmanship basically has infinite energy now that you can use Followthrough every other attack. It's kind of hilarious if I'm honest. I'd level my GS to 50 asap but then it would get nerfed and I can't do that to all my GS friends.


Yes. Please don't. They nerfed my other two classes that I like to play (Shadow/Combat Sent). Don't want another nerf lol.

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