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Putting ppl on ignore so you don't get a wz with them?


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I rarely ever put anyone on ignore, even if they are a troll or something.... I put people on ignore for trying to sell me credits and spamming like a bot.. and mailing me about credits for sell from a site.. That is pretty much the only people I will put on ignore unless you blatantly spam me to piss me off.


I am not an elitist, I am not a bad player.


If somebody tries to kick a guy from the group because they are not familiar with a fp or they are not geared I decline the vote. Unless they are a trash talker and ************ too much I may vote to kick but not ignore them.


I found that people are now ignoring you in the WZ if you make a silly mistake or they think you are under geared.


Which I am not. I have at least full WH gear and even alot of EWH gear. I just noticed that some guy was ************ me out about something that was entirely not my fault, and then I seen the guild tagged and knew the guild from a previous game. So i was gonna send them a pm about what server their guild was from. "Player is ignored"



I really hope that people can't keep you from queing up in a wz because they don't like you or they think you should have been doing something else. My take is if you don't like the way somebody is geared or how they play then do ranked or bring 3 of your buddies.

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I would rather play with a full group of friendly noobs than a stuck up elitist snob that ruins the game for everyone by ************ alot... This is a game for fun, not for stress. Yea I play to the best of my ability but sometimes your best is just not good enough for some pig that thinks you should have done things their way. Most of the wz I go into I win, and I take out my targets with ease, but I understand that not everyone is gonna be as good as you are.


If you want to go into a group with people you know then just que up with those people and get a guild that is what they are for.


I do an awful lot of care free conversation in general. No I am not a troll, I just like to talk to people. I tell you what , if it makes my wz que pops wait longer, because somebody didn't like what I said, I will just stop paying the sub and go join some other game... I am sure people aren't gonna like this but its whatever to me.

Edited by DarkPharohEclip
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Sorry, nobody can reply to your thread, we've all got you on ignore. :D


I think putting people on ignore only stops you from getting grouped with them via group finder. I'm on so many ignore lists if it worked for PvP I'd never get a queue. :p


Personally, it never bothers me when someone puts me on ignore unless they continue to send me tells after doing it. Someone claiming I'm raging because I say they should be watching the turret and not allow themselves to be lured off of it doesn't really bother me. It just lets me know that they're not interested in winning the game.

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being on somebody's ignore list does not bother me. It is becaues they want to avoid a WZ with me that bothers me, because that could effect me getting in them. Somebody could ignore me for all kinds of reasons and I'm sure they have...


I don't care about fp's i can just use guild members and vent for something like that... I'm not a big fan of them anyhow , and the gear I been getting from those isn't worth getting rid of pvp gear for.

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This doesn't work... you can still play with people you put on ignore list.




and that could present a problem since communication is key, especially among pugs. If you're on ignore, you wont be able to see them calling incs or give directions.

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If someone said they were putting you on ignore so they wouldn't get warzones with you in future... ...then they don't know what they're talking about, and don't know as much as they claim to about warzones.


Ignore lists have no effect on who you're grouped with in warzones, only for PvE group finder. Though if you have someone on ignore then you won't see them shouting about incoming. So it makes you worse in warzones to put people on ignore.

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so what ? It's a bigger problem if nobody can find a que bc everyone has everybody else on ignore.


If you want communication then dont ignore your peers at the drop of a hat.


I see all kinds of things in the chat I don't agree with or like, but I don't ignore everybody...


Anyone who is trying to rally to change this thing has no idea what the consequences are.. It would mean longer ques for everybody, because the que finder would have to figure out who all is ignoring somebody then get all those people in one group.

Edited by DarkPharohEclip
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Damn it, I was so excited about this til' I read that :(


Well, it's not exciting when you realize that que takes longer because other people are on somebody elses ignore list.


Can you not do the math ? If one guy has the other guy on ignore list and some other dude is on this other dudes ignore list it creates a problem... IT can go on and on, then the que has to sift through all the people who have somebody on ignore and the que will take forever to pop because a bunch of people are ignoring each other. I just realized that people will put you on ignore for anything, but I think this guy put me on ignore because I was asking where his guild was from in swg , because I was in that particular guild and wanted to see if anyone I knew was still in it.


Probably didn't recognize who I was and added me to ignore on another character. Or at one time added me to ignore because of something I said in imp fleet general he didn't like. People make jokes in general , if you don't like it don't read it, or I guess ignore them... Just better not interfere with my game play... Some people use general to have friendly conversation.

Edited by DarkPharohEclip
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I understand that ignoring players does not prevent you from playing with them in wz's.


However, I do put ppl on my ignore list for leaving warzones mid fight (not the guys who disconnect), unfriendly team members who insult same team, egotistical jerks that think they won the game single handed, etc....


What it comes down to is, who do you want to play with? I for one feel they are ruining my experience in team play, and all I do is pug PvP. It may be expected you say, but it doesn't have to be tolerated.

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