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70-Day Grind for Basic Gear at 55


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I would like to relax, which is what I did in sto, and then bam before I knew it was being locked out of the end game gear unless I wanted to wait a year or more to get it.


"While I'm unsure about the "cutting back of employees", I did see it as an artificial time sink to make the players take longer.


I would think, however, that it would take time for those with multiple 50s to really get there anyways, and only those with perhaps just one 50 or one dedicated main to get to the level cap.


Personally, I only really care about getting 2 characters to 55, one on each side of the fence, while I get the other 6 to 50 for the Legacy abilities. But I don't figure I'm the normal player either. I'm also sure there's people out there with only one character they want to develope."


I have two toons both level 50, and both troopers, one is a vanguard and one is a commando. My concern is this how is a guild supposed to run regular ops and HM fp runs? What your going to end up with is some people will be capped for that week and some wont. So instead of having a group of leaders that lead on a regular basis or prepp members for the hard stuff. They will have to stop because they will be capped. This effects the end game in a major way, as well as how guilds do pve.


Its 70 days for basic, does anyone want to take a crack at how long it will be for the ops gear, or the nightmare mode gear? This whole cap idea for the pve needs to be taken out of the patch when it launches.

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Welcome to three pages ago. As stated in the OP the grind at issue is the time it takes to get Basic gear, which is the entry level for all level 55 group content.




Last post, since there's really nothing someone can say to make you acknowledge what you must know to be the truth, as it's been pointed out several times.


There is no grind necessary for you to experience all of the leveling content. Although you have rephrased your message (and updated the OP) several times since posting, this was your first contention. That you would need to grind for 70 days to be able to start the new content. You were (and are) wrong.


If you are now referring to the post max level content, then yes, it's a gear grind. Just like the current gear grind at level 50, and the same max level gear grind present in just about every MMO out there.


Welcome to MMOs.

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1,890 Basic Commendations / 200 max per week = 10 weeks






You will grind for at least 70 days in order to get ready to run level 55 HM FPs (your old friends Hammer Station, Athiss, and Cademimu). Then you will do the Elite grind to get ready for level 55 operations (the "new" endgame content at 55). Then you will do the Ultimate grind to get ready for the level 55 hard / nightmare mode ops.


You will do part of the Basic grind while leveling from 50-55 on Makeb, since you get Basic commendations there. The rest will presumably come from grinding Makeb dailies after you cap out. You will have to buy at least one piece a week after the first two weeks, since you can't have more than 400 basic comms at a time.


Makeb will provide leveling gear for those that want to move right into it from 50. Or you can grind out higher spec BH / Campaign stuff from level 50 content (but since most people will just want to get to 55, it seems likely few will bother).


Those HM FPs drop 1 step higher then BH/ One step lower then DG gear. So people in BH/ DG will go straight into them.

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Those HM FPs drop 1 step higher then BH/ One step lower then DG gear. So people in BH/ DG will go straight into them.

This is false. The 55 FPs reward commendations and drop tokens for gear that is one step higher than Basic, which is Arkanian. Basic is already one step higher than DG. If they did what you just said, then they would be dropping gear that is three steps behind Arkanian, which is what you need for story mode 55 ops. That would make the 55 FPs pretty useless in terms of gearing up for 55 ops.


Endgame instances always drop gear that is what you need to run the next set of instances. They're tuned for what you should be wearing when you start them. What you should be wearing when you start 55 FPs is Basic, which is one step beyond DG. What you should be wearing when you start story mode 55 ops is Arkanian (hence the reason that level 55 FPs give you Arkanian, not Basic or something lower). Level 50 FPs were tuned for level 49 greens, because that's what you got on the last planet heading into them. Level 55 FPs are tuned for Basic, because that's what you'll get on the last planet heading into them (Makeb).


The level 50 HM FPs will drop Black Hole pieces and will give you Classic commendations, which is what you can use to buy Campaign and Dread Guard. Not many people are going to bother though, since Makeb will reward you with leveling gear to get you to 54. If you already have DG, the dev comments have said it will do you just fine for Makeb, but will need to be replaced at 54 or 55 (with Basic, which is one step higher than DG and as the dev comments say is the new "entry level" for level 55 group content, meaning the level 55 HM FPs).

Edited by Heezdedjim
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There is no grind necessary for you to experience all of the leveling content. Although you have rephrased your message (and updated the OP) several times since posting, this was your first contention. That you would need to grind for 70 days to be able to start the new content. You were (and are) wrong.

The subject of the post is: 70-day Grind for Basic Gear at 55. Basic gear is the designated "entry level" set for level 55 HM FPs. The purpose of Makeb is to give you this gear. At a weekly limit of 200 comms, it will take you 10 weeks to earn enough comms for a full set of Basic gear. This all comes straight from the patch notes, or from Dulfy's website.

Edited by Heezdedjim
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Considering that 6 items are schematics (2x implants, ear, belt, bracer, OH) and that it's not feasible for EAware to assume everyone has the crew skills necessary to craft them all, it's pretty safe to assume that these will be BoE and therefore purchasable as soon as you find some on the GTN. Let's also assume for the moment that you easily cap 200 commendations whilst leveling and doing dailies as soon as you hit 55. Now say we buy the chest as soon as we hit 55 for 150 comms. That means 7/14 slots can be filled in the first week of hitting 55.


Saying that relic's are required to run HM FP's is ridiculous, we all know that at best they are a minor increase and you will be able to do the new HM's with campaign/DG that everyone will carry over from 50 anyway, so there's another 2 slots. From Dulfy's screenshots there are no MH, hands or feet items on the basic comms vendors, meaning presumably that you will acquire these items some other way, my guess would be Heroic 4 rewards at 55. That leaves only 2 slots missing in the first week after hitting 55, head and legs. If you are saying that it is impossible to do HM FP's because 2 of your items have level 61/63 mods instead of 66 then you should probably just quit now. Even if that was true, during the second week after capping comms you would sit at 250/400 (200 cap + 50 remaining from original amount) meaning you could buy both the head and legs (120 + 120 = 240).


To claim it requires 70 days of grind to be ready for new HM's is just pure fallacy and is beyond a pointless whine. At worst you are looking at 2 weeks tops to be ready to run the new HM's. Even if the items from schematics are NOT BoE, you will more than likely acquire comparable items from drops/quests - even now those slots are filled in via free pvp gear because you don't get them with Tionese comms - and you certainly don't need to grind dailies to get the Rakata ones just to run current HM's.

Edited by Darkscis
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"The Basic Gear Vendor will prepare you for group content at 55, the Elite Gear Vendor will prepare you for Operations at level 55, and the Ultimate Gear Vendor will prepare you for the most challenging Operations bosses in the Galaxy. "


And, if the past year is a guide, in 3-4 months they'll decide this approach:

a - isn't working (but will claim is 'working as intended')

b - is working but was poorly thought out / implemented (though they'll never admit to that)

c - everyone hates it (not that that means squat)


So, they'll add a couple more tiers/comms/vendors to make the situation even worse.


Just saying.

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That's what you get for all those schem-stealing fools. R/e Chance nerfed, commendation cap nerfed, grind grind grind. They should've fixed the r/eing of the player-made schematics. I warned them that when the TFB will come out players will be best in slot within few days because of that and it happened. Now they're trying to do something about fast gearing but they're doing it wrong!


They should've increase the commendation cap, so they do not punish players with more time. They should fix r/e exploit (which was made legit due to amount of players using it before Bioware even realised) and it should be grand. Time between Campaign and Draed Guard gear was quite long but it still took a long while to gear up into best in slot back then, when there was so little schem-stealers.

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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This is false. The 55 FPs reward commendations and drop tokens for gear that is one step higher than Basic, which is Arkanian. Basic is already one step higher than DG. If they did what you just said, then they would be dropping gear that is three steps behind Arkanian, which is what you need for story mode 55 ops. That would make the 55 FPs pretty useless in terms of gearing up for 55 ops.


Endgame instances always drop gear that is what you need to run the next set of instances. They're tuned for what you should be wearing when you start them. What you should be wearing when you start 55 FPs is Basic, which is one step beyond DG. What you should be wearing when you start story mode 55 ops is Arkanian (hence the reason that level 55 FPs give you Arkanian, not Basic or something lower). Level 50 FPs were tuned for level 49 greens, because that's what you got on the last planet heading into them. Level 55 FPs are tuned for Basic, because that's what you'll get on the last planet heading into them (Makeb).


The level 50 HM FPs will drop Black Hole pieces and will give you Classic commendations, which is what you can use to buy Campaign and Dread Guard. Not many people are going to bother though, since Makeb will reward you with leveling gear to get you to 54. If you already have DG, the dev comments have said it will do you just fine for Makeb, but will need to be replaced at 54 or 55 (with Basic, which is one step higher than DG and as the dev comments say is the new "entry level" for level 55 group content, meaning the level 55 HM FPs).


Oh my apologies. I was thinking in terms of the old gear. I forgot they straight give us Arkanian in the PTS so I should of said 1 step higher then DG 1 step lower then Arknanian.

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Lets not forget that with the comms conversion that you can actually start with up to 800 classic comms right off the bat. The real joke is the cap on comms. If someone has the time to play a bit more than someone else, then they deserve to get more comms. All this does is handicap players, and force them to buy the mods from crafters at a steep up charge. Isn't there already enough players with BiS gear that have never stepped foot inside an op? Edited by Strainge
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1,890 Basic Commendations / 200 max per week = 10 weeks






You will grind for at least 70 days in order to get ready to run level 55 HM FPs (your old friends Hammer Station, Athiss, and Cademimu). Then you will do the Elite grind to get ready for level 55 operations (the "new" endgame content at 55). Then you will do the Ultimate grind to get ready for the level 55 hard / nightmare mode ops.


You will do part of the Basic grind while leveling from 50-55 on Makeb, since you get Basic commendations there. The rest will presumably come from grinding Makeb dailies after you cap out. You will have to buy at least one piece a week after the first two weeks, since you can't have more than 400 basic comms at a time.


Makeb will provide leveling gear for those that want to move right into it from 50. Or you can grind out higher spec BH / Campaign stuff from level 50 content (but since most people will just want to get to 55, it seems likely few will bother).


Dreadgaurd will be enough to do HM FP, its even enough to do SV and TFB on SM if you have a good team!

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who the hell is going to gear up 5 characters? if you do do you have any life at all?



I have 12 lvl 50's (14 or so in another week), half of which have either full WH or Rakata+ gear. It's not that hard, given the time I've already spent. If you L2Legacy transfer, you can gear up 1 char in a snap, and from there it just builds.


Oh, and as for the "no life" comment, you got me there...

Edited by ShannaRZ
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1,890 Basic Commendations / 200 max per week = 10 weeks






You will grind for at least 70 days in order to get ready to run level 55 HM FPs (your old friends Hammer Station, Athiss, and Cademimu). Then you will do the Elite grind to get ready for level 55 operations (the "new" endgame content at 55). Then you will do the Ultimate grind to get ready for the level 55 hard / nightmare mode ops.


You will do part of the Basic grind while leveling from 50-55 on Makeb, since you get Basic commendations there. The rest will presumably come from grinding Makeb dailies after you cap out. You will have to buy at least one piece a week after the first two weeks, since you can't have more than 400 basic comms at a time.


Makeb will provide leveling gear for those that want to move right into it from 50. Or you can grind out higher spec BH / Campaign stuff from level 50 content (but since most people will just want to get to 55, it seems likely few will bother).


Simply not true.


so 2 months to level to 55 and gear up as you go? I can't help but be a little negative here, what do you want? a 1 week take off, 2 weeks, 4 weeks? What? Because all I'm getting from your post is negative vibes.


You're leaving out that the FP's drop basic gear as loot. They also drop comm Elite comm's on the bosses. So while you're gearing up for 'basic' you're also getting comm's towards elite and ultimate.


These forums are far too toxic.


Be upset over the Cartel Market if you're going to be upset and how it gets more updates and improvements over the bugs and new content

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You're leaving out that the FP's drop basic gear as loot. They also drop comm Elite comm's on the bosses. So while you're gearing up for 'basic' you're also getting comm's towards elite and ultimate.

Like the story mode ops they drop Arkanian and Black Market, not Basic. Dropping Basic would be pretty useless since that's the level that the 55 FPs are tuned for, and it's below the level the next tier of instances are tuned for. You get Basic commendations from Makeb leveling and dailies, and from the level 50 HM FP daily. Arkanian (Elite) is what you get from the level 55 content.

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It is... what you make it. Personally, I won't mind the grind or caps much because of the new content. Not sure if you can stack comms in storage as something else after the cap (similar to the rep system)... that would be good to know. In any case, standard MMO mechanics apply. And, standard forum QQ applies as well.


What would peeps have said if you could grind a full set of Basic and or Elite gear in a week? Yea... we would be reading a thread complaining that getting the gear was to fast and simple for true progression. Oh, and the outcry a week later for new content would be deafening.


Besides, everything seems reasonably easy on the PTS at the moment because of the Elite gear given. Capping seems like a forgone conclusion when it is more of an illusion. Reality will kick in when your default gear will not even be Basic as you run through new content. Not to mention that as you quest and level anew, you are likely to get a few Basic gear drops.

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