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Remove Phase Walk!


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Hey Bioware,leave how Surging charge's discharge and static charges work right now and leave the bonus shock damage of voltaic slash and dont give me phase walk.


Thank you, have a nice day


/signed the guy that dont want his favorite spec to be destroyed.




Have your phase walk, fix our dps trees.

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The point is, A teleporting shadow would be absolutely stupid for things like voidstar.


Put the portal on one door. Physically guard the other. When the enemy shifts, teleport to the other door instantly to ensure the door isn't bombed.

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Solution: Make phase walk drop the huttball like stealth. Win.


Yeah, it already does. Which makes me laugh even more when reading all these QQ posts saying

" Omg the most OP class is just going to teleport and autowin in warzones! They are sooo strong! and so tanky! I have never played the PTS but I know they are just the extremely strong and best dps class in 2.0!"


FFS People. Have you ever played an assassin? Weakest Link in 2.0. I'd gladly trade phase walk for class buffs like every other class is getting.


Oh and btw, I like how no one is QQ'ing about Snipers CC immunity.

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Phase is mostly defensive get outta dodge if you put your destination in a safe spot. It no where near Op it leaves a GIANT GLOWING GOLD BEACON on the ground if your not smart to realize what that is well dont know what to tell ya. Edited by Philastra
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Phase is mostly defensive get outta dodge if you put your destination in a safe spot. It no where near Op it leaves a GIANT GLOWING GOLD BEACON on the ground if your not smart to realize what that is well dont know what to tell ya.


And what? Why don't give this "mostly defensive skill" to all other classes, but not stealth based sins/shadows? This is just an instant 60m teleport! No? :rolleyes:


"Oh please... Sins(-Dps) is already weak... blah-blah-blah".... until another buff from Bioware!

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And what? Why don't give this "mostly defensive skill" to all other classes, but not stealth based sins/shadows? This is just an instant 60m teleport! No? :rolleyes:


"Oh please... Sins(-Dps) is already weak... blah-blah-blah".... until another buff from Bioware!


Oh there there champ. Here take this hopefully it takes the pain away.

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Seems a little OP for Voidstar, first room especially.


It's going to be a game changer in huttball, regardless of it dropping the ball. And assassins were already pretty darn useful in that warzone.


There are other classes that are pretty darn useful in huttball.

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My opinion on this did not change: does not belong in this game.


What is next: 10 seconds 100% immunity on everything while being able to use your own skills (cough* cap *cough)? We gonna love that!


How could this idea even go trough? Seriously, do they play their own WarZones? Name and Shame!

Damn, BW Team, you scary!




Edited by Boyana
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There are other classes that are pretty darn useful in huttball.


True enough. Those were just my first impressions, no doom and gloom.


Assassins have crazy utility in huttball though. AoE knockback, pull, stealth, speed and now teleport.

Guardians have multiple leaps and push, but their cc immunity is getting tied to Shien form. (I wonder how many of us will end up stance-dancing in huttball)

Then sages, who have bubble and speed, AoE knockback, and friendly pull. Their 10 second barrier will really come in handy too.


Should be interesting..

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True enough. Those were just my first impressions, no doom and gloom.


Assassins have crazy utility in huttball though. AoE knockback, pull, stealth, speed and now teleport.

Guardians have multiple leaps and push, but their cc immunity is getting tied to Shien form. (I wonder how many of us will end up stance-dancing in huttball)

Then sages, who have bubble and speed, AoE knockback, and friendly pull. Their 10 second barrier will really come in handy too.


Should be interesting..


I don't have a pull but the teleport will be pretty interesting that's for true.

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My opinion on this did not change: does not belong in this game.


What is next: 10 seconds 100% immunity on everything while being able to use your own skills (cough* cap *cough)? We gonna love that!


How could this idea even go trough? Seriously, do they play their own WarZones? Name and Shame!

Damn, BW Team, you scary!





in other words 'I don't understand how this skill works, but whaaa whaaa, I'm not gonna change my mind, whaa'.

only 'opness' of Phase Walk is

'if I placed that big beacon which tells all enemies that I might teleport there and that I'm probably very close, I can teleport there again if I get knocked back, which in Huttball I still won't use, since I preffer enemy not to know I;m on their line so jugg will friend leap to me, or some one else will pass'


10 sec immunity, you mean new sorc/sage bubble? the one which is channeled?

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in other words 'I don't understand how this skill works, but whaaa whaaa, I'm not gonna change my mind, whaa'.

only 'opness' of Phase Walk is

'if I placed that big beacon which tells all enemies that I might teleport there and that I'm probably very close, I can teleport there again if I get knocked back, which in Huttball I still won't use, since I preffer enemy not to know I;m on their line so jugg will friend leap to me, or some one else will pass'


10 sec immunity, you mean new sorc/sage bubble? the one which is channeled?


Next time when you want to answer and quote me to look all smart and all bad-scary-boy, learn to read post and understand abilities.

My Majestic Creature has an Assassin. To explain it to you, my assassin has a Phase Walk! Say what? Mhm, I do!

To even explain it more, because I think it is a must, that might be the reason I think it is OP, because I am smart and know how to abuse an OP ability, unlike you. Whooop!


And, no. My Majestic Persona also has a Sorcerer! What you gonna do now? Quote me more! Do so, but you are getting served by your own lack of knowledge, since Sorcerer's Barrier is channeled and they cannot use other abilities while doing so. Uhhh, do you feel that? It is called 'you being owned'.


Now, conclusion is you do not know how to think and read, nor do you know how warzones work because the person you quoted, aka I, Boyanah, said:

What is next: 10 seconds 100% immunity on everything while being able to use your own skills (cough* cap *cough)


Try harder next time when you quote me. You might, one day, get 'there'. Whaaaaaa, whaaaaa, in your 'i-want-to-be-scary-on-pvp-forumz-and-seem-agoodpvper' face, whaaa!



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Next time when you want to answer and quote me to look all smart and all bad-scary-boy, learn to read post and understand abilities.

My Majestic Creature has an Assassin. To explain it to you, my assassin has a Phase Walk! Say what? Mhm, I do!

To even explain it more, because I think it is a must, that might be the reason I think it is OP, because I am smart and know how to abuse an OP ability, unlike you. Whooop!


And, no. My Majestic Persona also has a Sorcerer! What you gonna do now? Quote me more! Do so, but you are getting served by your own lack of knowledge, since Sorcerer's Barrier is channeled and they cannot use other abilities while doing so. Uhhh, do you feel that? It is called 'you being owned'.


Now, conclusion is you do not know how to think and read, nor do you know how warzones work because the person you quoted, aka I, Boyanah, said:



Try harder next time when you quote me. You might, one day, get 'there'. Whaaaaaa, whaaaaa, in your 'i-want-to-be-scary-on-pvp-forumz-and-seem-agoodpvper' face, whaaa!




Then bless me with your mighty wisdom, how phase walk will be op with every class getting one new 'goodddiee' skill. It's not magic teleport which you will use any time you want to teleport anywere you want, it's leaves yellow beacon telling every one 'hey, stealther is here', and needs to be used in advance.

It has great potential in good hands, but it's not all mighty god skill. (specially since when you place beacon and not use it in next 120 sec, it still goes for 45 sec cool down, not just 'refresh').


edit: sorry about 10 sec immortality, I read that one wrong. missed 'what's next'

Edited by Atramar
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yes, BW please remove phase walk and replace it with a skill that is useful to all three shadow/assasin specs instead of just being useful to the tank spec. sure, is useful for node gaurding KC/Darkness specs. but is overall the least useful bonus skill for any class in 2.0. and is 100% worthless for DPS specs.
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yes, BW please remove phase walk and replace it with a skill that is useful to all three shadow/assasin specs instead of just being useful to the tank spec. sure, is useful for node gaurding KC/Darkness specs. but is overall the least useful bonus skill for any class in 2.0. and is 100% worthless for DPS specs.


I will use this ability whenever I see fit as a madness assassin...still not sure how often but I am sure it will be a few times each warzone.

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yes, BW please remove phase walk and replace it with a skill that is useful to all three shadow/assasin specs instead of just being useful to the tank spec. sure, is useful for node gaurding KC/Darkness specs. but is overall the least useful bonus skill for any class in 2.0. and is 100% worthless for DPS specs.


The DPS specs are worthless in 2.0 so your point is moot there And i have found on the PTS it is actually a nice escape for the DPS guys being so squishy. extra squishy now.

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Then bless me with your mighty wisdom, how phase walk will be op with every class getting one new 'goodddiee' skill. It's not magic teleport which you will use any time you want to teleport anywere you want, it's leaves yellow beacon telling every one 'hey, stealther is here', and needs to be used in advance.

It has great potential in good hands, but it's not all mighty god skill. (specially since when you place beacon and not use it in next 120 sec, it still goes for 45 sec cool down, not just 'refresh').


edit: sorry about 10 sec immortality, I read that one wrong. missed 'what's next'


I shall not because that way I would be giving you out every possibility of the ability and teaching you how to use it and making you even more of a meanie as you are. You would just skip trough the text willing to find something, anything, to try to insult me. Like this, every time you say something I can come and tell you: no-no, Atramar, no-no!


Now, with all seriousness, saying "teleporting anywhere and using any time", somehow can happen and cannot.

Of course, you can't teleport where Developers did not predict a player to be, but any other spot that can be reached is a one second ride to you and me (as long as you can get to the radius).


There are obstacles placed in a War Zones for many reasons, not only for a Sorcerer and Mercenary to use it as a LoS. In our case, these problems do not exist, at all. I can port trough walls, trough floor, escape death when pulled/pushed/overloaded off something. You can cast it in stealth, use it in stealth. As long as you have it somewhere in a 60m radius it takes about one second for you to port there while other people will , AT LEAST, have to run around the wall.


Just because there is a yellow glow on the ground that does not mean stealther is there, that is first. You do not have to be next to it. If you did not know they have the stealther before this was implemented, then I can see how this can be threatening situation to you.

The only thing it means is that: The stealther who placed a Phase Walk will be on this spot, maybe, in the next 45 seconds (mostly when we are about to cap it or when they have the ball) but, at this very moment, he/she is not here.



The potential of Phase Walk goes far away from Huttball. The first thing I said when I read about it in Patch Notes was: Damn Voidstar :o! Yay me...and every other assassin?


Then again, I agree that there are also some abilities that I find extremely powerful and stealthers DID get the best and the most powerfull abilities but, for me, Phase Walk is better than roll because at least they have to roll around the obstacle. :eek:


However, here we talk about the Phase Walk but if you, or someone, wants me to compare every ability other classes got with Phase Walk, I shall share my ''Nikola Tesla's'' thoughts with this awesome and friendly community. :)


p.s. Sorry for the wall of text I was typing one part every time wz would end. :eek:

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