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Almost all EU servers are full already and it's not even launch day


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For the ppl who's response is "there will be more servers"... yeah thats great really great.

How about few days of work on toons we cant access..


This whole guild deployement bs system is also working crap imo, if guilds dont like where they are assigned they just relocate all together, so how the hell is Bioware planning to keep track of the server pop and balance.


But anyway also worried when more ppl i know will start to play any of the coming few days ill have to reroll again since they wont be able to join my toon on my initial server if its full.

I thought staggered release was a good idea, but starting to doubt that now for the reason of ppl with later redeemed codes prolly not being able to join me / their friends.


Crap i'm hoping they increase server cap rather than more servers for the above reason.

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There is not que in the mornings or afternoons but at evenings there is a lot of them, rigth now there is a que on 12 out of 21 servers on the european side. And the rest have very heavy or heavy load, only 2 servers are standar loads (a german pvp and a french RP-PVP). Plz bioware raise the cap on how many ppl there can be on one server. Otherwise many ppl will stop playing!
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Same situation that was in mass beta: +1h queue. Really? Cause you know guys - it was predictable and the only difference now is the people who try to play are the one who gonna pay for this game. Especially it's day 3, imagine what will happen when all will get their access. Queuemageddon :mad: Edited by Skanny
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Im playing on The Red Eclipse and that server has like an Hour of Waiting Time..


It almost feels like every person in the EU that gets Early Access is dropping in on that server. But then again, almost every EU server has a immense waiting queue. It only worries me that this is only the 2nd day of Early Access and we're already encountering immense waiting queue. I hope that by launch day, there will be more servers and that people will be distribute themselves across the lower populated ones.

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Yesterday my server (LoL) went from low to medium..understandable....but this morning my server went from medium to full 1 hour+ queues..... that is unacceptable. Server caps need to be raised or people need to be given free transfers because i dont want to waste 2 days of work i have put into starting a character. Fair point 2 days is nothing....but i have already done it a few times on beta. -.-
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I wonder how this is even possible. They know how many preorders there are. They know wich servers get what guilds, they know how many players in each guild. Crunching the numbers would have allowed them to prevent the long queues, atleast up until 20th and launch day. And given then fact that they also know how many copies would be shipped worldwide to every region they could anticipate the numbers today witll increase dramaticly upon launch.


What we see today is simply ignorance and neglect. They had the numbers but chose not to either do the maths, or ignored the result.

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Don't mean to provoke or anything but these goddamn ridiculous queues are making me seriously consider making a bot to keep me online 24/7 :mad: What's the bloody point of early access if you can't even play?!? Add to that the fact that my CE box is missing the soundtrack cd :mad::mad:
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Early Game Access is a treat. A privilege. A gift to those that pre-ordered.




It was one of the KEY SELLING FEATURES of the pre-order package, highlighted on the ORDER PAGE, without EGA there was precious little reason to pre-order at all.

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They have supposedly lowered the server caps considerably, to make people spread evenly across the servers, and are increasing the server caps each day.


Why not just lock down the overloaded server for new players? Lowering the cap will affect all existing players on that server and still, new players can join and make the situation even worse. :confused:

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seriously consider making a bot to keep me online 24/7 :mad:

Aye, I can see the experience of Rift repeating itself here, people using bots to keep their character active so they don't have to suffer the login queues, thus filling the servers with inactive but not AFK characters until their owners come back.

Edited by KerinKor
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Yeah this is horrific... A couple of posts above about making people spread to other servers well I'm on the server which my guild was assigned to so I'm expected to move start again on a server where I know no one rather than being able to play on the server I WAS ASSIGNED to with the guild...
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Currently sitting in a 2hour que of 1700 people waiting to get online... this is completely unacceptable i mean i dont mind a 5min que or even 10min at launch but this is ridiculous. I mean they new the game was going to be popular... Its only day 3 of a staggered launch and this **** happens. Otherwise the game is *********** amazing but i will not be playing long if this continues...
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EU PVP Bloodworthy - > i was number 1255 in queue, still waiting for an hour, now i am 433.This is called epic fail, Bioware.



Same server , and maybe as some 1 said , they reduced the server quantity , oke lets go with that ,, it stil bad to have a queue of 1200+ but oke ,,


What unaceptable is , when u waited that long and do some playtime , and then for whatever reason get disconected , u have to wait again LOLOLOLOL trololol ? i mean really that is just ****ed big time . give people atleast a freakin 5 min to login again if they want , shouldnt be that hard to implement right ? ( its done before )


so for me this go and start of the game is a big faillure . hope the game in the long run isnt sucha fail as the launch of it .


flamesuit on <

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The only english EU server with light load is PVP. rest is very heavy or full. its just not good enough. they guild prelaunch thing has made it a nightmare to try and play with other danish people since they are primarily on the red elicpse. we need bigger servers scotty!
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this queueing sucks. Do the developers really think that people will just migrate again and again when their servers become full. Doh.


I myself have been dedicated to play a sith assassin for some time. I have one on one particular server which was listed as Standard yesterday. Today it's full, not so bad queue compared to others, but signs do tell that an insane queue should be expected.


Of course I could migrate to another server, which in turn would become full, and then migrate again.


I just don't want to spend my time with that ********* overseer over and over again.


And I don't plan to change my character class. In fact, I shouldn't even be forced to think things like that. It's the developers job to handle things so that we wouldn't have to struggle with these server-issues.

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Started in my queue at position 288, estimated time = 20 mins. 50 odd minutes later I'd made it to 270, then the client decided to hang. Logged back on, position 420, already been waiting about half hour and have gained no places in the queue.


Yesterday I got on and the cut scene/dialogue for the first mission went into continual loop despite relogging and even restarting my PC several times, and that was trying multiple character types.


So far of 2 days EGA, I have had precisely zero play time, but wasted over 2 1/2 hours trying.


Extremely shoddy, and I agree with some other poster, I only preordered for the EGA. I feel cheated.


Anyway, thats my attempts at getting on I only have a few hours to spare due to work commitments and cba to try again. My nephew will be getting my copy for xmas.

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they could have a 2000 ppl queue , i wouldnt care to much , it stinks but oke .



But i mean really waiting the queue , then play for an hour , then somehow get disconected , and the expect me to wait again is ridiculous . Fix plz


Theres should be a 5 min space in between disconecting and free ing up the spot .

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Like always , Eu is the poor man who gets the rest. American server are low medium and full ! Not fair


Its the middle of the day in the US so everyone is at work/school so obviously the servers are empty... The EU servers were empty until around 6pm when everyone got home from work/school so yeah this isn't an EU issue its a time of the day on your zone issue... Not defending the devs at all cause I think the queueing is ridiculous! I've just spent an hour trying to connect to a queue as it wouldn't even let me enter the queue lol

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wait, until you reach the end of the queue and then get disconnected :(


It has now been 4 hours since I launched SWTOR after getting home from a long day at work.


4 hours.


I am now, after disconnecting 4 times when getting close to queue end, 1600 in queue to join the server that Bioware themselves chose for our guild.


The CE box I bought today, along with two other regular copies suddenly are not so tempting to keep. Glad I haven't opened them yet.


Seriously, what is this? Is there going to be any improvement on this before launch?


As much as I enjoyed the beta, and have been looking forward to this for years, this is a serious deal breaker for me. I have absolutely no intention of spending hours and hours waiting to play a game.

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