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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Take Cover , Rolling interrupted.


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Sometimes my toon doesnt complete roll action when i pressed button " F "to take cover behind an object.I press more then once to make him complete it but generaly it doesnt help.


Im using it always its really powerful ability.It can be used to escape , take long distance.However it doesnt work properly.


Its been same for a long time.Do they intend it or im doing something wrong?

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you are doing nothing wrong.

it does bug out sometimes, think you can get away with pressing 'roll to cover' and then hit 'cover' again, to make sure it goes 'in'. (it will not uncover you if you rolled in properly, and will cover if bugged out).

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I've disabled Roll into Cover for this reason, but I found out I prefer Cover in Place a lot more than Roll into Cover so it worked out in the end. Guess it just comes down to personal preference.



I used to use roll into cover until I started using the keybind to cover in place. Only time I use roll into cover is when it's a much quicker way to get away from an opponent (which isn't really that often). Personally I've thought that the roll into cover mechanic is probably what puts a lot of people off. I know when I first started I was thinking all the time I don't want to roll into cover I want to stay here (wherever I was standing), call me slow but it took me a couple of months to figure out how to cover in place :)

Edited by BaineOs
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