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Rolling through an area questing, doing just fine. You send your companion over to attack the next mob you need for loot or kills to complete said quest. Unknowingly to you, ( because you live on a PVE server ) a flagged full warhero cloaker be it sin or op comes and stands in the mob your attacking, you don't know he's there and you drop an untargeted aoe such as forcequake or artillery barrage. Of course this does damage to said cloaker hiding in the middle and you flag yourself for pvp. By the way lets assume your NOT in a pvp area, and again we're not on a pvp server just so we're clear.


At which point said flagged enemy 1 shots you and tea bags you. ( which is kind of funny for about 5 seconds to the person who got wailed ) ok 1 time deal no biggie. UNTIL he comes back after you spent 5 minutes in the cantina flagging down only to make you flag yourself again so he can kill you and get his kicks/rocks off by griefing a defenseless PVE'r. Teabagging and taunts continue.


Is this just part of the game? Or am i in the wrong for being upset if it happens repeatedly? Again PVE server just do you don't forget. If i don't want to pvp and i'm doing my best to avoid it by not quing for wz's and not going to pvp areas and by not attending pvp events why are these people allowed to ninja flag me by exploiting AOE attack dynamics so they can kill me?

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This is against the Terms of Service, and is a bannable offense. Always report these people, with their name and the time it occured. Players are NOT allowed to use game mechanics to grief other people, and this is obviously not a PvP issue.


Keep reporting them until EAware finally smartens up, and makes it so that AoE abilities cast by an unflagged player WILL NOT affect a flagged player.

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Here is the thing. You used an AOE in an open world area even though you are on a PvE server. While it's lame the cloaky guy was hiding there waiting for you to aoe so he could kill you (technically griefing) there is something you CAN do to prevent this from happening.


Turn off all of your companions AOE abilities and don't use yours on any planet that is Open World ( Republic side, Narr Shadaa on, not sure about Empire side). You really don't reduce your damage output that much by not using an AOE in those areas.


This immediately removes any chance you may get flagged by using them. Now then, in instances.. use them all you want, you are relatively safe there. While I agree with the poster right after yours that BW should make it so a non flagged persons skills don't damage a flagged person at all, and they shouldn't be able to heal them or buff them either, that isn't how the current world works, so in the mean time, we adjust our play to suit our environment. It's not that much of an inconvenience really.


Now then, from BW's perspective, you are using an area effect damage skill so anything in that area should take damage if it's an enemy. I can see where they are coming from on that, even if I would prefer that the ONLY way you can get flagged for PvP is to deliberately turn PvP on manually.


I personally think they should make it so no heals, no buffs, no damage, can be taken by a flagged person, from a non flagged person. That will eliminate PvE players getting flagged by PvP pansies on PvE servers.

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My main is always flagged..i enjoy hunting others that are flagged. I would never do anything like that.. roflstomp pve'ers that only wont to pve ofc... Those people are cowards. They should go to the areas designed for pvp. Or find others that are flagged. Alot of the full geared pvpers are used to rolfstomping people in wz's and think its fun..Guess its in part cause of this games -Non exsisting match making system. They are ruining the game for others. If you see him again report him!
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Just an addendum to my note. I just AOE'd a group of flagged Imperials on Ilum and did NOT get flagged. Mind you, I did my AOE atack w/o having a flagged player targetted, but having the mob targetted. I haven't tried aoe with a flagged player targetted yet. My PvPrs sources say that having a flagged player targeted and THEN aoeing would flag me so.... Make sure the mob you are fighting is not the enemy player? problem solved? Edited by Saitada
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Just an addendum to my note. I just AOE'd a group of flagged Imperials on Ilum and did NOT get flagged. Mind you, I did my AOE atack w/o having a flagged player targetted, but having the mob targetted. I haven't tried aoe with a flagged player targetted yet. My PvPrs sources say that having a flagged player targeted and THEN aoeing would flag me so.... Make sure the mob you are fighting is not the enemy player? problem solved?


i'm not really bent out of shape about it, i just logged on to a different toon. I do tab target and I have auto target ( fire off toolbar automatically targets nearest targetable ) forgot what it's called. Again, i'm not really upset, it happened a few weeks ago and i read a post about getting ganked on ilum right now during the event and it reminded me of when I flagged myself without meaning too lol.


Also, i wonder if it's possible to put in programming that would allow for a "yellow" flagged pvper to be in the mix of npc's you are attacking, but your tab and auto target would ignore them until combat with NPC's ends. In this solution combat was initiated between yourself and NPC's in the first place AND you were not flagged for pvp.


If this occurred you would be at fault if you kept attacking. Also, if this already exists and i have still been targeting them then shame on me. :o

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Wouldnt be so bad if he/she was some low level punk who you could hand his/her *** to. That'd teach the little

*(what i would like to say here has been ommited due to that fact i would get banned from the forums {you get the idea})*


But yeah, not using AOE's to try and avoid it is all very well and good. But you really shouldnt have to. Especially on a PVE server. I'm on RP and it would annoy me a lot, to put i lightly.


next time, report them. It may not be a big deal for you. And you may not be overly annoyed by it. But as someone stated; it is against Terms of Service. The more you let them get away with it the more people start doing it because they can get away with it, and, you get the idea. :)

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like others have already said, just get their name and report them as it is griefing and a bannable offense. it is beyond idiocy to have to run around not aoeing anything because of such people. but when one is uncloaked and near you this is the best thing to do.


this exploit has been going on for months and bioware has done nothing to resolve it. it is just one more nail in the games coffin.

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