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Same gender romance


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I normally play female character in MMOs I just prefer that don't ask why. I read that they were going to add same gender romance options after launch will that mean I can romance my favorite companion Vette I don't want a BFF I want a wife. I put her companion quest on hold just in case they added it I just would like confirmation before I get too far to reroll
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I play female toon also because they are more sexier.... I'm going to Romance Mako.


One day lol.


My sage is female because well... they already have the dresses for consular, just made sense. Male in dresses = weird.

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What did I hear someone say one day?












Guess they were not kidding.


I also have always played female toons. They look better.. sorry.


now role playing NO. I think warcraft was the first time someone tried to cyberRP me. i was like *** ****!!!!

Edited by kleners
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hate these threads


With the deletion of the Beta posts I can't google search it So I made a thread. In not angry just a tad dissappointed that a game based around choice they didn't think people would want to make this type of choice. Thats my only complaint about the game tbh lack of options for female characters

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They're in Texas.







They're in Austin, Texas. Austin is the liberal enclave in Texas!


The real answer is probably something like this, though: "We had X zots and we had to decide how to best allocate them to make the game the best we could for launch. Since romance plots have always been a large part of BioWare RPGs, we decided that each class needed at least once option for males and one option for females. We could have made each romance option bisexual, but that didn't seem right since not all of those characters are bisexual in concept. Thus, we decided to forgo same-sex romance until after launch."


Which is BS, of course. From what I've read, some classes have more than two romance options. Also, some of the characters could have been gay or bisexual. Why did the "one option for males" have to be a female for every class? Are you afraid of the backlash you'll get from conservative fools?


Anyway, I'm not going to rant about it anymore. BioWare has already said that they'll get to it eventually. It's just too bad that same-sex romance wasn't important enough to make it for launch. :(

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As long as Khem Val doesn't get any ideas, I'm cool with whatever.


But...Khem Val Gives All is a great saying for when he gets his sexy on.


And he already has a ton of ideas, what with all the devouring he wants to do. Sure he might just like to eat Force Sensitives but you know he's got hidden meaning all up in his one liners.

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