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I Don't Understand


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I simply don't understand all the whining about repair costs. If my 3 lvl 50's are of any indication, the repair costs are about 1.4-1.5x as much as they used to be. Now, I've had fail runs and successful runs since the costs have gone up, yet...I manage to keep increasing my total amount of credits on each of my toons even though I only run dailies (Gree dailies only) on one of them. I do BH and Section X one time per week simply for the weekly, and I never run HMFPs anymore. I mostly do the operations only. I've made several million credits from these runs since repairs have costed more.


Now, my guild is good, but we haven't even beaten HMEC yet let alone HMTFB, so it's not like we're farming these things every week. Now, either my toons are each special and don't get hit by the high prices as much as everyone else, or some players simply have no idea how to make and maintain credits. Oh yeah...just to add this, I don't craft anything and sell it. My credits simply come from quests.

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It is an indication. My comment was rhetorical. The repair costs of full DG gear, which I have, is about 6.7k per death which is up from 4.3k per death. Which, if you break it down, is about 1.45 times as much as it used to be. This isn't an isolated thing; there is a formula here at work. And honestly, if people want/need more credits or are struggling to make credits, private message me and I'll explain how to do it without crafting. You can run all of BH, Section X, Belsavis, and Illum dailies in less than 2 hours and you would make like 300k or more. So you spent 2 hours and have your repair costs for an entire week of raiding. I'm struggling to understand why this is so challenging.


Or better yet, you can run simply BH once per day for the 7 days in a week, it would be a total of about 90 minutes to run that 7 times including the Heroic, and you would make about 350k or more from that throughout the week. So what are you people doing to actually lose credits?

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Making credits is easier with crafting than without. That's not the point. The point is they've fixed a bug that was never a problem for the players, and doing so completely changed the ability of many, many subscribers to enjoy the game and that's just batspit stupid on their part.


Again, in YOUR case, one player out of hopefully hundreds of thousands, it's a 45% increase.


In MY case, again one player out of hopefully hundreds of thousands, it's approximately an 800% increase (on a level 29).


In many other cases - please read the big thread on it that has the one developer response - you're seeing reports of 200% to 1,000%.


Just because it's not too much more painful under ONE condition does not mean ALL conditions are equally relatively painless.

Edited by DarthTHC
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I'm trying to tell you that it's not 200-800% increase on any character. They are most likely reporting on stuff they have no idea how to keep standard. Sure, if I repair after one wipe and pay 7k, but the next time I repair after 3 wipes and it's 21k, it looks like a 300% increase. However, per wipe it's not. This isn't random, even if people want to make it out to be. There is actually a monitary value on every shell, armoring piece, mod, and enhanement in the game, and your death takes into account all of that.


I actually experience one of the highest prices on gear repairs because my gear is full DG, which costs more than the others. The game isn't randomly sparing me and then gouging other people. There have been a number of tests run on this kind of thing and it is standard how much each wipe costs, so I don't know what you're talking about.

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I'm trying to tell you that it's not 200-800% increase on any character. They are most likely reporting on stuff they have no idea how to keep standard. Sure, if I repair after one wipe and pay 7k, but the next time I repair after 3 wipes and it's 21k, it looks like a 300% increase. However, per wipe it's not. This isn't random, even if people want to make it out to be. There is actually a monitary value on every shell, armoring piece, mod, and enhanement in the game, and your death takes into account all of that.


I actually experience one of the highest prices on gear repairs because my gear is full DG, which costs more than the others. The game isn't randomly sparing me and then gouging other people. There have been a number of tests run on this kind of thing and it is standard how much each wipe costs, so I don't know what you're talking about.


So you're calling me a liar? OK. Have a nice day. :rolleyes:

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I'm calling whoever is saying this a liar, or at least someone that needs to reassess how they are doing their calculations. And it's actually rather telling of these forums that the second someone disagrees and actually proves a point that crushes someone else's point, they start whining about being personally offended and completely shut the conversation down.


Honestly, I almost hope the costs don't go down so maybe I'll have more people in my groups that don't suck and actually play the game well. Those people aren't here complaining about this stuff because their in the game making money and clearing content without dying.

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I'm calling whoever is saying this a liar, or at least someone that needs to reassess how they are doing their calculations. And it's actually rather telling of these forums that the second someone disagrees and actually proves a point that crushes someone else's point, they start whining about being personally offended and completely shut the conversation down.


Honestly, I almost hope the costs don't go down so maybe I'll have more people in my groups that don't suck and actually play the game well. Those people aren't here complaining about this stuff because their in the game making money and clearing content without dying.


Go look at this thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=598636


Hopefully this shuts up your ignorance.

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I'm calling whoever is saying this a liar, or at least someone that needs to reassess how they are doing their calculations. And it's actually rather telling of these forums that the second someone disagrees and actually proves a point that crushes someone else's point, they start whining about being personally offended and completely shut the conversation down.


Honestly, I almost hope the costs don't go down so maybe I'll have more people in my groups that don't suck and actually play the game well. Those people aren't here complaining about this stuff because their in the game making money and clearing content without dying.


Cool that's a good motivation for good players to help bad players out in OPS and Flashpoints huh? Glad you're not in charge buddy with your 'you should automatically be geared and good for everything in the game" attitude.


We can also get rid of the group finder as well because YOU run flashpoints with the same 3 people every day and never wipe and YOU know all the fights and YOU know all the good CC orders......

Edited by United_Strafes
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Yea... people are so emotional about this as you can see. It really isn't that big a deal. Yea... I get all the points... casual gamers are screwed if they don't do dailies etc. etc. But to be honest, I'm a casual gamer and have to do very little work to make creds. So repairs are not an issue at all. And yes, I run endgame etc. I've run HM and NiM and getting there was not cheap in terms of repairs, but its the price you pay. Once you learn it all it rains credits; TFB for example. Or... how about the windfall for crafting dread Armor? Lol! Ridiculous amount of creds!


Bug or not, the price went up. There is a premium and working through content efficiently. Nothing is given to you. As a casual gamer, it may take you longer because... you are a casual gamer! You may have to adapt and come up with new ways to make creds... and there are many ways to do that.


Overall, there many other things that require attention. There are other content updates I would prefer get focus.

Edited by Rafaman
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Honestly, I'm the first one to do PUG with people who have no clue what they're doing and I always help out people with lower gear than myself, even if I know it spells disaster because I feel like I can help us win, and that way they get better gear. So I'm not sure where you're going with that comment about being glad I'm not in charge.


My comments are a commentary on the whining going on and the people saying they're going to quit the game because the price went up a ton. That is why I made my comments. The people making those complaints are going to be the people that struggle to ever have credits.

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OP, the problem with the repair costs is that depending on the gear you wear they may have changed a lot, a little, or not at all.


The "bug" they fixed, as I understand it, is repair costs were being based on the item level of the shell, so say you were using a low level orange shell, you weren't paying much at all. If you were using a Rakata or Campaign shell, you were paying already close to what the cost was supposed to be.


Now they fixed it to be based off the mods in the shell, not the shell itself.

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Yes, I know. And all of my gear is at a lvl 61 shell or higher and all of my gear has lvl 63 armorings, mods, and enhancements in it, so in essence, I am getting gouged the most I can possibly get gouged save for those who have the actual DG shells. It's not unmanageable by any stretch.
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Go look at this thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=598636


Hopefully this shuts up your ignorance.


I'm not really sure what this changes about my post. This whole post said nothing that I thought was a bug. Should not higher level shells cost more to repair? Should not lower level shells cost less? Why is this a problem? A Ferrari is going to cost more to repair than a Toyota Camry. How does this not make sense to others? The prices are not problematic and simply because people are reporting double or triple repair costs does not in any way mean it's true.

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Yeah see I think there is a huge difference based on the person.


I'm a tank. We ran three Ops (well the first two bosses for all the weeklies). Any time I die in my gear (Valiant Jedi with rating 61/63s) it is... 4k? 5k? A wipe. Not a problem for me. Some people are reporting a TON more repair bills than I am.


So not all tanks are affected, and not all gear. It is weird. My repair bills really seem like the same as they always have. Maybe 1-2k higher which is nothing. I am not seeing the massive numbers others are.

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It is an indication. My comment was rhetorical. The repair costs of full DG gear, which I have, is about 6.7k per death which is up from 4.3k per death. Which, if you break it down, is about 1.45 times as much as it used to be. This isn't an isolated thing; there is a formula here at work. And honestly, if people want/need more credits or are struggling to make credits, private message me and I'll explain how to do it without crafting. You can run all of BH, Section X, Belsavis, and Illum dailies in less than 2 hours and you would make like 300k or more. So you spent 2 hours and have your repair costs for an entire week of raiding. I'm struggling to understand why this is so challenging.


Or better yet, you can run simply BH once per day for the 7 days in a week, it would be a total of about 90 minutes to run that 7 times including the Heroic, and you would make about 350k or more from that throughout the week. So what are you people doing to actually lose credits?


That doesn't make sense. My merc was in full tionese and one death cost me approximately 8k. How is it more than your 6.7k?

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I'm calling whoever is saying this a liar, or at least someone that needs to reassess how they are doing their calculations. And it's actually rather telling of these forums that the second someone disagrees and actually proves a point that crushes someone else's point, they start whining about being personally offended and completely shut the conversation down.


Honestly, I almost hope the costs don't go down so maybe I'll have more people in my groups that don't suck and actually play the game well. Those people aren't here complaining about this stuff because their in the game making money and clearing content without dying.


So you work for BW and as such have access to the source code and the calculation to generate the repair cost? Either that or you have tested the repair cost for every single piece of armor in the game. I don't believe BW has published the calculation for it, so the other thread is trying to reverse engineer the calculation which is difficult to do without a large set of sample data. Because saying yes to either working for BW or tezting all the armor pieces is the only way I can think of that gives you the right to call others a liar.

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Pre-patch, the phantom repair (cost to repair even though you haven't run content, bc it highlights the button sometimes, and I click repair out of habit) cost for my 50 guardian tank was about 230-250 credits.


Post-patch, it was 4k.


I'm wearing the full Jedi Battlelord set with 61-63 mods.


Pre-patch, my cost to repair gear on my lowbie shadow was about 1900 per wipe.


Post-patch, it's been 8k per wipe. He's level 34, purple and blue mods in orange shells.

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