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From my initial viewing of your video the first things I noticed were:


The team you played against was not very good at all. It did not appear as if they had any competent players on their side. Any strategies/tactics that could be shown in a AH would not be needed in that game because the other team was so poor.


I can tell you know your spec well and you can maneuver whilst in a battle, easily manipulating the bad players that you were up against.


I'd appreciate it if you would submit another video. There is basically nothing to comment on in this video because the other team is so bad. You could have done anything you wanted ( you did ) with no repercussions. So it would be close to useless for me to break it down.


So please submit another video against better players! The people on the other team barely even got their 75k dmg medal. If I commented this video it would be like me commentating on you killing a PVE mob, those guys were clueless. :o

Edited by Polymerize
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I wish Fraps agreed with my machine while I'm running the game, I'd have a bunch of videos up by now. It just slows me down enough that it would affect my gameplay when facing tough opponents. I'd rather win than fraps. :)


I'd like to one up the challenge though... for any female readers I offer this service:

- Upload a picture of yourself and I will guess your b00b size / cup size. Free of charge.

Edited by Monterone
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Fair enough.


If you want to send me some recording materials in the mail i'd be more than happy to stream my gameplay via twitch and youtube. :D


There are interesting threads on this forum? I just started posting yesterday though.. :p


At this point the only thing I can tell you is to wait until someone posts a video here. Watch the video simultaneously with my analyzed remarks next to it, and see if I point out things you're not aware of that you could implement in your gameplay. I'll be pointing things out by referencing the time at which it occurs, so I will be easy to correlate my remarks with what is occurring in the video.


Perhaps I was mistaken. But my question still stands. What makes you qualified to analysis anything here? I don't actually get it. You do speak very eloquently, but again how is your opinion more valid? What Exacly are you trying to achieve? Because and I mean this with no disrespect in the end people will naturally improve over time at least on my mind.

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Perhaps I was mistaken. But my question still stands. What makes you qualified to analysis anything here? I don't actually get it. You do speak very eloquently, but again how is your opinion more valid? What Exacly are you trying to achieve? Because and I mean this with no disrespect in the end people will naturally improve over time at least on my mind.




Let me answer your first question with this: He thinks the highest maul an assassin can do is 5k on a sorcerer, and 6k if he puts all of his points/stats towards damage, with absolutely no crit

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Let me answer your first question with this: He thinks the highest maul an assassin can do is 5k on a sorcerer, and 6k if he puts all of his points/stats towards damage, with absolutely no crit


I could care less if you could hit 20k with your mauls. Simple fact of the matter is if you're just doing damage the entire game as an Assassin then you're not playing at a high skill level. It sounds counter intuitive but it is the truth. There are many other valuable things you should be concerned with.


I'll make a video here soon to help construe my point, hopefully.

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Perhaps I was mistaken. But my question still stands. What makes you qualified to analysis anything here? I don't actually get it. You do speak very eloquently, but again how is your opinion more valid? What Exacly are you trying to achieve? Because and I mean this with no disrespect in the end people will naturally improve over time at least on my mind.


I'm not concerned with people knowing my 'opinion' on matters. I'm concerned with teaching other people how to play the game, because the people that are considered to be 'good' in this game, really are not. The overall skill cap on this game in the community is no where near its potential.

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I'm not concerned with people knowing my 'opinion' on matters. I'm concerned with teaching other people how to play the game, because the people that are considered to be 'good' in this game, really are not. The overall skill cap on this game in the community is no where near its potential.


Exactly what I think. I'm trying to teach you :)

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Exactly what I think. I'm trying to teach you :)


Look I know you think I'm a retard because I said mauls don't hit for 6.5k, that's cool. Understandable. Most Assassins do not run the madness spec, in madness/madness-hybrid specs you can hit for that much. Cool, you got me, I guess.


Want to talk about other things that are actually relevant? Read what I've written. Just because I break the game down in a manner that is not MAINSTREAM does not mean I'm wrong. Maybe the MAINSTREAM is doing it all wrong, and I think it is. I shouldn't expect society to be able to understand complex strategies/logic though I suppose, stupid me.

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Look I know you think I'm a retard because I said mauls don't hit for 6.5k, that's cool. Understandable. Most Assassins do not run the madness spec, in madness/madness-hybrid specs you can hit for that much. Cool, you got me, I guess.


Want to talk about other things that are actually relevant? Read what I've written. Just because I break the game down in a manner that is not MAINSTREAM does not mean I'm wrong. Maybe the MAINSTREAM is doing it all wrong, and I think it is. I shouldn't expect society to be able to understand complex strategies/logic though I suppose, stupid me.


Never have I stated you were a retard, nor will I. I agree about giving tips to people, I try to when I can but a LOT, and I really mean MAJORITY of players won't even try to improve or listen to advice because they get shaken in their confidence when someone tells them they could improve in this or this way. And they get angry. Then stop listening.


I also agree most players could so SO MUCH better if they were to accept advice or try to figure things out by themselves.. Complex strategies and logic isn't where I would start, but I'd start by talking about keybinding and general advice in warzones, I'm certain some classes don't even use all their skills and abilities

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Never have I stated you were a retard, nor will I. I agree about giving tips to people, I try to when I can but a LOT, and I really mean MAJORITY of players won't even try to improve or listen to advice because they get shaken in their confidence when someone tells them they could improve in this or this way. And they get angry. Then stop listening.


I also agree most players could so SO MUCH better if they were to accept advice or try to figure things out by themselves.. Complex strategies and logic isn't where I would start, but I'd start by talking about keybinding and general advice in warzones, I'm certain some classes don't even use all their skills and abilities


Aye, I'm not trying to appeal to the player who JUST got the game. Lol. I'm trying to inform players who think they have nothing to learn, players who are heralded on each of their servers as being good, and all RATED teams.


I've watched numerous streams of the so called 'top' RATED teams play and they are all just DPS heroes with minimal strategy involved. People think that fighting at the middle of Civil War for 20 minutes means they are good or something. **** makes me sick.

Edited by Polymerize
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From what you're saying I'm confident my server (Shadowlands) has some pretty good ranked teams that do have strategies, two specific teams fight often and are sometimes winning, sometimes losing.. One is never dominating the other. The difference between those two guilds and the one I was in previously are that my ex-guildmates would not take advice, nor try to improve, not try to be competitive... Being casual, they didn't want to hear about other ways of playing than theirs, which ended up in me sitting there, upset that I'm a decent player and not being able to even do ranked as I won't join those two guilds.


Thing is, those guilds know their classes and what they're doing, mainly because they have different 50s and are taking advice from other people. That's what I'd wish for everyone, to be able to hear and try to understand advice people give you

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From what you're saying I'm confident my server (Shadowlands) has some pretty good ranked teams that do have strategies, two specific teams fight often and are sometimes winning, sometimes losing.. One is never dominating the other. The difference between those two guilds and the one I was in previously are that my ex-guildmates would not take advice, nor try to improve, not try to be competitive... Being casual, they didn't want to hear about other ways of playing than theirs, which ended up in me sitting there, upset that I'm a decent player and not being able to even do ranked as I won't join those two guilds.


Thing is, those guilds know their classes and what they're doing, mainly because they have different 50s and are taking advice from other people. That's what I'd wish for everyone, to be able to hear and try to understand advice people give you


Shadowlands was my original server. I left it because the level of PVP there is, terrible. I've rerolled on POT5 and it is better but still has a ton of room to improve.


What do you go by on Shadowlands? I could log on a toon and run some games with you perhaps. I'm in Physics on that server, I never play my toons there but I could run some games with you if you wanted.

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Ah? Out of curiosity, what's your name in Physics? Physics/ID are the two guilds I'm talking about.


Edit: How's the pvp in POT5 compared to Shadowlands? People are just more experienced or just.. less pugs and bads? I have a level 20 char on POT5 but I have a hard time leaving the whole legacy and 3 50s :/

Edited by Arkillon
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this thread is so fail. physics was nowhere near id, and they don't even q ranked anymore. they are probably 4th on the server in ranked atm. dragonyte dude calm down on these forums and play some games. pot5's pvp community is not better than this, nor worse. i have several 50's over there. normally i wouldn't involve myself with this but zenod dude physics<omgpink<wanted<id.
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this thread is so fail. physics was nowhere near id, and they don't even q ranked anymore. they are probably 4th on the server in ranked atm. dragonyte dude calm down on these forums and play some games. pot5's pvp community is not better than this, nor worse. i have several 50's over there. normally i wouldn't involve myself with this but zenod dude physics<omgpink<wanted<id.


Look I'm not looking to get into some personal 'guild-feud' or whatever, I could care less about that.


Shadowland's PVP is so much worse than POT5's PVP. Anyone who says otherwise, just SMH.

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He might be right, actually, his guild does pretty decent in ranked. I don't see Wanted often, but they got a bunch of new players, and omg PINK? I had heard their "core pvpers" went into Carnage Gaming


Well omg pink doesn't actually have a rated team , but rogean and eve usually organize it while picking from the best of the pub side (kilo, terethyn, calem, etc.). Wanted doesn't queue often but they still give us tough games. Ranked is nonexistant on this server nowadays so just waiting for the PTS to come up so we can start trying again. Unfortunately we'll probably never see it come up with this state of the game, and will all have to level to 55 in order to participate in ranked.


@Vasyel I'm on the shadowlands, near 3k rating and have sub 10 legitimate losses with 350+ wins. This is not boasting e-peen but it's clear who is currently #1 in ranked on our server.

Edited by Wookieenator
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Well omg pink doesn't actually have a rated team , but rogean and eve usually organize it while picking from the best of the pub side (kilo, terethyn, calem, etc.). Wanted doesn't queue often but they still give us tough games. Ranked is nonexistant on this server nowadays so just waiting for the PTS to come up so we can start trying again. Unfortunately we'll probably never see it come up with this state of the game, and will all have to level to 55 in order to participate in ranked.


I'm working my *** to get players to make a consistant team on the imp side to fight with you guys, but we're like.. 4. Have all of you copied chars to the PTS?

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I'm working my *** to get players to make a consistant team on the imp side to fight with you guys, but we're like.. 4. Have all of you copied chars to the PTS?


Yes we have. Also glad to hear you putting in the effort. There's a lot of individual players like yourself looking for ranked, you could make a damn good team. Take some from physics, woops, wanted and you'll have a competitive team in no time. Not many people actively look to make a team but you could easily do it.

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Yes we have. Also glad to hear you putting in the effort. There's a lot of individual players like yourself looking for ranked, you could make a damn good team. Take some from physics, woops, wanted and you'll have a competitive team in no time. Not many people actively look to make a team but you could easily do it.


Thing is, I want an actual guild that will do ranked :p Woops players all hate me, and I'm pretty sure a consistant team would beat a pug team of good players, if they're equally geared/good, since they'll be used to play with each other

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Thing is, I want an actual guild that will do ranked :p Woops players all hate me, and I'm pretty sure a consistant team would beat a pug team of good players, if they're equally geared/good, since they'll be used to play with each other


Just take them, I can't imagine anyone actually enjoys being in physics.

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