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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I present a Challenge.


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This thread will help me convey the strategies/logic that I am trying to convey to all SWTOR players.


I challenge anyone who claims to be a high quality SWTOR PVP player to a request.


High quality: You display high awareness in game, in most if not all situations. You communicate with teammates. You display how useful your utilities are, depending on what Class you play, in order to help your team win each game. It should be apparent that the only goal you have in mind is the WIN the game; in other words you could care less about any statistics you put on the scoreboard. You try to win games through intellect and awareness, and not through just pushing buttons.


The challenge is that you record a PVP match, or multiple ones, and present them in this thread. You should present videos NOT with the intent of displaying that you are a DPS HERO, you should present them with the intent to prove you are a high quality player. I will personally breakdown and analysis each moment of the game in an attempt to help convey pertinent messages to the community. All breakdown and analysis will be constructive criticism for your benefit and for the benefit of all who watch. These videos could be of you pugging matches or playing RATEDS with your team.


These videos would obviously need to be full-length games or at the very least, a 3~5 minute video. I am not looking for the videos that you see how there, that are edited to display 1v1's or anything of that nature. Also, please do not submit videos against sub-par teams/players. The other team should be competent; in other words it should be clear that you are punished for your mistakes or rewarded for making the right move.




URLs to the videos submitted will be referenced here; at the beginning of the thread.


Feedback will follow directly after the video that is referenced.


Feedback can also be found from other individuals from the forum throughout this thread. If you giving feedback about a video, please give a direct reference to the particular video you are talking about.



Edited by Polymerize
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I would do this. But my sub just expired today due to RL issues. I also have some recorded games, but I am terrible at filming and editing.


so when I come back to the game I will see what I can add.


if all else fails I'm sure somebody out there has the time and might be willing to edit things. Can make for fun practice for some people.

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I would do this. But my sub just expired today due to RL issues. I also have some recorded games, but I am terrible at filming and editing.


so when I come back to the game I will see what I can add.


I'd love to breakdown your videos. See if you can get them on here.

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LOL. I need to upload some videos for kilmo, maybe he can take care of it.


The issue I've encountered when editing, is even with segmented 15 minute games, it only loads like 5 secs of a 4 gig segment. So not sure if it's a spare memory issue or whatever. I'll get it figured out when I resub.

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LOL. I need to upload some videos for kilmo, maybe he can take care of it.


The issue I've encountered when editing, is even with segmented 15 minute games, it only loads like 5 secs of a 4 gig segment. So not sure if it's a spare memory issue or whatever. I'll get it figured out when I resub.


Huh. Would offer some help but all I've bothered editing are art videos and they're done lazily andddd haven't been done in a long time. Hope you get that sorted :p

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Please note I am not flaming you OP not at all.


With respect. What exactly makes you qualified to analyses other people's performance? I mean this sincerely. I have read at least one other thread of yours where you attempt to eloquently describe how you think the community can improve pvp wise and it is a very good read and interesting thread. But in this case what are you credentials? why would you need to break it down? And what makes your opinion more valid than another person? I really am not flaming you in the slightest but I am genuinely interested.


Also I would not want someone else breaking down a video of a pvp match of mine. Simply because I like to learn in my own way and that comes from reading interesting threads and doing research.

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Please note I am not flaming you OP not at all.


With respect. What exactly makes you qualified to analyses other people's performance? I mean this sincerely. I have read at least one other thread of yours where you attempt to eloquently describe how you think the community can improve pvp wise and it is a very good read and interesting thread. But in this case what are you credentials? why would you need to break it down? And what makes your opinion more valid than another person? I really am not flaming you in the slightest but I am genuinely interested.


Also I would not want someone else breaking down a video of a pvp match of mine. Simply because I like to learn in my own way and that comes from reading interesting threads and doing research.


Fair enough.


If you want to send me some recording materials in the mail i'd be more than happy to stream my gameplay via twitch and youtube. :D


There are interesting threads on this forum? I just started posting yesterday though.. :p


At this point the only thing I can tell you is to wait until someone posts a video here. Watch the video simultaneously with my analyzed remarks next to it, and see if I point out things you're not aware of that you could implement in your gameplay. I'll be pointing things out by referencing the time at which it occurs, so I will be easy to correlate my remarks with what is occurring in the video.

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I don't even understand the point of this post / challenge.


As a player that understands DPS (lol this is a joke right DPS is pve) heroes don't win WZs then why is a video required?


I'm not even sure how to respond to this? I don't quite understand.


It is less of a challenge and more of a request to be honest. I'd like to breakdown some videos in order to convey messages, people will understand logic more if they have a visual aid instead of reading my blocks of text.

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I'm not even sure how to respond to this? I don't quite understand.


It is less of a challenge and more of a request to be honest. I'd like to breakdown some videos in order to convey messages, people will understand logic more if they have a visual aid instead of reading my blocks of text.


break down your own videos?


do your own research on youtube/twich and find videos?


the material is already out there. you just need to go get it

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I would have no issue of someone breaking down my videos so long as they understood, that I don't give a Hoot about what they think. These days, I play something I Call Hallowball. Which basically means I choose a objective outside of the game i.e. practice pinning people in fire, or murder in the midst (my favorite game).


the objectives often appear like I am just running around doing whatever.


But each objective has a goal I am working on.


So it's whatever.


My only real concern is someone picking up on my habits and attempting to Camp me or whatever as I go through the motions.

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break down your own videos?


do your own research on youtube/twich and find videos?


the material is already out there. you just need to go get it


Sure, there are a lot of videos out on the web of individuals who think they are God's gift to SWTOR and make videos with clips of them winning 1v1's and pushing buttons. I'm requesting sometime of an entire different nature. Savvy?

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Sure, there are a lot of videos out on the web of individuals who think they are God's gift to SWTOR and make videos with clips of them winning 1v1's and pushing buttons. I'm requesting sometime of an entire different nature. Savvy?


I think you should reconsider snide comments about other peoples PvP videos when you don't have any and are wanting to break down someone else's while not even so much as putting your toons names in your signature.


You want to tell us all what works. How bout you show us?

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I think you should reconsider snide comments about other peoples PvP videos when you don't have any and are wanting to break down someone else's while not even so much as putting your toons names in your signature.


You want to tell us all what works. How bout you show us?


I just joined these forums 3 days ago, not sure how to put a perma-sig in my profile.


And if you would read wrote I've written, you'd see that I'd be more than welcome to display what I know and do in warzones. I didn't mention anyone's video in particular, so I would not consider anything I've said to be 'snide'. Sounds like you have some videos of your own, how about you put them up big dog? Or are you afraid that I'll break them apart and label you as a typical DPS HERO? Please, I'm just dying for someone to prove they are something more than a DPS HERO.

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I challenge you to make a thread on the pvp forums that doesn't degenerate into a flame war


I know right? I'm trying to stay professional. I don't want my threads to devolve into me vs. you thread. I'm trying to do something positive for this game. I could care less about people knowing who I am or anything of that nature. I don't want glory I want people to get better at this game so I'm not bored when I play it.

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