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Maintenance Now???


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So much QQ... it's two hours people cheer up. Go drink a beer or something that's what I'm doing.


I would drink a beer except... I am out and the stores don't sell after midnight here. Plus, I've already had a cpl so... i'd have to walk (I refuse to drink and drive, even if I have only had 1 beer) and well... I'm too lazy to bother even if I could pick up a 12 pack LOL.

Edited by Saitada
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meh. I live in Hawai'i so while I am normally up to play, I get Maint as well. Kinda sucks for me so I feel your pain.


I'm Hawaii too ... sitting here thanks to BW's screw up ... again ... amongst other things ... like the recent rash of DC and endless loading screen ... which they will promptly blame on the customer (its NEVER the game's fault)


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So much QQ... it's two hours people cheer up. Go drink a beer or something that's what I'm doing.


I can't speak for others, but as a developer who works in an environment with strict deadlines and deployment schedules the QQ stems from the fact that BioWare reneged on their scheduled maintenance time and then only "corrected" the forum entry 6 minutes after we'd received the server shutdown message (heads would roll if developers tried this where I work). I personally don't care that it's two hours of downtime; I'm glad there is stuff being done - I just wish they'd have followed the correct processes in notifying us. :)

Edited by Mofuwic
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So much QQ... it's two hours people cheer up. Go drink a beer or something that's what I'm doing.


Yea we had just got everyone on team speak and had just settled into an op though. Hard enough to plan these things at the best of times on my server now we have to re-schedule again.

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I'm Hawaii too ... sitting here thanks to BW's screw up ... again ... amongst other things ... like the recent rash of DC and endless loading screen ... which they will promptly blame on the customer (its NEVER the game's fault)



yeah.. it's our fault when.. the only thing that has changed on our systems is their patch.... but it's obviously our fault.


I had a BW drone tell me it was probably a setting on my computer. By the time I was through with him he was sputtering and backtracking and apologizing. Hard to blame the computer when this rig ONLY gets used for SW:TOR and forum trolling and the only update to it was a patch from SW:TOR. No issues prior to the patch but issues after the patch ergo, it was their patch.


It also doesn't pay to try and tell me it's my computer when I build the damn things and know exactly what is on my system and what it's doing to the nth degree.

Edited by Saitada
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I can't speak for others, but as a developer who works in an environment with strict deadlines and deployment schedules the QQ stems from the fact that BioWare reneged on their scheduled maintenance time and then only "corrected" the forum entry 6 minutes after we'd received the server shutdown message. I personally don't care that it's two hours of downtime; I'm glad there is stuff being done - I just wish they'd have followed the correct processes in notifying us. :)


Exactly. Telling people the times have changed six minutes after seeing the fifteen minute window is just pathetic and stating the obvious. Communication never seems to be a strong point when it comes to things like this, however when it comes to new cartel items...:rolleyes:

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Exactly. Telling people the times have changed six minutes after seeing the fifteen minute window is just pathetic and stating the obvious. Communication never seems to be a strong point when it comes to things like this, however when it comes to new cartel items...:rolleyes:


I get that, BW is trolling for sure. Can't wait for the "im unsubbing because of this!!!!" threads to pop up. LOL

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the computer when this rig ONLY gets used for SW:TOR and forum trolling and the only update to it was a patch from SW:TOR.


Well there lies your problem! Forum trolling is against the forums EULA and EA/Bioware has the technology to go inside your computer and change your setting and mess it all up!


So yes, it is your fault!! STOP TROLLING!



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I get that, BW is trolling for sure. Can't wait for the "im unsubbing because of this!!!!" threads to pop up. LOL


Most likely already started. Won't be me however since I do enjoy playing this game, when I am allowed to play it.

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Well there is so many negative posts about what bioware did in the last weeks, and they keep going to make their customers unhappy... do they want us to leave?


just curious what the intend of all this is...


do they even notice that most of us are unhappy with their service?

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Well there lies your problem! Forum trolling is against the forums EULA and EA/Bioware has the technology to go inside your computer and change your setting and mess it all up!


So yes, it is your fault!! STOP TROLLING!




Gasp... but.. but... Saitada is my TROLL character (just do a search on the PWI forums.. which I am perma banned from... for trolling the community manager with a *cough* really pornographic website).

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Welcome to BioWare's mindset - they are US based (iirc) and so schedule things accordingly. No appreciation for the European community whatsoever.


LOL. When has anything, or anyone in Europe done anything for the US, centered anything around the US, done anything but complain about the US? Honestly, what I'm reading here sounds like the rantings of a spoiled child. Its a US game. US players are the bulk of their income, yet you want them to down it prime time America because you feel entitled? Feel lucky that you have access to this American game, period.

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For people like myself that get a 3 hour window of game time each day this sucks. If most of that time is spent with game down AGAIN for the fourth time this week during the same window, yeah I'm pissed off. I want to play the game not write on the forums. If I had unlimited time this would be no bid deal but I don't.


This from a company trying to get you to sub and not be on preferred status. Way to go.

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Cheers! Me too friend! Just turn the cantina theme on, drink enough and eventually you will feel like you're IN starwars! :D


Ah i'm listening to Lindsey Stirling's dubstep cd. Violin+Dubstep = win

Edited by Alquist
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Exactly. Telling people the times have changed six minutes after seeing the fifteen minute window is just pathetic and stating the obvious. Communication never seems to be a strong point when it comes to things like this, however when it comes to new cartel items...:rolleyes:


There is going to be a whole lot of Americans waking up this fine Saturday morning to see that there will be no maintenance in the middle of their day. We are good with that. ;p


.....and we won't let you cackling people screw up this game like you did with, say, football.........Australian Rules Football. I mean, what the hell is that? ;p

Edited by Blackardin
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LOL. When has anything, or anyone in Europe done anything for the US, centered anything around the US, done anything but complain about the US? Honestly, what I'm reading here sounds like the rantings of a spoiled child. Its a US game. US players are the bulk of their income, yet you want them to down it prime time America because you feel entitled? Feel lucky that you have access to this American game, period.


I don't recall anyone saying anything about downing prime time US. You've obviously never heard of a staggered deployment. Also, considering that this game was designed to accommodate other languages and that the European servers are based in Ireland, your claim that it's an American game is hogwash.

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