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[Video] Controlz - Sniper PvP


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You're really not at a huge disadvantage to stealthers though because 99% of conc operatives are garbage so all you really have to worry about is assassins, which can give you a hard time yes, but it is still a winnable fight. At least you have the option. Your class is the most balanced in this game.


There is a huge skill gap among concealment players. And since medicine/sawbones is overpowered, they just prefer to go with the easy route: be healers. Feankly speaking i dont see how a sniper can win against a deception sin with recklessness available except for some crazy luck like when one of them ate my diversion then missed all 3 in a row: shock, discharge and asassinate

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I understand that you dont like being countered by snipers, but you should play one yourself. You will learn to hate stealthers, and stealther friendly maps like civil war and novarre coast. You will hate healers LoSing you and hate being unable to hunt them down behind the corner. You will be forever forced to walk in groups, being part of the big zerg, because a lone relocating sniper is a juicy target for stealthers.


In return you get awesome power over melee. (skilled one will still be a threat for you, an opportunistic, knowledgeble carnage marauder can whipe out good snipers quite often, provided he knows when to pick his fights)


Its better to be a melee countered by snipers than a sniper countered by sins. In your case you cam at least choose if you want to engage the sniper, or retreat to fight another day. Against a god sin, you are not being asked if you want to engage him or not. And it usually happens the worst moment for the sniper, if the in knows when to open.


I know you dont like being legshot, you probably hate being rooted, but this is exactly what you do with force leap to ther classes, and in the case of carmage you can have a total of 9s root. Legshot has the same cd as force leap. Are you ready to trade you leap roots for snipers loosing legshot?


I understand your point, I have a MM Sniper valor 48 6/14 WH not min/max, I know all the "pains" as a sniper also I know all the "gains" against melee classes, marauders and juggs it's a joke to kill so easy. Stealthers it's the madness for snipers.

I have a sin, I killed so many snipers with no reaction, assassin has so many stuns plus force shroud and burst... Just bubble stun can stop a Deception assassin, this is unbalanced imo. This need a fix because I can kill the target in 3 or 4 GCD plus controlling my target.

This is why I want all DPS trees lose the 4sec stun, and yes I want smash nerf, you can see me other posts.

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There is a huge skill gap among concealment players. And since medicine/sawbones is overpowered, they just prefer to go with the easy route: be healers. Feankly speaking i dont see how a sniper can win against a deception sin with recklessness available except for some crazy luck like when one of them ate my diversion then missed all 3 in a row: shock, discharge and asassinate


I would agree that there is a huge skill gap for conc players. I dont know if people necessarily go healing for the "easy route" or more simply because if I have a 500k game for dps on my conc it would of been 700+ on a pyro or smash. Once some things get toned down I think conc will be just fine. The only hardship I have with conc is that in sustained fights at some point you will run out of energy and there will be nothing you can do. It doesn't matter how good you are, how skilled a player, how well you know rotations. It will happen. You can stretch it really far if played properly but make no doubt about it in a long fight you will be auto shooting until you can participate again. I love the playstyle though so I will deal with the pain.

Edited by Cwild
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I would agree that there is a huge skill gap for conc players. I dont know if people necessarily go healing for the "easy route" or more simply because if I have a 500k game for dps on my conc it would of been 700+ on a pyro or smash. Once some things get toned down I think conc will be just fine. The only hardship I have with conc is that in sustained fights at some point you will run out of energy and there will be nothing you can do. It doesn't matter how good you are, how skilled a player, how well you know rotations. It will happen. You can stretch it really far if played properly but make no doubt about it in a long fight you will be auto shooting until you can participate again. I love the playstyle though so I will deal with the pain.


wait til your pew pew rifle hits someone for 1000.

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wait til your pew pew rifle hits someone for 1000.


It's almost there. I pew pew for about 920 now. The gear is coming along brother man. Almost at the rifle now, should get it tonight. Got about 942 bonus damage now. Itsa comin

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It's almost there. I pew pew for about 920 now. The gear is coming along brother man. Almost at the rifle now, should get it tonight. Got about 942 bonus damage now. Itsa comin


942 with or without stim? first time I pew pewed someone for 1000 I was like.... WHAT!!! HEY COME BACK HERE LET ME SHOOT YOU AGAIN.

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942 with or without stim? first time I pew pewed someone for 1000 I was like.... WHAT!!! HEY COME BACK HERE LET ME SHOOT YOU AGAIN.


That is with rakata stim, exotech is a little better obbviously. I only have 1 elite war hero piece which is bracers because I got excited when I first came back. I did get some 27 armorings for my rakata pieces though. Other then that all my gear is min/maxed to the best of my knowledge with WH stuff. Starting the elite grind now, but I want to get both weapons first.

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That is with rakata stim, exotech is a little better obbviously. I only have 1 elite war hero piece which is bracers because I got excited when I first came back. I did get some 27 armorings for my rakata pieces though. Other then that all my gear is min/maxed to the best of my knowledge with WH stuff. Starting the elite grind now, but I want to get both weapons first.


excellent!!! my sub is expiring soon, so I will be f2p for a bit. but if you have questions and I am not on send me a in game mail.

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Than i suggest you start commenting and proving me wrong, rather than just provide random rant. As for fear, have you actually experienced this matchup?


i don't coment

each situations different so comments are more than useless

and no i have never ever played a shadow and a gunslinger




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I don't mind the criticism at all. I honestly prefer it. My last sage video, for example, I got comments like you aren't playing a team game, when clearly some clips weren't meant to show that. Unfortunately I didn't get things like, you don't use your healing trance enough or keep rejuvenate up, missed an interrupt/cleanse here and there and there were parts where you could have force slowed.


I made this video to show a couple things. Being able to do things like CC one target, CC/interrupt a caster/healer and get kills on a 3rd or 4th target. That and to show how much easier things are when you use the focus frame (now that it isn't bugged). I haven't seen a video in swtor yet that even uses the focus frame correctly imo and most videos just shows someone tunneling damage into their target.


My first sniper video shows only one good thing. Peeling for people. And though it also wasn't perfect at just that, it does show something that again I haven't seen before in swtor videos.


It's clearly unbalanced:

Sniper vs melee

Other ranged vs melee


Snipers has 100% advantage, melee do not have 100% advantage against other classes, this is what I'm talking about.

Remove 4sec stun and increase the cooldown in leg shot to 45sec, snipers fixed.

The damage output from snipers and melee classes it's the same.

To be fair, I think all DPS trees should lose the 4sec stun.

4sec stun only for tanks and healers.


I wouldn't say the advantage is 100%. There is way too much burst potential/rng from all classes to say any duel is 100%. I think carnage and rage marauders have the best chance of the warrior classes, but both the duels favor the sniper. Tank jugs can win it easily too, just because they can possibly deflect everything.


Conceal Operatives and any Sin spec has the advantage to a sniper, from what i've seen. But again its going to come down to rng a lot of the times.


Its possible for a sniper to put long CC chains on a knight if they don't have a CC break. Especially if you throw a root grenade into the picture and use LOS for the windows when you're CC is on cooldown or he's white barred. I don't play a 50 knight/warrior, but I don't think this is a problem, because they still have ranged attacks/abilities they can use while rooted in group play and all sniper roots are cleanseable. On my sage, I won't let a melee sit a legshot and really cleanse basically destroys most peeling a sniper can give his teammates. There is no blanket silence mechanic (for example) that you can drop on a cleanser to prevent him from getting a melee out of a root.


The game is not balanced around 1v1s. The game is actually only good imo when both sides have tanks and healers and dps. In this game you are very reliant on your teammates. Getting legshotted out of the fight is just one of those things where a melee is going to be reliant on getting cleansed.

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I'm glad you mentioned the focus frame. That's one thing I've definitely picked up from your videos so far.


Sometimes you get a pug that simply WILL NOT focus a healer in the heat of battle. In that situation, I've found it's better to focus frame the healer and assist the dps that is hell bent on tunneling a certain dps. By interrupting that clutch heal (Underworld Medicine, Rapid Scan, Healing Trance) and then popping a quick cc (like flashbang) for the second, that target can drop and then your pug friends will lift their heads up and see the marks.


I've found that it's far too frustrating to get a pug to change how they play. Most of the time they won't; they'll just complain. So it helps to have some alternate strategies.

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When they don't leave anyway. I see you leave many ugly warzones and I find that to be weak.


Yeah I leave some warzones. Sometimes I just don't feel like getting zerged over and over and over again. I'll leave games when we're winning also. Sometimes when we're steamrolling the other team. Its not really fun. That or I'll just sit there defending or i'll leave because a queue popped or team is ready to play in WoW.


When my friend plays my character, he will sometimes sit afk or leave also. He only really likes playing huttball and voidstar.

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I don't like to criticize fellow snipers, but you have room for a lot of improvement.


1. Interface, get rid of that double abiilties, I don't see what advantages it could provide you. Instead of having your eyes focused on a much smaller area of cooldowns, you dilute your sight focus over the entire monitor.


2. Your engagements with classes you are supposed to counter (marauders) are extremely long with a lot of useless moves. Your duel with the carnage marauder and focus sentinel should have ended at least 10 seconds sooner.


3. You go into entrench, than immediately move out of it repeated times, when there is absolutely no reason to do that.


4. You are wasting your CC and don't use it strategically when it is really needed. A lot of stuns, flashbangs are being thrown in a situation when there were not really necessary. Instead of using them as a response to enemy abilities, you just throw them randomly. Also you waste these cooldowns in situations when your team vastly outnumbers the opponents, thus you don't save your CDs for later moments.


5. because of (4), you are needlessly filling resolve of players when you shouldn't. Let me tell you one thing, against a carnage marauder, RWZ quality material, you will be DEAD if you fill their resolve they way you do now.


6. You seem to be heavily influenced by some of your other classes experience. Try to get rid of whatever bad habbits you have acquired before, especially the unnecessary movement out of cover while against zerg. This is just asking for trouble at pulling / leaping to you.


7. Unprocced 2,5s ambushes, just don't.


8. Positioning, there are a couple of times you just position yourself in places where your enemy can easily exploit them. Or you don't take advantage of oppostunities that maps offer you. On ancient hypergates you should stand on the pedestal in the middle to deny enemy of being able to LoS you.


9. You use grenades with MM 1vs1 in situations when the enemy doesn't have any special defenses against your ranged attacks.


Show me your video. Your flawless video.

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Show me your video. Your flawless video.


Lol i see some people really getting butthurt about criticism. Should i begin watching your videos? Whats with the funny banning of your videos on mobile devices? Desperate to get some $ from the views? :D you probabply imply that a video of selected best moments is always a demonstration of skill.

Edited by NoTomorrow
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Lol i see some people really getting butthurt about criticism. Should i begin watching your videos? Whats with the funny banning of your videos on mobile devices? Desperate to get some $ from the views? :D you probabply imply that a video of selected best moments is always a demonstration of skill.


I said show me your flawless video, I didnt say anthing else, what's wrong with you?

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