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Back off of the PvPers, please


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If you DON'T want open world PVP you shouldn't be in an open world PVP zone. That's even more simple.


Dude... I'm a PvPer and I can tell you that your argument makes zero sense. People who play on a PvE server expect PvE only. It is not a player's fault that Bioware pulls bait and switch on their playerbase. Players who join PvE servers should be able to toggle PvP even in open world PvP areas, especially subscribers who pay for a particular kind of gameplay.


Second, if you want to PvP on a PvE server, respect the majority's playstyle and stick to warzones. You'll get more respect and earn more friends. Real PvPers play against PvPers, so go to where the PvP is on a PvE server.

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People who play on a PvE server expect PvE only.


Thought we were an RP server? Does that mean people should expect RP all the time? Oh man, I better start to get my RP on 24/7 now to fit in with the expectation from the masses.


But really, what’s the harm in having the Outlaw’s Den and the free-for-all area on Ilum? PVE players can avoid those two areas completely. It's two small area in the whole of SWTOR. You don’t need to go into the free-for-all zone to get helix components – you can get those from doing the heroic in the pve area and the raid boss. I’m really confused why people think they HAVE to go in there.


When you turn in those two pvp quests, you are awarded warzone commendations. Which are only given out... yanno, when it’s assumed that pvp has happened. Being expected to be gifted warzone comms for doing no pvp seems a bit of a silly thing.

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Dude... I'm a PvPer and I can tell you that your argument makes zero sense. People who play on a PvE server expect PvE only. It is not a player's fault that Bioware pulls bait and switch on their playerbase. Players who join PvE servers should be able to toggle PvP even in open world PvP areas, especially subscribers who pay for a particular kind of gameplay.


Second, if you want to PvP on a PvE server, respect the majority's playstyle and stick to warzones. You'll get more respect and earn more friends. Real PvPers play against PvPers, so go to where the PvP is on a PvE server.


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I like all three play styles


I like RP PvE because I can avoid the anti RP crowds and the L33T speak found on pvp servers


I also like to be able to PvP when I want to, maybe I don't want to be flagged because I want to level up or I want RP out in the world


That being said I usually stay flagged and if you are also flagged, we are going fight

After all I like to stay in character when I am on my sith, he does not like republic troopers very much


If I kill you, I don't remember you or gloat about it. It was for fun. If you win or catch me when I forget I am flagged, that's fun too.


It's all in fun and there is no consequence for PvP death in this game


I find a random fight in which someone gets force pushed off a bridge to be awesome random RP


If we are both flagged then the fight was consensual


I will point out that I do not gank lowbies


Try using /say and stay in character when you approach a red player and you might have some random RP fun, sure beats sitting around the cantina on fleet either way

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If you don't want to get attacked, don't enter an area that automatically flags you for PVP.


You can choose between not completing the quest, or risking being attacked.


If you want your cake and to eat it as well, sorry, BioWare doesn't agree with you or care about your cake.


Deal with it.


Besides, if 20 people want to just line up and 4 people want to PVP... 20v4 is a pretty lopsided fight, but you shouldn't let that stop you from taking advantage of it. If you want the right to just complete the quest in an orderly fashion, defend that right.


The only beefs I've had with this event whatsoever are the "extortion" (which, even if joking, was not taken as a joke by most of the server's population) and the fact that active PVP groups were ignoring each other and the opportunity to PVP in favor of slaughtering lemmings in multiple instances. I don't understand how that is fun for any length of time, especially to competitive PVPers, and I would have wished that they'd have invested more energy in fighting each other (maybe make one instance a total warzone, and change every 30 minutes to keep people from getting *too* complacent) and less into trolling.


I don't PvP at all. You can keep your missions in the PvP zones, and the rewards. The rewards might be cool and desirable, but not worth it to me. Not only do I not want to PvP, but more importantly I don't want to even associate with Players that think PvP is acceptable on a PvE server. I chose Ebon Hawke because it was a PvE server, not for it's RP. It's bad enough that Bioware couldn't figure out this simple FACT.... that PvE Players and PvP Players don't mix together and should be keep apart, but for PvP players to take advantage of Bioware's bad design just to get their gank thrills is lame.


Don't worry PvP Players.... I have no intention of interacting with you in any way. I will take all steps necessary to avoid you like the plague. That means for me no HK-51 and other content for me. Choice made.


(I used to support PvP content and features in MMOs... I no longer do, because of the actions and attitudes of PvP Players themselves that I have witnessed over the years in many MMOs. PvE Players aren't innocent EITHER for the record, which is why I feel Bioware should implement the exact same PvP choice flag system that was in SWG and that is in a few other MMOs. Keeping the PvP community and the PvE community seperate while sharing the same "world" I feel is the best way to design a MMO. )


(edited for spelling and clarity)

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I don't PvP at all. You can keep your missions in the PvP zones, and the rewards. The rewards might be cool and desirable, but not worth it to me. Not only do I not want to PvP, but more importantly I don't want to even associate with Players that think PvP is acceptable on a PvE server. I chose Ebon Hawke because it was a PvE server, not for it's RP. It's bad enough that Bioware couldn't figure out this simple FACT.... that PvE Players and PvP Players don't mix together and should be keep apart, but for PvP players to take advantage of Bioware's bad design just to get their gank thrills is lame.


Don't worry PvP Players.... I have no intention of interacting with you in any way. I will take all steps necessary to avoid you like the plague. That means for me no HK-51 and other content for me. Choice made.


(I used to support PvP content and features in MMOs... I no longer do, because of the actions and attitudes of PvP Players themselves that I have witnessed over the years in many MMOs. PvE Players aren't innocent EITHER for the record, which is why I feel Bioware should implement the exact same PvP choice flag system that was in SWG and that is in a few other MMOs. Keeping the PvP community and the PvE community seperate while sharing the same "world" I feel is the best way to design a MMO. )


(edited for spelling and clarity)


Wow I am sorry that you feel this way


Like my last post said I enjoy all three types of game play and I get along with everyone


PvP and PvE are just more content and certainly I am not out to mess up anyone else's fun when flagged nor do I think that one type on play style is better than the other


So we can get along just fine


Not sure why you came to ebon hawk for the PvE and not the RP

I mean to everyone this an RP server before anything else


Personally I am not a fan of segregation of servers it's so weird

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Wow I am sorry that you feel this way


Like my last post said I enjoy all three types of game play and I get along with everyone


PvP and PvE are just more content and certainly I am not out to mess up anyone else's fun when flagged nor do I think that one type on play style is better than the other


So we can get along just fine


Not sure why you came to ebon hawk for the PvE and not the RP

I mean to everyone this an RP server before anything else


Personally I am not a fan of segregation of servers it's so weird


I didn't come to Ebon Hawke as far as I remember. My characters where ported here due to the server merges. I don't remember what server I was on at Launch. The core characters I wanted to play ended up here.


I will say this... I stay out of the way of RPers and PvPers (if I think I might interfere and ruin their fun). I have respect for all Players even though I no longer agree with their "playstyle".


So yes I do what I can so we can get along just fine. I agree with this.


Thank you for responding to my thread in a positive manner. I replied in a defensive manner, but I admit MMOs are not so friendly anymore, especially on forums. Your self control and good manners are encouraging. Thank you.

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If I am solo and you are solo, you are flagged, and my name is red - expect to get jumped.

If I am with someone and you are solo and flagged, I will probably leave you alone, unless I think you have a ridiculous name or a ridiculous legacy name, in which case I will slaughter you mercilessly.

If I am with someone and you are in a group of 2 or more, and flagged - expect to get jumped.


This guy is my hero.

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Honestly I'm fine with it when I get ganked.... frustrating yes. Overall the ganking of players who are questing is unclassy in my opinion, and any guild condoning such behavior is not a guild that deserves respect or admiration from anyone. What I do have issues with more than anything is when guilds that are part of your same faction will gank you. I know Azure Blades has done this to me multiple times on my Pub, and Guerella, Empire, and at the beginning Silent Council (props to SC for laying off). Not sure how this behavior is the least bit satisfying. Ganking non geared pvp players in groups of 4-10 people is just sad. I'm sure these players have their reasons... and i for one would like to hear them.


Anyhow, if I don't like it... then I don't do it. I stopped doing gree quests the first day I was there. Their is much more content in the game to do that I enjoy.



GM Dark Asylum

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The problem is that BW should have never done quests in the PvP area. They should have all been in the PvE area but then again, when has Bioware not made mistakes and I love this game. I don't have a problem with the event being on Ilum. I have a problem with it demanding you do quests in the PvP area. Yes, I know you can skip those but they shouldn't have been there in the first place.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I find it funny that the "elite" PvPers like to talk about "quality" or "skill" when the fact is most rush through to max level and devote tons of play time to gearing up in order to club baby seals. If these people were really interested in skill they would play a less gear based game like BF3.


That said if it is red (or yellow) I kill it or die trying.

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There are many issues within the PvP community, but you are off-base in making a general assumption as to why a group of people choose to "rush" to 55. I'm sure there are many reasons why people have rushed to 55, and I'm sure that for a few your reason is the correct one. However, the gear argument is a ridiculous one given that War Hero gear was easily obtainable and EWH gear was essentially a non-factor. If the discussion is about augments then that is an issue to take up with the developers of the game.


PvPrs are good because they put in the time and effort to be good at that aspect of the game. Gear, ganking, pre-mades, among other reasons are simply excuses made by people who either A) don't put in the time and effort to become good at PvP or B) can't accept that there are people that are better at PvP than themselves.

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Some of you are not familiar with the 5 Rules of MMO PvP:


1) There is no such thing as a fair fight.

2) PvP is usually about numbers. If they bring 10 guys, bring 20.

3) Duels are for chumps.

4) If your opponent(s) are better geared, more skilled, or higher level...run away.

5) Forum PvP is best PvP.

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club baby seals.

< Seal Cub Clubbing Club > Is now recruiting!


Please feel free to fill in an application.


The only prerequisites to membership are an unjustifiably inflated ego, a passion for asserting undeserved authority over others and, most importantly, a pure seething hatred for anything innocent and/or fluffy.


See you in game soon!

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< Seal Cub Clubbing Club > Is now recruiting!


Please feel free to fill in an application.


The only prerequisites to membership are an unjustifiably inflated ego, a passion for asserting undeserved authority over others and, most importantly, a pure seething hatred for anything innocent and/or fluffy.


See you in game soon!


Whats the damn password!?

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Not only do I not want to PvP, but more importantly I don't want to even associate with Players that think PvP is acceptable on a PvE server. I chose Ebon Hawke because it was a PvE server, not for it's RP.



Don't worry PvP Players.... I have no intention of interacting with you in any way. I will take all steps necessary to avoid you like the plague. That means for me no HK-51 and other content for me. Choice made.

(edited for spelling and clarity)



You came to a roleplay server for PvE? I can slightly understand the logic, but it just seems silly in my eyes. Yes, the community on RP servers tends to be better...until you start joining end-game progression groups (the ones who don't RP) who aren't the same as the rest of us.


I am a roleplayer first, a PvP player second, and a PvE player last. I don't think it's unreasonable to have 1-2 open PvP areas on a server when the rest of your areas are nice and safe and cozy. No, the ganking isn't very fun or acceptable, but I suppose I'm used to it having played on a PvP server in WoW for several years. To me, not being flagged all the time is still a change, and a nice one. There was a time in MMO history where there wasn't such a distinction between PvP and PvE and the games had open PKing for all! (As well as stealing peoples' stuff.)


This being said, I find it sorrowful that by your logic you would end up ignoring myself and the large majority of my friends simply because we enjoy a different aspect of gameplay than yourself. Both my current guild (CSOS), my old one (Collective), and most of my out of guild friends all enjoy queueing for warzones or taking part in the occasional skirmish on Ilum. In fact, I hardly even go to open world PvP areas myself unless there's an event going on. No, we don't run around and gank random lowbies for funsies. I personally will be striving for the endgame PvP gear, but I always consider myself a roleplayer first.


If PvP shouldn't be allowed on a PvE server, then PvE shouldn't be allowed on a PvP server. I suppose that means no raiding, no questing at all, no flashpoints, no achevements, no heroics.


And since we're on an RP server, apparently none of us should PvE OR PvP and we are all doomed to sit in the cantina and stare at each other all day. Ooooh the humanity!

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Some of you are not familiar with the 5 Rules of MMO PvP:


1) There is no such thing as a fair fight.

2) PvP is usually about numbers. If they bring 10 guys, bring 20.

3) Duels are for chumps.

4) If your opponent(s) are better geared, more skilled, or higher level...run away.

5) Forum PvP is best PvP.


This guy hasn't done much mmo pvp I guess.

1) A fight is fair if you have thought of all strats, stims, buffs, and abilties. (the people I see who call me a hacker are not bright when it comes to movement, distances, and line of sighting; or they didn't bring any medpacs)

2) Pvp is not about numbers it is about focusing, containing, and reacting. If you have 3 people on a mumble server calling out cc's; focusing targets, and picking correct ability usage i would wager they could take out 6-9 enemies.

3) Duels are what make or break reputations. If you have played mmo's everyone knows the "server celebs" who have mastered pvp and win duels. These are the elites, trust me to elite pvpers duels matter!

4) Gear matters to some extent if your skill cannot overcome it, Skill is not known until the encounter begins unless you have fought them before ( so how would you know to run away?), Higher level, this can be a dealbreaker due to hit chance, but you should be able to attack someone a couple of levels above you if you catch them off guard or just out play them.




If this was too long for most to read it can be summarized as:


Fail Player is Fail

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