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Back off of the PvPers, please


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I think this falls to both sides being right and wrong. Unfortunately more of an issue is not so much the stance either takes but the vitriol with which they hold for those of the opposite.


I'm more of a pve-er that toys around with pvp at this point, so open world skirmishes erupting really are not to my taste most of the time.


That said, the few times where I have ventured into south-central Ilum I did so entirely aware that I could find myself back at respawn on short order. If I'm roaming and someone picks a fight I'll probably lose to someone more dedicated to pvp and I will be irritated at being killed, but neither will I hold it against them for doing so.



That said, I find a big difference between roving the still relatively small FFA area and engaging any red names you come across in the process and camping out that central focal point with the only real aim being to perpetuate area denial.



You'll never find me grousing about a group choosing to do so in general (I was actually overselling how much I was enjoying the event in my guild's chat because I was getting irritated at some of the complaining), but I do think it goes against the spirit of what pvp used to be.



That said I find it as much a design flaw on BW's part as a questionable character aspect on those participants' part. What tweaks could have been made (3+ deposit locations, increase the cube's required but deflag inside the thunderdome-- thus changing where point control fighting occurs) are an argument for another post but I don't think they did themselves any favors as it creates a system that put way to much faith in the natur of pvpers (hoping they will stick to 4v4 or not seek point control domination as a unit).

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I find the way people have reacted to this event to be very interesting. We have had some very emotional and strong feelings go out towards other players. There have been judgments to a persons character based on whom they kill in a PvP zone.


In the PvP zone, we have people that think:


A) There should be no killing (lets all form a nice line).

B) There shouldn't be non-consensual killings.

C) Its only OK to kill people that are equal or greater strength.

D) Its OK to kill anyone from opposite faction, only.

E) Its OK to kill anyone.


Where do I stand? I like option E. To some people, that must mean that I am a horrible insane person who is completely anti-social and lacks moral dignity. And if you want to feel that way, I really don't care much, because anyone who actually knows me would acknowledge that is far from the truth.


Why do I do it? Because I enjoy the fights. I hope that the slain will call in their friends to come help. I want to play a game of King of the Hill or Stab and Seek. Its something different and I am having a blast. I am willing to be the "bad guy" so the "good guys" can come in and save the day.


I took the Bartle test and scored: Killer: 107%, Achiever: 67%, Socializer: 40%, Explorer: 47%

There is an interesting article here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=598510

It basically says we have a zone that everyone wants to be in, that happens to be PvP. It talks about how the conflicts and QQ could be predicted with all of the different personality types we have in the game.


So what is the real situation here? BW gave us an event with mostly PvE content. They added a small PvP area with an optional quest in it. Some people (myself included) have been having a wonderful time in there. I have been killed countless times and have killed many in return. I have been murdered by mobs of players (and I have done it to others). I have been in fights with two opposing strong forces and I have tried to break groups controlling the node (including the line gang). I don't get mad when I die. I am finding extra enjoyment out of the game, and I know others are too.



This is an optional PvP Zone. If you don't like the chance of getting killed, don't enter the area. And for your sanity, put things in perspective. There is no death penalty and you can just come back later or switch instances if you having a hard time.

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This is an optional PvP Zone


Really? Like there's no Story quest there? ... So why are people complaining again? If there's nothing to do there than PvP why the hell are people going there? If it really is just optional then I'm siding with the full on PvPers... People may as well be literally asking to be killed if the area has no ties to non-PvP progression... I mean seriously. Outside of this zone and opposite faction zones the ONLY way to be PvPed is if you willingly flag yourself. People really are complaining for no reason...




Also this term supports the PvPer hate. Ganking is one thing, but saying stuff like that after is like salt in the wound. Like teabagging in FPS games. The terms just do make people come off as a douchebag.

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Really? Like there's no Story quest there? ... So why are people complaining again? If there's nothing to do there than PvP why the hell are people going there? If it really is just optional then I'm siding with the full on PvPers... People may as well be literally asking to be killed if the area has no ties to non-PvP progression... I mean seriously. Outside of this zone and opposite faction zones the ONLY way to be PvPed is if you willingly flag yourself. People really are complaining for no reason...


Optional = if you don't do the quest. It is not required for weekly or anything. If you are talking about the story, isn't it about seeing how we do in battle?


The quest is a PvP quest. Hating BW or PvP players for it is stupid. We have an open world PvP quest where anything goes. Big deal.


And seriously whining about the term QQ? Wipe away the tears and man/woman up or stay out of our zone.

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Optional = if you don't do the quest. It is not required for weekly or anything. If you are talking about the story, isn't it about seeing how we do in battle?


The quest is a PvP quest. Hating BW or PvP players for it is stupid. We have an open world PvP quest where anything goes. Big deal.


And seriously whining about the term QQ? Wipe away the tears and man/woman up or stay out of our zone.


Whatever, you go around on your operative and try and gank people. You do it from stealth and if you're about to lose you combat stealth and run away. Don't pretend like you like to kill anything, you like to gank and/or flee. I love when stealth classes that who get their opener will win 90% of the time pretend like they are something special, and the 10% of the time they run away and lick their wounds.

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Whatever, you go around on your operative and try and gank people. You do it from stealth and if you're about to lose you combat stealth and run away. Don't pretend like you like to kill anything, you like to gank and/or flee. I love when stealth classes that who get their opener will win 90% of the time pretend like they are something special, and the 10% of the time they run away and lick their wounds.


So basically... you're saying he behaves exactly the way any Concealment-specced Operative would?


What the heck else is a stealth burst class with flimsy defenses and poor sustained DPS going to do?


Certainly you don't expect him to just sit there and trade blows with arguably the best dueling class in the game. That would be silly. Not using the tools in his toolbox to give himself every advantage within the confines of the rules of the game would be equally silly.


Funny that you single him out, when he's one of the players I've seen who's the least predatory, in terms of purely picking on weak targets. He'll attack anyone regardless of numbers and regardless of their strength. Seems like he just wants to PVP and doesn't like the lines. He's entirely in the right to sow chaos in a PVP zone by instigating PVP, and he's certainly not QQing when he gets beaten down after biting off more than he can chew.


But seriously. LOL @ you for getting mayad about a stealth burst DPS doing what a stealth burst DPS is designed to do.

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Whatever, you go around on your operative and try and gank people. You do it from stealth and if you're about to lose you combat stealth and run away. Don't pretend like you like to kill anything, you like to gank and/or flee. I love when stealth classes that who get their opener will win 90% of the time pretend like they are something special, and the 10% of the time they run away and lick their wounds.


You tell them Drazzy!

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So basically... you're saying he behaves exactly the way any Concealment-specced Operative would?


What the heck else is a stealth burst class with flimsy defenses and poor sustained DPS going to do?


Certainly you don't expect him to just sit there and trade blows with arguably the best dueling class in the game. That would be silly. Not using the tools in his toolbox to give himself every advantage within the confines of the rules of the game would be equally silly.


Funny that you single him out, when he's one of the players I've seen who's the least predatory, in terms of purely picking on weak targets. He'll attack anyone regardless of numbers and regardless of their strength. Seems like he just wants to PVP and doesn't like the lines. He's entirely in the right to sow chaos in a PVP zone by instigating PVP, and he's certainly not QQing when he gets beaten down after biting off more than he can chew.


But seriously. LOL @ you for getting mayad about a stealth burst DPS doing what a stealth burst DPS is designed to do.


This actually was in reference to the previous post in which, SS stated that they will kill regardless of the target. Actually, I know this to be false, Reason being? We baited SS the other night to see if they would attack groups of 2, or groups of 1. Lo and behold when one person was by themselves, SS would come out of the shadows and attack, but when there were more than 1 person they'd slink off and look for "easier" prey.


The reason why i single out SS in this post is because in a typical warzone I will get tunneled by SS throughout the match, REGARDLESS of objectives. This is why these players that are posting are so funny when defending their actions. These are not objective based players, these are scoreboard heroes that try and put up the biggest numbers, or carry out their personal deathmatch vendettas..


I am tempted to post a screenshot where I took 540k damage, while the Game Genie healer took 90k. And lo and behold it was up against a Gamepirella premade! I had 18 deaths total, GG had a collective 7. 2 players "including the healer" had 0 deaths on the GG premade. Arash had 22 deaths.


No one capped a door, and we ended up winning, but are you trying to tell me collusion wasn't at play?


Further on the Game Genie website (Alexis) takes credit for getting me banned from the forums.


I know this has deviated from the original point, but overall it encompasses the playstyle we have come to see. Picking and choosing who to attack (also in the PvP area) and lack of objective base play.


Let's not just ignore the fact that warzones (with the occasional exception of Hypergates) are not deathmatch oriented.

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This actually was in reference to the previous post in which, SS stated that they will kill regardless of the target. Actually, I know this to be false, Reason being? We baited SS the other night to see if they would attack groups of 2, or groups of 1. Lo and behold when one person was by themselves, SS would come out of the shadows and attack, but when there were more than 1 person they'd slink off and look for "easier" prey.


The reason why i single out SS in this post is because in a typical warzone I will get tunneled by SS throughout the match, REGARDLESS of objectives. This is why these players that are posting are so funny when defending their actions. These are not objective based players, these are scoreboard heroes that try and put up the biggest numbers, or carry out their personal deathmatch vendettas..


I am tempted to post a screenshot where I took 540k damage, while the Game Genie healer took 90k. And lo and behold it was up against a Gamepirella premade! I had 18 deaths total, GG had a collective 7. 2 players "including the healer" had 0 deaths on the GG premade. Arash had 22 deaths.


No one capped a door, and we ended up winning, but are you trying to tell me collusion wasn't at play?


Further on the Game Genie website (Alexis) takes credit for getting me banned from the forums.


I know this has deviated from the original point, but overall it encompasses the playstyle we have come to see. Picking and choosing who to attack (also in the PvP area) and lack of objective base play.


Let's not just ignore the fact that warzones (with the occasional exception of Hypergates) are not deathmatch oriented.


You double tell them Drazzy!

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This actually was in reference to the previous post in which, SS stated that they will kill regardless of the target. Actually, I know this to be false, Reason being? We baited SS the other night to see if they would attack groups of 2, or groups of 1. Lo and behold when one person was by themselves, SS would come out of the shadows and attack, but when there were more than 1 person they'd slink off and look for "easier" prey.


Rest of this post aside... are you seriously surprised that he's not instigating 1v2+ PVP?


Or are you saying that he was with other people and would still only attack solo targets?

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This actually was in reference to the previous post in which, SS stated that they will kill regardless of the target. Actually, I know this to be false, Reason being? We baited SS the other night to see if they would attack groups of 2, or groups of 1. Lo and behold when one person was by themselves, SS would come out of the shadows and attack, but when there were more than 1 person they'd slink off and look for "easier" prey.

Lol. I have attacked 1 through many (stab and seek). I am not a lemming where I go in uncloaked by myself into a group of people and stand there so I can get my butt kicked. I use strategy and skill in hunting my prey. When in a group we tend to get more bold. As I recall the other night, my group of 4 was outnumbered at least 2:1 and we wiped the center, including you and some of your guildies.


The reason why i single out SS in this post is because in a typical warzone I will get tunneled by SS throughout the match, REGARDLESS of objectives. This is why these players that are posting are so funny when defending their actions. These are not objective based players, these are scoreboard heroes that try and put up the biggest numbers, or carry out their personal deathmatch vendettas..

Ok now it's a ROFL, you really are a troll. In a typical WZ I am healing. Regardless when I heal or deeps, I play objectives. Please let go of the anger and stop the lies.

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Ok now it's a ROFL, you really are a troll. In a typical WZ I am healing. Regardless when I heal or deeps, I play objectives. Please let go of the anger and stop the lies.


It's not all the time no. I even asked you when you switch to healing in one warzone, you remember? I've always had respect for your play style, and no it wasn't my guild that you went through with 2 people. I was on my imp when you were picking off people in my group. and no, I'm not trying to troll. So I apologize for coming off too strong. I was definitely using a small sample to categorize you and I'm sorry. Was just fresh off an encounter with you. So I'm sorry for that.

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In my 2.5 months in this game I have met alot of people in warzones so far as I am an avid pvper. SilentStorm is one of the people I love to have on my team as he IS objective oriented and just a great player. I have taken many a node with him either watching over me with heals, ccing key targets, or dpsing healers. I am personally glad that you probably rage quit after he outplayed you. To whine about someone tunneling you, should give you pride as you have been identitifed as a key factor in the other teams success. My guess though is you are probably a "glass half empty" person so to you I say!......



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In my 2.5 months in this game I have met alot of people in warzones so far as I am an avid pvper. SilentStorm is one of the people I love to have on my team as he IS objective oriented and just a great player. I have taken many a node with him either watching over me with heals, ccing key targets, or dpsing healers. I am personally glad that you probably rage quit after he outplayed you. To whine about someone tunneling you, should give you pride as you have been identitifed as a key factor in the other teams success. My guess though is you are probably a "glass half empty" person so to you I say!......




i didn't rage quit

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It's not all the time no. I even asked you when you switch to healing in one warzone, you remember? I've always had respect for your play style, and no it wasn't my guild that you went through with 2 people. I was on my imp when you were picking off people in my group. and no, I'm not trying to troll. So I apologize for coming off too strong. I was definitely using a small sample to categorize you and I'm sorry. Was just fresh off an encounter with you. So I'm sorry for that.


No hard feelings. This PvP event is really bringing out the emotions. ;)


As far as playing and ignoring objectives to obliterate someone, I don't do that. When I deeps I hit marked targets (usually healers), target of target (focus), or try to peel off person on my healer. I have not been in any mumble/vent/ts where someone said to ignore objectives and beat ya up. I also do not recall the game you are talking about.

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In my 2.5 months in this game I have met alot of people in warzones so far as I am an avid pvper. SilentStorm is one of the people I love to have on my team as he IS objective oriented and just a great player. I have taken many a node with him either watching over me with heals, ccing key targets, or dpsing healers. I am personally glad that you probably rage quit after he outplayed you. To whine about someone tunneling you, should give you pride as you have been identitifed as a key factor in the other teams success. My guess though is you are probably a "glass half empty" person so to you I say!......




Thanks for the kudos. 1 free pass turning in an orb for ya. Redeemable at any time. ;).

J/k of course.

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Basically the best way to avoid pvp is literally never flag yourself and never help anyone who is flagged, otherwise you are open game.


Pretty much this. You can't control what others will do to you if given the chance. If you're flagged, always assume a group of enemy players (or anyone else in a small-group PvP setting) will come and attack/kill you. Experience, both long term and recent, has probably shown most of us that we must account for the worst possible scenario.


As a healer, this means that I have to avoid healing group members that are flagged. I like the system in Galaxies where it wouldn't let you heal someone who was flagged if you weren't flagged. In TOR, if you cast a heal on someone you get flagged and can't drop it unless you avoid combat for 5 minutes. It would be nice if the PvP flag wasn't so easily transmitted, and if it dropped once you left the PvP area. The persisting PvP flag is just a mechanic in the game which allows PvP to bleed over into PvE sections of the game (unless you find a quiet spot to occupy yourself for 5 minutes).


Hope for the best, plan for the worst.

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I'm not a pvp player. I have zero pvp gear. I wander into the ffa-pvp area to do the quests, but I know the second anyone decides to kill me my chances of surviving are next to nothing.


This is fine.


People in a ffa-pvp area should be aloud to kill anyone they see. However, there is no reason to kill me. I certainly don't offer any challenge, and I don't offer any kind of reward since killing players for some bizarre reason is not an objective on a pvp quest.


I'm not gonna complain about it, because they aren't breaking the rules. Whatever. If It becomes impossible to do the quests, then I move on.


The problem a lot of people have with the event is that the rewards, and objectives clash. I'm sure Bioware envisioned a massive last-man-standing battle to capture the node, not 20 person long lines patiently waiting to cap. This is because the quest rewards are desired by pve players, but the objectives are not in line with pvp players. Pvp players want to kill other players. Their quest objectives should be to do just that, but to appease pve players the rewards should be only useful to pvp players so that the only one's fighting are doing it because they want to.


The whole event is designed to mix the two player sets, but when you have a stat meant solely for pvp that pve players won't have, then there is no challenge to pvp players, and on top of that they are wrongly ostracized for just playing the game when pve players come into their territory.


The result is neither side is really satisfied. Pvp players never get the grand battles they want, and pve players will whine about the chore it was to do the quests. Then, after the event is over the pvp area will be a ghost-town to the disappointment of that player set, while all the pve players will move on to the same stuff they've been playing.


TL:DR: Forcing both player sets together for an event where the objectives and rewards are in opposition and the players are geared with stats that make the event lopsided is a bad idea. However, that's what we've been given, so stop whining about being killed in a FFA area, and pvp players, stop pretending that killing anyone who isn't geared and willing is an achievement. PvP people should be more pissed off that the event doesn't attract more like-minded players instead of being forced to mingle with others who aren't into it.

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I've finally had a couple nights to check out the new pvp area. I think the FFA zone kinda ruined it for me. I want old school Ilum back where pubs fought imps... you know like they do in Star Wars. Its lame seeing 2 or 3 groups mixed of pubs and imps teaming together to clear out mid.
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