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Level 35 and seriously considering rerolling a trooper


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I've got decent gear for my level, but I still need to pop every single cooldown and use all my **** just to survive a single group fight, AND i'm OVER-LEVELED for the area by a couple of levels (due to not leaving planets before finishing all the missions there).

Also need to rely on T7 to tank damage (until he dies) so I can just stay alive long enough.

I'm being killed by other classes that are 2-3 levels below me and i'm trying my hardest just to stay on par with them.


I was combat spec but went warden after reading about how "awesome" the burn-damage heal stuff was, but it's no better, infact it's probably worse, i'm constantly starved for focus points wheras with combat I had them to spare.


Does it get better? when do I get my magical awesome abilities to help me not suck?

While I agree sentinel seems like it takes more practice than other classes to master, I still think it needs some love. anyone else feel the same way?

Edited by SunwindIon
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I don't feel like that. You're supposed to use everything available to you, even your defensive cooldowns. It's expected to receive a lot of damage when fight a group.


I am having so much trouble with this class. Since Nar-Shadar.

Now I am actually getting killed vs a pack of 3-5 mobs, whereas I watch Troopers without a companion rinse them down with ease.


I have so far tried all 3 specs on Alderaan with combinations of all 3 companions and no joy.

I have spent well over 50k on each of the 2 companions, giving them epics and blues all over and still have a lot of trouble. If I'm lucky enough to actually kill a group, or strong mob, I then have to sit and heal up after every fight. Only if I am extremely lucky with the crits can I run along to a 2nd fight.


It's getting to the point where I am seriously considering re-rolling to something else.

Anyone else having problems like this, or have had problems like this and resolved them? or any advice on this?



This guy seems to have the same experience^

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Not every class is for everyone, if you are not enjoying the class then play something else. Sentinels are not broken just because you find them too hard or not enjoyable.


I don't understand this mentality of "i do like it to make it simple for me" if you do not like playing something then do not play it, do not whine of the forums about it, just simply re-roll something you enjoy.

Edited by Hizoka
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this is pretty much the definition of broken o_o what are you smoking


No, it means it's not for you. Judging by your assessment of Watchmen you are definitely not playing it right. (Focus problems at 35? lol). I don't even remember anything difficult about levels 35-50. You should re roll as a trooper, and follow your own advice. Sentinel is easily the best 1v1 class, if you are losing 1v1 against other classes (unless it's a sniper/gunslinger over and over) you are not using the class to it's full potential.


Do you use your interrupt?

Edited by Derian
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those are the only two possible things right? the class can't actually be underpowered, that's just not possible because bioware are all powerful right? right?




It isn't. At least not watchman spec. I've leveld the class to 50 twice in beta. Working on it in launch. You have to play it right for it to reach full potential.


Stop using such black and white considerations. Just because we don't think the class is a gimp doesn't mean we are fanbois. We just decided to overcome the initial difficulty, and overwhelming nature of the class. People that are telling you the class are fine, have taken the time to really learn the class. We aren't blowing smoke up your you know what, we are trying to explain to you.


It takes time, and it doesn't happen overnight. if you want a faceroll class, then roll trooper.

Edited by Derian
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those are the only two possible things right? the class can't actually be underpowered, that's just not possible because bioware are all powerful right? right?




the class is not at all underpowered, so no that is not a possible.

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I actually do like the Sentinel/Marauder class. I don't know if it's a matter of being underpowered, but enough people are complaining about the same thing that it ought to be considered that there might be a problem. I don't think it's a DPS issue, I think it's just more of a survivability issue.


I have one that I've leveled to 33 now, and it does get tiresome dying repeatedly against elites or large groups of enemies, that are supposed to be part of your SOLO class quest, even when using all of your abilities/medpacs/stims, especially when you outlevel them. I'm all for a challenge, but it's disappointing when the challenge is gone and there is simply frustration. And I think alot of people playing this class are starting to feel this way.

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I actually do like the Sentinel/Marauder class. I don't know if it's a matter of being underpowered, but enough people are complaining about the same thing that it ought to be considered that there might be a problem. I don't think it's a DPS issue, I think it's just more of a survivability issue.


I have one that I've leveled to 33 now, and it does get tiresome dying repeatedly against elites or large groups of enemies, that are supposed to be part of your SOLO class quest, even when using all of your abilities/medpacs/stims, especially when you outlevel them. I'm all for a challenge, but it's disappointing when the challenge is gone and there is simply frustration. And I think alot of people playing this class are starting to feel this way.


well put.

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I actually do like the Sentinel/Marauder class. I don't know if it's a matter of being underpowered, but enough people are complaining about the same thing that it ought to be considered that there might be a problem. I don't think it's a DPS issue, I think it's just more of a survivability issue.


I have one that I've leveled to 33 now, and it does get tiresome dying repeatedly against elites or large groups of enemies, that are supposed to be part of your SOLO class quest, even when using all of your abilities/medpacs/stims, especially when you outlevel them. I'm all for a challenge, but it's disappointing when the challenge is gone and there is simply frustration. And I think alot of people playing this class are starting to feel this way.


except not alot of people are complaining... Its the same few people who are just making new post after new post with the same QQ. It boils down to they are not playing right so they want it made easy for them.

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except not alot of people are complaining... Its the same few people who are just making new post after new post with the same QQ. It boils down to they are not playing right so they want it made easy for them.


On top of that, NONE of them explain their rotation, mind set, or anything as to their combat method. If you don't actually explain your situation, you are just whining. I and others have constantly explained how to overcome these things, and what happens? Just people complaining more, completely ignoring our suggestions.


It's launch, and if there really was an issue with Sentinel there would be more than what you see complaining about the class.

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I'm 42. I don't die in PVE anymore, not since Doc. If you're dying, you are clearly doing it wrong I'm so sorry to tell you. Watchman is easily one of the best specs. In 1v1 I utterly destroy most classes (Snipers being an exception, but I'm even learning to get around them) The people saying there's nothing wrong are correct, because there isn't. This is a very vocal minority, but if I've learned one thing from my courses over the last couple of semesters, history states that the minority ALWAYS ruins it for the majority. -_-


I don't think the class needs buffs, it would merely mean a nerf later. You should just roll a trooper, its a class that takes a lot of time to get into and use properly, and Watchman in particular.

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I don't think the class needs buffs, it would merely mean a nerf later. You should just roll a trooper, its a class that takes a lot of time to get into and use properly, and Watchman in particular.


Lol, watchman is the easiest to master. Now try combat and keep track of the gaps to get the most out of it. With watchman you just spam your dot and win all the time...


So yeah skilled players use Combat, and those that master at it end at top in PvP most of the time, watchman usualy en up in the middle. And dont forget that in Comabt your get 2 extra CC. And most pvp players know thats a good thing, espeicaly with stupidity of CC in this game atm.


If you guys talk PvE, get the freak out. Sentinel is not a PvE class and will never be. All other classes are just way better at everything and taking a sentinel to the group is gimping the group.

Edited by OldxLady
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I don't get what you guys are doing wrong. I had much more issues on Nar Shaddaa than on Tatooine. Leap, Smash, Zealous and slash them off.


I may have to recuperate after the fight, but that's just part of it. And it's quick enough, not annoying at all.


Watchman Sentinel is a breeze while leveling. And you're not an average, bad scrub if you use the spec, despite what OldxLady is telling you. Don't be a tool.

Edited by Dekadez
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So yeah skilled players use Combat, and those that master at it end at top in PvP most of the time, watchman usualy en up in the middle. And dont forget that in Comabt your get 2 extra CC. And most pvp players know thats a good thing, espeicaly with stupidity of CC in this game atm.


I disagree heavily. Watchman gives you a 6 second CD on kick, which, combined with stasis/leap, means you can almost completely shut down a healer unless they can peel you. Watchman also gets an easier way to cripple with a 30% speed reduction on their main ability, Cauterize. The cherry on the top is the extra speed buff to Transcendence, which is just beautiful in a variety of situations in warzones or on Ilum.

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I disagree heavily. Watchman gives you a 6 second CD on kick, which, combined with stasis/leap, means you can almost completely shut down a healer unless they can peel you. Watchman also gets an easier way to cripple with a 30% speed reduction on their main ability, Cauterize. The cherry on the top is the extra speed buff to Transcendence, which is just beautiful in a variety of situations in warzones or on Ilum.



This as well as Watchman burns going through armor and Merciless slash doing very good damage. I went Watchman in the high 20's and am never not top 3 damage and if not highest. The biggest exception being Alderaan If I was siting somewhere defending a node that wasn't drawing much attention.

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I absolutely love the class.


They can be a struggle sometimes, but what's the point in putting time to learn something if it's easily mastered?


These are the forums. Plenty of folks have had great success with the Sentinel. If you're frustrated, tell us your rotations, how you build your Talents, etc. I'm positive you'll get some good feedback on how to make life easier.


Personally, I built Combat and was having problems. I grumbled ingame to another Sentinel, and they suggested Watchmen for survivability/sustained dps against folks who bounced around a lot. I went from calling my toon awful names to one happy camper.


All it took was a little help.. sooo, let us help you.

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those are the only two possible things right? the class can't actually be underpowered, that's just not possible because bioware are all powerful right? right?




Even PvP expert Taugrim says the class is under powerd low midd lvl. http://taugrim.com/

Lets hope the class gets to be better end game.When i lvl up my guardian to lvl 25 in beta i just had to stop before all the reasons you are talking about.They say it's the same with the warrior jugg.But with every other mob out there is a strong mob with twice as much hitpoints as you it's not easy.Pretty much a grind after lvl 20.

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Even PvP expert Taugrim says the class is under powerd low midd lvl. http://taugrim.com/

Lets hope the class gets to be better end game.When i lvl up my guardian to lvl 25 in beta i just had to stop before all the reasons you are talking about.They say it's the same with the warrior jugg.But with every other mob out there is a strong mob with twice as much hitpoints as you it's not easy.Pretty much a grind after lvl 20.


he is no expert... sorry but the class is fine its just not faceroll easy like everyone seemed to expect coming from wow.

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