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So... Ilum pvp/pve


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I've made it my personal duty to break up any lines I see there, even if I die doing it. Standing in line in a pvp zone in a game is just silly! We stand in enough lines IRL. Don't like it? Sorry! Kill me. My dps sucks it shouldn't be too hard.


Oh that tank I have running around with me, don't mind him. He feels the same way :)


Healer to healer brofist!

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I've made it my personal duty to break up any lines I see there, even if I die doing it. Standing in line in a pvp zone in a game is just silly! We stand in enough lines IRL. Don't like it? Sorry! Kill me. My dps sucks it shouldn't be too hard.


Oh that tank I have running around with me, don't mind him. He feels the same way :)


I like to grab orbs with some buddies and start fights there at mid. We usually clear everyone out but in the off chance we die we let off a nice suicide bomb that will deck you about 50% hp no matter what stance/defensive cd you have. And if you are clearing lines as a melee, i suggest gettinng away from the orb carrier your attacking before they blow up, cause those will mess up your day :(

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I've made it my personal duty to break up any lines I see there, even if I die doing it. Standing in line in a pvp zone in a game is just silly! We stand in enough lines IRL. Don't like it? Sorry! Kill me. My dps sucks it shouldn't be too hard.


Oh that tank I have running around with me, don't mind him. He feels the same way :)


I would humbly like to remind people that this is my stance on this. To me it's a game, and this isn't Hello Kitty Island Adventures. I know you are trying to get your dailies done. We all are. It's suppose to be a fight to get them done. That's why the dev's made it a PvP questing area! But if you are standing between me and my objectives/ quest goals and you are red I will work with my tank to kill you. I'm sorry if you don't like it and you are a PvE player and you just want to participate in the event. Guess what so do I. But the rules are not made BY YOU. They are made by the developers. I'm not going to bow to the wish of every player on the server and play by their individual rules. I'd never get to play as everyone has different rules.


What I won't do is sit on your body and camp you, or sit on the pylon for hours and camp it with my guild so no one can ever get the quests done. I won't cuss you out or call you names. THAT is being a jerk. If you don't like it you have 2 options. Don't go in a PvP area or choose to switch instances. If we tell you you can switch instances to not deal with it, and you don't... don't sit there having a temper tantrum and QQ'ing in general chat for an hour that people are killing you/breaking up your line because you aren't getting your way. There are only 2 of us, a bunch of you can get together and beat our butts (which did happen yesterday, and I really enjoyed having my rear end handed to me when it finally did)


And the next person that calls me kid I'm going to laugh in your face. I have 3 kids, one of them is 20. That's right, some soccer mom just kicked your butt in a PvP area. Think on that one. :p


Anyone want a cookie?

Edited by Desiirea
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Des I agree with you, but people will complain because they love to complain. Don't take it personal, by tomorrow no one will be doing this and everyone will go back to how it was before the ilum revamp, and they will love you again when they get into a wz with you and Fluxs because they will roll whoever or whatever you're playing and they can win. Fickle bunch-o-people. Pvpers don't get mad for getting killed in pvp, you don't take gear damage, so a death is just a minor setback. Like you said, they could group up, and if they were grouped up then they would get it done faster and not have to hang around in lines.
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I would humbly like to remind people that this is my stance on this. To me it's a game, and this isn't Hello Kitty Island Adventures. I know you are trying to get your dailies done. We all are. It's suppose to be a fight to get them done. That's why the dev's made it a PvP questing area! But if you are standing between me and my objectives/ quest goals and you are red I will work with my tank to kill you. I'm sorry if you don't like it and you are a PvE player and you just want to participate in the event. Guess what so do I. But the rules are not made BY YOU. They are made by the developers. I'm not going to bow to the wish of every player on the server and play by their individual rules. I'd never get to play as everyone has different rules.


What I won't do is sit on your body and camp you, or sit on the pylon for hours and camp it with my guild so no one can ever get the quests done. I won't cuss you out or call you names. THAT is being a jerk. If you don't like it you have 2 options. Don't go in a PvP area or choose to switch instances. If we tell you you can switch instances to not deal with it, and you don't... don't sit there having a temper tantrum and QQ'ing in general chat for an hour that people are killing you/breaking up your line because you aren't getting your way. There are only 2 of us, a bunch of you can get together and beat our butts (which did happen yesterday, and I really enjoyed having my rear end handed to me when it finally did)


And the next person that calls me kid I'm going to laugh in your face. I have 3 kids, one of them is 20. That's right, some soccer mom just kicked your butt in a PvP area. Think on that one. :p


Anyone want a cookie?


<3 this.


I wonder how many very young players would poo themselves if they realized how many times an english teacher has pvped them to death.

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Don't take it personal, by tomorrow no one will be doing this and everyone will go back to how it was before the ilum revamp, and they will love you again when they get into a wz with you and Fluxs because they will roll whoever or whatever you're playing and they can win.


I don't want them to love me. I want them to fight! RAWR :p

I do want them to love the cookies though. :)


<3 this. I wonder how many very young players would poo themselves if they realized how many times an english teacher has pvped them to death.



Edited by Desiirea
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People will always find some thing to complain about. It's human nature. Not everyone can be pleased, nor is it your or anyone's job to do so. If people think that they can go in to a PvP zone and not get drawn in to PvP, then I hope they get surprised.


My one complaint about the event is that I hoped it would be faction vs faction PvP only, and not FFA group PvP. But since I don't like that, I just avoid going in to that area. Problem solved. And I'm not even a rocket scientist. Or... Am I?

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People will always find some thing to complain about. It's human nature. Not everyone can be pleased, nor is it your or anyone's job to do so. If people think that they can go in to a PvP zone and not get drawn in to PvP, then I hope they get surprised.


My one complaint about the event is that I hoped it would be faction vs faction PvP only, and not FFA group PvP. But since I don't like that, I just avoid going in to that area. Problem solved. And I'm not even a rocket scientist. Or... Am I?


Faction v faction is flawed from a design standpoint, though, particularly on factions that have many more of one faction than the other. One faction or the other is driven from the area and....no PVP happens.

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Faction v faction is flawed from a design standpoint, though, particularly on factions that have many more of one faction than the other. One faction or the other is driven from the area and....no PVP happens.


This is exactly why I believe they did it this way. Every server tends to have a more dominate faction. And on some of the pvp servers it's pretty one sided.

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Faction v faction is flawed from a design standpoint, though, particularly on factions that have many more of one faction than the other. One faction or the other is driven from the area and....no PVP happens.


I agree. It is flawed and I'm not sure what the solution would be, besides just avoiding the area. It is just a preference for me, and I understand I'm likely in the minority there. This event may not be my cup of tea, but I hope a future event is! (For future reference, I like chai teas and southern style sweet tea).

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Players come to the Ilum PvP area with varied expectations and ideas for what WvW PvP should look like. The majority simply want to complete their quests to aid their reputation grind, and view the PvP aspect of the quests as an unfortunate component of the area. The ever-present lines are indicative of this attitude; the goal is to facilitate efficient completion of the quests by all players, regardless of faction or guild affiliation.


A few players, many of them with experience in PvP or warzones (and frequently, the gear and skill that comes with such experience), will engage players of the other faction, and fewer will attack anything with a red nameplate, regardless of faction or guild affiliation. Most often, this competition occurs near the orb drop point, as it is the natural point of conflict for the area.


Most often, this results in a lot of dead players from both schools of thought, thanks to exploding orb lines. At worst, the players who wished to avoid conflict feel preyed upon, either assuming their aggressors are heartless jerks, rampaging egotistically through Ilum, purposefully ruining their game experience. At best, they take the disturbance of the status quo as an accidental discourtesy and unfortunate waste of time.


As a regular PvPer, (and especially as a stealth class that's good at 1v1) I've found it rather difficult to engage in PvP in Ilum without making someone angry. Attacking weaker players (even Imperials), especially when I am in a group, is neither enjoyable nor productive, for me or the player being attacked. Furthermore, my Shadow has no reason to randomly attack most members of the opposing faction on sight. For Threid the avatar and Threid the player, indiscriminate attacks are out of character.


On the other hand, Threid will often walk up to the orb deposit area, past the line, and make his contribution to Science. Who knows what those dark-looking characters are doing fiddling with the complicated-looking Gree thing? Threid doesn't have time to wait in lines with sketchy looking Republicans and veiny-faced Imperials! The Republic needs him! And so, he'll brave a line segment of any length to ensure that the Gree receive the technology they need. If, however, there appears to be a significant gathering of threatening persons, he'll either wait to make his contribution at a less prohibitive time, or dive headfirst into whatever's waiting for him. Waiting in line to deposit an orb might be a very sensible, passive, status quo-preserving solution, but it is not Threid's solution.


In any case, most of us aren't out there to ruin anyone's game experience. Yes, we may cause a bit of a stir around the pylon, and a few may interpret the Republic imperative to keep dangerous Gree technology out of undeserving hands, but we're all just trying to play the game in a way that's true to our characters and/or true to ourselves. If world PvP isn't your cup of tea I'm not going to make you drink it, but I'm not going to stop brewing in front of you; I won't kill you, or even harass you, but I won't let you cap orbs before me without a fight.


I hope no one is sincerely frustrated by anything that happens in Ilum. I will never be out to ruins someone's day, I just love the dynamics of Ilum right now. Instead of running circles around the fleet, there is finally something to do!!


Waiting in line -- that is despicable and destroys all the charm of the area, turning it into a stupid grindfest. And yeah, you're hurting others as well as yourself because you are contributing to a toxic social expectation that people shouldn't fight over objectives and bring PVP to the PVP quests.
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Hmm.... I think it's time to create an Ilum policing policy. I think some notable pvp'ers should take it on themselves to help fulfill this. We can work out a convenient schedule and time table so players from both factions can equally distribute their service. It's clear from this post that no one here can be trusted. Folks have taken it upon themselves to consistently kill and halt any movements toward peace that this planet was implemented to serve. I'm not sure if any of you have noticed, but Ilum's new update has served as being the first step toward galactic peace. Where else have any of you seen Republic and Imperials working together to further individual goals? Co-faction friendships have been formed and most of you here are bent to destroy this. You define your actions by stating them as "fair" and "just" because they are acted upon in a PvP zone, but ask yourself this, what does your heart say? Where do you draw the moral line that defines these unprecedented attacks upon the fabric of peace. Sure you can attack these practically defenseless players while they go about their business, but it is my hope, my dream, that we can rise above this. Until then, let me know if you may be interested in an Ilum Police position.

PS, Cookies don't heal broken hearts and dreams Des...

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I'm not sure if any of you have noticed, but Ilum's new update has served as being the first step toward galactic peace. Where else have any of you seen Republic and Imperials working together to further individual goals?


PS, Cookies don't heal broken hearts and dreams Des...


*sputters* galactic peace... WITH THE IMPS!!!! NEVERRRRR!!! FREEEDOMMMM!!!

*takes away the cookies from Manka*



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