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So... Ilum pvp/pve


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Admit it, you need a level 50 sage healer, to come heal with the kool kids.


I would typically worry about this, and make some comment about how you can't steal him, but he may be the only person on the face of the planet who is worse at leveling than I am.


But in case I'm not clear, no.


I mean that with all the love in my cold, Sith heart.

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Admit it, you need a level 50 sage healer, to come heal with the kool kids.


It's cute that you think the Boy Scout faction is "kool." But you know what? It's adorable. I won't be the won to rip the stars from your eyes. Shine on!


That said, I'll totally make a deal. You get Threid to level his op, and I'll see about getting Rylorn to level a sage. Really, you'd be getting the better end of the deal -- Jaadis would totally play level her sage just to show Rylorn how he's doing it wrong.

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I'll level a powertech if Approxy levels a Shadow :D


Also I'm probably one of the worst levelers. I don't even have the knight buff because I hate my sentinel and it's only half a level away from being dragged through the storyline. Legacy 48 and one 50. :p

Edited by Mindsting
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Quote: Originally Posted by bsbrad View Post

I would have preferred if Bioware made it so you cannot get attacked in the Northern region unless you had your PVP flag on but that is coming from a primarily PVE player.


This is the case, is it not? I see a lot of blue imperials.


Melli, I was primarily commenting on how easy it is to flag people for PVP in the Northern Zone, for instance your companion walking into an AOE. Maybe I just want Bioware to implement a system where before your flagged for PVP you have to click a button.

In the contested area and other OPVP areas I have no problem it automatically flagging me, I just wish they got rid of the "feature" whereby opposing players can flag you by attacking your companion

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Yea I wish they would tweak the flagging system. And it'd be nice if the unflag toggle was immediate when you're in your own base or something. But I suppose I could see that being abused.


Either way, I think the open pvp areas are funny. I just like sleep darting the crap out of everyone. :D Mulder and I had a nice game of hide & sleep the other night. =p


It's nice that at least you can change instances if the one you're on has too much (or not enough) pvp while doing some of the quests. Kind of a long cooldown on that though.


And I think the lines are cute. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v642/amphius/Screenshot_2013-02-14_12_36_49_688130_zpsf5a5843b.jpg

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Yea I wish they would tweak the flagging system. And it'd be nice if the unflag toggle was immediate when you're in your own base or something. But I suppose I could see that being abused.


Either way, I think the open pvp areas are funny. I just like sleep darting the crap out of everyone. :D Mulder and I had a nice game of hide & sleep the other night. =p


It's nice that at least you can change instances if the one you're on has too much (or not enough) pvp while doing some of the quests. Kind of a long cooldown on that though.


And I think the lines are cute. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v642/amphius/Screenshot_2013-02-14_12_36_49_688130_zpsf5a5843b.jpg


So despicable. Drop an orbital strike on those people.


Glad to hear Mulder is back. I missed seeing him in the warzones.

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I hope not too many people are getting upset about this. I think we all kind of prescribe to our own personal ethics on the matter.


I run around flagged throughout the entire zone, so when I was ganked by (I kid you not) 30 billion Infamous, all I could do was laugh. And you know what, trying to maintain distance from them for the rest of my dailies was part of the fun. I like running into the people I see in war zones and wondering if we're going to engage. The thing is, fights in Ilum are rarely going to be even. If ever. You will either be in the larger group or the larger group will be getting you. My goal when I'm outnumbered is to see how many I can take down before I go. Actually, who am I kidding? I only heal those who can kill.


As for the middle, in the pylon, I like stirring things up when it gets too orderly, but I won't be camping anyone, I don't want people to have a bad day. If you do attack me though, then it's game on. Mostly I just CC. Sometimes we (*cough* Approxy *cough*) decide it's time to kill a few, but we return to our order of business.


On the matter of same faction attacking, I'll kill my fellow Imps. I prefer to kill pubs, but frequently we'll target groups larger than ours just to have a little confrontation. When I was stealthing along on my operative running from some DoA was the most hilarious and scary thing. But it's all in good fun.


My view on the matter: don't take it too personally. BW finally gave pvpers an environment that actually lured them out. The pvp quests aren't mandatory, in fact, the best way to get rep is by doing the operations, a completely pve centric activity. When you do flag up, be prepared for what you are getting into. If you're getting camped, go back to the quest hub and wait for your pvp flag wear off. I have been ganked and slaughtered so many times now. Maybe I'm just used to dying a lot or something, but I see it as all in good fun. :p


Most importantly, just remember, it's a game. The area is intended for pvp, and if you go there, pvp you shall have. This event will pass and the vendors will linger.


Just remember, if I sleep dart you, or whirlwind you, I'm doing it out of love.

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I'm currently trying to find a way to attack people in central without feeling bad.


Heck, today I was killing people on my sorceror (solo) and they were getting mad at me. I think most groups of two people can easily kill me before I kill one. If I can't PvP in a PvP area, where can I? Those are my thoughts on it.

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What you said is absolutely true. There's always the large group, and the small group. What's also fun is that the way they set it up promotes guild vs guild not just faction vs faction, which makes things interesting as well not just as adversaries, but allies if for example two guilds join to fight another that has a larger presence. I don't get why people take this so seriously. You're going to get ganked, its just a matter of when. Travel in a group if it makes you feel better. Keep in mind though that even then youre not always safe, ive personally pulled and killed people who are the farthest behind in their group, by the time they noticed, their friend was gone and I was already back in stealth. Everyone goes through it. Even those who won't admit it. Except for youngster, nobody dares to look at him the wrong way.


As a side note, I personally find the lines to be annoying.


Oh and Mogar owes me a life debt for saving him yesterday from a certain jeeedai smash bomber. :rak_03:

Edited by PoliteAssasin
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I don't attack unless provoked. If someone has the gall to try and solo attack me I'll defend myself and continue on my way.


If a group of "new" 50's comes along and tries to kill me and I manage to take out a few of them before succumbing to my injuries I might just go back because I took out 3 of them.


If a group of full on elite WH geared 50's comes and attacks me then I'll just avoid them until I can get my quest done. The odds of this happening is very low simply due to the fact that most of us WH/EWH geared people are friends already because we've been war zoning against each other for the past year.


I find the people that do attack me think that having a small gank squad is going to stop me from obliterating them off the face of Ilum or destroy them until they cry for mercy while my lightsabre dangles precariously above their juggler vein inching ever so closer. They will fight vigoriously on the outside but the pain will be so unbearable that on the inside they will be secretly wishing I would end their suffering with a twitch of my hand. I will then Force Pull them to the nearest ledge and Force Wave them into oblivion one by one until their resolve is crushed.:D:D:p


Giggity :p

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