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New Repair Costs Puts My Raiding to an End


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This is not to say i want all content accessible to everyone there should still be a reason to a Nightmare EC for example for more than a Title and a helmet armoring. Is the inevitable cost worth it in the end? I don't know. That being said, at least within a raid zone drop more coin to make it viable and somewhat offset the cost. Like in sports effort/talent should merit pay off not rip off.

This. The barrier to raiding harder content should be that the content is harder. So you need to not suck, be geared, know your job and the instances, and have an ops group that know how to work as a team. The 200K repair bills are only a "barrier" to those that want to spend their time raiding without either spending hours grinding mindless busy-work content beforehand or dumping RL money into the game to buy credits. Those who have endless hours to grind stupid dailies every day or who just buy Czerka speeders and dump them on the market weekly will find the cost "barrier" trivial to sumount, while those who are most engaged in doing the actual content will be shut out.


And the stupidly high costs people are citing are not from gear that is destroyed, they're just from a round of dailies, a few event missions, or one death. Charging 200K for that level of damage is just idiotic. This game has extremely tight credit faucets overall; it doesn't need a gigantic bottomless pit credit sink in the form of repair costs. They already scaled back the mod swapping costs, which were also stupidly overboard before, and that's something the player at least has some control over, since you can choose when to swap mods or not. This needs to be scaled back significantly, at least for endgame gear.

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I agree the daily's are the best cash maker. However now that I am someone who might play 3 hours a week if that. Lately I haven't played at all been over 2 months now. If I do start again it will only be on Saturdays and only for a few hours. I have been watching the games development over the last 2 months and honestly I don't like what I am seeing. I guess I am just growing out of the game. This whole forced pvp issue with 1.7 concerns me.


I remember when I used to play EQ 1 there never was ANY cross over with pvp it was completely separated. There was no way I knew of to pvp if you weren't on a pvp server. There was no way to auto flag because of some AoE exploit cause the enemy flagged player was invisible. Yeah EQ took a really long time to level up. There were days that all I did was kill sarnaks for 8 hours strait just to see my xp bar move 1 inch. Then again I think if TOR took at least 1 year to hit 50 and had enough repeatable and dynamic content to fill up that year this game would be doing a lot better. Bioware would have had a year to engineer new endgame operations and the SSSP. Most people right now would have just hit lvl 50 a couple months ago. All the operations would be fresh and new and the PTS could have been running the entire time refining the OPS.


I dunno I think the whole getting level 50 in 3 weeks has ruined the game. Should be 6 months min if not a year of playing maybe 8 hours a week.

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This. The barrier to raiding harder content should be that the content is harder. So you need to not suck, be geared, know your job and the instances, and have an ops group that know how to work as a team. The 200K repair bills are only a "barrier" to those that want to spend their time raiding without either spending hours grinding mindless busy-work content beforehand or dumping RL money into the game to buy credits. Those who have endless hours to grind stupid dailies every day or who just buy Czerka speeders and dump them on the market weekly will find the cost "barrier" trivial to sumount, while those who are most engaged in doing the actual content will be shut out.


And the stupidly high costs people are citing are not from gear that is destroyed, they're just from a round of dailies, a few event missions, or one death. Charging 200K for that level of damage is just idiotic. This game has extremely tight credit faucets overall; it doesn't need a gigantic bottomless pit credit sink in the form of repair costs. They already scaled back the mod swapping costs, which were also stupidly overboard before, and that's something the player at least has some control over, since you can choose when to swap mods or not. This needs to be scaled back significantly, at least for endgame gear.


100% This. It absolutely disincentivizes people from trying new content.

You know what people do when they are bored and can't try new content because of something like a massively idiotic cost barrier?


They quit.

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I pay the monthy fee so I can play the game my way. Part of the definition of "my way" is that I do the dailies maybe once a week for the weekly BH coms. I don't always though. I don't play the GTN cause that's not my bag.


It costs me 150k to repair my gear. I don't earn that much in a week of playing this game.


so ... sucks for me, yeah I get that - I know I'm not the only one.


Hopefully there's a fix incomming. Needing to do 2 days of dailies to pay for 1 night of raiding is ... well ... it's bs. No other way to say it.

1 - I agree the repair costs go too high.

2 - However I was paying 7k on a wipe before, now it's up to 11k. On a full night of progression where you wipe 15 times you'll still be paying that much. That's to be expected though.

3 - Is your raid group wiping that much all the time or was it a progression night? Many nights we'll wipe once and that's it meaning there's a profit (especially in places like TFB where the money is good). If one night of raiding is costing you 150k you guys are dying too much on standard farm nights.

4 - You admit that you want to play the game "your way" - meaning you don't want to do dailies. I believe there should be some sort of credit sink via repairs or mats or something. I believe that in-game maintenance via money earned versus money spent for upkeep isn't necessarily a bad thing.

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+1 to repair costs being crazy.


Either this is a bug and needs to be fixed, or OPS credits need to be increased. TFB is the only OP that actually drops credits that 1 run can cover your repair bills.


Right now PVP has a significant advantage over PVE. You can grind out 63s much faster and you don't take any repair costs for pvp deaths.

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The problem's theirs then, if they are too lazy/busy/in before excuses to earn credits by one means or another.


Like I said, the classic entitlement malaise that has infected this nation over the past 20 years. It's embarrassing.


People aren't subscribing to play their specific way. They are paying for improved access and features. There once was an era where every little thing in MMOs wasn't spoon fed to you when one cried like a baby at every inconvenience. It was a good time. F2P and the proliferation of countless MMOs have not only dilluted the product overall but also diluted the behavior of its player base.


it's just sad. Go earn credits, in the time it took the OP to post, (s)he could've easily earned 15--20k credits.

The OP's guild name is all too fitting for this thread, in my view.


Because heaven forbid we should play a game to - GASP - have fun. No, the game has to be work! You're all too lazy to play this game! :rolleyes:

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Personally, I'm just going to use some lower level gear whenever I run pugs or quests/dailies now. My 61/63s will be guild runs only. Also participation in HM TFB and NM EC is going to plummet. People will have to bail much faster now due to being unable to keep up on the the progression costs.


Isn't it kinda backwards not to use your best gear?

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It's attitudes like this that have progressively ruined the MMORPG genre.



Agreed but not for the reason you state. I can just as easily say its attitudes like yours that ruin things. "Oh it's easy to make money just run dailys every day." Yea well what about the players who DONT WANT TO RUN MIND NUMBING DAILYS EVERY DAY? Sure they are nice to have when you need them but not everyone can or even wants to run the same set of quest day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day...see how mind numbing boring it is to read the same two words over and over...this is how daily's are to some people. Let alone the people that have life to deal with (work, family, etc) and are only able to log in to raid 2 or 3 times a week right at raid time and can't run daily's. Not everyone can spend 8 hours a day playing the game like some people. Sometimes 2 or 3 hours a few times a week is all they can squeeze in. There are many other reasons why not everyone can or even wants to do the daily's every day.


Several patches ago they did say they reduce the cost of repairs. Yes they are calling this recent change a "bug" fix but if the cost are inflated they could have broken some other aspect when fixing their bug. I mean how many wipes = 150k? I know my raiding toon is full 63 gear and its already been running 30k+ after 4 or 5 wipes so even with the "broken" costs. Now granted I am using dread guard level gear other than belt/bracers which were lower level orange items so maybe my cost will inflate a bit but from last night I really didn't notice a huge increase. Either because I was already used to it using the higher end gear or because we simply did a com run last night and didn't wipe. Only time will tell but I hope we are not back to the 60-70k repair totals. If we are then yea they should bump the coin rewards on the HM versions of the ops. TFB isn't too bad since you get a decent amount of coin from there at least enough to cover all or majority of repair costs but EC is cheap and NiM can be very painful even in an experienced raid group.


TLDR: Just because you have time to do daily's not every else does or even wants to. Boost coin rewards in Ops to help off set the inflated repair costs if there are any.

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This. The barrier to raiding harder content should be that the content is harder. So you need to not suck, be geared, know your job and the instances, and have an ops group that know how to work as a team. The 200K repair bills are only a "barrier" to those that want to spend their time raiding without either spending hours grinding mindless busy-work content beforehand or dumping RL money into the game to buy credits. Those who have endless hours to grind stupid dailies every day or who just buy Czerka speeders and dump them on the market weekly will find the cost "barrier" trivial to sumount, while those who are most engaged in doing the actual content will be shut out.


This post is full of win.


Currently, my game time is mostly:

  • Do daily/weekly HM for the BH comms
  • Do the daily/weekly PVP quests
  • Do the BH/Sec X weekly
  • Do the BH/Sec X/Belsavis/Ilum dailies when there's nothing to do
  • Raid


I am having fun raiding, with my raid team and with pickup groups from the guild. However, if I can only get on for a few hours on a given night, and I get a whisper about a raid, I really do not want to have to think "Should I raid or should I be grinding money?" I also don't want to have to stop raiding the easier raids to help out gearing people because the risk of repair costs is too high and there's nothing that can drop that will help gear my character.


If BW wants to do anything, they should give subscribers a reduced repair cost. Adds incentive for F2P to subscribe, is easier on subscribers (who BW does not want to lose), encourages better play by F2P players, etc.

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If the overall algorithm makes gear repair more expensive then it needs to be capped.


If they insist on this ridiculous credit sink that is actually bankrupting some folks then put a cap on it. No gear cost over 50,000 even if lower costs are more expensive.

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I know, dare I dream, but is there ANY chance of getting a Bioware response on this? Bug or working as intended? Simple yes or no? :(


Honestly between this and the no-Cartel Coins fiasco last month (and maybe this month, who knows...), I'm questioning my continued support of this game. Don't get me wrong, I love(d) playing it, but damn this love is really starting to hurt.

* * *

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I know, dare I dream, but is there ANY chance of getting a Bioware response on this? Bug or working as intended? Simple yes or no? :(


Honestly between this and the no-Cartel Coins fiasco last month (and maybe this month, who knows...), I'm questioning my continued support of this game. Don't get me wrong, I love(d) playing it, but damn this love is really starting to hurt.

* * *


As a sub since launch, I feel like a battered housewife.

I love this game! Maybe if I continue to love and support it, the game will get better! I CAN CHANGE THIS GAME FOR THE BETTER, I KNOW IT ;_________;

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Implying that an MMO, a GAME, is somehow comparable to real life


Unsure if serious, or trolling.


Also, as someone pointed out, it is possible to incur more repair costs from the wear and tear of doing dailies than you get from the actual monetary reward for finishing the daily.

That's like being forced to pay $200 for lunch when you only make $100 a day at work (If we want to continue with the real life metaphor).




Also, I think it's more of an elitist complex being shown rather than him actually believing the repair changes will "improve" the community or gameplay.

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Again, all of you broke people are doing it wrong. The lazy (and I'm lazy) way to make money with no crafting or GTN market playing is to run dailies - especially with a partner.


You can literally clear 1.5 million a WEEK if you spend 2 hours a night on them. Is it a lot of time? Kinda. You know what? It's a good chunk of change too...


Yes it is a lot of time, some people like those who actually have RL commitments like work or education only realistically have a 6 hour window at most to play the game. Just a single raid can take between 2-4 hours of that, then there's the flashpoint runs, warzones?


Realistically I only have like 45 minutes to spare a night to do a single daily run on a single planet, despite the fact of having 6 level 50 alts and 1.5 million a day earning potential from dailies alone. I've actually tried just doing pure dailies in the past (and still do when I need cash) however repetitive solo content is boring and not what I pay the monthly sub to do.


After all it's an MMO, they shouldn't be penalizing players who want to do the tougher content with other players.

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I know, dare I dream, but is there ANY chance of getting a Bioware response on this? Bug or working as intended? Simple yes or no? :(


* * *


Probably when pigs fly


This "fix" is absolutely idiotic. Spent 70k on repairs yesterday after a few HM OP wipes.

In what way was this 'broken' so they felt the need to "fix" it. Another wonderful move by BW.:mad:

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TLDR: Just because you have time to do daily's not every else does or even wants to. Boost coin rewards in Ops to help off set the inflated repair costs if there are any.


Thanks for the more readily quotable TL/DR.


You do realize there are several ways to earn credits besides running dailies, right? Pick what is most palatable to do, and do it.

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The fix is being less terrible at what you choose to do. Although I would agree that the financial rewards for raiding credit wise should be increased to help compensate for this 'fix' a little.


The reality is, you can earn 150k in a day, literally in 90 minutes, if you get off your lazy behind and run Black Hole and Ilum dailies ONCE. Thats not even including Section X. I run all dailies including Section X and clear 250.

Thats not even doing the heroic 4's, talk about a waste of time. If you can't solo Heroic 2+'s, then I don't know how you have the skill to raid., do pvp, brush your teeth, etc.



It's attitudes like this that have progressively ruined the MMORPG genre.



If by "attitudes like this" you mean your reply, you are spot on. A game is about fun... not about requriing tedious, boring crap for hours per week so you can get to the fun.

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If by "attitudes like this" you mean your reply, you are spot on. A game is about fun... not about requriing tedious, boring crap for hours per week so you can get to the fun.


Nope, it's the lazy and entitlement attitude fostered and brought to roost by World of Warcraft in the 2000's.


"I wanna do only what I wanna do."

"I want to get all the best PvE loot, but I don't wanna pay for it!"


No one is forcing anyone to raid. If you 'choose' to raid, then that choice has repercussions.


This is akin to me saying "I want to participate in warzones and do well, even though I'm in PvE gear". No. You choose to PvP, you get drilled until you earn your expertise gear. The inverse is true as well.

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Nope, it's the lazy and entitlement attitude fostered and brought to roost by World of Warcraft in the 2000's.

"I wanna do only what I wanna do."

"I want to get all the best PvE loot, but I don't wanna pay for it!"


no sympahty here. none.


I feel like you ignored my above post. But keep blathering on about end-game raiding and repair costs like you understand the issue. It's entertaining, if nothing else.


As someone said earlier, DIFFICULTY should be the barrier to entry for raiding, not absurd repair bills.

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I pay the monthy fee so I can play the game my way. Part of the definition of "my way" is that I do the dailies maybe once a week for the weekly BH coms. I don't always though. I don't play the GTN cause that's not my bag.


It costs me 150k to repair my gear. I don't earn that much in a week of playing this game.


so ... sucks for me, yeah I get that - I know I'm not the only one.


Hopefully there's a fix incomming. Needing to do 2 days of dailies to pay for 1 night of raiding is ... well ... it's bs. No other way to say it.


I agree 100% to this, there is no reason the cost should be so high. Causal players who pay subscriptions for the game deserve better.

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Again, all of you broke people are doing it wrong. The lazy (and I'm lazy) way to make money with no crafting or GTN market playing is to run dailies - especially with a partner.


You can literally clear 1.5 million a WEEK if you spend 2 hours a night on them. Is it a lot of time? Kinda. You know what? It's a good chunk of change too...


We want to do 2 hours a night raiding, pvp, having fun, not grinding for cash, so screw off with your pointless excuses.

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