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Crapload of Gear Boxes in Space Pirate Packs


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You must be on a bad server. I made just over 6M in credits from selling basic crap from these packs. Some of the individual items sell for millions each.


Oh, and I don't spend hundreds each month.


Umm wouldnt the items in the new packs still be bound to account?

How did you sell it already?


Or is there no bind time anymore?

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Actually it does. Why anyone would spend hundreds of dollars per month on cartel packs is beyond me. Most of the crap in those boxes sell for barely anything on the gtn, would be easier to just buy it with in game currency. Not only does it make them suckers but it screws over future games because other companies will see that EA gets away with adding micro transactions to all their games so now everyone else will do it too.


so quit, show these bastid devs who's the boss.... I play the game and sometimes buy cartel coins, wow, $20 really kicks my butt. I look forward to the new cartel items, I really do. Not a pack buyer but love me some of the speeders. What is the problem? Play your way, don't buy cartel points. Guess what, you can still play the game the way you want. None of this stuff really gives anyone an in game advantage.

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Umm wouldnt the items in the new packs still be bound to account?

How did you sell it already?


Or is there no bind time anymore?


Hey, sorry for the confusion. I was speaking to a few packs I bought over the weekend. You are correct on the Binding of items from the new packs.

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Bought 10 of the new packs and have half of a bank tab filled with gear boxes. In one pack I got 3 boxes. Other than that craziness, I did manage to get 2 of the new lime-green crystals and a Ubrikki Talon--which is a Sand Devil with a Krayt Dragon skull on the front. I don't know if that's new, but it's awesome IMO. Edited by Irishay
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Bought 10 of the new packs and have half of a bank tab filled with gear boxes. In one pack I got 3 boxes. Other than that craziness, I did manage to get 2 of the new lime-green crystals and a Ubrikki Talon--which is a Sand Devil with a Krayt Dragon skull on the front. I don't know if that's new, but it's awesome IMO.


Yep, that is the new one that was used for the pack image.

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I purchased one of the 24-pack Space Pirate packs and when I was done I had a bank tab full of gear crates for the different sets of gear. Thinking that I may have been extremely lucky, I purchased another 24-pack and now I have two bank tabs full of gear crates.


Did the drop rate get increased for this pack or what?

Sort through them. You'll find that most of those boxes are probably "Auxilary Body Armor" boxes. These contain wrists and belts for a variety of existing sets. I think there are between 15 and 20 different ones, including "classic" versions. And yes, these seem a LOT more common than the boxes with other pieces of equipment.


Headpieces seem to be about as common as the other upper and lower body armor boxes now. And that includes headpieces that used to be less common, like the Phantom headpiece.


There are soo many items available from this packs, that color crystals and the techno- and vibroblades are rather uncommon, while some things like Revans' Sash and Gloves and even most pets are really extremely rare.


The packs still contain the imp/pub banners and covert chest pieces, but you won't see many of those either. If you start unpacking these boxes now, you'll probably have about 6 boxes of bracers and belts before you get your first banner. And I must say, I rather have a collection of belts and bracers, than 15 banners in my cargobay. It's always nice to have some belt to match when you change outfit. So while their market value won't be as high as they used to be for orange belts and bracers, these things will definitely be moving around a lot on the GTN. I expect between 6 and 15 thousand a piece (for now) and selling. By comparison, banners sell for about 500cr, and even then you're lucky to actually make a sale on them.


Overall: I think it's a pretty okay pack, though Bioware would be wise to tone down the droprate for auxilary boxes in future packs. I can see why they made them so common now (to make it easier for people to "complete" their sets, including the people who already had the set before this pack), but for future cartel packs, they should be about as common as the matching upper/lower body armor boxes, maybe even slightly less common, though not as rare as the headpieces.


I definitely like the amount of items that can drop. Even the more common drops are rather uncommon, because so many things may drop. You'll get a lot of auxilary boxes, but they are all DIFFERENT. We're not getting 10 Preceptor Auxilary Body Armor boxes. One may be for Preceptor, but the next might be for Classic Preceptor, Trailblazer, Forward Recon or Phantom. The amount of "suckage" simply went down a lot, because people won't end up with 20 identical unsellable items after opening 25 packs. You'll have to spend a LOT of Cartel Coins to swamp the market with anything from these packs, there's too much variety to do that.

Edited by AsheraII
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Actually it does. Why anyone would spend hundreds of dollars per month on cartel packs is beyond me. Most of the crap in those boxes sell for barely anything on the gtn, would be easier to just buy it with in game currency. Not only does it make them suckers but it screws over future games because other companies will see that EA gets away with adding micro transactions to all their games so now everyone else will do it too.


This based on the few that can afford to buy big chunks of Cartel Packs? You do realize that number of $120 purchases is dwarfed by the individual purchases right? That in the broader scheme its the mainstream purchasers that have more impact.


That aside, I'm curious... are you implying that spending in MMOs should be socialized in some way? So... that purchases are made in the best interest and the greater good of all? Why even have an economy then? Lol!


Spending money the way you want doesn't make you a sucker. Believing that others have a right to dictate how you spend your money does though.

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GJ convincing EA that they never have to actually release new content for this game ever again.


While that's a valid point to make, EA knows there needs to be a game to play to market the cartel items from.


What form that takes is anyone's guess. Will EA ever shell out the dollars for a real expansion? I still have my doubts, but players spending this much on cartel items makes me think it's at least a reasonable possibility now.

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This based on the few that can afford to buy big chunks of Cartel Packs? You do realize that number of $120 purchases is dwarfed by the individual purchases right? That in the broader scheme its the mainstream purchasers that have more impact.


That aside, I'm curious... are you implying that spending in MMOs should be socialized in some way? So... that purchases are made in the best interest and the greater good of all? Why even have an economy then? Lol!


Spending money the way you want doesn't make you a sucker. Believing that others have a right to dictate how you spend your money does though.


No, I'm just saying it's encouraging eaware to focus on the cash shop and disregard the rest of the game. They are making all this money from the cartel market but where is the money going? It's certainly not being reinvested back into the game. They are more concerned about what to bring out next on the cartel market and less worried about the actual game people pay a sub for. I pay a sub yet I feel like I'm playing a f2p game, there's something wrong with that picture.

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Pretty much this.

I saw it coming, but that doesn't make it any less sad.




Spending $120 on slots in real life would've been more fun, if you are so eager to gamble your money away. Just saying.


Maybe said person is rich. I mean if your rich it's probably better to spend your money on swtor than lets say drugs. There have been so many people who are rich that died due to od on drugs or some freak accident while under the influence of said drugs. Plus, you support the legal economy. Point is if people have money there is nothing wrong with spending it on swtor. Problem arise when said person doesn't have a lot of money and is spending it on a trivial game like swtor.

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Maybe said person is rich. I mean if your rich it's probably better to spend your money on swtor than lets say drugs. There have been so many people who are rich that died due to od on drugs or some freak accident while under the influence of said drugs. Plus, you support the legal economy. Point is if people have money there is nothing wrong with spending it on swtor. Problem arise when said person doesn't have a lot of money and is spending it on a trivial game like swtor.


I"m not sure how drugs are relevant to the discussion. I'm just pointing out how ridiculous it is to spend $120 on a virtual item in a virtual game on a character that you are basically renting (once the servers go down at some point in the future, whenever that is, that $120 purchase is lost forever)

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I"m not sure how drugs are relevant to the discussion. I'm just pointing out how ridiculous it is to spend $120 on a virtual item in a virtual game on a character that you are basically renting (once the servers go down at some point in the future, whenever that is, that $120 purchase is lost forever)


then why do you play at all? Why spend $15.00/month? The whole nature of playing virtual games is as such, virtual. In fact, you're entire life is not permanent, why eat? Eventually it's lost forever. Que no?

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then why do you play at all? Why spend $15.00/month? The whole nature of playing virtual games is as such, virtual. In fact, you're entire life is not permanent, why eat? Eventually it's lost forever. Que no?


Spending $15/month is a relatively small amount/day for the enjoyment I get out of it. Yes, I know the character is impermanent, but the small cost/day offsets that (of course, your mileage may vary here). Paying "extra" costs for virtual items, though, just seems insane for the most part. I do use my cc stipend, but that is tied into my sub.


Full disclosure: I bought the czerka celebrator. In my defense, I thought it'd be legacy wide for the price :/ Definitely a purchase I regret. At least it wasn't $120 in virtual monopoly money.


Honestly, I see the fact that they're selling bundles like this as a huge red flag. BW must be making a HUUUUGE profit off these packs if they're doing a bundle.


I expect a lot less real content and a lot more of these ridiculous packs in the future :(

Edited by Beslley
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I"m not sure how drugs are relevant to the discussion. I'm just pointing out how ridiculous it is to spend $120 on a virtual item in a virtual game on a character that you are basically renting (once the servers go down at some point in the future, whenever that is, that $120 purchase is lost forever)


I think it's a bit odd that you judge how others spend their money. A single ski trip or golf outing or night at the club will wipe out my entire annualized expenses I spend on SWTOR, yet the time spent on SWTOR is multiples more than skiing for a weekend. What's the problem?

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Yea no kidding. They cost like just under 8k coins for the 24-pak of boxes. If you buy the 2400 and the 5500 coin packs you just spent $60 dollars. And this guy bought one then another...$120 in cartel paks. I guess there are suckers born every minute....


$120 / $15 = 8 months worth of subscription money from 1 person on day 1 of the release of a new gambling pack.


EA made a great financial call with this F2P stuff.


But, hey, the rest of us got a nice PvP event, rep grind, and up to a 10x increase in our repair bills! Whee!

Edited by DarthTHC
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I only bought 5 packs and still get a high ratio of the classic gear out of them. So I don't think it has anything to do with the crates. You're going to get the same drop rate you would get if you bought the packs 1 by 1.
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Spending $15/month is a relatively small amount/day for the enjoyment I get out of it. Yes, I know the character is impermanent, but the small cost/day offsets that (of course, your mileage may vary here). Paying "extra" costs for virtual items, though, just seems insane for the most part. I do use my cc stipend, but that is tied into my sub.


Full disclosure: I bought the czerka celebrator. In my defense, I thought it'd be legacy wide for the price :/ Definitely a purchase I regret. At least it wasn't $120 in virtual monopoly money.


Honestly, I see the fact that they're selling bundles like this as a huge red flag. BW must be making a HUUUUGE profit off these packs if they're doing a bundle.


I expect a lot less real content and a lot more of these ridiculous packs in the future :(


like anything in life, Brother.... Caveat Emptor. We are in control of our own destinies... It's our lives, how we choose to define it is our own choice.

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Actually it does. Why anyone would spend hundreds of dollars per month on cartel packs is beyond me. Most of the crap in those boxes sell for barely anything on the gtn, would be easier to just buy it with in game currency. Not only does it make them suckers but it screws over future games because other companies will see that EA gets away with adding micro transactions to all their games so now everyone else will do it too.


Because its there money and they enjoy doing what they want with their money.


Screwing what over you can thank zynga for the realization that people pay for fluff and what makes them happy ...actuallyu ea is late to the party.Saying every other company is gonna do it cause of ea is laughable....they are all already doing it.

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Screwing what over you can thank zynga for the realization that people pay for fluff and what makes them happy ...actuallyu ea is late to the party.Saying every other company is gonna do it cause of ea is laughable....they are all already doing it.


True, it's just sad this is the accepted norm. Not as bad in this game because everything can be bought with in game currency but for most other games that is not the case and they can only be bought with $$.

Edited by Darth-Rammstein
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Out of the 25 new space pirate cartel packs I bought, I got:


33 gear boxes (23 of them were some form of bracer/belt gear boxes)

3 vehicles (1 the new red skull speeder, 2 STAP Executives)

1 Space Pirate Title

8 pets (5 Killik queen larva, 1 lunar wriggler, 1 mossy something, 1 model terminus destroyer)

1 Reveler's top

2 Republic Banners

2 Ball Toss


I normally buy packs but I think this will be the last time. I can spend my money on other things than a bunch of NONVENDORABLE armor that clogs my inventory for 2 days and will probably sell for a pittance on the GTN.


Thanks for the oversaturation of gear boxes in this cartel pack. I got a really good reason now to never buy more. EVER.

Edited by JDCrash
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I purchased one of the 24-pack Space Pirate packs and when I was done I had a bank tab full of gear crates for the different sets of gear. Thinking that I may have been extremely lucky, I purchased another 24-pack and now I have two bank tabs full of gear crates.


Did the drop rate get increased for this pack or what?


Same here, I have some many different belts now, it's awesome. I didn't get any helmets though, and only one crystal. I did get the skull mount though and some cool new pets. Great new cartel packs in my opinion, solid bang for your buck.

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I wonder who is the bigger sucker:


The one who has the means to easily spend 120 Dollars on a hobby he likes or the one who can`t.


You jelly?


If you want to spend $120 and feel good about yourself, you can always donate to my paypal instead.

I promise it would be a better use of your money (That would be way more than enough to feed me for a week plus extra).

Adopt a starving college student today!

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