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Crapload of Gear Boxes in Space Pirate Packs


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If you want to spend $120 and feel good about yourself, you can always donate to my paypal instead.

I promise it would be a better use of your money (That would be way more than enough to feed me for a week plus extra).

Adopt a starving college student today!


I guess that donating to you wont bring the OP the same satisfaction as buying these packs.


Also, why do you not cancel your subscritpion and donate to a real worthy cause? After all, according to you, spending money on games is kinda stupid.

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Every village needs an idiot, I suppose.

Could've bought two whole new games for that much (even more than that if it's during a Steam sale ;P )


Good grief. To call someone an 'idiot' because they did something you wouldn't do? The height of arrogance and low bar of character quality. And you play this game.............no wonder people quit.

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Good grief. To call someone an 'idiot' because they did something you wouldn't do? The height of arrogance and low bar of character quality. And you play this game.............no wonder people quit.


Glad that you have inferred exactly what kind of person I am from my posts on the forums.

You know what they say about assuming ;)

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Glad that you have inferred exactly what kind of person I am from my posts on the forums.

You know what they say about assuming ;)


While I would not dare to judge your character in real life, you have to admit that calling people idiots because they cross an arbritrary line (defined by you) how much spending is "acceptable" for in-game items is kinda dumb. All the more since that line seems to depend on your personal financial limitations.


Therfore I dare to infer that you


1. consider that everybody who disagrees with you on matters of personal preference is simply wrong or


2. are simply jealous that you have not the same money at your disposal.


What shall it be?

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While I would not dare to judge your character in real life, you have to admit that calling people idiots because they cross an arbritrary line (defined by you) how much spending is "acceptable" for in-game items is kinda dumb. All the more since that line seems to depend on your personal financial limitations.


Therfore I dare to infer that you


1. consider that everybody who disagrees with you on matters of personal preference is simply wrong or


2. are simply jealous that you have not the same money at your disposal.


What shall it be?


It's more that I'm utterly baffled that anyone would pay so much for an item that doesn't exist.

I get the $15/month because I am accessing a game that is on their servers to play continuously, so that makes sense.

A $75 pack of boxes that may or may not contain items that are any good that don't exist? Well color me confused, because that seems like an awful waste.

I guess it comes down (mostly) to physical vs. nonphysical for me.

Edited by Beslley
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I purchased one of the 24-pack Space Pirate packs and when I was done I had a bank tab full of gear crates for the different sets of gear. Thinking that I may have been extremely lucky, I purchased another 24-pack and now I have two bank tabs full of gear crates.


Did the drop rate get increased for this pack or what?


You spent 15k in cartel coins yesterday.



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I guess it comes down (mostly) to physical vs. nonphysical for me.


Well that is fair enough. I, too, could never see myself spending 120 Dollars on this (at least not within a day or months)


I just think that there is nothing idiotic about spending money you have for whatever you like. Whether this is a pointless sportscar, an expensive Dinner, a night out or an ingame item.

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I say, time and money spend having fun is never time or money wasted.

And without people like the OP there wouldn't be items in the GTN for us folks who hate buying grab bags.

THANKS FOR THAT! No really, I mean it, no sarcasm! :D

I really wish, though, that they'd create more items for the shop to buy á la carte instead putting almost all in the boxes.

So far I've mostly spent my complementary coins on account unlocks.... :-/

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While everyone is free to spend their money however they like, I feel people like the OP are going to destroy the game.


Why? One person spending $120 on the CM will be seen as the equivalent of 8+ (depending on subscription renewel options) subscribers to the bean counters. As a business, BW/EA will target new development wherever the most profit is. Development appears to already have shifted heavily towards high-profit CM crap and people making purchases like the OP will only make that worse. This is an entirely unsustainable model in the longterm. Some suckers, I mean consumers, will be willing to pay for this junk because it is still a new and shiney game but a year or two from now it will be an old and dated game and the people willing to shell out this kind of coin for nothing will dry up. We'll be left with a game where all "real" development is done and gone and profits will evaporate. The game will follow shortly after.

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All these replies regarding how much was spent, how it was spent, or anything that doesn't relate to the original premise of this thread, are derailing the original intent of the thread.


This thread wasn't started for debate about anything, it was to report the large number of gear boxes being found in the new cartel packs (mostly the belt/bracer boxes).


Please refrain from posting here unless you are adding new information related to it's topic.

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Its very SAD to be an American and to see other Americans lash out ot others for how they spend their money....


Why do you care?

do you think they should send you some of that money?

Do you get angry when your neighbor buys a BMW and you have a 10yo kia?

Do you feel they should buy you something too, since they have money and you do not?


I would love to understand why others have issue with how people spend their money..... Its THEIR MONEY!!!


Let them enjoy it, they earned it! Also, because they spend it, they also help keep this game alive, since, people that create it, also make money so thay have money to spend. This is how things work for most people with jobs...


As for the OP... Enjoy your packs and thank you for letting us know what you got! :)

Edited by Themanthatisi
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I bought one of the mega packs. I don't know why, I've never been a fan of the packs. I had a lot of fun opening them though. It was better than the last movie I went to, and I got both a white and a lime green crystal, some very valuable crafting materials, and some other cool stuff. Don't knock it till you try it. Edited by dpwms
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I bought one of the mega packs. I don't know why, I've never been a fan of the packs. I had a lot of fun opening them though. It was better than the last movie I went to, and I got both a white and a lime green crystal, some very valuable crafting materials, and some other cool stuff. Don't knock it till you try it.


I bought the mega pack as well and got the lime-green crystal and a bunch of other rare stuff. I couldn't be happier. I think the RNG might be better in the mega packs.

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Its very SAD to be an American and to see other Americans lash out ot others for how they spend their money....


Why do you care?

do you think they should send you some of that money?

Do you get angry when your neighbor buys a BMW and you have a 10yo kia?

Do you feel they should buy you something too, since they have money and you do not?


I would love to understand why others have issue with how people spend their money..... Its THEIR MONEY!!!


Let them enjoy it, they earned it! Also, because they spend it, they also help keep this game alive, since, people that create it, also make money so thay have money to spend. This is how things work for most people with jobs...


As for the OP... Enjoy your packs and thank you for letting us know what you got! :)


Because the game would be far better off getting $120 from 8 subscribers than from one gambler. The game will not benefit from a gambler's $120, the CM will. The CM is in the process of becoming the game.


We care about the game, we don't give a rat's *** what people do with their money.

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Why is he a s*****? Because he spent HIS money in a way that YOU would not spend HIS money?



Careful you will probably get a warning from the community team for using the "s" word as this is considered insulting and is not allowed. I know I did for using a well known quote from P. T. Barnum in my original and now deleted post....

Edited by Datku
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While everyone is free to spend their money however they like, I feel people like the OP are going to destroy the game.



Sorry, but you have that totally backwards. People like the OP are saving the game by subsidizing those that play for free. They pay a vast majority of the money required to maintain and improve the game. It's really very simple. Most of the cartel coin income is derived from a small base of users that spend large amounts of money on cartel items. These "whales" effectively pay the subscriber costs of many F2P users.


One thing people often forget is that money is relative. What's expensive to some, is quite literally almost nothing to others. I spend thousands of dollars per year on various "freemium games" because it brings me joy to do so. When the opportunity to have a pod-racer becomes available the cost isn't a concern. I want it; I can afford it; I purchase it.


Make no mistake -- the success of SWTOR depends on the success of the cartel market. The more successful the market, the more successful the game will be and the more everyone will enjoy it.

Edited by Plicitous
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Sorry, but you have that totally backwards. People like the OP are saving the game by subsidizing those that play for free. They pay a vast majority of the money required to maintain and improve the game. It's really very simple. Most of the cartel coin income is derived from a small base of users that spend large amounts of money on cartel items. These "whales" effectively pay the subscriber costs of many F2P users.


One thing people often forget is that money is relative. What's expensive to some, is quite literally almost nothing to others. I spend thousands of dollars per year on various "freemium games" because it brings me joy to do so. When the opportunity to have a pod-racer becomes available the cost isn't a concern. I want it; I can afford it; I purchase it.


Make no mistake -- the success of SWTOR depends on the successful of the cartel market. The more successful the market, the more successful the game will be and the more everyone will enjoy it.


I agree 100% with this post. Albeit, I'm not a wealthy man, I do try to subsidize this game with my sub and my limited cartel point purchases in hopes that new content (albeit 1.7 was not my cup of tea) will find it's way to us in the near future.

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Sorry, but you have that totally backwards. People like the OP are saving the game by subsidizing those that play for free. They pay a vast majority of the money required to maintain and improve the game. It's really very simple. Most of the cartel coin income is derived from a small base of users that spend large amounts of money on cartel items. These "whales" effectively pay the subscriber costs of many F2P users.


One thing people often forget is that money is relative. What's expensive to some, is quite literally almost nothing to others. I spend thousands of dollars per year on various "freemium games" because it brings me joy to do so. When the opportunity to have a pod-racer becomes available the cost isn't a concern. I want it; I can afford it; I purchase it.


Make no mistake -- the success of SWTOR depends on the success of the cartel market. The more successful the market, the more successful the game will be and the more everyone will enjoy it.


Hate to break it to you man but a lot of people who come in as F2P end up resubbing.. or playing so little they really don't even matter. Not to mention a lot of people who do play for free, end up spending at least some money on cartel points to the point where they might as well be a sub. You have no idea what you're talking about.


And I have to agree with the person above who said cartel will ruin this game. That is exactly what is going to happen. Look at all the gear they are coming out with in the cartel market that you can't get anywhere else. And they got speeders, and much much more. What do you think they're trying to make their pitch to? It's becoming very clear already what direction they're taking this game. When a developer decides to release new gear that looks pretty cool that people who pay money every single month can't even get, well that my friend is a very bad sign.


Bioware could be spending all their work and designers time on creating great content for all subs, create new mechanics, fix bugs, change the game to how it should be, and then focus the game back on its subscribers like it should have done. Essentially making the F2P just a story demo of the game. But we all know that won't happen, theyre going to continue to screw all the people who play the game make us spend even more money on a game that isn't even worth 15 a month at its current state. And all the suckers on here dishing out their hard earned money will be the ones who keep this empty shell of a game going for years, until it dies.


And btw, I dont give a crap how much money someone makes, or what cool stuff they have, when they start flaunting it in other peoples faces who don't have much, then you sure as heck bet people have a right to step in and tell them how they feel.

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Because the game would be far better off getting $120 from 8 subscribers than from one gambler. The game will not benefit from a gambler's $120, the CM will. The CM is in the process of becoming the game.


We care about the game, we don't give a rat's *** what people do with their money.


Your logic is flawed. No players means the content market is useless.


So as much as you think the bean counters see the greater profit coming from the content market, the managers will be smart enough to know that if theres no game then no one will play it and therefore they wont be able to sell trinkets from the content market.


One system feeds the other and can not survive on its own.

Edited by FrogSkin
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