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Crapload of Gear Boxes in Space Pirate Packs


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I purchased one of the 24-pack Space Pirate packs and when I was done I had a bank tab full of gear crates for the different sets of gear. Thinking that I may have been extremely lucky, I purchased another 24-pack and now I have two bank tabs full of gear crates.


Did the drop rate get increased for this pack or what?

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I now have around 4-6 sets of all of the new "Classic" gear as well as the new one on the picture for the pack. I have to vibroswords that look interesting. I received a new Command Chair that is a variation of the others. I also got a few of the new lime-green crystals. I got the usual affection and crafting crap. I also got a few new pets.
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I purchased one of the 24-pack Space Pirate packs and when I was done I had a bank tab full of gear crates for the different sets of gear. Thinking that I may have been extremely lucky, I purchased another 24-pack and now I have two bank tabs full of gear crates.


Did the drop rate get increased for this pack or what?


I believe the drop rates are tied to the amount of packs being purchased. The point being to increase sales when they are down like they had been before this release, partly through OMG i scored! word of mouth like your post :)

grats on your stuff btw.

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Purchased the 24 pack Hypercrate deal for the new Pirate Cartel Crate and recieved (- mats and xp buffs)


29 boxes of clothes

4 new pets

1 new weapon

1 reveler's fine cap

all these items were 'new' to this pack


2 Ubrikki Crimson Claw

1 Ubrikki Sand Devil

2 emote: intimidate

1 emote: menace

3 imperial banners

3 covert armor pieces

all these items were available in previous packs.


Do each of the new cartel packs get 'diluted' with items from previous packs or is this a database error in what is being rewarded from the pirate cartel packs?

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I have purchased a many packs and noticed a couple of interesting things:


1. The Auxiliary Gear is quite common (ie the belt & bracers for the various armor sets)

2. The Color Crystals are much more rare than previous packs

3. The are additional Revan armor pieces which I believe are Super Rare

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I bought around 10-12 of the boxes and also got a lot of the classic gear boxes.


But I did get 2 lime green sabers (endurance and power), one of the vibro blades, 3 pets, a classic phantom headpiece, and covert belt/bracers (really stoked about the belt).


A lot of the gear boxes contained simple looking orange belts, which I'm happy with. Can use them for my alts. I just want more covert belts :p

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I have purchased a many packs and noticed a couple of interesting things:


1. The Auxiliary Gear is quite common (ie the belt & bracers for the various armor sets)

2. The Color Crystals are much more rare than previous packs

3. The are additional Revan armor pieces which I believe are Super Rare


Hmm... new Revan stuff? Well... guess I'l be buying some Cartel Packs. lol1

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I bought around 10-12 of the boxes and also got a lot of the classic gear boxes.


But I did get 2 lime green sabers (endurance and power), one of the vibro blades, 3 pets, a classic phantom headpiece, and covert belt/bracers (really stoked about the belt).


A lot of the gear boxes contained simple looking orange belts, which I'm happy with. Can use them for my alts. I just want more covert belts :p


Cool. So that covert belt, is it invisible? Serious question.

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I purchased one of the 24-pack Space Pirate packs and when I was done I had a bank tab full of gear crates for the different sets of gear. Thinking that I may have been extremely lucky, I purchased another 24-pack and now I have two bank tabs full of gear crates.


GJ convincing EA that they never have to actually release new content for this game ever again.

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Every village needs an idiot, I suppose.

Could've bought two whole new games for that much (even more than that if it's during a Steam sale ;P )


Opinions differ but calling someone a village idiot without knowing them shows your ignorance and rudeness.

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Yeah EA has found their cash cow. The Cartel Shop.


Pretty much this.

I saw it coming, but that doesn't make it any less sad.


Opinions differ but calling someone a village idiot without knowing them shows your ignorance and rudeness.


Spending $120 on slots in real life would've been more fun, if you are so eager to gamble your money away. Just saying.

Edited by Beslley
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Pretty much this.

I saw it coming, but that doesn't make it any less sad.




Spending $120 on slots in real life would've been more fun, if you are so eager to gamble your money away. Just saying.


That is your opinion. I have everything I need in the real world and constantly travel overseas and go to fun stuff like E3 so I already have fun. As I stated previously, my only vice is gaming and I only prefer MMO's so this is fun for me.

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GJ convincing EA that they never have to actually release new content for this game ever again.


Well I can't agree with that. Someone have to subsidize the f2p.


There are people who pay thousands to get into vip box for grand final while many can watch on free to air.


The dev is not that dumb to kill the Goose that laid the golden eggs. Any extra income should encourage the development of more contents. This is confirmed by the dev during the live stream.

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Yea no kidding. They cost like just under 8k coins for the 24-pak of boxes. If you buy the 2400 and the 5500 coin packs you just spent $60 dollars. And this guy bought one then another...$120 in cartel paks. I guess there are suckers born every minute....


How a person spends their disposable income does not make them a sucker.

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How a person spends their disposable income does not make them a sucker.


Actually it does. Why anyone would spend hundreds of dollars per month on cartel packs is beyond me. Most of the crap in those boxes sell for barely anything on the gtn, would be easier to just buy it with in game currency. Not only does it make them suckers but it screws over future games because other companies will see that EA gets away with adding micro transactions to all their games so now everyone else will do it too.

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Actually it does. Why anyone would spend hundreds of dollars per month on cartel packs is beyond me. Most of the crap in those boxes sell for barely anything on the gtn, would be easier to just buy it with in game currency. Not only does it make them suckers but it screws over future games because other companies will see that EA gets away with adding micro transactions to all their games so now everyone else will do it too.


You must be on a bad server. I made just over 6M in credits from selling basic crap from these packs. Some of the individual items sell for millions each.


Oh, and I don't spend hundreds each month.

Edited by Abashai
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Actually it does. Why anyone would spend hundreds of dollars per month on cartel packs is beyond me. Most of the crap in those boxes sell for barely anything on the gtn, would be easier to just buy it with in game currency. Not only does it make them suckers but it screws over future games because other companies will see that EA gets away with adding micro transactions to all their games so now everyone else will do it too.


Other games have had micro transactions for years before this game. They wouldn't be going F2P with the Cartel Shop if it wasn't a viable business model based on the experience of other gaming franchises.


If someone wants to spend their disposable income on Cartel Coins and buy things in the shop, more power to them. These 'suckers' as they have been called are actually helping the survivability of this game.

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