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sadly.. it snot really a free gift. From the time the pre-order was announced, there was the promise of early access time, even though the length of time was NOT specified early on.


A lot of people preordered because of that... they promised it, so it was expected. Later they changed it to "up to 5 days" then much much later to "up to 7 days"


Legally, they only have to let you have access for a few minutes before release and they fulfilled their obligation though... even if they make customers mad.


they only bumped it up to 7 days to make up for the fiasco about the no grace period and people getting worked up from not being able to get the game till possibly the 22nd as a pre order.


the EGA was planned supposedly though and not sure about the logistics and how it work at this time.

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Dude this thread is over run by people who need to take a chill pill....


Seriously I want to play this game as much as anyone but...its not the launch..they are releasing the game in the order of pre-order a WEEK early....someone pat them on the back and say "hey nice job, you gave it to us early in relation to how early we gave you money!"


That said, this is bonus time....not part of your 1 month subscription. So they are giving you 1 week early, and free.....suck it up.


Bioware is not your slave and is trying to control the release of a product and ensure its quality....you can criticize all you want but personally, I think they are doing a fine job...as it is still a week before release and I thought at most I would get only 5 days of early access.


Yes its not your dream release, you thought you may be playing on the first day.....but its not the end of the freaking world. Its the start of a virtual world....it may take millions and millions of minutes for them to finish making it too...but chill, you will probably be online in the next few days to enjoy it. Till then if you need something to do, prepare in epic nerdness by watching all 6 Star Wars movies....or skip the first two and just watch the last 4. Or just the last 3 depending on your taste.






Thanks for the work, you have jobs like most (well some of us) and you are putting in a crap ton of hours right before Christmas. Most people would rather be taking it easy, preparing for a long break but releasing a new product at Christmas can be heck. Though I do look forward to getting around to playing sometime soon....I will say....good luck and hope you get ahead of schedule....but taking time to do what you do right is cool. No reason for people to be ****** about it.





Yea, makes me wonder after launch are they going to take a much needed break from the stress of launching SWTOR's in a manor which is playable i hope so ,it would suck if they have to work on christmas,have you considered it. Not being with your family on christmas?

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Yea, makes me wonder after launch are they going to take a much needed break from the stress of launching SWTOR's in a manor which is playable i hope so ,it would suck if they have to work on christmas,have you considered it. Not being with your family on christmas?

I've met some families... where if they were mine I'd be happy to work on Christmas...


but seriously, all MMOs have people who work 24/7/365.25 ... along with many other companies and web servers etc....

Edited by dohdoh
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Dude this thread is over run by people who need to take a chill pill....


Seriously I want to play this game as much as anyone but...its not the launch..they are releasing the game in the order of pre-order a WEEK early....someone pat them on the back and say "hey nice job, you gave it to us early in relation to how early we gave you money!"


That said, this is bonus time....not part of your 1 month subscription. So they are giving you 1 week early, and free.....suck it up.


Bioware is not your slave and is trying to control the release of a product and ensure its quality....you can criticize all you want but personally, I think they are doing a fine job...as it is still a week before release and I thought at most I would get only 5 days of early access.


Yes its not your dream release, you thought you may be playing on the first day.....but its not the end of the freaking world. Its the start of a virtual world....it may take millions and millions of minutes for them to finish making it too...but chill, you will probably be online in the next few days to enjoy it. Till then if you need something to do, prepare in epic nerdness by watching all 6 Star Wars movies....or skip the first to and just watch the last 4. Or just the last 3 depending on your taste.






Thanks for the work, you have jobs like most (well some of us) and you are putting in a crap ton of hours right before Christmas. Most people would rather be taking it easy, preparing for a long break but releasing a new product at Christmas can be heck. Though I do look forward to getting around to playing sometime soon....I will say....good luck and hope you get ahead of schedule....but taking time to do what you do right is cool. No reason for people to be ****** about it.


The problem isn't NOT playing. It's bioware throwing their hands up and saying ''No more for today''. Only 2 servers are running at capacity. Every single european server is on a light load. Players are abusing exploits in-game that are only abusable because of the lack of players.


I pre-ordered in November. I knew perfectly well odds of me getting more than 1 day were slim. If I had 2 days early I'd be happy. Stopping at 3pm in the current condition and then running that horrible chat session where they were pitched the most obvious self pandering questions is just a slap in the face. That kind of crap can be posted in an FAQ on the website. They should have used the chat to answer questions that were actually being discussed on the forum. I doubt anyone was thinking....


Guest-260: First thank you Bioware for making what looks like a great game. This question is to Daniel Erickson, What made you and the writing team write so much great content for this game? And where did you look to get the story line inspirations?
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Yea, makes me wonder after launch are they going to take a much needed break from the stress of launching SWTOR's in a manor which is playable i hope so ,it would suck if they have to work on christmas,have you considered it. Not being with your family on christmas?


yeah crazy not being with your family on christmas...I mean EVERYONE has the day off right?


Police officers, fire department, doctors, store clerks, gas station attendants, chefs, waiters, taxi drivers, etc etc

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They let over 1M players in on the stress test beta + had tons of bots running, and all of that was instant. I had no lag, 1 server crash, no game bugs just some minor discoloration in some cutscenes. It felt like the game had already launched. But now when it's actually launching they have to bottle-neck invites THIS badly? That makes no sense at all.


Just because you had no lag or no problems doesn't mean that was everyone elses experience. It doesn't mean there weren't flags going up on performance issues that lead them to determine that the amount of people let through on Day 1 that they did.


In fact they've stated that the stress tests were the major factor in making that determination. Don't cite the stress tests as some kind of proof that they should be letting more people in when those same tests are what dictated the current numbers that we now have.

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Logic has nothing to do it. You are sound more like a blind fanboy defending BW where they weren't even under attack. I haven't raged, I am sitting here patiently waiting and just trying to think on the up side but now you come along pissing in everyone's cheerios for no reason what so ever. You sir are a *********, good day to you.


Actually logic has everything to do with it. You're illogical in your thinking at the moment.

I didn't personally attack you or say that anyone was raging.

Bioware has been planing this method of a release...probably for a year+. I'm simply saying that they won't change their strategy because people are upset at not getting in at a time they deem appropriate.

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I've met some families... where if they were mine I'd be happy to work on Christmas...


but seriously, all MMOs have people who work 24/7/365.25 ... along with many other companies and web servers etc....


Noooo , really i didn't know that stupid of me.

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Yea, makes me wonder after launch are they going to take a much needed break from the stress of launching SWTOR's in a manor which is playable i hope so ,it would suck if they have to work on christmas,have you considered it. Not being with your family on christmas?


Haven't you heard? They are gonna let 10% of the players in and then go for a 2 week vacation, and THEN finally letting everyone else in.

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It sad all those millions of dollars put to waste. I think it pretty safe to say Bioware is done. No one in their right mind is going to buy this game or mass effect 3 after hearing how barely anyone got into this launch; not to mention how secretive the company has been about everything. I have to say “up to five days” is some pretty sneaky underhanded marketing.
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It will i'm sure, but then again, everyone complains not getting in yet,but if they do and this happens then what.....




Am i right or am i wrong, i say im right.


wrong again. i have spent more time laughing at this and any other thread associated with this staggered invite process for the following reasons


1) i and many other testers said this was a bad idea back when we tested it. we told BW dont expect any free passes fro a paying public, they didnt listen. Lo and behold here we are


2) the number of fanboi posts that read more or less along the lines of this game is great (when this game refers to the 1st 10 levels they got to experience in open beta), or BW knows what they are doing (when BW hasnt released an MMO title before


3) the simple fact that you think my rebutle was nerrage tells me that you haven read any of the posts about this subject, there is some glorious nerd rage to be had

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Defend all you want but they had exact numbers


That's nice dear. Tell me, launched any good MMOs lately? Built a server farm? Hell, made a hangman game for your computer?


Gamers are under this mistaken impression that playing video games (or even worse, playing beta) gives them insight into the video game development process. It's like driving a car all day then assuming you know how to build one. Hell, the way people are talking in here, they're acting like driving a 6 year old Accord keeps them well informed on how Aston Martin builds a car.

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It sad all those millions of dollars put to waste. I think it pretty safe to say Bioware is done. No one in their right mind is going to buy this game or mass effect 3 after hearing how barely anyone got into this launch; not to mention how secretive the company has been about everything. I have to say “up to five days” is some pretty sneaky underhanded marketing.


they're done not cause of this launch but just general bad games.


Mass Effect 3 story was completely leaked...and the general consensus is that its TERRIBLE

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It sad all those millions of dollars put to waste. I think it pretty safe to say Bioware is done. No one in their right mind is going to buy this game or mass effect 3 after hearing how barely anyone got into this launch; not to mention how secretive the company has been about everything. I have to say “up to five days” is some pretty sneaky underhanded marketing.


You're the one who bought into "sneaky underhand marketing".

Sorry that things didn't turn out exactly how you thought they should have.


Imagine a world like that......

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The problem isn't NOT playing. It's bioware throwing their hands up and saying ''No more for today''. Only 2 servers are running at capacity. Every single european server is on a light load. Players are abusing exploits in-game that are only abusable because of the lack of players.


I pre-ordered in November. I knew perfectly well odds of me getting more than 1 day were slim. If I had 2 days early I'd be happy. Stopping at 3pm in the current condition and then running that horrible chat session where they were pitched the most obvious self pandering questions is just a slap in the face. That kind of crap can be posted in an FAQ on the website. They should have used the chat to answer questions that were actually being discussed on the forum. I doubt anyone was thinking....


Those servers shouldn't be near capacity once the game actually launches - what does capacity and other people doing exploits have anything to do with it? How do you know they're abusing exploits if you're not in there for early access?


I understand being frustrated that they could have done more invites - but they didn't. It's not that big of a deal, I mean it really isn't.

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It sad all those millions of dollars put to waste. I think it pretty safe to say Bioware is done. No one in their right mind is going to buy this game or mass effect 3 after hearing how barely anyone got into this launch; not to mention how secretive the company has been about everything. I have to say “up to five days” is some pretty sneaky underhanded marketing.


you do know that this is a PRE LAUNCH and that they extended it two days ...... and its really just a bonus. official launch day is dec 20th and thats when 90% of the pops are expected to join the servers. so be thankful your going to get a jump start. may not be a whole week ... may only be a day or two but still thats a day or two you get to play before 90% of the rest of the players.

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