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star wars and other mmos


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I was just wandering what feature from other mmos would you like to see here.


as for me( I am a new player but I would like to see something like wows dungeon finder)

and a easier way to find and join guilds.




also they have elder scrolls online coming out at the end of this year and I was wondering if anyone has heard about any features that will be in it that you thought were cool ideas.

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I was just wandering what feature from other mmos would you like to see here.


as for me( I am a new player but I would like to see something like wows dungeon finder)

and a easier way to find and join guilds.


also they have elder scrolls online coming out at the end of this year and I was wondering if anyone has heard about any features that will be in it that you thought were cool ideas.


We already have the group finder which helps find players for flashpoints (dungeons) and operations (raids).


I'd like to be able to place multiple stacks on the GTN all at once rather than individually. Also I'd like to be able to post the name of the current item instantly into the GTN search box rather than just manually typing it, especially if it's a long name.


Like in TSW and WOW, I'd like to see a barber shop and cosmetic service available but not as a cartel unlock. Free to subscribers but probably with limited options for F2Ps and prefered status players.

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i would like to see a freaking barber, i have the same haircut since release, when i started i made a Shadow so i chosed the Padwan looking hair cut because i didn't know that cant change it later (well thought MMO in 2012 should have that as standard but i was WRONGE) but once i knew i deleted the character :), the look is important to me so don't ask :D Edited by saremun
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World PvP - To include objectives, rewards, support large scale and small scale combat


Third Faction - Mainly to support world pvp, a third faction is the ultimate self-balancing mechanism for world pvp.


Player made structures - Player cities, bases, housing. Dont care what it is, I would love to put my mark on the world! If this could also be integrated with world pvp..... :)


Siege Warfare - Due to SW theme, I guess I mean vehicle combat! I would LOVE to see / pilot AT-AT and AT-ST walkers in this game, also, if this could be integrated with world pvp.....:eek:


Large Scale Fights - The Star Wars films revolve around personal trials and large scale combat (duals and battles). TOR is missing the large scale battles that are present in all 6 SW movies. I realise the engine can't handle it but I've never once felt like I've been part of an epic battle. I'd love to see this, especially if it involved world pvp.....:D



As far as I know, most of these things are going to be present in The Eldar Scrolls Online (not sure on housing) but as always, at the moment they are just plans / ideas and it will all come down to the implementation.

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The one thing this game really needs is a character recustomization droid. Honestly. It's obvious that all MMO's want their players to stay for as long as they can get them to. Maybe it's just me, but every other MMO I've played I change my characters appearance every so often to switch things up a little, but on SWTOR.. oh no... you're stuck with the same looks forever.
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World PvP - To include objectives, rewards, support large scale and small scale combat


Third Faction - Mainly to support world pvp, a third faction is the ultimate self-balancing mechanism for world pvp.


Player made structures - Player cities, bases, housing. Dont care what it is, I would love to put my mark on the world! If this could also be integrated with world pvp..... :)


Siege Warfare - Due to SW theme, I guess I mean vehicle combat! I would LOVE to see / pilot AT-AT and AT-ST walkers in this game, also, if this could be integrated with world pvp.....:eek:


Large Scale Fights - The Star Wars films revolve around personal trials and large scale combat (duals and battles). TOR is missing the large scale battles that are present in all 6 SW movies. I realise the engine can't handle it but I've never once felt like I've been part of an epic battle. I'd love to see this, especially if it involved world pvp.....:D



As far as I know, most of these things are going to be present in The Eldar Scrolls Online (not sure on housing) but as always, at the moment they are just plans / ideas and it will all come down to the implementation.


Even i find youre suggestions great. those will be impossible for this game. it is a themepark mmo not a sandbox. RIP swg!

the pvp suggestions are nice. but again i doubt this will ever be made.

Edited by hages
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The one thing this game really needs is a character recustomization droid. Honestly. It's obvious that all MMO's want their players to stay for as long as they can get them to. Maybe it's just me, but every other MMO I've played I change my characters appearance every so often to switch things up a little, but on SWTOR.. oh no... you're stuck with the same looks forever.


oh i would love to change the hair color and hair style!

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Global chat handles a la City of Heroes.


It was awesome that you could see what character your friend was playing and contact him without having to add every single of his characters to your friends list. When they added legacy I was certain for a second they were actually going to add this. Sadly that bubble has burst.

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I just love the way guildwar2 patch their game. I want that in swtor.

More character customisation, and in the same patch add barbershop feature.

I like that when i press exit game in GW2, i exit game. No window asking if i´m sure. I want that in swtor.

Acount based friends list. In lots of mmo´s. I want that in swtor.

Better search function on GTN.


Also,most mmo´s you get a feeling of the world. swtor feels more like a fleet and many worlds. I dont know if it´s the long and numerous loading screens, or if it´s the planets or what it is. Other mmo´s have loadng screens. Ok they are usually shorter and fewer but still.


Maybe some of it has to do with personal story. It´s "too personal" The story should involve more of the faction. The consular story have a bit of that feel, but it needs even more. Classes feel like they are fighting their own fight, or maybe the fight of their "classboss" more than the fight for the republic/empire.


Imo the jedi knight endboss should have been the endboss for the whole faction. Storyline should evolve around building alliences and gaining resourses and breaking defences and that sort of thing.


The biggest problem with that would be to find an equally epic endboss for the imperials. The entire senate might work. Or the jedi counsil.


Sorry, i got a bit OT.

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Even i find youre suggestions great. those will be impossible for this game. it is a themepark mmo not a sandbox. RIP swg!

the pvp suggestions are nice. but again i doubt this will ever be made.


I have no illusions that the sort of open world pvp I want will ever make it in to SW:TOR. The engine doesn't seem capable of handling it, the designers dont seem capable of creating the system and EAWare don't have the capitol to fund development of such a thing.


Still, this thread is a wishlist, not something based in the realm of reality, so I thought I'd let my wishes be known!

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I have no illusions that the sort of open world pvp I want will ever make it in to SW:TOR. The engine doesn't seem capable of handling it, the designers dont seem capable of creating the system and EAWare don't have the capitol to fund development of such a thing.


Still, this thread is a wishlist, not something based in the realm of reality, so I thought I'd let my wishes be known!


sad truths

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SWTOR is far from my ideal mmo experience and I don't expect that to really change. A lot of it couldn't be changed anyway. What it does have is Star Wars and that's what I was in the mood for. If/when I'm no longer in that mood I'll probably take off for something more my style.
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