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Please reduce the length of time that a person can hold the huttball


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...to like 20-30 seconds max.


This would make it a better game.




I think the only times I've ever seen someone hold the ball that long are when the other team fell asleep or when one team is holding the ball to win at the end, and the ball carrier is getting guarded, healed, and the entire enemy team is getting taunted. And even then I would say the ball holder and team are probably completely outplaying the opponents in that situation.


You would want the ball carrier to just get killed for you instead? Why?

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Given how messy the game is now, and how that no one really passes or when they do its to a random team mate i dont see how much of an improvement it would be.

Maybe if the course was shorter a "shot clock" type of thing would work

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I think the only times I've ever seen someone hold the ball that long


You are confused. Players routinely hold the ball for much longer than 20-30 seconds, and because of this there is no incentive to pass.


Given how messy the game is now, and how that no one really passes or when they do its to a random team mate i dont see how much of an improvement it would be.

Maybe if the course was shorter a "shot clock" type of thing would work


Precisely. This would place emphasis on better passing, and have exactly the same effect as your a shot clock.


Only if the ball was turned into a bomb that would detonate if a player held it for too long


It already does, but sure, everyone else blowing up too is a friendly amendment.



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...to like 20-30 seconds max.


This would make it a better game.




Huttball is similar to football imagine if you could only run the ball for a set amount of time before you had to pass it.


I don't see what purpose this would serve and you didn't give any explanation as to why you think this is a good idea.

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Precisely. This would place emphasis on better passing, and have exactly the same effect as your a shot clock.


Oh ok thats why.. posted after you gave explanation.


In my opinion though a change like this would me made in reaction to incompetent players who are more focused on death matching then actuallyy playing the game.


Those people are going to be incompetent regardless of any change.

Edited by Hardwear
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Huttball is similar to football imagine if you could only run the ball for a set amount of time before you had to pass it.


I don't see what purpose this would serve and you didn't give any explanation as to why you think this is a good idea.


Football also has stoppages of play, which Huttball does not.


To answer your second question, there are a number of reasons why this would be a good idea. These include: that it would create a more dynamic game than 'everyone trail behind the bulldozer,' and that it would help equalize the viability of classes as ball carriers, in so-doing stopping or at least curtailing the current trend in Huttball matches--which is making people not want to play Huttball.


Bit of a run-on sentence there, but it's 6 a.m.



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Football also has stoppages of play, which Huttball does not.


To answer your second question, there are a number of reasons why this would be a good idea. These include: that it would create a more dynamic game than 'everyone trail behind the bulldozer,' and that it would help equalize the viability of classes as ball carriers, in so-doing stopping or at least curtailing the current trend in Huttball matches--which is making people not want to play Huttball.


Bit of a run-on sentence there, but it's 6 a.m.




I hear what you're saying and I'm not saying it's bad, but in my experience people want familiarity and simplicity.


People hate Huttball, because they are used to capture the flag hold and defend type gameplay tactics Huttball is a departure from what people are used to.


Part of the problem with Huttball is there is often no one to throw to because people are too busy death matching not sure if increasing the difficulty is going to change this behavior.

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It might be interesting to try... maybe as a variation. But I think the current huttball ruleset is almost perfect (the traps should still be more deadly), and wouldnt want to see this made as a permanent change.


What I don't get is why theres still only ONE hutt ball map there should be like 5 different maps now.


Yep. Maybe one day they'll add some. Only $10 if you preorder...

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In ranked warzones where you have a team that is most likely using voice comms and understands the teams tactics, then yes I agree this would certainly make the game more interesting.


For PUG Warzones, this would only favour the pre-mades that are using voice and will alienate everyone else.


Ranked Warzones yes as this will then stop the Guardian/Jug tanks from dominating ball carrying and making the game more team skilled.

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I hear what you're saying and I'm not saying it's bad, but in my experience people want familiarity and simplicity.


People hate Huttball, because they are used to capture the flag hold and defend type gameplay tactics Huttball is a departure from what people are used to.


Part of the problem with Huttball is there is often no one to throw to because people are too busy death matching not sure if increasing the difficulty is going to change this behavior.


^ Pretty much this.

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You are confused. Players routinely hold the ball for much longer than 20-30 seconds, and because of this there is no incentive to pass.




Precisely. This would place emphasis on better passing, and have exactly the same effect as your a shot clock.




It already does, but sure, everyone else blowing up too is a friendly amendment.




Even the random PUGs I've played with everyone swarms and destroys the ball carrier. If they don't pass it they just die. If they're getting the protection that they can hold the ball that long, it means the opposing team is incompetent and there is no way they were going to score anyway.

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1. I don't think I've ever seen the ball held for more than 10 seconds let alone 30


2. If you want to do something like this, you need to make it easier to pass. The current system is extremely tedious and clunky, not to mention hard to manage when you're constantly being stunned and having to re-setup your pass.

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In ranked warzones where you have a team that is most likely using voice comms and understands the teams tactics, then yes I agree this would certainly make the game more interesting.


For PUG Warzones, this would only favour the pre-mades that are using voice and will alienate everyone else.


Ranked Warzones yes as this will then stop the Guardian/Jug tanks from dominating ball carrying and making the game more team skilled.


Voice communication will be a huge advantage regardless. Reducing the length of time a player can hold the ball will, as you correctly point out, allow teams with inferior gear to remain competitive.


<snipped> If you want to do something like this, you need to make it easier to pass. The current system is extremely tedious and clunky


I agree, but I doubt they'll change it as there are several other abilities in the game that utilize the same mechanic.


Because he lost his last match and just had to come vent


I play a kinetic shadow and an immortal jug in 50s warzones, and a defense guardian in pre 50. I lose occasionally, but not often. The reason I seldom lose is that with one or two other competent players, I can carry the ball from end to end in well under a minute. I can do this effortlessly, and the more I do it, the more people from the opposing team drop warzone allowing me to capitalize on their loss of morale and disorganization. Depending on cooldowns, I might dps a little while they refresh.


With even a little healing and taunting, everything everyone else is doing in the warzone is rendered virtually irrelevant.


Doing this requires no real skill.


It isn't particularly fun steamrolling teams in seven or eight minutes. I can only imagine how the people getting steamrolled feel.



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Im sorry..but people saying that ball handlers have the ball longer than 30 secs...urm.. well you have never been in my games, the most ive ever seen a ball in play with a single character is no more than 15 seconds, they either pass, score or just get brutally murdered
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Im sorry..but people saying that ball handlers have the ball longer than 30 secs...urm.. well you have never been in my games, the most ive ever seen a ball in play with a single character is no more than 15 seconds, they either pass, score or just get brutally murdered


Not in my experience. On my server, jug/guard gets ball, a minute later, jug scores.

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