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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

So lowbie PVP is fun...


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Debating on the last quest accept for a level 50 in sub-50 party along with getting a recruit set ready to go.


I am all ready to do this, I have 7 pieces of legacy gear min/maxed with a rakata stim. Whenever I decide to do my next warzone on my jug its on like Donkey Kong.

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Why even bother with recruit? My vanguard has a set of WH waiting to just go crazy in a lowbie WZ. You only get to do it once so you might as well enjoy it.


Well; recruit will be plenty when considering it being in sub-50. After having my first toon I just got to 50 and didn't pvp much along the way to the RNG back only to have the gear grind change, and then having 3 toons after that with as much BM gear as I could, only to have WH prices dropped to be the same price; I decided that while I am leveling all these alts, when I hit 50, I am not going to spend their capped comms until I am ready to PvP in level 50 on those toons.


Who knows. By the time I'm done with this batch of 4, there might be the next tier of PvP gear out. Sort of playing the odds they are going to progress gear the same way over time.

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Why even bother with recruit? My vanguard has a set of WH waiting to just go crazy in a lowbie WZ. You only get to do it once so you might as well enjoy it.


Ha, I thought about doing this, maybe on my assassin.

Edited by islander
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Lowbie PVP is just. plain. awful.


From the Noobs who know next to nothing about proper tactics (understandable) all the way to the elitist PVP'rs leveling their 11th alt who feel the need to chastise said noobs as well as the ones who actually know what they're doing, but don't have their full bag of tricks the level 40+ characters do. That being said, I do enjoy the challenge of not having all of my main's abilities on the mirror class I'm leveling now. It forces me to try new tactics.


Don't get me wrong, 50 PVP has its fair share of babies QQ-ing on the ops channel (the very worst being the ones who complain while winning a match), but nowhere near the garbage I see in 10-49.

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maybe its the server, maybe people are not being quite truthful, but i can say from my experience, i have 4 characters in the low 20's and low 30's. While i may only have one stun, 1 anti-cc and half of my skills, i enjoy lowbie wzs alot more, usually anyway, then my 8 geared EWH characters, who routinely get bubble-stunned/smashed in 2-3 gdcs depending on the groups. Yes, i have fun on my 50's, but the consistant groups of multiple unkillable cross healing/bubbling idiots, 3+ smashmonkeys, pts killing in 2-3gcds, etc is alot more frustrating at times than any roflstoping i endurein lowbies once in a while.


And before you say its a l2p issue, which is probably true, i'm probably above average on 6 of those 50's, pretty damn good on one of them, and stupidly aweful on my the merc , but thats a whole other story.

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...and stupidly aweful on my the merc , but thats a whole other story.


LMAO! You too, huh? Of the 3 50's I have now my merc is by far the worst! Nicknamed him Rudy.... he tries really hard, nobody wants him on the team, and he never contributes to the match unless it's a completely lopsided victory.

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I'm tired of being smashed 3 at a time for 6k each . As a DPS sorc in fully augmented WH/EWH gear I find some 50 WZs make me want to kill myself, or at least stop playing this game. The amount of times I've died without being able to fight back at all is ridiculous for an end game in a premium MMO (I've been playing them since '96, started with UO). Balance is a freaking joke, at all levels, but is far more obvious at level 50. I can get all my DoTs up on a sentinel and free cast for a good 10 seconds before they turn on me and do more damage in their first 3 moves than I did in those 10 seconds. On top of that they can mitigate damage so well, are impossible to kite and are freaking like pigeons. They're everywhere, jumping on me like I'm a freaking statue in NY. Even if I play perfectly and they play like a brain damaged monkey it's an uphill battle.
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LMAO! You too, huh? Of the 3 50's I have now my merc is by far the worst! Nicknamed him Rudy.... he tries really hard, nobody wants him on the team, and he never contributes to the match unless it's a completely lopsided victory.


i will say this about my merc. He's perfect for a diversion. I run him out in AE and all eyes on the other team light up, its like ringing the dinner bell. if i can get far enough away, it usually draws the whole lot looking for their meal-time merc snack, leaving the real pvpers on my team a chance to ninja the node, lol.

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Lowbie pvp sucks unless you dont go for objectives (like most of your team mates) then its fine. Smasher still do broken dmg, operatives annahilate ppl when they are lvl 40 and bubble stun is only rare because you will only see one then the sorc is dead. Oh and i almost forgot snipers critting for 3-4k with ambush and same with takedown.
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i will say this about my merc. He's perfect for a diversion. I run him out in AE and all eyes on the other team light up, its like ringing the dinner bell. if i can get far enough away, it usually draws the whole lot looking for their meal-time merc snack, leaving the real pvpers on my team a chance to ninja the node, lol.


I know you are making a joke, but that works on every char.

when I pretend to get caught on my assassin and pretend to try to ran away, people blindly follow 'hey I have that assassin who killed me few times and he is running away, must follow him with 3 other team members' and my team mate assassin just caps the node...


oh the giggles..

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