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are all classes force sensitive?


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Like people have said, it's just a cosmetic mechanic. It's probly there so non-force users don't feel left out.


As far as story canon goes...The only one I can confirm thus far is that the Imperial Agent is not force sensitive. At some point in the story (and I don't have a direct quote), when asked why you (the Agent) chose to join Imperial Intelligence the dialogue option I chose made him say something along the lines off... "I was not born force sensitive, so I could not becomes sith. The only other way to rise up in ranks and power was this." (/paraphrase)


Just because the option is there does not make it canon. For example, my Agent is Force sensitive, as he is son of my Consular, stolen by his Sith rival (still undecided if Mara/Assasin) as a child, and mentally conditioned and cyberneticaly controlled as a loyal Imperial (which terribly backfires in Act 2)

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You see Boba Fett go on a dark side rage? No.


Dark side and evil are not the same. Light side and good are not the same either. Else all romance options would technically be dark side choices. Emotion is bad.


Bobba isn't evil. He is just bounty hunter, that's bad only for a certain type of ppl (with price on their head :D).

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Just because the option is there does not make it canon. For example, my Agent is Force sensitive, as he is son of my Consular, stolen by his Sith rival (still undecided if Mara/Assasin) as a child, and mentally conditioned and cyberneticaly controlled as a loyal Imperial (which terribly backfires in Act 2)


That seems like your own personal 'head canon' rather than what can actually be considered a fact in the Imperial Agent story canon. Ever since BioWare let us make Sith Pureblood Troopers and Miraluka Snipers and have them have Twi'lek mothers and Chiss fathers people have created some wacky unorthadox Legacies...


...but as far as what was intended I'm pretty sure the Imperial Agent was not meant to be force sensitive. Yes, you don't have to pick the dialogue option that has him admit to lacking force sensitivity, but there isn't even an option to say "Hey, I'm force sensitive!" (if there was, I'd back off), and there is zero mention of of your consular or inquisitor parents in the game's actually story. So, like I originally said, as far as what is canon, I don't believe the Imperial Agent is.

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I never claimed that Agent has to be Force Sensitive, just that there is no direct indication of why he should not be. And yes, I know that this is my "head canon", I simply used it to show you that there is no information given on Force sensitivity of Agent, except one not mandatory dialog option

I think that in this particular conversations you can say something that you wanted to be patriotic, or that you wanted adventure, etc. So would not picking those mean that you are not patriotic or thrill-seeking person?

It is the same problem as with Sith Pureblood Inquisitors, I believe you have the choice of several "replies" when asked how did a Pureblood became a slave.


As for the lack of inclusion of Legacy in actual game, that is one of my long standing suggestion to the game, I would kill for some sort of "I am your father" moment between my Consular and Agent :)

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I would kill for some sort of "I am your father" moment between my Consular and Agent :)


I'm curious as to how that would even be remotely possible if you aren't able to have your Consular and your Agent in the same room at the same time as you can't log into the same account on two different computers at the same time.

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I'm curious as to how that would even be remotely possible if you aren't able to have your Consular and your Agent in the same room at the same time as you can't log into the same account on two different computers at the same time.


I am not saying I want to play both of them at the same time, the idea was that it could be scripted, like you would be sent ti kill some target, and instead of some random generic Jedi there would be your Jedi from Legacy (who would escape, or even beat you, naturally), that sort of thing. Brining the other Legacy characters to the game, not just make them some invisible guys who you sent crafting items and money to...

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All people in the star wars universe are affected by the force, and they determine if you are *Force Sensitive* by checking your midichlorian count. The higher the concentration of midichlorians, the stronger, more ability you have in control the very life force of the universe. My understanding is that those midichlorians are a part of every decision that's made, like that sixth sense when you know something bad is about to happen. Some people (IE: Han Solo) are able to sense it better than others so they happen to have *really good luck* but it's them still listening to the force and following the path.


Jedi have higher concentrations, and a better understanding/learning base for midichlorian manipulation. Hence all these mystical powers. But it stands to reason if midichlorians are *The Force* and someone who causes negative ripples in the sea of the force look darker, the corruption should be able to show on a *non force-sensitive.* This of course being that you can sign on to the fact that midichlorians are the force, and since midichlorians are in all things these midichlorians are what causes the corrupted look. ( I think this is a proper cause and effect relationship). Someone such as Boba Fett, while killing would be considered negative ripples he doesn't really kill for power or emotion. He's kind of the type that kind of balances the universe, in some cases he may off a good person for a bad person. But the very next time he does something similar he might be knocking off a bad person. Hence no corruption.


I guess the best way to look at it is a moral compass for both sides. Did you're character make the universes social moral standard, or did they go against it?

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Oh, do not pull out the midichlorians, that was one of the worst things Lucas did in Prequels...

As someone put it, he made the Force a contagion...


Put whatever name you want to put on it, Life Force, Chi, whatever. It's not a contagion, it's that universes description or understanding of how people are able to do exceptional things. Whether you accept it or not is your opinion, but the belief in many cultures is that you are able to push that Life force or chi out of your body to jump higher, run faster, knock people back and that you can heal.


You can say to bring it up, but it was created by Lucas and it's a part of his world/universe. It's not super terrible and it's not labelled as a contagion anywhere in the movies, honestly it's a unit of measure if you want to get really technical about it.

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I am not disputing the idea of the Force, in any other Earth-religions, I am just saying that the midichlorians were terrible idea in minds of many fans.

The part about the contagion was coined by someone who thought that it took away the mystical side from the Force.

In original movies (and even in second and third Prequel), there is not a single mention about them, the Force was much more mystical in nature, something that defied technology and laws of nature/physics. Not something you can measure by taking a blood sample...

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I've always thought that that every PC is at least a little force sensitive, as in the Star Wars universe extraordinary skill and/or luck usually denotes at least some force sensitivity.


It could simply be that the BH/IA's sensitivity is so small that it isn't picked up, or that they're unknowingly suppressing it, or something. Slight force sensitivity doesn't really matter on Republic side as they're not actively hunting them down for jedi training or anything unless the person is pretty strong.


That, of course, is separate from the alignment system, which is a universal game mechanic which, I agree, doesn't really make sense on non-force-using classes, but since you can simply hide it, I have no issue with how it's set up.


What I DON'T like, however, is the actual physical look of it (EVERY character just gets white and veiny). Sith purebloods are proud of their heritage and coloring and having them turn pinkish white is so ridiculous, I can't stand it.

I'd love to turn on my corruption on my sorc but as my twi'lek goes from a greenish-yellow to BRIGHT WHITE I can't really justify using it. On my Miraluka jugg I use it since half his face is covered by a big purple curtain anyway, and he was pretty pale to begin with.


I wish DS corruption looked more like it did in KOTOR, honestly :(

Edited by Beslley
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No, not everyone could be force sensitie. Lore said that Chiss are not force sensitive. Well, most of them. Force sensitite Chiss is rare thing and yet, in SWTOR (thx EA!) is every filth imperial agent force sensitive ... so nice.


It gets even sillier when you unlock Chiss and can use it for anything. I always get a kick out of seeing a chiss sith or jedi (I couldn't help myself, I have one too)

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