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Anyone else barely holding on? Content?


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I pull 18-19 hour days, most every day dude! that gives me the time to log 40Hrs a week making $$$ AND do the things you speak of and more (I won't mention my irl accolades, because positively noone gives damn other than me, and the people in my circle), and still have 2-4 hours every day to play swtor if I choose to.




This is true of many things in life dude, get real. You get something, you're happy for a while (however long that may be), then you want more and different things; it's in our DNA - it's evolution/flux.


Not appreciate? I think the fact that me and others spend time to post here means that we appreciate and care (to a certain extent) what these guys have done. What I don't appreciate is you coming here to make it seem like they have "Churned out" an obscene amount of great content (what a joke) and it's just the community that is ungrateful. This is a good/decent game imo, and CAN be salvaged, but the reality is that it was rushed out, poorly tested and lacks content; it wasn't quite ready and it's rather shallow tbh. They have done a mediocre job at best, and they get/got (probably not anymore) the salary and recognition that comes with a successful product; but it's not. It is sad to see a game based on the world known "StarWars" franchise turn out like this. I don't commend mediocre, I demand my monthly $15 dolla's worth from a seemingly professional grade company.


Like I said, I'm giving this a shot until a month after the expansion comes out - else i'm just picking up ffxiv 2.0, A company i know delivers TONS of content with their games and CAN keep you hooked just on PVE alone (and it will have PVP!) and maybe keep swtor as a back up PVP alternative.


Just imo,



I feel the same way. While I don't think $15 is a lot of money I do expect more content since this is an MMO without sandbox/open world/war/server objective elements. I like to think the Cartel Market will give the devs enough resources to create new content, but I have a feeling that the new revenue is simply keeping this game alive (meaning, new revenue is not being used to hire more staff and put out more content on a reasonable time table). I think we will get a good sense of the state of the game when we see 1.7 and the Hutt expansion. I hope it goes well for PvP, but it looks like reputation grind and a new lvl 50-55 planet is what we are getting. Perhaps the new planet will give us some open world pvp. I just hope it's not the kind of open world pvp that ends when people hit lvl 55 and go back to sit on fleet for months.

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Despite this game being designed and billed as casual carebear game, it has a HUGE pvp player base, and EA and bioware continue to neglect it. Its really amazing and sad really.


I just don't get this either...it's a comedy of errors. The neglect is so blatant that it has to be intentional...but why?!

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Get real lives dudes. I mean, face it, if you are able to log that much game time, you clearly aren't don't much else. Go read books, go places, meet people. We 'lower level players' don't match up to you because we do other stuff with our time.


Wait...because we post here, we obviously don't do much else and lack rl's?! That's your theory on PvPers and forum posters?! And..."read books"?! You want me to read some neatly organized stack of germ infested paper?! If a book is worth reading, they'll make a movie out of it...like The Hobbit or So Undercover.


Just because we're fans of our hobby, doesn't mean we don't have rl's.

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Blows my mind that Bioware is so slack about addressing balance issues.


Server balance is destroying me. I can't pug at all without a premade stunlocking and wrecking us. I know, join a more active guild yadda yadda yadda.... but how hard would cross/server pvp be? I mean, really? We've lost half our guild BECAUSE of this issue. And it looks like the other half is waxing fast. Whats the point with this nonsense? Can we even GET a response from BW on these issues? I don't play WoW.... but BW might drive me there (or beating my head against the wall for neglecting a good game.)

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Attacking other faction's player owned cities and bases in SWG was still one of the most fun activites in PvP I ever participated in.


Yeah, I'm alting a lot more these days. I am all motivated to do my weekly but once that's done by Wednesday night, I'm back to the grind. Leveling alts (I only have 3 50's...and 2 lowbies in their late teens) has been somewhat of a respite.


I keep hoping this game will take a step forward. They can't be crying poverty NOW. Still, I'm skeptical, but like many of you, will stay here because it's Star Wars, and something really awesome will have to grab my attention before I leave. GW2 was nice for a couple months. Same with D3. WoW is still terrible, and more and more so every expansion.


Kinda where I am now.

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I feel the same way. While I don't think $15 is a lot of money I do expect more content since this is an MMO without sandbox/open world/war/server objective elements. I like to think the Cartel Market will give the devs enough resources to create new content, but I have a feeling that the new revenue is simply keeping this game alive (meaning, new revenue is not being used to hire more staff and put out more content on a reasonable time table). I think we will get a good sense of the state of the game when we see 1.7 and the Hutt expansion. I hope it goes well for PvP, but it looks like reputation grind and a new lvl 50-55 planet is what we are getting. Perhaps the new planet will give us some open world pvp. I just hope it's not the kind of open world pvp that ends when people hit lvl 55 and go back to sit on fleet for months.


W/e happens, Charter, we will find out soon enough.


Here's some things I heard about the new update:


*Inquisitor getting a 30m teleport ability (can be used in assassin stealth (this just sounds so OP! zomgwtfbbq!))

*Bubble stun only applies to the caster

*deception is getting a buff where the sin will get some sort of bonus dmg when attacking targets who are under 30%

*Rage is getting a mini nerf

*Vengeance is getting boosted (vengeance bleeds too)

*Carnage is getting boosted

*Merc is getting boosted

*Anni is getting boosted

*Marauder's lvl 55 boost (seems in the form of a passive ability) will be endurance + and pow+. no new abilities I hear

*According to sources: Inquis, Vengeance and Carnage will be OP



I got this from a guildie - whether this ends up being true or not, kindly take this as speculation, for now.




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