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What Assassin Spec puts up 400k damage?


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Me. And the only times this has happened is when we had a 1-3 healers on our team. On a regular basis tho without healers..230k or more for me. And it's always been full balance, although I did get pretty high on KC/Balance spec a few times.
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So should I run with overkill augs or resolve augs? When ripping out the mods from other gear the main stat im looking for is power or willpower?


I would go resolve with a straight deception build. get as much crit from main stat as possible and you can swap out one of the straight crit/surge enh for pwr/surge. you get some crit bonus (as in bonuses for hitting a crit). so it's particularly worthwhile against all the smashmonkeys.

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Ive seen several assassin's do this regularly. Im a fully war hero, fully power, crit augmented deception assassin and I NEVER sniff 400k damage.


power/surge in every moddable piece, power/surge in ear, accuracy/power in implants, 2 power relics, willpower or power augments only, 27/1/13 build, spam death field/force lighting when you have 3 stacks of harnessed darkness, should easily be able to break 400k without even trying. Should be able to do it without a healer or a guard too. You can probably break 400k using full madness or a madness/deception hybrid, but you'll probably need a guard/healer for madness unless you're kiting constantly. As others have said, never ever augment with anything other than power or mainstat.


Also, make sure to get mods that have like 51 willpower/39 power, Not the ones with 64 willpower/12 power. Same goes for enhancements, 53 surge/41 power, not 53 surge/22 power.


I've broken 400k in full darkness, darkness+deathfield, full madness, and I think 350k using dark maul spec. Haven't tried the deception-madness hybrid much, but full deception, might have broken 400k once or twice, can't remember.


But yeah, in a voidstar, usually pretty easy to break 400k, especially in those extremely long matches where neither team plants the bomb, shoe in to get 400k there if you have the right gear, even if you're just spamming deathfield constantly.


EVERY war zone i focus on killing healers. Im pretty good at it, but I see these other assassins doing 350-450k damage and I just want to know what they are doing.


I usually try to focus healers too (as all dps should), but the problem is if there's more than one and they're all sages and keep bubbling each other, that's going to eat into your overall dps a lot. Same goes for the matches where there's 2-3 stunbubble sorcs on the enemy team only throwing bubbles the whole match, that will keep you stunned longer (less overall dps), cause you to die more (less dps), and cause more of your damage to be absorbed (less dps). So the matches themselves obviously make a huge difference. But if you use deathfield and the enemy team doesn't have too many sorcs, you should be able to put up good overall damage from deathfield and buffed force lightning.

Edited by SomeJagoff
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i did a lot of times around 600k with full deception and full madness.. for deception u need support to do dmg non-stop, madness is a bit ease, however, for madness, u need enemies to be grouped, i.e. u need void star..


ps. full wh/elite wh (re moded to surge/power), power aug..

Edited by yauhen_pt
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