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Anyway to increase draw distance of grass?


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nothing yet i know of, im sure they will add advanced graphics options soon though as they are weak for a mmo. i want to increase animation distance and npc fade in distance(some zones its literally 10m) also want a fix for fps drops.
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And most importantly a fix to this infuriating low texture bug. If i select high quality textures i want to SEE high quality textures throughout the game, not this blurry mess on half the armor pieces and weapons. :mad: Edited by Gharon
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  • 2 weeks later...
Is there anyway to modify the config_ini to increase the draw distance of grass so I don't see it rendering in the distance as traverse the terrain?


I hope so, once they fix the bug that doesn't let us use max graphics.

And most importantly a fix to this infuriating low texture bug. If i select high quality textures i want to SEE high quality textures throughout the game, not this blurry mess on half the armor pieces and weapons. :mad:


Same with this.


I look forward to playing this game in it's full glory.

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  • 1 month later...



I would REALLY like to know the answer to this question myself. I've been playing with graphics and INI settings for the past 2 hours trying to change this. It is annoying to watch the grass grow as I approach it. I have a high-end system which should have no problem drawing the grass out to a further distance!

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The draw distance is reduced at the moment to ensure the game runs smooth for all, but some of us do have high end PCs that should be capable of increasing this without impacting performance greatly.


The draw distance being so low really reduces the immersion for me and I find I get fixed on watching it draw in front of me rather than enjoying the beauty of the environment around me.


Players, both NPC and PVP are too commonly popping up within a very short distance. How can I play a ranged character when you have this bubble of nothingness around you. I climb to a high point to survey the area but after a while realised this makes no difference. Likewise I find there can be some delay even when on top of the NPCs before they appear which is disappointing.


Even if we could manually change this until we get it built in would make a huge difference to my gaming experience.

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now i cannot confirm nor deny this, but i believe messing around introducing a farclipscale=xxxxxx where x is the numeric value , controls this kind of stuff, afaik, the line isnt even put in by the game


maybe mess around with client .ini settings file and try to change it there? i KNOW you can control that draw distance somehow, done it before on previous patches but i cannot remember if thats the actual line for it

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I had to turn grass completely off, and it has nothing to do with system specs/FPS/etc.


I had to do it because the grass system in this game makes me viciously motion sick.


Something with how close the draw distance in this game, and how it 'grows' so fast... ugh. In other games that have grass fade in as you approach, I have never had a problem. On the rare occasions foliage distance bugged me, it just gave me a mild headache, and so I would push the grass/foliage draw distance out to max, and then the foliage does its thing at a farther distance, and I'm fine. In this game, though, it (the grass 'drawing') happens so quickly and so CLOSE to my PoV that the super-fast-growing grass animation triggers my brain with OH GOD THINGS ARE MOVING BUT I AM NOT AND IT IS SO VERY VERY WRONG, and I log out with a headache and bile rising in my throat.


Heh. The whole thing behind motion sickness is your eyes and your body have a disagreement on their perceptions of motion and whether or not you should be feeling any. So your brain thinks you're hallucinating, or are poisoned, and seeks to ...<ahem> purge itself of the toxin. Is this where I rant mindlessly that BioWare is poisoning me? :p


So, anyway: my grass is off. I have to nerf my own graphics to play the game, but at least I don't have my body thinking I'm poisoning it!


Can I please have an increased foliage draw distance, so that I can un-nerf my graphics settings?

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  • 1 month later...
Well Iv had the game about two weeks and I can deal with all the accent tech used because the art is so well done and the animations are awesome. But this grass thing is a deal breaker. Is it so hard to add a setting for this? You can put together 10,000 voice hours but grass is to tough? Its just that I cant concentrate, no matter how hard I try the grass growing distracts the hell out of me. I love the game but I will not sub until this is fixed Not a threat, I know that EA, Bioware and LucasArts will not miss me at all and they will just get my money With mass effect 3 anyway.
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  • 4 weeks later...

How about putting back the slider that was apparently in beta so the rest of us can dial DOWN the view distance?


I've turned everything to the minimum and still getting around 2 fps. I even tried 800x600 mode and performance is still terrible.

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Yeah, this bugged me quite a bit too after I started turning up graphics settings. Had everything maxed out and ground clutter draw distance was only a 15 foot radius from my character or thereabouts. That is just absurdly low.


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